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Baby Mine? Pt.1
Bryan Osborn remembered his mate was pregnant before he was presumed dead, and wants to find the child.
IC Date December 23rd, 2018
Players Brooke, Bryan Osborn, Jake, Journey, Simon Jones
Location Redstone Manor
Spheres Gaian Garou

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "Brooke? Bryan's here, want to come over and we'll do this"

<Zephyr's Hand> Jake says, "Mind if I come by as well?"

<Zephyr's Hand> Brooke says, "On my way!"

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "Okay with me."

Journey and Bryan are in the living room, Stephen watching the pretty shiny hallways opening as people arrive and Journey is smiling, picking up his son.

Bryan Osborn was told to come, so he comes. Moon is SO full, guys. God. He isn't quite used to the Rage flowing in the direction that it does. There's a sort of 'meh' in the Umbra, when you've been stuck there that long, so .. jumpy Galliard is jumpy. But he's here.. and with the suppressor being what it is, he smiles at Stephen, giving him a wave. He even brought a little wolf toy for the child, carved carefully and intricately out of wood.

Brooke hears the call to come and it does not take long for her to jump on through the moon bridge and get over to Journey's home. She has her son with her, since it is always a good time for playdates!

Jake bridges in wearing his blue mirrored aviator shades and offers the kids a candy cane. "Man, I can't believe it's nearly Christmas. I still have no idea what to get Giselle." He smiles at the others there, teeth just a little longer than usual...or maybe it's just the lighting in here.

Stephen holds the wolf toy close, cradling it as he grins at Jake and Brooke, "Jake, Bwooke! CHAAAASE!" He calls as he squirms, seeing the baby. Journey grins at Jake and Brooke, "Welcome. I know, Stephen, it's Chase." Stephen squirms and Journey gestures as he sets Stephen down, Lisa coming in. "Okay let's get the kids playing and head to the lab for this." He says as Lisa nods, and gestures Brooke to a little play area set up, to put Chase down and let the kids start playing.

Bryan Osborn is quiet. Stephen gets a smile because he's a kid and he liked the toy. The baby gets a smile because you just smile at kids. That's what you DO. Bryan's smile is a little scary, a little feral, really, but no less sincere. The others get a polite, respectful nod from the man

<Zephyr's Hand> Simon Jones says, "Pack meeting?"

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "Helping Bryan."

<Zephyr's Hand> Simon Jones says, "Can a wandering Stargazer help?"

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "Don't know about helping, but you can come around."

<Zephyr's Hand> Simon Jones says, "Okay."

Jake doesn't get as close to Chase as he does Stephen. It's a recurring theme. Jake simply gives babies a very wide berth. He also looks relieved to hear they're headed for the lab.

As the babies are left in the living room and the group heads to the lab, Journey opens the doors leading inside, pointing to the open 'Ritual' area of the room as the Bridge opening occurs, "Simons going to join us." He says by explanation."

Bryan Osborn just follows along quietly, More people. Full moon. Outside is rage inside is not rage. SO he'll take the not-rage

With the flash of the bridge, out appears Simon, "Thanks for the invitation to your home, Journey. As always its appreciated." He looks around at those gathered, "I've been away too long, but home now and it feels good."

Brooke follows along to the lab, and grins as Simon joins them too. "Hey there." She waits to watch Journey get going with it all, and see what more they can do to help with this situation.

As he always does during the full moon Jake's wearing his blue mirrored aviator shades. The man smiles at Simon. "Welcome, brother." He then follows the others into the lab.

Simon Jones doesn't understand why the others are so afraid of Luna's full face and light. Simon embraces it, not fearful of it, but not all are Stargazers and in control of such things as Rage. "Hello everyone." He greets and falls in line to follow Journey and the others to the lab.

Journey nods, "Of course, Simon." He looks to Brooke and Bryan, "Alright, Brooke, please hand Bryan your Kinship doll. Bryan, this doll provides a link between a Garou and their Kinfolk. Once you attune to this Fetish, you will be able to use it to tell you about your Kinfolk, where they are, how they are, let you find them. That's what we're here to do." He loooks to Jake and Simon since they jumped in and need to get brought up to speed. "Bryans been in the Umbra for a while, and before he left he had a child on the way. We're here to find and reunite Bryan and his child if at all possible." He nods around.

Mostly because there are children and kinfolk right in the next room. If offered, he takes the doll and turns it over a few times in his hands, nodding. "I know about kinship dolls," he says, studying this one, head tipped just a little to one side.

Brooke takes out her Kinship doll, and after giving it a good look she hands it over to Bryan. "I hope you can find her. Anything I can do, just let me know. I've been separated from family far too much in my life. I can empathize." Once he takes it, she steps back."

"I hope you can find her too," Jake says sympathetically. "If anyone can find her though, it's Journey. He helped me find my missing pack mate when I first arrived." He continues to watch.

"I've been lost in the umbra, I can understand too, especially since time passes a little differently there. I too hope you find your child." Those that know the Stargazer, might catch the inflection of both being lost in the umbra separated from a child.

Journey nods and moves to Bryan, guiding him to a chair, "Sit. Meditate, attune yourself. We won't bother you."

He moves back and nods to the others, "Okay this is the first step, there's more steps I've been preparing, but it might not get that far. Lemme get some food brought in." He says, moving to the door, looking out and speaking to someone then coming back.

Bryan Osborn nods, moving to the chair, then he glances up at Simon briefly. He looks like.. maybe he'd say something.. but.. instead, he looks back down at the doll. He considers for a moment, then slides off the chair he's sitting in to be cross-legged on the floor and as soon as food is mentioned, his stomach screams for some of dat shit

Brooke watches Bryan with the doll, and then nods to Journey. "Food is always good." She's used to that here now.

Jake glances to his other pack mates while Bryan attunes to the doll. He doesn't say anything, allowing the man the silence he requires.

Simon Jones remains silent as well, but does do something odd, he moves to sit in front of Bryan, an folds himself into the Lotus, and simply watches Bryan as he attunes himself, its almost like the Stargazer is attempt to add more peace and quiet to the peace and quiet that already exists.

Journey moves back and nods, looking at Simon and Bryan, but let's Bryan attune as he likes. Soon enough the door opens and a Kinfolk man comes in, bringing a tray, Journey intercepting him and taking the tray bringing it over and opening it, Sandwiches and water and beer there as Journey brings a sandwich for Bryan, setting it beside him silently before coming back.

"Okay now I've got a fresh Summoning ready with the last few Glyphs ready to go in case that needs to happen, but for now we wait for the attunement and information from the doll." He looks to Brooke, still speaking low. "If he wants one permanently, I'll make him one, either way you won't be without it for long."

Brooke nods to Journey. "Thank you. I really want one so I can keep tabs on Michael, but Bryan deserves it more right now. Truly." She turns and picks up a sandwich and begins to munch on it while keeping an eye on Bryan.

Jake takes a sandwich because...hey, it's food! Obviously he's interested in how this goes. His attention goes back to Bryan and the doll.

Journey nods to Brooke quietly, "I understand, thank you for allowing this." He says, waiting for the attunement.

Bryan Osborn just sits there, imagining all sorts of things. Boy, girl? Blonde hair? Dark? Purple hair? No, Tim dyed hers. That's silly. It makes him smile a little, though. When Simon comes to sit, he glances up briefly, then back to the doll, turning it over in his fingers a time or two more before he nods. "Okay," he says, laying the doll down in his lap so that it's face up, right where his legs cross and he looks up expectantly at Journey.

Simon Jones offers a slight smile at the man when he glances up. Not a word is spoken though, as he closes his eyes and focuses on peaceful things, as well as things important to himself. Family, the things he's accomplished in the travels he and Nikky took. Life is great now that he and his mate are home.

Journey gestures to Bryan, "Touch the Spirit, focus on your child, ask what you want to know."

Jake chews his sammich slowly and quietly so he won't interfere with the 'vibes' in the room.

Brooke picks up a water and drinks it. She stands near Jake and just observes quietly.

Bryan Osborn nods to Journey and looks down at the doll again, picking it up once more. He studies it for another long moment and then his head jerks up and he reels back a little bit."Holy fuck," he half-whispers.

Simon Jones tilts his head as he looks at Bryan, and can easily hear the half whisper, and cant' help but ask, "What did you discover?"

Journey watches, 'Holy Fuck' is not the kind of reaction that gets classified as 'Good' He watches, waiting for the moment, just ready to hear anything.

Brooke hmms, "I think he found something." She takes another bite and just waits to find out.

"Sounds like it," Jake stage whispers to Brooke before looking back at Bryan to see if he elaborates.

"Sh-- she's sleeping. Healthy. Couple of banged up spots, but that's normal for little kids, right?" Brief panic. No no. Kids get banged up. That's what they do. That's their specialty. "But where..."

Journey listens, just waiting, letting Bryan get all the information.

Simon Jones eyes the doll, then Bryan, then glances over his shoulder at Journey, then looks back to Bryan, "Is that not the reason we are here?" He says quietly.

<Zephyr's Hand> Simon Jones says, "Journey, I may need one of those fetishes..."

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "Takes a few days, I'll put you down for one."

<Zephyr's Hand> Simon Jones says, "Thank you."

<Zephyr's Hand> Brooke says, "If there is anything we can help with, Simon, let us know."

<Zephyr's Hand> Simon Jones says, "Of course. NIkky and I are still trying to get settled in at home."

<Zephyr's Hand> Jake says, "Well, if you need anything at all let us know."

<Zephyr's Hand> Simon Jones says, "I will."

Jake's gaze moves back to Journey and he studies the man for a reaction. Journey's the expert on this sort of thing.

Brooke stops and listens to Bryan. "That is fine. Look for details. Anything can help."

Simon Jones slowly stands, and moves over by Journey, and whispers to him. Then offers a nod to all, "See you all soon."

Bryan Osborn takes a breath, closing his eyes, concentrating hard. "I.. North. Way up North. Oh! Oh, no. I know that place. I know where she is."

Journey nods to Simon and looks to Bryan and nods, "Okay that sounds odd, tell us about it what's the situation?"

"North, eh? How far north?" Jake sounds intrigued. "Perhaps one of us is familiar with the place as well."

Bryan Osborn shakes his head slightly. "Nah, it's Tim's mom's house. That's where she's at. Cape Blanco. Timmie and I went there just a couple months before I.. ya know.. died."

Brooke nods, "Good, you have a location." This is a good development.

Journey nods, "Friendly location." He rises and looks to Brooke, "GPS?" He looks to Bryan, "Let's find it exactly."

Jake smiles. "At this rate you'll be reunited with your daughter in no time." He glances back at Journey and Brooke.

Bryan Osborn shakes his head. "NOT a friendly location. Timmie was MADE kinfolk. Martha is not. I made her distinctly uncomfortable. Which means that my kid is being raised outside of the Nation if she's living there. I can give you the address if it helps."

Brooke has already pulled out a tablet from her go bag and is centering in on Cape Blanco. "Give me the address. Perhaps I can pull up data on those living there, and gain some more information."

Journey points to Brookes Tech. "Alright, we go there, determine the situation and then you decide on how to proceed from there. Options are open."

Jake nods to Journey. "We bridging or driving?" He leans over to check out Brooke's tablet.

Bryan Osborn takes a deep breath and gives Brooke the address from memory. "Way out on the cape, You can sneeze and it'll hit Canadian waters." He offers up the kinship doll, though seems hesitant to do that. "Michelle Louise Plimpton. Big ole mean bitch. Not kinfolk."

Brooke puts in the address and the name, and starts running her programs. She slips into places that most normal people cannot get into. She is practically chewing on her lip as she keeps at it and then says, "Ok, good news and bad news. Good news - Michelle is still living there and active at that address. Bad news - nothing on anyone else. That isn't the worst information, it just means if she is there she is being cared for. Or it means the child is there and Tim is not there. I checked other iterations and there is no Timara or Timmy either. We may need to do some recon before you approach. At least, I'd recommend that. Obviously, they would not know most of us, so we can get closer." She looks up from the tablet, "That is, if you want us to come with you on the ground."

Journey lifts a finger to Jake to wait as he watches the location get worked out by Brooke and Bryan, "Canada?" He looks to Brooke, "What's the distance on that? We have limits on Bridge distance with Zephyr."

Brooke swipes a bit and checks. "That looks like... 946 miles give or take a tick." She then says, "If need be, I have full access to Wright Field. Montana made me a partner in the airfield so I can get a plane of any size whenever I want. Can use private air strips so we can get closer and move from there. Keep out of sight."

"Canada. Bill's old stomping ground." Jake looks back at Brooke and grins at -something- she said. "Sounds like we're going on a field trip."

Bryan Osborn takes a breath and he nods, looking back to Brooke and he pushes to his feet. "Timara Jones? Anywhere in the area? I mean, she MIGHT just be staying the night with her grandma or something. If Tim has a job... or.. whatever."

Journey sighs, looking at the map and nods, then sighs, "No, I can pull this off." He sighs, and looks to Bryan as he asks, and nods to Brooke, "Find out everything before we move."

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "This is gonna really drain me. I can jump ahead and open a bridge to me, and we go from there. It's gonna take a lot of my Spirit energy. Not all of it and I'll have my Brews."

<Zephyr's Hand> Jake says, "If it would help I could have one of the helicopters take us closer at least. Could have one ready to go in fifteen minutes."

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "No. No Human conveyance will be able to transport us far enough fast enough to make a difference."

Brooke goes back and considers another take. "Let me try something else." She did not want to worry anyone, but this time she brings up a different site and starts searching through medical records and finally stumbles on something. She changes sites and tap tap taps some more. "Oh.. Oh.. Um.. Timara Jones. Yeah, she is there. But she's living in Shutter Creek...Correctional Institution. I'm sorry, she's not around and looks like she is going to be in there for a long time. If I was home, I can get into the records better, but looks like she is in the 'do not pass go, spend a long time in jail' type of place."

<Zephyr's Hand> Jake says, "Well, I could bridge us all to Montana to help save your energy then you could take it from there."

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "Check the Math on that with Brooke."

<Zephyr's Hand> Brooke says, "Where in Montana?"

Jake nods to Journey and gives Brooke the coordinates. "It's really isolated so there's no chance of us being observed."

Journey moves to the side, putting a hand on Brookes shoulder, pointing to her, a classic, 'Listen up here are your orders.' pose. "Brooke, make notes on what you've found here, then, later at home get.." He looks at Brooke, "EVERYTHING. Then compile it, and..." He thinks, "We'll get some lawyers onto things. Time to unleash the Kinfolk on this shit, This is America, we can BUY a lot of things, including freedom. Make a few notes, we'll work out exactly how

Bryan Osborn frowns and he nods, moving over to look at the screen and he sighs. "That's her. Drug conviction. Thr---four? Well, fuck." He makes a grumbly sound. And then he goes silent to listen, nodding. "I don't want to upset the child. Michelle's a mean old bitch, but she isn't a horrible person. Probably treats the baby like a queen. Just.. not kinfolk." So not an objection, just more facts.

Journey looks at Bryan and nods. "Okay Bryan, what do you want to do? Do you want to talk to her before doing anything?"

Brooke makes some notes on this, and then taps in more and sets her home system to get to work on it. "I'll have information ready from home shortly."

Jake looks at Bryan as well. "Yeah, your call. We're at your disposal regardless of what you decide."

Bryan Osborn shakes his head. "I'm dead. And she never liked me. Just walking in and going 'Hey, can I have my kid?' that isn't going to work. But I also don't want to upset the girl. She doesn't know me. Hell, she might be calling another kid daddy for all I know. I don't know if *I* am stable enough to raise a kid. But I also know there are places here, kinfolk places, where she could.. " He clears his throat. "I'm sorry. I thought I had thought all this through. We need to do SOMETHING, but I don't think I should be working the front lines. I will gladly do whatever the Elders think is best. I just don't think I should talk to Michelle directly."

Journey sighs, folding his arms, in front of him, "Timmie, not the old bat."

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "Okay I already know what's going to happen."

<Zephyr's Hand> Jake says, "What's that?"

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "Vesta, prep a new Cellphone, please? Bryan makes contact with his Mate, the child's mother, and we work through her. pour lawyers onto her case. They have money in there, I think something.. Whatever we can do for her."

<Zephyr's Hand> Vesta says, "Okay. Need ten minutes"

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "Easy, this will take a while."

<Zephyr's Hand> Jake says, "Vesta, you're amazing."

Brooke continues sending some commands home, adding anything more she can think of so they have a good report.

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "Right NOW the Childs not in danger, and we'll be able to figure out how to safely and non traumatically get her here. Hopefully with her Mom."

<Zephyr's Hand> Journey says, "We don't need to roll in and take the child, really."

"Timmie? If she's doing drugs again and she's in prison, she's hardly living up to Gaia's expectation, and she's wasting the gift that was given to her so generously by the Children of Gaia. I FOUGHT for her. I shed blood to make her one of ours." He sighs. "So she needs to either be rehabilitated or the information she knows about the Garou - and there IS a sept up there - needs to be removed and I need to find the assholes who let her slip between the cracks and beat the shit out of them. But I don't know the .. proper... you mentioned lawyers. I will assist however I can and be absolutely grateful for whatever help you can offer."

Jake nods to Journey. "Yeah, the last thing we want is to traumatize the kid." He looks back at Bryan. "Don't worry about the lawyers. Vesta's already on that."

Journey walks to Bryan, "Find out. you're a ranked Galliard, -Dream Her- Then make that call. We move on her case to see if we can legally get the child somehow. Taking her means an investigation, investigations mean people looking for you. Looking for the child's Father. Moms in jail, Moms in the System, we pour money into the system and try to get Mom out and back." He leans in to Bryan, "YOU DIED, BRYAN! Don't write her off so soon if she might have shattered after that. Dream Her. Call Her. We'll give you a phone just for that. We'll let you talk to her, and let you explain to her, let her know it's real-Commissary!" He looks to Jake, "That's what it's called, I read about this Prisons have these shop things, people can put money into. Commissary. Thing." He looks back to Bryan, the intensity of his earlier words gone, "We'll do that, look out for her. Get them back."

Brooke does not look up from the tablet and just says, "That's why we are here. We've got your back." She keeps at it to be sure she provides all the support she can.

Bryan Osborn nods, taking a breath, chewing on the inside of his lip. "Right. Right. I know. Man, I FORGOT that she was pregnant, dude. Like it just hit me like a ton of bricks. The things leading up to all that are SHAKY, but they're coming back and some of this shit is hitting me just out of the blue." He takes a breath. "I have that money that you gave me. I'll donate that, gladly."

"Keep the money," Jake tells Bryan. "You might need it for something else. Just focus on what feels right. Brooke's right. We've got your back no matter what you decide."

Journey nods, "Yeah, no. Keep the money, we're talking about a whole new level of money, don't worry about it. Can you speak to her Dreams?" He asks, focusing on the next thing. "You need to reach out to her, Dream her and tell her that you're alive and you'll prove it to her, get the information on how to call her, use the phone we give you and talk to her, let her know it's real, and that when people contact her about her lawyers, that yes she needs to accept the new lawyers. Find out what you need to know, Under the Veil on the Phone, but speaking freely in dreams. Have you learned that Gift?"

Bryan Osborn nods to Journey. "I can, yeah." He takes a deep breath and rakes his hand through his hair a few times, just a nervous gesture. "Alright. Yeah, I've learned that gift. I've never used it other than when it was learned, but yes, I know it."

Brooke looks up again, "You focus on what Journey has recommended to do. Let us work on the rest of it for now. You have had a lot happen, and this is what we are here for."

Jake grins at Bryan. "Hey, there's no time like the present to try it out. Practice makes perfect."

Journey nods, "Okay that means sleeping." He moves over, picking up the sandwich and bringing it to Bryan handing it to him. "Eat, it'll help you sleep. I believe you can return Brookes Doll now."

Bryan Osborn nods, looking down at the doll and then almost hesitantly handing it back to Brooke. "Thank you, Hushed-Blaze-rhya. I'm very grateful." He takes the sandwich and absolutely devours it. Hungry. Hungry .. Hispo. Or something.

Brooke takes the doll back and for now places it in her bag. She will reattune it later. Right now, business.

Jake helps himself to another sandwich. "Okay, well, at least now we have options. Canada. Damn. Guess we're lucky it's not someplace like...well, Europe or Asia." He chows down.

Journey nods, "That would be a bit more complicated. We could fly there." He shrugs, "Right now we can help remotely and make preparations to get there at the right time. Simply taking the girl would do more harm than good, but it's not impossible."

Bryan Osborn nods, finishing off another sandwich and rising to his feet. "Alright. I'm going to .. go sleep. See if I can track her down. It SHOULD be easy enough. We used to mind link all the time, but that was from her side. She's a sorceress."

Brooke hmms, "Oh me. Well that gives a new color to it. Go try and see what you can find out." She nods to Journey, "Got to be smart about this. Let's see what further information we can get."

Journey nods, moving to the door and opening, it, Vesta's hand coming in holding a phone, Stephen giggling as Journey takes the phone and the door closes as they sneak off. He brings the phone over, "Use this."

Jake nods to the group. "Well, I'd better get home to Giselle. Let me know when we're heading out, IF we end up heading out. Good work, Brooke. You're a wiz on that tablet." He smiles. "See you all later." He heads out.

Bryan Osborn takes the phone and tucks it into his pocket. "Thank you. I know how to use phones and all that, so I'll figure things out tonight and then see if I can contact her through her dreams. I don't want to freak her out too bad, but.. yeah. She'll know it's me."

Journey nods, "Okay, establish contact and come back if you need more help. It's what we're here for. We'll get work going on her legal situation."

Brooke watches the phone come in, Bryan get it from Journey, and then nods at his words. "Sounds like there is a plan. I'll get the information I can on my end, and let me know what else you find out. See if there is more I can do or research."