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Bryan Osborn's Last(?) Stand
Sending a character into retirement
IC Date March 12, 2015
IC Time N/A
Players BryanO, George, Andy
Location A different Caern
Prp/Tp None
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song none

The pack chatter had been quiet for a few days. Bryan was taking Tim back home to do the ritual with his home sept. George had been invited, but there were some things that he had to attend to <that makes things easier>. Bryan was happy. Content for the first time in a long time. And then things went sour. He warned that there was something bad going on and that he was going to have one of his septmates, who was recovering from an injury, bring Tim back and he would follow in 'a few days'. He wasn't really sure what was going on, but kin, particularly the pregnant ones, were coming up missing for days at a time and coming back with banes in their bellies. They were just disappearing, right out from under their noses - quite literally and could George maybe come and help out. He wouldn't have normally called on George for such a thing, but the sept was under bad leadership and Bryan was holding down the fort - not a thing that he was comfortable with doing, really.

Bryan was aggitated and worried and then about 2 am, the alarm went up. 'Get here, get everyone here that you possibly can, there is an attack, the caern is under seige.'

When George finally arrives, the fighting is in full swing and he literally has to cut his way through the banes and fomori and various wyrm creatures. Bryan is flying above, and he's just taken down one creature that was shooting out blazes of fire. It lands on another, catching IT on fire, along with two Garou, both in Frenzy. And then he turns to face off against the immediate threat - a winged demonic thing with VERY big teeth.

<OOC> Andy says, "http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c193/Keelymarie22/FlyingReptilian.jpg"

George comes in at speed, homing in on Bryan and hoping he got his abbreviated howl of introduction out in time since he doesn't know where the boundries of this bawn are. Hoping even harder that there's anyone left who might care. He came alone, not because no one would help but because he's a Strider. No one could keep up. As he starts seeing the battle he snarls fiercly and flows into Crinos form and LEAPS, hurling himself into the fight like a spear.

There is a chorus of returned howls, even in the fighting. Granted, it isn't MANY. But they were expecting George. Bryan has pushed himself into close combat, dodging teeth and claws. "Georgie!" Bryan calls out almost cheerfully, though his face doesn't reflect that. He's worried. There is a LOT of death. He rakes a claw over the thing's face and it turns, retreating somewhat and Bryan pursues

George isn't a fast flurry of blows sort of fighter but when he pops up behind a baddie that someone else is fighting and stabs it, that's game over. "You started the party without me!" he calls back as he fights his way towards his Alpha.

"Fashionably late, like always," he calls back and he lunges after the thing, biting it in the neck, though he lets go and reels back, coughing and spluttering as a black, viscous fluid leaks from his chops.

George gets noticed eventually by the enemy forces and starts leading them on a rousing game of whack-a-george. They almost have him till he starts just jumping over them in job lots and he starts darting around the winged big bad to harry it. "You know me, I do so love to make an entrance."

Bryan can't really respond. He's still got that mouth full of black stuff and he's working his jaws like a dog eating peanut butter. The thing spins around on him and takes a huge bite out of Bryan's arm, latching on and he starts to shred while Bryan does all he can to fight back.

George sees the peril Bryan is in and he hurls himself at the creature's back aiming a powerful blow at th back of the nasty's neck.

And the thing is going limp even as George attacks and it and Bryan are both spiralling out of the air and right into the fray of dangerous wyrmy things that easily tower over an entire stack of Crinos garou

George howls with FURY as he rides the beasty to the ground, sawing back and forth with his fetish knife to hack its head clean off. Bryan's condition gets a worried look as they come in for their landing. Peregrine's blessings make the fall itself not a worry but he's taken some bad hits.

Bryan is still breathing, but he's down. One beat, then two, and Bryan SHOULD be rising... should be tearing through the rage to bring himself back up to perform his duties for Gaia. There is a twitch from one hand and he tries to sit up, but his neck, his shoulder, half his chest begins to just gush fluid. It isn't QUITE blood. It's too dark for that. He gets his massive, shaggy head up no more than an inch or two and collapses back to the ground

George lunges over to Bryan to lay a hand on him as he calls on gifts of potent healing. He doesn't know what's wrong but he has to try.

That MIGHT work except a couple of the 20 feet tall things don't WANT that fucker to get back up. One of them bowls right into George while the other one sets about tearing into Bryan's throat with teeth as long as his arm. Bryan's done for and now George is in a little bit of danger. There's a certain fire that ripples through the thing that knocks George away from his alpha and the heat is spreading

George cuts loose with a haunting, terrifying howl as he goes berserk. There's a reason he's said time and time again to the members of his home sept that they never wanted to see him frenzy, his strength of spirit and will keep it from being a totally mindless state but ruthless vicousness with which he starts to kill any wyrmspawn he can catch? Terrifying.

Bryan is ripped to shred in short order and then things start dying. And the tide turns. The sheer power of the frenzy combined with the fact that the few Garou who were still standing were rather capable warriors, has the wyrmspawn distracted. George rather easily takes down the rather surprised 20 foot guy and three others work on the one that finished off Bryan. The scattering of others rounds up those that are fleeing.

George comes down slowly as the battle ends, still furious but no longer killing. He stalks back over to the monsters that slew his alpha, glaring at anyone who dares try to keep him away.

No one dares interrupt. Most of them are wounded and caring for the living anyway, so George has free reign

George is familiar with the funerary customs of the other Tribes of the Nation so he knows what's most needful at this point for the care of Bryan's corpse. For his own touch he clears a space around him for a cleansing circle and sets the head of his killer at his feet. Saying goodbye to his alpha and a loudly howled fuck you to the wyrm. This hero here is why you failed.

The others are taking care of the dead, many are making similar circles, several pooling together to widen the area. A few kin can be seen peeking their heads out here and there and then finally coming up to join, to help bring the fallen bodies together and help lead the injured off the battlefield. There is no talking, other than the chanting from the various rites and rituals going on and the occasional cry as a kin finds her dead mate.

George has a notification to make and business to be about along with his own grieving to do so he collects his tropy and departs quietly. Making his way back to prospect at a slightly more sedate pace.

Andy is out on patrol. He's in his lupus form and he has a pretty severe limp. He is alert, though, his nose and ears perking at any sort of sound.

George doesn't make a whole lot of noise just out of habit but he's not making any super effort at stealth. And even though he cleansed it the skull he's bringing back isn't that long dead, probably a little ripe.

Andy's ears perk and he drops his head down just a little bit, growling softly. The scent of the monster, however, drives him a little mad and the growling increases as the black wolf widens his stance, favoring that injured back leg

George sniffs at the strange wolf and frowns as he holds out the monster head at his side "You the one they sent to get my Alpha's mate home safe?" showing a profound lack of concern.

Andy's ears drop and he shifts. Slowly. No meta here. "My apologies, Elder. I hadn't met you before we left. Is that....." Not Bryan. He knows that, at least. He takes a breath. No fear, but there is a considerable amount of respect. "I am. Andy Davis, Mocks the Fire, Cliath. Coggie."

George nods in recognition of the introduction "Bryan died a hero, keeping this thing and its army from over running the caern. I wasn't fast enough to save him but I was fast enough to avenge him."

Andy lets out a long sigh and nods, leaning on a cane that sort of just appeared out of nowhere when he shifted. "Thank you, Elder. Tim... she's sleeping. Worn out. Waiting for Bryan to come... home...." He eyes the bag and steps forward, taking it in hand. It seems to weigh a million pounds, at least emotionally.