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Latest revision as of 15:15, 18 January 2020

The Infinity takes off on its maiden voyage
IC Date 4/1/1999
IC Time 05:30
Players Eno Nikolai Zelazny Finley
Location Infinite Horizons, USS
Prp/Tp Infinity
Spheres Mage Technocracy
Theme Song Rocket Man, Elton John


In April 1999, The Void Engineer vessel designated "Infinite Horizons" left Copernicus station and crossed through the Dimensional Barrier to begin its classified mission in the deep horizon. The size of a football field, the refitted ship carried a crew of nearly 100, a portion of those relegated to cryosleep at the beginning of the journey, to be woken through an ongoing rotation to relieve crew in need of rest. Finley, Nikolai and Zelazny were among them. Elsewhere in the ship is a former pilot, refitted to act as the ship's pilot in an emergency situation.

That situation... is now.

Sometime in the future... <Emergency Protocol> Activate Eno

<Emergency Protocol> Begin emergency Cryo protocols.

On the bridge, a panel slides open and Eno comes online. One by one his systems quickly boot and do systems checks. All systems optimal. His systems begin to be flooded with alerts from the ships systems. Something bad is going on.

On the other end of the ship, in Med Bay 3, Cryounits begin to awaken. The ground is flooded by an orange gelatinous amniotic fluid and the cry chamber hatches pop open. Nikolai comes awake first and feels the unpleasant feeling of being choked by something down his throat.

Zel and Fin come awake more slowly and are groggy, choking and feeling like they are drowning. They can't seem to catch their breath and are hit by a sudden wave of claustrophobia.

Nikolai coughs and coughs getting out of the tube and tries to get the fluid out of his throat. This was not standard procedure was it? He looks around between coughs he calls out "Inko.." cough "Nachalo" looking around.

Eno's systems click green down the list. That outside world's connection to him is letting him wake up for the first time. But on the other hand, was it just another day? The chronometer said time had passed. However.. The ship itself was under alert.

Engaging the mobility, Eno's unit slides out of storage and straightens up, arms and legs extending to full as he does a sensor sweep of the local area. Turning smoothly, he immediately starts for one of the control panels. His hand plants on it as those nano-connections would establish his contact with the ship to get a full diagnostic reading and understanding of what's happening while he sweeps the bridge for life signs.

Was she dreaming? Finley's eyes pull open and she becomes acutely aware she's choking. Her body spasms in panic as it realizes it can't get Oxygen, but her hands go quickly to the tubing and, almost as if by instinct, pull it from her throat. She sits upright as the last of the silicone leaves her lips and hangs from the side of her pod to vomit a gut-full of orange fluid onto the ground with a heavy gush. There's a pause, and her body wracks a bit as she dry heaves once, twice, three more times before unwrapping a white-knuckled hand from the edge of the pod to wipe at her mouth. She squints and peers around the room, noting the orange tint of the floor. The odor... Something was wrong.

Defeaning silence turning into sudden alive-ness! Zelazny was dreaming? Or did he just think he was dreaming? Was he actually not dreaming but thinking that he was? If a man who thinks he is dreaming but does not dream, is he delusional? That is one for the Psychiatrists.

And this would be the first thought that comes to his mind for a split second before he realises he is drowning.. choking.. trapped. So, he sits up. Can he sit up? Does his body move? He can't breathe! So.. is he dead? Perhaps he is choking on his covers gain! He's done that before. So he just kind of tries to throw himself off the side.

Eno's scan seems.. off. No life signs. On the bridge. That's never a good thing. The chronometer is reset, there's no syncronization signal either. A quick scan showed there's damage. His attention turns to the computer as he puts all his mental focus to it. Time to scan the ship for anyone alive at all, find damages and figure out what the heck has happen.

Nikolai shambles over to Inko trying to boot him up "Cyka Blyat!" looking around at the pods that were there looking them over. <<Why is it fucking cold here?>> trying to activate his internal computer unit, while looking over the pods.

That hurt. That hurt a lot. Zelazny is a bit dazed a few moments more after he bangs his head into the cryo-pods closed hatch. That never happened before. Thats not his bed. He was not dreaming. He has something down his throat! It all sort of rushes to him real quick. He moves his hands up to his mouth because, well, realising there is a tube there is not something that would be missed once you try to close your mouth or go 'Ow!'. He grabs it and pulls it out.

Finley hugs the edge of the pod, feeling wave after wave of cramp pass through her. She grits her teeth, and shudders, trying to keep her mind calm. No need to panic. Don't panic. Nice and slo... DON'T FUCKING PANIC. She cries out a little in frustration...

Diagnosis.. ship is in critical condition. No primary crew. Secondary crew dealing with damaged systems in medbay. Low power.... Eno takes control of the ship then, re-routing what power he can to life support and establishing the medbay as a safe spot for the organic ones. With that done, Eno disengages from the controls and would immediately start across the ship himself, getting over there so he can visually determine what assistance can be given to get them functional.

Eno manages to get enough of the systems online to establish control of life support systems. Everyone else, you will hear a rush of air as oxygen levels in the medbays begin to raise and the room begins to heat."

Nikolai moves to the closest person who is shaking violently trying to help them. He has no medical skill but he is trying his best. "We need assistans MEDIK!" looking around then back to the person on the floor "INKO BLYAT START!" voice command not seeming to damn work for the kitty.

"MEDIK!".... Nik's voice carries over, breaking the barrier of Finley's consciousness. She swivels her head, forcing the grogginess away and begins to push herself up and out of the liquid to slip out of her pod. There's a squick, squalk as she fights to maintain balance and get her legs from under her as her feet settle on the floor, and she begins to pick her way over to Nik. "ImmaMedic," she mumbles as she gets used to having a mouth again and wincing from the sore throat.

Tube out. The hatch of the statispod pushed open. Zelazny then just sort of leans over the edge to, most likely, get all that icky crap out of his body as well. Emergency biological evacuation procedure, via the mouth. Disgusting! But necessary. And, really, thats kinda what he does. He's a Mechanic! He was expecting to be woken up by a pretty nurse or something. Not wake up like -this-. And once his brain starts to work a bit, he will most likely realise that this is bad.

Nikolai tries to help the person. He has seen the movies, the TV... "An one ahnd twu and tree" thrusting down on the chest. "Lijv djamit" the man stops breathing. "No... no.. noonononononoonno" slamming his fists against the chest. "Blyat... blyat blyat..." looking in a panic around for defib equipment.

Eno keeps getting slowed down, alerts that contact him for repairs or shut down systems. Doors that are locked. He pauses before opening them as this.. was definitely not standard protocol. Rerouting instead, it takes him a bit longer to get to the medbay, the reroutes keep sectioning portions of the ship off, making it difficult to get there quickly. So many repairs to be done.

Zelazny was actually not trained in this sort of thing. He was good with microwelders, las-torches and molecular saws! This? This is .. bad! He lets out a loud, "Ooo-oooow." which he instantly regrets because that hurts even more. He grabs hold of the edge of the pod and pulls himself over the edge .. which was ALSO a very bad idea because falling on to the ground also hurts! He does try to stand up though, which might very well not meet with great success due to the fact that the floor is LAV.. liquid!

Finley focuses on the defib case on the side of the wall and quickly moves to yank it down and make her way over to where Nik is calling for help. She glances down at the man the Robotics Engineer is pounding on, and quickly assesses the situation enough to move on to the other man, still convulsing on the floor. She drops to her knees and opens the kit. She slides on the provided gloves and turns the kit on {Assessing} The kit announces {please standby}. She leans over the man, checks his mouth for trachial trauma or bleeding and then turns him on his back. She rips open the suit and places the tags on the man's chest, letting her gaze move up and down his body. {Shock Recommended. Please stay clear} The system announces, moments before delivering a jolt through the man's body and pausing. Finley reaches over and tilts the man's head bad to deliver breathes... The cycle repeats twice more, and the man finally cough, gasps... And begins to breathe on his own. {Systems: Stable} The Defib announces. {Responses Null}.

Nikolai looks up and to Finley as she is helping the other guy. "Ai... ai tried to help... he.. he is ded" looking to the dead man before him. "I trajd everythin" eyes are wide and obvious that he is quite shocked.

Eno gets that path sorted out, making his way to the medbay. That next point is going to have to be Engineering. Outside the medbay door, he pauses, verifying they won't lose pressure if he opens the door. Stepping in to medbay, the door closes behind him and that external speaker is engaged. "This is SCU Eno. The ship is in critical condition. I am here to secure the crew before going to Engineering to attempt repairs. Please state status of the crew." The voice is calm, modulated to be such, as he would run a scan over those moving around.

Nikolai looks up at the robot. "People are dying here!" still somewhat in shock not quite sure what to do about it all.

It does take a moment for Zelazny to not hurt as much. And to get up from the floor. Getting up from the floor. And trying again. And again. FLOOR IS REALLY SLIPPERY! He finally grabs a hold of the pod and pushes himself up, skating about a bit as he looks around, "What the hell happaned!" he blurts out, "What.. where.. what!" he pauses, "What? Engineering? Repairs? WHAT REPAIRS?!"

Finley slides the tags back into the kit and closes the box for now. She lifts herself off her knees and looks over at Nik, studying him before ambling her way over. She nods down at him, "I know," she confesses her knowledge of the other's man's ultimate demise, "but there are others we need to help." She hooks an arm in his and attempts to assist in lifting him up. As the doors open, she glances up and freezes a bit as Eno enters. She blinks, and stammers a moment before shaking her head and reporting out, "five rejected from Cryo Sleep. One comatose, three ambulatory," she looks over at Zel, before giving her attention back to Eno. "One... Deceased."

"4 life signs. Confirmed. Bridge was devoid of life signs. All major systems offline. Rerouted emergency power to medbay to assist. You will need a vacsuit to go out long term." Eno pauses a moment as he relays the information, studying those who were still awake. "Location is unknown. No recognized stars for orientation. Chronometer reset. Indeterminite time period. Engineer. Please get in vacsuit to go with me to Engineering. We need to restore the engine and power."

Shaky. Unsteady. But the calm voice talking to him from the other side of the room by the door is making sense to Zelazny. Engineering. Restore Engine Power. Fix things! That he can understand. He blinks a but, "Uuh, yeah. Yeeaah.. Engineering. I'm.. an Engin.. Mechanic." he takes a breath, "Vac suit?" he tries to let go of the pod, skids a bit on the slippery floor to then just look around, "Where's my.. cloth.." he tries to locate the lockers where they stored their personal stuff.

Nikolai moves over to Inko and tries to boot him again. "So we are dat fuked yes? Hull breach.. air loss.. powerloss.. this is wunderful" muttering to himself in russian as he tries to get his damn cat to function again. Also looking for open panels or ports that could be used for interfacing with ship puter.

With Nikolai's mind clearer, he is able to easily get Inko powered up and rebooted.

"Ah, god..." Finley looks around the room, a look of nausea crossing her features as she takes full assessment. "SCU Eno, Amend Report," she calls. Quickly, she counts. "Pod Group A," she reports, pushing the back of her palm against her nose to stop the drip of Cryo Liquid. "Three Functional. One Comatose, Two still in cryo and stable... And 8 Dead." She swallows against the pain in her throat and looks over at the next group across from their bay, "Pod Group B," she reports , "12 Dead. Due to loss of power in their pods."

Eno pauses as Finely calls out. "Report amended. Pod group A. 5 life signs. Pod group B. zero. Energy system at critical. Life sign count will be zero if we do not restore power. Engineer, please comply promptly." Eno would move then, getting over to where the suits are to carefully pull one out to offer to Zel.

Zelazny shakes his head a bit, looking around the place. It is starting to dawn on him that something catastrophic has happened. Accident? People are dead. Cryotubes shut down. There are dead people on the floor and.. yes.. the robot said Engineering. And fixing. Repairs! He pulls himself up some, then skitterskatters over to where the lockers are. His Ionic cloth! No, wait. That will have to wait. Vac-suit first. He takes it and starts to put it on, "Uh.. lets hope there are some tools accessible on the way because if Engineering is sealed off, I might have to cut through."

Finley makes her way over to Zel as quickly as she can without losing footing and promptly starts to give the suit checks to ensure it is correctly sealed for the Engineer. She pauses as she turns him to her and takes him by the shoulders and forces him to look her in the eyes. "Not to say that you're our only hope? But you need to get it together, Obee Wan," she turns him in the direction of the door. She watches Nik and then turns to assess the dead on the floor. With the room warming... She knows she needs to drag them to storage somewhere until they can... Can activate Air Lock.