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Aleksandr's Challenge for Adren
Aleksandr challenges Iris for Adren and they battle uniquely.
IC Date Saturday, January 5
Players Aleksandr, Iris ST
Location Forest Clearing, Prospect
Spheres Garou Gaian

Iris is... somewhere. Having gotten word that (for some insane reason) someone actually wants to challenge her for something, she's kept fairly close to the sept lands, put the word out that she's game (come at me, bro!) and awaits that very thing. So, when she's found in whatever little forest clearing she's settled herself in, she's doing Super Important Theurge Work. And by that I mean she's eating a sandwich and painting a snail's shell while it crawls reeeeeeeeally slowly across her knee.

Hey, Journey sent Aleksandr this way, and Aleksandr always does what Journey advises, so here he is. He hasn’t had much contact with iris, so that could be awkward, but then again, Alek is already awkward in social situations, so it’s fine. He’s tracked her to here now, however he accomplished that, his connection to the spirit world is pretty good. He appears in clearing in wolf form, a general way for him to travel. A silver wolf with a regal bearing that seems natural more than put on. The lithe wolf approaches from in front of the other Theurge so as not to appear threatening or surprise her. Bowing its head when they make eye contact, fi they make eye contact, he watches her with some curiousity.

Iris looks up when she hears a quiet rustle, and smiles at the sight of the wolf. "Hi there! You must beeeee.... Aleksandr? You look pretty Silver Fang-y." She waves the wolf on over with a smile and a gesture for him to settle his furry butt comfortably across from her. She even offers him a little bit of her sandwich. "It's nice to properly meet you, And just in case we never got around to it and also because my memory is just *awful*, hello! I'm Iris Tiganites, rite named Mercy's Messenger, Athro of the Black Furies, born two legged under the crescent moon, girlfriended to Branton McBurnseverything, Black Fury kinfolk, also member and official vacation planner of The Devil's Own pack, alphaed by Isla and patronized by Weasel. ...Sometimes she does actually patronize us, but only when we're being really dumb."

The silver wolf stops a short distance away to duck it’s head again at her question. <<Am Lights-the-Darkness. Good see. Mercy’s Messenger-rhya. Have met yes. Have introduced. Long time. At Caern.>> Aleksandr’s memory on the other hand is impeccable, he doesn’t forget a name or face, and especially not an introduction. What kind of Silver Fang would he be? He’d probably be thrown out of the Tribe. The shame. He does as she asks, moving in just across from her and taking a seat on his haunches. “Can give introduction again, if like.” Most don’t want him to, though. It’s long. But he certainly seems eager to give his lineage again in full. He tilts his head at her own. “Did not know Branton Kholer mate.” Mate because that’s his word for Garou anything to do with that.

Iris eyes the wolf... Pointing at him... "Yep, yep I remember now, we were, what, at the caern, in that meddow with the fire pit? Cause I remember just this eeeeeeeepicly long list of ancestors and such that you're related to. Good on you for remembering all those names! I forget how to spell mine now and then." She waggles her head with a slight one shouldered shrug and a kinda doofy grin, "We're homids, so we're entirely too weird. 'Mate's such a big step, I mean that's for life. What if we despise each other in six months or a year? Humans call it 'marriage', it's supposed to be basically the same thing. We're in the minor step before that, called 'dating'. That's where you get to know the other person more than you already did, test out the relationship in different venues and circumstances, and make sure no one's discovering the urge to stab the other. THEN you can probably handle sixty years together." The way she says that though, she sounds like she's repeating it, because frankly she dunno fuckall about courtship in any breed. "SO." she says, "I hear you're rankin up in the world, and wanna test your Theurge chops, make sure you're ready and able."

Just so, and the wolf bows its head to her again. << Yes. Shaderunner-rhya was there. Introduced us. Sort of.” Every wolf gives their own introduction after all. The wolf stares at her a little strangely, but he’s never really been around Iris much to realize that might be normal. <<is important. Ancestors. Lineage. Recite everyday when younger.>> Yes, he had a wonderfully fun childhood, no doubt. That’s probably obviously in his complete lack, or complete lack, of understanding of humour. “Am homid, also.>> He clarifies. <<Mate is mate to wolf. No distinction. Am learning human see different. Understand meaning. Still mate to wolf. Is very casual. Girlfriend. Boyfriend. Still learning concept. Have be lazy with human ways. Good to learn.>> There’s another little tilt of his head, but his body language says he both understands and agrees with the idea that she’s presenting and its importance. It’s just foreign to him, the concept. He’s always been Garou, even before his change. It’s likely a story. A head tilt again, peering at her. “Yes. Want challenge. Shaderunner-rhya see you. Hope am ready.”

"As a homid myself, I am wooooefully ignorant of so much about my breed and my human cousins." Iris admits with an eye roll at herself, "I'm still figuring most of this out. Okay um.. Here, hold this." Iris uses a finger to get the super slow racing snail with its badass painted shell up off the side of her knee, and then sets it right down on Aleksandr's nose. While he deals with that, or eats it, or it mysteriously dissapears or whatever, she gets up so she can pick up her junk - a very minimal amount of junk consisting of a bigass help purse and some lunch litter - and get it moved out of the way over at the edge of their more-or-less-clearing.

While doing this, she talks to the wolf and says, "I'm going to do for you the challenge that he did for me, with the same reasoning. At your rank, you start breaking out of the minor things, and your world gets bigger and much more dangerous. You need to begin leading spiritual quests rather than following, start taking a front line stance and view on dealing with spirits and magic and the umbra. So, you need to be able to handle your own in magical combat the same way an Ahroun does in physical combat."

<<Then we are similar. In this. Must learn. Is unwise to forget this part.>> That might seem like more of a chastisement of himself than her, or a simple statement of fact. <<Wolf mates to breed. Is concept. But human not so. Still strange, but starting understand.>> The wolf seems about to bow his head again, but then he has a snail placed on his snout and he looks at it. Unsure if this is a test, he is carefully to hold it there, trying to watch Iris and it at the same time, as if making sure it does not fall.

There’s a very careful movement of his head, up and down to ensure the snail stays on it. <<Understand. Whatever is challenge. Will do what can.>> His gaze and his nose follow her, trying to do his best to keep everything balanced and in sight. <<Have done some. Have entered Dream. But would wish to learn what wish to teach.” Very firm in that idea, he definitely is. So he waits, not sure what he should do or expect, but watching Iris as carefully as he can with a snail on his nose.

Iris gets all her stuff moved, then comes back for the snail, yammering while she plucks it up off Alek's nose and takes it to some shrub where she can stick it to a leaf. "The challenge is simple, all you have to do is 'get' me three times. No claws, no fangs, no brute strength. Use your gifts and your wits to somehow touch me. Whether you touch me with your hand or with the business end of a gift, that's a point to you. Similarly, I'll be doing the same thing, and I'll be trying to 'get' you three times. The first person to three wins the challenge. A word of warning though, this might really hurt for both of us, but I've got bandaids and extra sandwiches for afterwards. Any questions?"

The silver wolf watches the snail get moves, still unsure if this was a test. He blinks a little, and ears perk as she explains the challenge. He stays there, sitting in wolf for a long while, maybe just thinking on it. Wolf expressions are not as useful as human’s sometimes, and Alek’s in general, aren’t. Finally, he looks back to Iris. <<Is still combat, if touching. In way. Must consider.>> He’s a thinker, it is what Aleks does in general, but he seems to be thinking about this pretty hard. <<Can use gifts of protection? Hurt less. Pain not bother, though. Just ask. Can heal, either way.>> Then there’s a question portion, he has asked one, but that isn’t really what it was about, the wolf’s head tilts again. <,Not sure have abilities for this. But will try. Suspect am thinking wrong about it.>>

"Look at it this way," Iris says with a shrug, "You're out doing whatever it is you do, when suddenly RAR!" she jumps at the wolf with her hands up in Super Scary pose, "A thingie jumps out at you from nowhere! Sure, you can use protective stuff, but this is sudden! Where you prioritize is up to you, but remember that while you're standing there trying to put up a shield, I'm probably gonna jam a fireball up your nose." If she had any idea what D&D was, she'd fucking love that game. "That probably about covers it. RAR!" she makes her Super Scary pose again, and then moves her hands in that 'I'm totally starting something' way that says she's working a gift. Cause it'd be boring if she just stood there and didn't move while cool stuff happened.

The wolf, sitting there transforms as he listens and in its place is the man known as Aleksandr. Still crouched much like the wolf might look sitting, he gives off that visage, but he listens. Iris’s antics are odd to him and it reflects in his normally neutral expression, if briefly. Looking confused at them. “I understand, but if that were the case, claws would be a thing, also. Rage, speed, strength. The idea you are presenting is that I am handicapped, notable to use all Gaia has given me. Not that I mind this Mercy’s Messenger-rhya. It is always good to look at things from different angles, and there could be a time when this is so. Wisdom certainly suggests this is always good. To see things differently. To think things differently.” He rises quickly and smoothly, like a snake uncoiling. “I would also use a dagger, or many other things, but I get your meaning. Still…” He glances up at the sky briefly. “Sometimes the best offense is a good defense, but in this case, it is all about getting to three, first. Surprise helps.” Maybe it is that gestures help, it seems right, but Aleksandr flips up and a hand, she can probably feel the tingle of the ‘magic’ before it hits. She’s suddenly and absolutely surrounded in water as if dunked under a lake in the middle of one on dry land. Water coalesces around her in an impossible way like a cube that only contains her, and then gravity takes hold and it falls to the ground with a splash. She’s all wet and so it the ground around her. Maybe he got the idea from her suggesting a fireball.

"Yeah, try thinking that way when you get attacked by a pissed off air elemental that you cant punch and can barely see. And imagine actually stabbing your fingers or a metal weapon into an insane electricity elemental rampaging through the umbra of a city block. Do you REALLY want to bite an overly aggressive Wyldling that might turn your teeth into Tootsie Rolls? Sure your mouth will taste great, but you cant bite something to death with *candy* Aleksandr." And then SPLOOSH! Iris is drenched. "See, sometimes range is your friend! If I'd been a super aggressive fire spirit, that'd have been a good blow! Point to you, friend. Get creative!" Iris agrees, and a pair of big white wings explode out of her back as her tattoo fetish wakes up. With a couple hard flaps and a lot of dribbling everywhere, Iris gets herself airborn. "You're a garou, yeah, but more specifically, you're a Theurge. Your expertise will always lean towards the unusual and unpredictable, the dangers that cant just be *handled* the old fashioned way that all the other Auspices know."

Aleksandr bows his head at what she is saying, not even brooking disagreement. He has enough experience with spirts to know, maybe even more than many Thuerges his age and rank. He’s always had an affinity for spirits. And another bowed head when she says a point to him. “I have never believed that claw, claw, bite is the answer to most situations we come across, at least, not until it is, Mercy’s Messenger-rhya, so I understand your point. I beat Weathers-the-Storm-rhya the first time I faced him because I out thought him, not because of prowess. And it was, hopefully, a lesson well learned for him.” It isn’t pride, well maybe a little or arrogance, simply a statement of fact that he understand who he is. He isn’t built for combat in the traditional Garou way, and that suits him just fine. A surprise, both brows rising slightly as she sprouts wings and starts to fly. That’s a twist and he takes a few steps back, watching her, maybe ready to move. He could do the same thing again, there is really no dodging that gift, and he knows it, but he likes thinking outside the box, shrugging off his backpack that changes with him, and letting it hit the ground as he crouches and picks up a rock nearby, tossing it at her.

Iris catches the rock like a pro, and sets to tossing it back and forth from hand to hand with a grin on her fire scarred face. Aided by the water soaking into the ground and what humidity is in the air itself, a mist begins to form in the clearing, rapidly filling the space with a dense, pea soup thick fog. Vision becomes heavily limited, the clearing taking on that eerie silence, when sound seems crushed under the weight of such fog. Iris vanishes in the fog, but then so does Aleksandr.

This silver wolf is about a regal as an animal can be. It has silver fur that covers its entire body and makes it seem as if it is more like something from a storybook. It’s fur is a perfect single colour of spun silver. It stands tall and proud, its legs lean and muscular. Its eyes are a deep brown, seemingly black, that stare out at the world with wonder. Make no mistake though, paws end in sharp claws and razor sharp teeth fills its maw. That makes this a predator not to be messed with lightly. At the moment, the wolf carries a makeshift pack made of leather, strapped across its back, that appear to carry two load of rock. Odd.

Well, that tactic did not work, and Aleksandr seems very surprised at how deftly she catches that. That’s obviously a poor approach and lesson learned. Eyes glance side to side then as the thick fog rises. As it gets difficult to see for both of them, he enters that crouch again, considering quickly. The wolf seems obvious has he takes that form quickly and instantaneously, planning to use the fog for cover and the wolf’s senses to his advantage. If anyone can ‘see’ better in this, it is the wolf. And he uses it, the fog, maybe to draw her in, maybe to wait for her to get closer, maybe to circle around to get closer to her, footsteps light, ears perked, nose sniffing, waiting for his opportunity like a proper predator. There is no hurry, not yet.

Iris can see with an uncanny sort of clarity through her own fog, although it IS still fog and Alek IS still a sneaky fucker. Naturally, the idea is to be sneaky also, which.. Fails. She would claim that she totally meant to do that. She touches down in what would, under normal circumstances, be a totally silent start to a good ol' stalking, but she temporarily forgets about the size of her own damned wings and knocks over a small yet amazingly noisy set of camp dishes that she totally had for her lunch stuff. BANGBANGCLATTERTUMBLECRASH! "Shit."

The wolf skulks and waits and thankfully not just finds, but gets a clear view of the landscape, her scent, her sounds, and finally pierces the fog to land sight. This is how the wolf hunts and Lights-the-Darkness knows it well. A small circling of Iris and where she is at as the circle gets smaller and smaller, until finally the quiet wolf leaps, bounding at her to leap at her with its paws. No claws, the only attempt is to push her over, and then bound away again in the fog. Guerilla tactics of a sort, ready to hide again, and wait. A flash of silver fur and gone again.

"ACK!" Iris actually blurts that out when she's knocked over most successfully. She lays there for a second, snickering and tallying up a point, then pulls the front of her shirt out so she can talk down into it. "That wolf just knocked me over, did you see that? Did you see that??" she says with the exact same sort of happy-excited tone you use to get a puppy all worked up, "Go get that wolf! Go tickle 'im!" A living thread of color changing yarn slithers up out of her shirt and wiggles excitedly in the air before darting off into the fog. Getting up, she disappears into the fog again. The color string may or may not do what it was told.

While it's not a pile of dishes this time, Iris still makes noise. Today is just not her day for being stealthy, it seems. Twigs snapping and some bits of brush rustling point out very well where she is. She's aware of the fact that she's noisy as fuck, and is ready to get herself pounced again. Well, ready to try and dodge, fail at that and get pounced anyway, that is. The color string, meanwhile, has veered way off course, and is currently attempting to tickle a wood beetle senseless. The beetle is having none of this and tries to scoot away as fast as its ponderous little legs can go.

Maybe he’s getting lucky, maybe Iris is taking it easy on him, or maybe the Wyld simply isn’t cooperating today, such is the chaos of what it represents. But the wolf knows it has no scored two points, and the wolf also knows you do not leave a wounded deer to recover, or a wounded enemy. You don’t. You go for the kill when you see the kill. So far he has been friendly, but in case he misses, in case this doesn’t work, he wants to take her advantage away or make her really regret it. Maybe it’s also the Silver Fang in him and his upbringing. Mercy, in war, is not always an option and she did present this as war, so to speak. Rawr, remember? The wolf already has her scent, and now more sounds, so it takes effort, still in this damnable fog, but he does it, and the moment he does…he doesn’t close the distance, no. He only has so many tricks up his sleeve. Especially limited as he is. This one though, this one is going to hurt. It’s not a fireball that shoots out from The wolf, no instead, Iris’s wings spontaneously combust into massive flames. Can she feel that through the Fetish or is it entirely separate, he doesn’t know.

The scream is immediate and piercing, feathers burn pretty damned well and fast as it turns out. After the initial moment of surprise though, the rapid pace of the flames abruptly slows way down as Iris commands herself to shrug off the damage. Not that it doesn't still sting, but it gives her some much needed resistance time to do a little stop-drop-and-roll, slapping her wings against the ground and rolling onto them to smother the flames. In the end when she lies smoldering on her back with her wings bend slightly funny, she begins to laugh, punctuated by a couple winces, and holds up three fingers. "Way to go, Lights the Darkness! You didn't stub your boobs, did you? I stubbed the shit out of mine when I fought with Journey."

It does help that the ground is quite wet from where all that water fell. So Aleksandr did her that favour. The wolf doesn’t appear out of the fog though, moving back into it and laying low, as if it might be a trick. His voice, the chuff of the wolf appears in one place, and then another, as if moving and circling the laughing and pain ridden Iris. <<Hope didn’t take easy. Did not. Not sure what mean. Shaderunner-rhya say test was hard. What happened?>> Each little bit sound here, then there, then there as he moves, trying to make it difficult to get a bead on him. Call him, suspicious, or just cautious, he has been taught to always expect things like that, his whole life. The enemy does not play fair. It was a hard life, but it has taught him good lessons. <<Sorry, hurt. No mercy though. Father taught this. Grandfather taught worse.>>

Iris sits up, soggy and testing out her wings one at a time with some lifts, "Well, when *I* did it, I didn't have any combative gifts at all. Not even the ability to create elements like that. A lot of my time was spent just dodging his attacks and trying to get close enough to bap him with my wing. I made him feel overwhelmingly joyous and let his gard down for a moment. One time he hit me with something while I was mid flight, and man it was almost the same, just that overwhelming sense of love for Gaea. So much so that I forgot to flap and skidded on my front all the way across the ground. Stubbed my boobs. Another time, I tried to blast him in the face with glitter, but I forgot he follows a wind totem and he blew it all back at me. He'd already doused me with water like you did, so it stuck everywhere. And then he electrocuted me. That's how I ended up with all these little burn marks, from super heated glitter. And these." She pulls up her pant legs to show her Lichtenberg figures running up her leg from foot to knee. I did manage to best him, but only barely. YOU, on the other hand. Man, fortune was definitely with you today. I'm not gonna argue though, if the powers that be are that interested in your advancement, it's good enough for me."

<<Father is Theurge. Taught me lesson like this already. Never be full moon. Not need be full moon. Have full moon already.>> The wolf explains, still somewhere in the fog. <<Have no moon trickery, already. Have Half-moon Justice already. Galliard battle singing already.>> it’s pretty clear the wolf respects his father greatly, despite his hard upbringing. <<Theurge is different. Thinks different. Fights different. Has different responsibilities, like spirit. Would have been futile, attack you like any of these. But still, am learning. Much to go yet. Limited. Got lucky, or perhaps Gaia wishes, not sure.>>

Then the voice changes to that of a human man, and he appears out of the fog, near the downed Iris, taking to one knee, he places a hand on her shoulder with a bower head. The healing is immense and instantaneous as it flows through her body, repairing everything. He touches his face with his free hand, mimicking her scars. “Why did you not have these healed afterwards?” Honest curiousity. There had to be time to do that. Then looks to her legs, also.

A nod, accepting that he was fortunate. “I do not know Gaia’s will, I only accept it. If I was meant to die today, then I would have accepted this, also. Thank you, Mercy’s Messenger-rhya. I will take this lesson to heart. And you have also given me some ideas, of things, perhaps, I should have prepared for next time I am unable to use all that Gaia has given me.”

"Ahhhhhhhh much betterrrrrrrr. Thank you!" Iris says, streeeeetching out her wings and then tucking them again, the big feathery appendages sinking and shrinking into her back again to become the usual elaborate tattooed wings. "They're uh... Some are lessons, some are marks of dangerous things I accomplished. Theurge battle scars, I suppose. Like the ones on my legs and the glitter marks, I didn't want those healed because that was a valuable lesson both in why I should start being more combative than healer, and the greater dangers I face from greater rank."

She points at the burn scar running along her cheek, "This one was a kiss from an avatar from Helios's realm that I summoned with Branton's help so that I could learn some of the sun god's gifts. It *really* liked me, and set the challenges to bearing the right to those gifts. This one," Iris points to the burn on her forehead that looks like a small sun, "Was a touch from the avatar of Helios himself, when I had completed his challenges and he blessed me with his knowledge. Other scars have other lessons or meanings attached like that. It keeps me grounded and reminded."

Aleksandr bows his head at both her thanks and her answer to why she did not have them healed. He can’t argue, though he does add, “Pain can be a teacher too, if you remember it. But I do understand a battle scar, also.” He shrugs a little, it’s all personal, isn’t it? “Though, there is much to be said about a healer, Mercy’s Messenger-rhya, if you do not mind me saying so.” She might have guessed by his recent healing that he is one himself. He glances up at the horizon, but only finds fog. “I am not sure, that healing does not play a big role in our current problems, in the troubles to come. We face dangerous, yes, but I am not sure violence is the answer, either. Still, once must survive, must they not? I understand.”

He follows along as she explains her marks and nods a little. “This makes much sense, I suppose I would keep those battle scars as well. A mark of what you have done and what you have earned. If a spirit deemed to grant me such. But some, I think, the lesson should be enough, perhaps.” He motions to her legs. “I am doubtful, that even without those, you would forget Shaderunner-rhya’s lesson. I don’t think I will, and that is only from the telling.” There’s a brief little smile, it’s so small and so quick, you could miss it. He rises back to his feet then. “Thank you, for the telling though. It has been my honour to actually meet you and speak with you, and hear your wisdom. It would be an honour to do so again, and more often.”

"That's exactly what I mean, yeah." Iris says with a nod, getting up to snag her bigass purse and withdraw the promised sandwiches, passing one to Alek. it's just peanutbutter and wheat bread. "I never was much of a violent person, even as a rage beast, and that was as much a detriment as being too violent. Gotta find that balance between healer and soldier and do your best to maintain it. Keep others alive, but also keep yourself alive, and be able to teach your pack and your friends how to survive strange danger as well. And so Aleksander, rite named Lights the Dark, now Adren of the Silver Fang tribe, I bequeeth unto you the sandwich of rank, knowledge and also protein. Imbibe it and be a better and greater garou for it. And also make sure you have a glass of milk or something nearby when you do." She hands the peanutbutter sammich over reverently.

“Yes, this. But I mean healing more than physical injuries, Mercy’s Messenger-rhya. The Wyrm feeds upon despair, pain, all these things, even violence. In a way, I wonder if we do not feed it sometimes, ourselves, unwittingly.” That might be considered borderline blasphemous, but he has a way of thinking that is not the same. “Perhaps, these wounds are they key to defeating the Wyrm, this is my thought. Bringing people out of the darkness.” He almost sounds like a hippy himself, but he’s not exactly saying love cures all. “We focus too much on destroying the Wyrm, though I am not sure that is even possible. But weakening it? Taking away that which it feeds. This is possible, I have to believe. You are right though, in all things, we must find balance. Wise words. Some I forget, often.”

Another thing she might learn quickly, jokes are so far past him, generally, like he lacks a sense of humour. So the presentation of the sandwich is taken, as is the sandwich itself, but he looks down at it curiously. He doesn’t take a bite, though he does sniff at it, and then make a slight face. Might be more to that. Though rather than possibly insult her, he bows his head. “Thank you, again, Mercy’s Messenger-rhya. For this, for the challenge, for the gift. All of it. I am glad Shaderunner-rhya sent me this way. Once more, proving that value of his wisdom.”

"See that's the shitty part about the world as it currently is." Iris says with a nod of her head, "Some things, you can just claw them up, cleanse the area, and you're fine. But you take a look at where the real breeding grounds for all the crap is, you find the cities. Sometimes it's people's fault when terrible things happen, other times it's like you say, we just end up fighting the symptom instead of recognizing the cause and fighting that instead. Hopelessness, depression, just basic mental illness and the calcification and the crushing weight of just.. Life. And if you CAN see it and combat that, if it's nothing more than getting political and forcing a bill or something through that gets people longer lunch breaks and more energy efficient windows so their cubical world doesn't suck so much, I mean that's a thing. It makes a difference. The soul and the mind are just as important as the flesh, and our type is better equipped to see it and treat it, and we should do that where and when we can."

Nothing Iris says is anything he disagrees with. Mortal law and longer lunch breaks might go over his head as a solution, but he gets the premise of what she is saying, and it’s clear it’s exactly what he was just saying too. Another nod follows, almost vehemently. “Yes, exactly, you see as I do. Fighting the symptom and not the cause. It is a mistake often made in healing. Father taught me this.” Aleksandr whether he’s Silver Fang and from a militaristic background is a healer, first, and his views on life are coloured by that, it seems clearly, now. “Yes, we see the spirit of the matter.” Likely, he doesn’t mean the Umbra. “All the moons have their place, the Ahroun’s for when something must be clawed. But, perhaps, the problem is getting everyone to see the cause over the symptom and battle that, instead. Our dispositions do not always allow for this.” Who knew he’d meet a kindred soul in Iris, at least, in this. He can’t help but flash a small, yet genuine smile again. It’s so rare that his ideas are not only accepted, but agreed upon like this.

"We should get together some time, see if we can scout out some of these problem zones together and maybe do something about it." Iris says with a grin, "But for now, I need to go check on M'Lady and make sure she's not steadily eating her way through my pack's brew stuff. Send a messenger any time you need me, and congradulations! Go on, go have some fun." She says with a good natured shooing gesture.