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Latest revision as of 05:05, 26 October 2018

Shadows of the Past
Pt.4 - Your Tie Is Crooked
IC Date October 19, 1018
IC Time Night
Players Heathen Mikael
Location End of Times back parking lot
Spheres Vampire Camarilla

Mikael brings out another folder, this one purple, and hands it to Heathen, "These are the totals for the past week for Timeless, mon ami. You will see a marked increase in profit, mostly from the VR machine, and the new menu." He hands him a green folder then, "And these are for the laser arena. Its revenue is increasing. I think we need more advertising though with it. There are still not enough that know that Prospect has a laser arena."

Heathen takes the folder and checks it out. "Maybe a Christmas Party? Or much like the party we're going to have, a Halloween vs Christmas? Some temporary additions to the setting."

Mikael says, “I was looking over some of the other advertisements for arenas around the country, and some are bringing in special items for Halloween, and also for Christmas, and having extended hours for special events with awards and prizes for the teams who win. For Halloween I was thinking of special game sessions that run throughout the night of Halloween... something like 'Stop the Zombies'."

Heathen hands the folder back and nods. "Zombies are a big thing right now."

Mikael nods his head, "Then you think that I should look into it, mon ami?" He has obviously been teaching Heathen about financial practices, and trying to get him to make more decisions concerning his business.

Heathen pats Mikael on the shoulder. "We know from the private parties that special things liven it up."

Mikael gives Heathen a bright smile, and nods his head. "Oui, and I am sure that this will bring more customers to the arena." He places the folders back onto the desk, and then tells Heathen. "It is almost time to leave for Court. We should get going, oui?"

Heathen gives Mikael a grin and heads for the door. "Just let me know if anything is on crooked."

Mikael smiles wider and says very smoothly, "Well, your head is abit crooked, as are your eyes, but such can not be helped. But your tie is on straight."

Heathen peers hard at Mikael as they head out of the buisness, leaving it in the capable hands of the regular employees.

Mikael chuckles softly, even if all he gets was peered at for his verbal jab at Heathen. He holds the door for a tall, dark haired woman who is digging in her purse, and grumbling to herself, "He leaves his lucky shoes in the car... as if he can't possibly play without them. Teenagers! He should have put the damned things on his feet and walked in wearing them..."

Heathen tips his imaginary hat toward the woman. "You know how it goes. They leave their brains in their phone."

The woman glances up for a moment at Heathen, obviously surprised someone overheard her, but seems to go with the flow and replies, "I sometimes think his brains are in his ass."

Mikael steps out through the door behind the woman then, giving an amused expression to Heathen.

As Heathen stepped out of the doorway, car headlights came on at the back of the parking lot. Nothing unusual about that. By the time that Mikael has stepped through the doorway behind the woman however, only a moment later, tires peeling out are heard, and the car is barreling across the parking lot towards the building. By the time any of the three turn their eyes in that direction the car is turning to drive straight in front of the building. Glass in a window is suddenly shattering as a tiny pop, sounding like hail, hits it. And a flash from a machine gun is seen coming from the backseat of the car.

As bullets are sprayed towards them, the woman looks startled, not having any idea what is happening until the bullets start hitting Heathen, jerking his body this way and that as they slam into him. The smile is wiped off Mikael's face as he feels the burning pain across his scalp as one bullet narrowly misses hitting him more squarely in the head. The woman starts to scream then, staring in horror towards Heathen.

Heathen grunts as the first volley hits him, and then falling to his knees. "Get her inside!" he rasps out as a lung struggles to fill with air.

Mikael seems torn between going to Heathen's side, and doing as he was told. So he compromises, and grabs the woman, shoving her towards the building and downward to the sidewalk as he takes a step towards Heathen. He shields the woman, his head going towards the car. The car tires are heard peeling out again as the vehicle shoots off towards the exit to the parking lot.

Heathen struggles back to his feet, and carefully keeps his back to the woman, even as he tries to remember details of the vehicle. "Damn." he mutters as he redirects blood to close wounds. "Garcia.." as he leans back against the car Mikael parked almost at the door.

Mikael grabs at Heathen's shoulder, a concerned, almost panicked expression on his face, a little trail of blood running down the side of his cheek. "Are you going to be all right!?" The woman's continued screaming gets his attention just as Heath says 'Garcia' and he pales, and turns towards her, cursing in French underneath his breath.

Heathen nods towards the lady, and when they don't come back, pulls himself into the vehicle.

The woman is screeching now, "We're being shot at! Call the police, somebody HELP!"

Mikael sees that Heathen is moving, and that the woman is hysterical, so he kneels by the woman and starts talking to her, using the powers of his voice to help calm and soothe her. "They are gone, Mademoiselle, everything will be fine. I have alerted the police, and they are on their way. Talk a deep breathe and relax, you are safe, oui? Here, let me help you up." He gently touches her arm, and reaches out to touch her mind at the same time.

Heathen finds himself a new shirt while he's in the vehicle, so if someone does come to check it out, he won't have bullet holes.

Luckily for them there are no other people in the back parking lot, only the three of them. The only damage that can be seen is a broken office window. No true sounds could have been heard except light popping sounds. Obviously silencers must have been on the weapon.

As Mikael continues to speak softly to the woman in that enchantingly musical voice she calms down, her face becoming a bit confused, and then, as he continues to speak with her, he quickly goes through her purse and finds her keys. He presses them into her hand as he helps her to stand up. "Here are your keys, Mademoiselle, they had fallen behind the trash can. Go and get your son's shoes now, and I hope you both have a very good eve, and enjoy yourselves oui?" The woman gives Mikael a slightly bemused nod of her head, but then smiles to him and heads for her car as if nothing had happened. Mikael hurries towards the car then, to check on Heathen.

Heathen tosses Mikael the old shirt. "We'll have to burn this. And we'll need to head back to the plantation. Going into Court hungry is... not proper. And as wired as I am, I don't trust myself to graze with a light touch."

Mikael doesn't need to hear more at the moment. He nods his head to Heathen, and goes around to the driver's side of the car, and heads towards the plantation. "I took care of the woman. The only memory of the event that she shall have is that she dropped her keys, and that I helped her to find them." He glances towards Heathen as if to confirm again to himself that the other man was all right. "Are you certain it was Garcia's people? What do you wish me to do?"

Heathen looks toward the direction they went, shivering a moment. "Head past the Fire. I want to make sure they aren't targetting him too. And for that matter, call Apocalypse and have them keep a lookout."

Mikael nods his head as he forces himself to observe the traffic laws and speed limits. "And afterwards? Do you wish me to go to Court and let them know what has happened?"

Heathen gives Mikael a nod. "Yeah. Definately. I'm not usually absent, don't want anyone to worry."

Mikael nods his head to Heathen, "I will text Phoenix and let him know. They are getting bold, mon ami. They truly wish you out of the way. And they come at you like the cowards that they are." That musical voice of his holds venom in it. It sounds cold, and angry. His own scalp is still burning, and he can only concentrate to heal the damage so much until they are safe, and settled.

Heathen looks up at the blood dripping from Mikael's scalp s little longingly.. "You alright to drive? Do you need some before we go, or can you manage until we get home?"

Mikael says, “I will be all right. I will meet with Phoenix and get a little something, do not concern yourself with me, but with yourself. You can ill afford giving me anything at the moment." He tries to lighten the situation by saying. "You are looking a bit on the pale side, mon ami. And I must say now... your tie is indeed crooked."