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Latest revision as of 06:13, 16 September 2018

Packmate Weighs In
Brooke Has Some Thoughts on The Matter
IC Date September 15th, 2018
IC Time Evening
Players Brooke, Faith
Location Beachside Ranch - Greatroom
Prp/Tp none
Spheres Gaian Garou

Beachside Ranch - Great Room The home is open, spacious, and light inside. The ceiling and walls are a soothing cream color, and the floors are all a dark hardwood. Natural wood beams run the length of the ceiling. There are windows that give you a full view of the ocean. During the day, light steams in. At night, the moon and stars are quite the sight.

Contents: Brooke

Obvious Exits: Front Door <FD> Master Bedroom <MB> Patio <PA> Office <OF>

Faith would have texted first, not just presumed to stop by. Despite the situation the other night, the young woman is known pretty well for having manners when it comes to someone's home. She texted again after receiving the permission to come, about ten minutes out, and knocks quietly at the front door. She'll have brought with her a wooden crate with roughly two dozen jars of preserved produce from the hangar that can be made into various meals or baby food as desired.

Brooke received those texts and when Faith arrives, a woman answers the door. "Brooke is expecting you. She is over on the couch. Let me help you with the crate." She reaches for it, and if allowed will take it over to the kitchen. "Brooke, since you have company, I'm going to go out and work with the horses. If you need me, you know how to reach me." The woman waves to Faith and heads on out the door.

Brooke sits up and looks over the back of the couch. "Faith, thank you for coming. Please, come join me. I'm afraid getting up and doing much is out of the question right now." She is on the couch, legs up, feet propped, and seems to be in a state of bed rest .. on the couch. Her tech surrounds her so she is never without something to do at least.

"Thank you ma'am.." is Faith's quiet answer to the woman. While the crate is heavier than Faith may make it appear, surely a short walk to the kitchen will not be a challenge for the other woman. If shoes are removed at the front of the house, Faith will follow protocol, otherwise proceed to where Brooke is resting, coming to stop near the end of the couch where she rests her feet. Kneeling down so they're more eye-to eye, the young kinswoman offers, "Thank you for having me to your home, is there anything I can do to help you be more comfortable right now?" Her eyes rove over ankles, exposed skin, without consciously performing an actual medical evaluation, Faith is just taking in the signs of Brooke's current status and condition. It's as second nature to her as the tech is to the Glasswalker.

Brooke waves to the kinfolk woman as she exits. "I'll be alright. At this point, I just need to rest and stay home until the baby is born. Nascha is staying overnight with me, and others are coming by. I appreciate your offer though. I'm not sure what else I can have done. This is my first experience with pregnancy." She rubs her belly as you can see the baby is moving around. "Chase, calm down. Soon sweetheart, soon you will be out of there and can stretch then." Obviously, they are both uncomfortable. After a few moments, she takes in a breath... not nearly as deep as she would like to. "How are you doing then? It was quite the scene the other night. It certainly was distressing for many of us. Do know that I am a woman of my word."

"As am I.." answers Faith quietly. "It looks like he's head's dropped, so if you're feeling constriction in being able to breath, it means your posture's probably the culprit. Having your thighs together may be part of the discomfort. If you have a recliner where you can spread out a bit more, might relax the muscles in your pelvis and give him a little more room to move down and back. As long as your water's not broken yet, it'll be a while. But if your back starts to hurt - that can be early labor pains too." She stops herself after a moment and raises her hand, "I'm sorry Hushed-Blaze Rhya, you didn't ask me over for midwifery. I've helped bring dozens into the world, it's just habit. It's.. hard to forget I'm not who I was." She looks up, but not meeting the woman's eyes. "I again, apologize for the discomfort I caused. I'll be meeting with Eye of the Storm to discuss the terms of sacrifice sometime today at his pleasure."

Brooke looks with surprise, "You have experience as a midwife? I had no idea. Thank you for your advice. I do have a recliner in another room here. I'll be sure to try it out." She wrinkles her brow for a moment and then releases. "I'm glad to hear you will be meeting with Eye of the Storm. Truly, you are lucky to have him as a mentor. I know many do hate him, or think he is too rough. He has a different method is all. What you did was unacceptable, but all hope is not lost yet. Faith, you have an opportunity to learn, grow, and really take something away from this. You do not need to be the person that when Garou see you coming, they say, 'Here comes trouble' or 'Not her again', or even worse, 'Gaia help us, who did she offend today?' Eye of the Storm has given much of his time to you, and thus that means he does not see you as a lost cause. But if you cross him, he will not stand for it - and the amount of good will you have going for you from others is not much... yet. I can see that Lleutrim cares about you, and I see much potential in him. I already wanted to get to know you before this incident, but seeing the look in his eyes about it all, I knew I needed to step in and see what I can do to help you. I hope that you will listen and learn with me. I still think there is a way to turn the perception around so people will be glad to see you." Brooke knows her words may be rough in a way, but she means well.

There's quiet as the young woman listens, a deep quiet. When Faith speaks again, she keeps her words soft. "You are not wrong in anything you have said," answers the kinswoman. "But please know, on many occasions, I have defended Eye of the Storm's honor and wisdom too. When others have made accusations about his being too hard on me, or controlling, or any number of other things.. I have stood my ground and said no. He is the most honorable creature I have ever met. If not for Eye of the Storm I would have not only been worse than a reluctant kinsfolk, I would have easily fallen to the wyrm and been used against the nation I love and serve." Her fingers lift to press hair from her eyes and behind her ear. "I will weather this, because it is my responsibility to shoulder. Lights-the-Darkness has helped me see something important that I was holding onto, just like LLeutrim was holding on to his own past." She settles her hands against her lap again, and adds, "But instead of leaping to the solution, I will speak on it with Eye of the Storm. I will not hurry again. Thank you for your wisdom, and the hope you provide with your kindness."

Brooke settles her hands around her belly. "I am Garou, I am not kin, but I know a few things myself about where you are at. You do not know me, and well, most around here do not know my history either. No one has heard all my stories, and I have not volunteered to share some of them. Like why I left my home Sept. Like why my rite name is Hushed Blaze." She pauses, looking contrite herself. "I've been in a place not far from where you are now. I am glad that Lights-the-Darkness has helped you, as well as Lleutrim. I am most glad that you feel as you do about Eye of the Storm. He is more than my Alpha to me. He is my brother, and best friend. He is the one I go to when I need someone. It sounds like you have learned something from this already. That is the first step."

"There have been many lessons Hushed Blaze Rhya.. some about myself, and some about others. And I would be honored to be blessed with any wisdom you find me worthy of receiving." Faith's voice remains very soft, her eyes downcast in quiet, respectful reverence. "Perhaps the most important lesson I have learned is that action, and not intent, is the measure by which one's loyalty is weighed. I admit to confusion because of my own ignorance. Seven months ago I knew nothing. I am far from knowing everything, but I accept the honorable and wise judgement of my mentor, and the sept. I would give my life to protect any member of Terminal Velocity, this sept, or this nation, without hesitation. I have faced the wyrm in small shadows of the horror you risk every day. I would never, ever, willingly, intentionally, distract from the war. If Eye of the Storm accepts my offer, I will sacrifice all I have left of my life before the nation as part of my attempt to make amends. If he believes my life is required as the lesson to others, I will bare my throat and die without a fight. I don't want to die letting you think that I was acting in intentional disobedience to direct orders. I swear to you on everything I hold dear I was trying to stop the escalation, as I was told to by Eye of the Storm. I see now that my lack of patience, my attempt to rush in and fix it, my eagerness to make him proud of me was ill considered, imprudent, unwise, and reflected poorly on him. But I didn't do it because I didn't care. I used the word.. rage, I should have used the word Anger because I was enraged they were escalating the situation with a false accusation of rape. I should have asked him how to handle it. I can't change any of that. All I can do is humble myself, and beg you to show me how to redeem myself in your eyes Hushed Blaze Rhya, as I will every member of Terminal Velocity, and any member or the sept who wishes it."

Brooke nods along, listening. "Faith, I believe that you would give your life. You have much to learn here still. I have some tools I use when dealing with rage that you might find useful for dealing with your own anger or impatience." Another kick to her belly and she pauses. "There is also being humble, and going too far too. Be careful, because even offering your throat can also be seen as over dramatic." She gets right to the point there. "That does not mean that I do not believe you mean all that you say. Be humble, be contrite, be quiet, but answer everything. Do not go over the top. Now, I would love to get further into this tonight, but I think I need to rest a bit. Chase is moving a lot and I need to lay down. Perhaps tomorrow would be better to speak further, and I'm sure Eye of the Storm will want to speak with you soon."

Faith nods her head softly and slowly, standing as she answers, "Thank you for your patience, and your wisdom Hushed Blaze Rhya. I will ask Skully to teach me more about appropriate behavior, and finding the middle ground between disrespect, and over-dramatized submission." Contrite, quiet, and thoughtful, Faith will see herself out and let the other kin know that she is leaving.