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It is an odd sensation of being painted with the blue wyrmish glyphs as Helen tries her best to hold still for the Rite Master, even as Pride rustled. As soon as the fissure open and Russ says go, Helen jumps through without hesitation. The bane getting noticeably worse as Helen starts to fight with it "Just stay still you braggart!", she exclaims not happy with the bane. Tightening the strap she steps forward into the rain and gives one back look at Russ, before turning around and trudging off.
It is an odd sensation of being painted with the blue wyrmish glyphs as Helen tries her best to hold still for the Rite Master, even as Pride rustled. As soon as the fissure open and Russ says go, Helen jumps through without hesitation. The bane getting noticeably worse as Helen starts to fight with it "Just stay still you braggart!", she exclaims not happy with the bane. Tightening the strap she steps forward into the rain and gives one back look at Russ, before turning around and trudging off.
The fissure closes and Russ turns away to see Apathy hiding behind the tree watching, "I thought you didn't care about them..."
The fissure closes and Russ turns away to see Apathy hiding behind the tree watching, "I thought you didn't care about them..."
"I don't." The small Bane said and then he disappeared leaving the Ritemaster alone with the tree and the paint in his hand. "See ya on the other side, Helen." Whispered to the wind...
"I don't." The small Bane said and then he disappeared, leaving the Ritemaster alone with the tree and the paint in his hand.
"See ya on the other side, Helen." Russ whispers to the wind...

Revision as of 06:53, 4 October 2018

Finding the Way - Part 2
A Tale of Transmogrification
IC Date September 26, 2018
IC Time Night
Players Helen Russ
Location The Cobre Desert - Outside the Pit - The Umbra
Spheres Wyrm
Theme Song Highly Suspect - Serotonia [1]

PART 1 https://coh.spork.com/index.php?title=2018.09.24_Finding_the_Way


Cobre Desert
Warm winds blow like hot flames, lapping up against the trees, bushes and cactus within the area and blowing bits of sand across the way along the ground. The sun is blaring hot against the skin like acid during the day and like a frigid, icy cold at night, burning like liquid fire. A couple of camp fires can be seen throughout the area from hikers that have wandered throughout, though the rangers that frequent the grounds make sure that the remains are put out and that no trash is left about.

Footprints from animals as well as people can be seen along with traces of vehicle tracks lie strewn throughout the area...signs of indiginent life within. Fresh green cacti surround the area with blossoming pink flowers and sharp thorns for those who dare to try and 'touch and feel'. Dry bushes meant to survive through the California's 'Burning Times' are also cluttered around here and there, making their presence known throughout the area as well as some natural wildlife that can be spotted every now and then.


Russ and Helen are in the Cobre Desert not far from the Pit and the Ritemaster is leading her along as they get closer to the spot he's selected for the ritual. The sun is setting and the cooling air whips sand around them as the day's dying breeze chips away at their invisible path. "Not too much farther now..." Russ' eyes are attuned to things unseen and he is watching the Umbra as they walk along, "Get your basket ready... I'm going to send you across first, in the Penumbra to get your bearings... while I prepare."

Helen nods and grabs her bane basket as she thought this would be like a Grimm fairy tale. It was no longer time to be little red riding, but the big bad wolf. Nobody would trust her or help her unless she did this. She focused hard with all her might. 'No matter what happens, I'll try to make it.' - Helen thought as she was a bit scared. With a deep breath she closes her eyes. Not knowing what to expect when she opened them on the other side of the Penumbra.

Russ squints at something low on the horizon, "I think I see one of those little Banes you were playing with before... be careful, none of 'em take too kindly to be shoved in a basket." He laughs softly and nods to the basket, "Even a finely made one like that..." Russ clears his throat and stands up a little straighter as he takes his hat off, tossing it into the sand like an afterthought, "Pop across and see what you see, I'll be right over.."

After giving her those very simple instructions Russ bows his head and his horns start to grow in as he meditated and centers himself to perform the Rite of Passage.

In the Umbra she will see a barren landscape where the ground looks more like cracked dead Earth than the shifting sands of the real Cobre. In the distance is a single grubby tree and she will just be able to make out a set of smallish inhuman figures milling around the tree... as she gets closer a sharp squeaking laugh catches on the Umbral wind.

Helen starts jogging at a gradual pace towards the bane, slowing down as she got closer. Her yellow eyes scanning the little beings as she called out, "Where's Pride, Where's Apathy? I need to speak with them.", she calls out as she hides the basket behind her for now. Listening to their jumbling noises and distorted forms. Helen was eager to show her gift. "I need Pride to speak for me. Has anyone seen him?", trying to lure the bane out from amongst the others by calling his name out like verbal bait.

Pride hears her and he jostles his way toward the front of the small gathering of Banes as the other start to disperse. It is barren and the only Banes who do remain there long enough for her to many an approach are Pride and Apathy. "You neeed me? Is that what I heard you waant, my help?" Pride stops short as he eyeballs the young Garou and his feathery face floofs up into an expression of put-upon annoyance. "I don't just help everyone who asks me, I have my Pride..." The little Bane laughs at that and Apathy rolls his eyes at the both of them and totters off to the side to get away from featherface.

Helen nods, "That's why I asked you. Because you are the best. I didn't think any other bane was suitable for this gift.", she said while giving into the whims of the bane. Kneeling to a crouch, Helen revealed the hand woven basket she had made for the spirit. "I created this for you and your family. It is a house-basket. Come see in side.", she expresses while opening up the basket lid and revealing the darkness that was inside. "I have old meat and goat cheese inside. It is aged and seasoned nicely just for you."

Pride starts to take a few steps forward and then Apathy speaks up, "I know you aren't that dumb... not that I care what happens to your ugly face... but...I know you aren't that dumb." Apathy sits down hard on the dry cracked earth as the featherfaced Wyrmling known as Pride edged ever closer to the basket. "Don't call me dumb! I know a trap when I see one and this isn't a trap... it's an offering!" Pride stops short though to look up at Helen and ask, "House basket? Kind of small for a House... and how do I know you really have cheese in there?"

Russ is on the otherside of the Umbra watching things unfold and do in his pre-ceremony things like activating the gift Evocation of Ceremony.

Helen nods to Pride's words as she stops swinging the lid of the basket and reaches inside to pull out a moldering lamb shank seasoned with bread crumbs. "I cooked this and put it inside. Because I know Pride only likes tasty things.", but Helen smiles as she goes back to the basket. "It is small so I can carry you places. It is a traveling house. See this strap?", she asks while pointing out the black fabric. "I sling you over my shoulder and you don't even have to walk.", as she looked to Apathy. "Do you have a traveling-house basket with food?"

"Nope. I suppose that makes me a piece of shit..." Apathy abides with a non chalant shrug and a shake of his head at the sight of Pride climbing into the basket. It doesn't take any more convincing than the moldering lambshank and all those ego strokes, "I'll get in the basket... long enough to eat your offering anyway... but you have to let me out when I'm full..." Pride climbs into the basket and drops to the bottom to snarf the snack.

"I told you he was dumb." Apathy shakes his head and totters off quickly once Pride was out of sight.

Russ steps through the Gauntlet with a small pot of blue paint in his hands and he calls to Helen, "Step forward, Cub."

Helen waits for Pride to slowly step inside the basket as the gothic amish girl closes the basket once he enters. "I will give you some privacy.", Helen says while closing the lid and locking it by using the leather strap. Once she hear's the Rite Masters voice, she turns around and stands. Adjusting the tale so she might carry it, the philodox steps forward. "I got him to stay for a little bit.", she says with a smile.

"Good, if you live I'll make sure you get a lesson in talen making.." Russ dips his thumb into the pot of blue paint as he steps forward, "Now stand still.." He chants in Wyrmish as he goes about marking her third eye and her solar plexus with Wyrmish symbols... during the quiet reverence Pride is starting to freak out on her back. Russ retains his composure and finishes his work be the basket is hopping back and forth against her back now.

Russ is in homid and a large set of Ram's horns have grown in atop his head to give him an intimidating silhouette, <<Father, we seek the Way. I ask you to open the Gate.>> It seems as though all it takes is a simple evocation and then the Gateway opens and fissure in the air grants passage to Deeper area of the Umbra. There is heavy rainfall on the otherside of the fissure and the sounds of thunder can be heard echoing in the distance, <<Go.>>

It is an odd sensation of being painted with the blue wyrmish glyphs as Helen tries her best to hold still for the Rite Master, even as Pride rustled. As soon as the fissure open and Russ says go, Helen jumps through without hesitation. The bane getting noticeably worse as Helen starts to fight with it "Just stay still you braggart!", she exclaims not happy with the bane. Tightening the strap she steps forward into the rain and gives one back look at Russ, before turning around and trudging off.

The fissure closes and Russ turns away to see Apathy hiding behind the tree watching, "I thought you didn't care about them..."

"I don't." The small Bane said and then he disappeared, leaving the Ritemaster alone with the tree and the paint in his hand.

"See ya on the other side, Helen." Russ whispers to the wind...