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(Yet another very fun RP with one of many of HB's alts. Thank you!)
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Latest revision as of 15:36, 30 August 2018

Meeting a Dragon
Journey and Cypha find Lleu at the Kinfolk house and he gets to meet and /ride/ a dragon!
IC Date Thursday, August 30th
IC Time 09:33:37 2018, PDT.
Players Lleutrim, Journey, Cypha
Location Kinfolk House, then George's Island
Spheres Shifter, Bygone

"But why? I mean, I KNOW why, but it just doesn't make SENSE. Why not just go to an ACTUAL play, where you can experience it like.. in... three tee? Movies are so .. flat." Cypha crinkles her nose and heads toward the kitchen, plunking a rather large bag down on the counter.

Sometime early this morning Lleu wandered in reaking of rotted meat, feces, vomit and sweat and his clothes filthy with it. Straight to the special shower he went for a cleansing to wash off the taint and scrub himself silly with the hottest water he could stand and lots of soap. Afterwards in a bathrobe he tossed everything into a washer and then later into a drier. While waiting on his clothes, Donnachaidh fell asleep on the couch, still dressed only in a bathrobe.

Voices finally rouse him. He lifts a hand to rub at the grit in his eyes and push himself to sitting up. See what's going on and who's here.

Journey smiles, "Well so everyone can see the same story with the same actors. It helps to make people feel like they had a shared experien-" He looks over to the couch where the Cub is waking up, his clothes, clean and dry folded next to him. People use that laundry equipment.

Cypha unpacks the bag and puts some things in the freezer. Fresh fish, but already packaged in a little airtight bag. She knows someone will put it somewhere ELSE later on, but for now, she just crams it into the freezer, and then leans down into the fridge part and pulls out a rather large bunch of grapes and drops them into a bowl, glancing over at the new guy and wiggling a finger. "That's why you just GO to the play, but I won't argue about it anymore. I GET it. It's just silly."

Lleutrim grabs his boxer shorts and stands up to step into them and pull them up. He ditches the bathrobe and lays it neatly over the back of the couch before he reaches for his shirt. A USMC tat is on his upper left arm but not really any notable scars on his body - yet. Certainly none that are fresh. The fresh clean black T-shirt with the Blue Line American flag on it is pulled on. His blue jeans still use a large safety pin instead of a button to keep the zipper up.

"Hey, Shaderunner-rhya ..." Lleu looks at the gal and thinks a moment, "Eh, Cypha, isn't it? Didn't expect to see you /here/." Does she remember the cop from the Smoke 'n Barley a couple of months ago?

Journey nods, "Hey Lleu, you look like you've been hung out to dry lately. How're things going?" He asks and looks to Cypha, smiling, then back to Lleu.

Cypha tips her head and studies Lleutrim for a long moment while he gets ... slightly more naked,then less naked, then completely unnaked. And then he's talking to her? She pauses with a grape almost all the way to her mouth, mouth open, fingers poised, but then... "OH! Right! Yes. I remember you." She looks between him and Journey, then back to Lleutrim. "He does belong here, right?"

"Dry, fresh and clean. I'm doing great, actually. Is there any coffee?" Lleu gets his jeans sorted out and leaves his socks and boots for later. Barefoot he starts to walk towards the kitchen. Donnachaidh chuckles, "Yeah, I belong here. Back when we first met, I didn't. Things happened since then." Right to the coffee maker he goes to see if there is anything fresh enough to drink in it, then ops to go ahead and make a fresh pot. He rinses it out and sets it up to start brewing with a fresh filter and grounds. "I made fun of that gal who's name I can't remember. She was going on about karma, without having a clue what she was talking about while stuffing her face with chicken wings."

Oh wait, he should introduce himself. Lleu puts out a hand to Cypha, "Btw, I'm Lleu Donnachaidh, Cub, born on two legs under a gibbous moon a little over a month ago. No tribe or pack, yet."

Journey nods to Cypha, "Cub." gesturing as Lleu pulls his introduction. He looks to Lleu and tilts his head, "Really? Describe her, please, not sure who you're talking about."

Cypha follows back toward the kitchen, hovering in the doorway, nibbling on her grapes as Lleutrim talks. "This was in the outside of the Smoke and Barley, not the good part. But I don't really remember the girl. My memory is still trying to get bigger. Things come in and push other things out sometimes." But then then the hand is offered and Cypha pops a grape in her mouth and sticks her hand out to shake Lleutrim's hand -- holy shit she's strong for a girl -- and she says, "I am the dragoness Cypha, Champion of the Deep Blue, Guardian of the Island of George, Lady of the Western Sea, Protector of the Weak, Slayer of the Wyrm, once called Tames the Waters by my father, Sun Never Sets, of the long-passed Croatan tribe."

Lleutrim looks back to Journey and thinks about it, "Oh, I dunno. Just some random gal who I only saw that once. Name started with an A. She didn't care for my sense of humor when I said she wasn't going to get off of the Wheel of Life that way." His hand is well calloused from all the wood he's been sawing and splitting by hand the past month. "Dragoness? I met George the other day and hope to get out and see this island everyone keeps mentioning." A tilt of his head, "Croatian tribe?" As the coffee is making and filling the kitchen with it's rich odor, Donnachaidh turns to find a cup, "Either of you want some coffee?"

Journey nods, "Ahh. Woman was nobody." He gets it, and shakes his head, "No thanks I'm good." He says about the Coffee, and looks to Cypha, then back to Lleu, "The Croatan are gone. They were one of the three Pure Tribes,.. Native to this continent."

"The Croatans were destroyed by the Wyrm many hundreds of years ago. They were the middle brother of the three tribes of the Americas. Wendigo, Croatan, Uktena. They were friendly, social, simple, and then the Wyrm destroyed them. I don't know the years. It was tricky keeping the time back then." Cypha gives Lleutrim a smile and nods about the coffee. "I would like some, but with lots of cream if there is any. Sometimes, Lucie gets the flavory stuff."

"Ah." /This/ time Donnachaidh catches the emphasis on the differences between 'Croatan' and 'Croatian', "Not from Croatia as in east of Italy, then." He pours a cup of coffee once it's ready and then Lleu looks around for cream or creamer. He finds a couple of choices which he shows her and when Cypha chooses, he sets it out with sugar and a spoon so she may adjust it however she likes best. As for himself, he takes his cup strong and black. Lleu parks his arse against the counter and sips his hot drink cautiously.

"Would that have been about the time Europeans came to the Americas, or before that?"

Journey nods as he hops up onto the counter, "Well, fifteen hundreds, so a bit before the European invasion. It was a sacrifice they walked into open eyed and pushed the Wyrm back in these lands." He says.

"It had been going on for some time before the end, but yes. I remember the first things given to the kin by the Weaver. Those things were allowed because they did no harm and made things better, easier. Over time, the outside influences grew and corruption slowly wandered in."

Lleutrim gives a slow nod to this information, "Then we should honor and remember them for their sacrifice. I had no idea. Much I need to learn about the tribes and their histories, yet." He tastes his coffee then smiles, "What brings you two to the Kinfolk house this morning, if I may ask?"

Journey kicks his feet slightly, "Cyphas bringing fish in, and we're looking around before returning to the Island, making sure things are okay, seeing if any traffic needs to move between the mainland and Island."

"I will tell you the story of the Turtle now that you're on the right side of the line," she says with a smile. "Later, of course." She nods to Journey. "And later, I promised some of the older kids a ride through the water." She smiles at Lleutrim. "I think we're taking the moon bridge this time, but have you seen the Island of George?"

A nod to Shaderunner-rhya. Lleu looks to Cypha, "Is that the story of Turtle woman? My mother told me that story when I was a boy, though you may mean another." A negative movement of his head, "No, George invited me to come. I haven't been there yet. I do want to go see it. I'm missing running on the beach and swimming in the ocean. I'm not allowed to go back to the beaches in Prospect yet."

Journey nods, "Too many naked people and things that can go wrong. The Island will give you some space to enjoy it." He looks to Cypha, then looks over as Ghost comes in, checking on Lleu to find this trio talking, "Gonna go to the Island in a bit." He explains.

"I don't know if Turtle was a woman, but it was the spirit of Earth and Water that held up the world. Turtle fell into a slumber with the disappearance of the Croatan and he sleeps still in the Umbra." Then she grins and she nods. "Then come with us. If you have time to sleep on a couch, you have time to come and see the Island." She reaches out with her non-grape-holding hand and grabs Lleutrim's hand to lead him along. Persistant. "And also I will mend your jeans."

"I understand why, yeah. It'd be ugly if something happened on a crowded beach. I'd rather avoid that as well, Shaderunner-rhya." Lleutrim gives Ghost-on-Water an upnod, "Welcome back. If they'll take me to the island to have a look around, I can message you later when I'm back." Ghost gives a thumbs up, though he looks to Journey for his orders, not Lleu.

Donnachaidh listens to Cypha, "Ah, no. The Turtle Woman I was refering to is a Native American story. I don't know your version so I should learn it." She grabs his hand and Donnachaidh says, "Wait!" Lleu downs the rest of his coffee, rinses out the cup and will leave it behind. "OK, now I'm ready to go!" He grins at her enthusiasm. "I left the button off because I keep loosing it when spirit things happen. It got annoying."

Journey shakes his head, and gestures Ghost to join them. He looks to Lleu, "Really?" He shrugs about the button and looks to Cypha, hopping down, "We ready?"

Cypha tips her head slightly to the side at Lleutrim and she nods. "The story of Turtle is ALSO a Native story, but perhaps a different one." Then she glances at Journey and she beams him a smile. "Will you dedicate a spool of thread for me, Journey? This new cub is not the only one with button problems. I hate to see rumpled clothes." She wiggles fingers at Ghost, whom she knows rather well, even pokes him lightly in the nose when she passes, and lets Lleutrim come along on his own power. SHe doens't HAVE to hold his hand. She just loops a finger through Journey's belt loop because sometimes she gets dizzy in these bridges.

The Ragabash is pretty laid back and a good match for Lleu's sense of humor. Ghost grins, "Let's go. I hope there's beer and meat on the island. Lots of it."

Lleu chuckles, "I'm ready." Donnachaidh grabs his socks and boots to bring along with him.

Journey shrugs, "George might be cooking, never know." He walks to the Pantry door, and opens it, pure white light spilling out and revealing the opening in the air made of pure silvery light and showing a smooth, round passage sloping upward, leading off. "Okay let's go." He gestures.

Cypha beams a smile at Lleutrim and tweaks Ghost on the butt, then jogs on toward the white light, pausing there so she doesn't get ahead of the one who's like... in charge of the bridge.

The Island - Southern Beach

Only the southern beach of the island seems to be accessible from this spot. A large cliff face rises high up into the sky and seems to circle all the way around this small portion of beach. There are trees on this side of the cliff facing and a little patch of forest off to the northeast, but the cliff facing goes out into the water a good ways. There is definitely no way around unless one were to want to try swimming it but that might not be a good idea. To the north a long pathway leads up to a large sprawling manor house which seems to be built right into the cliff facing.

And of course Lleu follows. He's getting the hang of using these bridges! Dragomir would be pleased.

Nothing pleases Dragomir

Journey jumps into the Bridge and conducts the group through, jumping out onto the Beach, checking everyones here as the Bridge closes, "Here we are."

"Home sweet home," Cypha says once they step through. "Let me get the thread before I forget." She launches herself toward the water at a jog and dips underneath. Moments later, a rather huge tail... like ... like no.. this is a BIG tail... emerges and the water is smacked and there is a ... okay, it's a jet of water, but it isn't big and it seems to be... like... yeah, Ghost isn't paying attention and it smacks him right in the face. It isn't enough to REALLY soak him, but it's enough to make him splutter and glare at the water.

And here they are! Lleutrim steps out and the first thing he does is look up and up at the cliff. "Man, I so want to climb that. It's beautiful." Jarhead. Donnachaidh turns his head as Cypha runs off into the ocean and ... he looks tempted to follow and play in the water. He takes on step that direction and stops when he sees that huge tail. Then laughs as Ghost gets water sprayed on him, "She likes you!"

Journey smirks to Ghost, and looks to the cliff. "Not a bad climb really." He says idily and looks back to Ghost as he driiiiiiiies off and chuckles, watching the water.

Out there by where the ferry docks, there is a large trunk, just floating there in the water. Cypha surfaces out there and pulls herself up a little, reaching in, rummaging... then puts something between her teeth. It's a little ways off, so hard to see what's happening. Then she dunks back under the water and the water sort of... shifts.... sending out ripples and there is .. something... did it eat Cypha? Before long, a rather large head.. like.. fucking HUGE... shows from beneath the water as it skims along, nose coming up onto the sand. HUGE mouth opens, tongue unfolds and out rolls... a spool of thread.

Holy shit! A dragon! This thing is close to sixty feet long, slender, and is a deep blue, mottled with green. It's covered with thick, gleaming, iridescent scales roughly the size of dinner plates covering every inch of the long, sinuous body. Two whisker-like projections trail off to the side of the great beast's snout, about ten feet long and tapered at the end, not unlike a catfish. That snoot of hers is easily as wide as a full grown man would be at the shoulders and the mouth is lined with foot-long razor sharp teeth. Just behind the head are a set of large scales, protecting what might be either gills or just some sort of extra armor. These scales here are blood red and can fan outward when the beast is angered. Little (comparatively) fins stick out at angles where there might be feet on a lesser beast and two more thin, membranous fins tuck along the sides of the beast like wings. When spread, those wings - and they are wings - are at least a hundred feet across and shimmer slightly in the light.

Lleutrim is not alarmed to see the dragon since he'd been given warning. He doesn't go forward to pickup the tiny spool of thread that it spits out either. He'll wait to see if she changes back to a human form to pick it up and use it herself. He looks to Journey, "What's the best way for me to get out here when I don't have somebody to ... open a bridge. You think George is fine with me coming out in a dingy once I place it's location relative to the coast?"

Journey walks forward and takes the spool of thread, and gestures alonf one end of the beach, "Down there is a Launch. there's a Ferry going from here to the mainland at a launch you'll see when you guys leave. You'll be able to return to the Ferry and come out, takes a while to take the Ferry, but worth knowing how to return here.

The big-ass dragon hunches itself up into a coil of sorts and then slowly starts to shrink, the body becoming much more human, though distorted, and after several seconds, there is a naked girl there, holding a pair of shorts and a shirt in her mouth. THAT takes some practice, getting it all in the right place as she changes. She nearly choked to death last week and had to reverse before she DIED. What a horrible way to go! Death by shirt! She takes just a second to throw the clothes on. "I am also available for what the kids call 'dragon surfing' if you can catch me patrolling while the ferry's moving, but I can't get too close to the shore in town, so you have to START OUT on the boat."

"Thanks, Ghost and I will check that out, Shaderunner-rhya." Then there's entertainment, watching the dragon change back into a woman - naked women are the best. Lleu unabashedly watches as she gets her clothing on and returns to them. "That sounds like a hell of a lot of fun. Diving off of the ferry and swimming out to meet a dragon. I must be nuts, yet it sounds like a blast. Only, how would I get a message to you to arrange that pickup?"

Journey shrugs, walking along the beach in general, looking at the thread, "The Ferry runs all the time, Cypha.." He looks to her and smiles, "I'll let you answer that one." He considers, looking around. Lifting the thread, "Give me a few minutes for this."

"There are ways," Cypha says. "Some are harder than others. You can TRY sticking your face in the water and screaming. Seems a little silly, but sound travels very well underwater. Also, I have a phone, but I don't check it much because if it gets wet, then it isn't any good anymore, and the monies that Journey gave me are wasted. I try not to waste the monies. Seems silly that monies are paper instead of gold, but whatever." She nods to Journey and reaches into her hair, pulling out a little... tube? Filled with needles! She brandishes a needle and makes a 'come here' gesture at Lleutrim. She also tugs at one of the bracelets around her wrist. Buttons! All sorts of buttons! She eyeballs Lleutrim's zipper area briefly and then glances over to Journey.

Lleutrim watches Journey to see what he does with the thread - dedication rite? Donnachaidh returns his attention to Cypha and comes over when she beckons him to do so. "Understood. My phone and keys aren't dedicated so I keep having to leave them behind if I know I'm going to be doing things I may need to change. It wouldn't do to have my phone on me, have to change, and maybe somebody picks it up before I can get back to it. They could ID me that way. So I'm thinking about picking up some cheap disposable cell phone that wouldn't be tied to my name. Somebody could still lift my prints off of it. My prints are definitely on file - both as a Cop and in my military records."

Journey nods, "Burners are available. NOW, Lleu, you have a choice, you can hand over your pants, or let a dragon at your crotch with a needle." He looks at Lleu for a moment. Then shrugs and draws off a length of thread from the spool and moves off.

Cypha just stares for a long time at Lleutrim. Clearly pretty much ALL of that just goes ZYOOOM! Right over her head. "Do people think you're dead? Is that why your.. prints.. are important?" She takes the thread from Journey and licks the needle, rather than the thread and it goes through easily. She beams a smile at Lleutrim and advances toward him with that needle. Yeah, personal space isn't a thing. She WILL fix them thar pants, on or off.

Ghost is LOVING this.

A look to Journey, then back to Cypha, "I'm not afraid of needles. Whichever is easier for you. Why would I ever refuse a pretty gal getting on her knees before my crotch?" Lleutrim grins, then unfastens the safety pin and starts to shuck off his jeans. He's got boxer shorts on. Then he hands them to her before either of them stab the Cub for his joking around. Yeah, laugh it up, Ghost.

Journey shrugs and moves off out of scream range to dedicate the thread

Don't EVER say that to Cypha. Because sometimes, humor is lost on her. She is actually about to go to her knees and sew the button on, but then Lleutrim is taking them off and she just looks confused. She waaaaaaaaaaaits, takes the pants, still looking confused. She glances over to Ghost who is trying not to snort and actually look serious and she sets about sewing the goddamn button on securely enough that it would take an act of Gaia herself to get that shit off.

Journey extends small lines of pale dusky energy into the spool and starts tying them it looks like. After a few minutes, a flash and he holds the spool up, eyeing it.

While Journey does his rite with the thread and Cypha takes his pants, ready to mend them, Lleutrim says, "Thanks. I really appreciate it." It'll take a couple of minute for them to do that so he shucks off his shirt and leaves his clothes to walk on down to the water. So nice to feel the sun and be on a beach again after two months. "Must be real nice getting to live out here. So quiet. The big house up the cliff - that's George's I assume?"

"It's George's, yes. And the raccoon lives beyond the tall building. Stay away from the waterfall." She gets everything all put together and breaks off the thread with her teeth. Look what you missed out on, Lleutrim! She gives the button a couple of tugs, like real good ones, then folds them nice and neat and lays them down. "There's a whole lot to see on the island. Some of it's weirder than others."

Journey nods, "Yes if you see a waterfall, turn around and walk away from it without making sudden movements or whistling anything from Phantom of the Opera." He says seriously as he moves to Cypha handing her the spool, "All set."

"I'm happy to avoid Bronwyn I think. Waterfall, duly noted." Shame because water falls are nice! But Lleu'll head the advice. He quirks a brow at Journey, "I'm not inclined to be a whistling type. I'll avoid it. Is that where Bronwyn lives?"

Cypha lays the pants down, nice and neat, and when Lleutrim mentions avoiding Bronwyn, Cypha is suddenly more alert, looking around, sitting up REAL straight, cautious, alert, READY. She even sniffs at the air and there's a little stirring from the water against the shore and some of it rises up to create a sort of.. bubble.. around Cypha. Just safer that way. You never know.

Journey looks around as Lleu says that, looking behind him and into his satchel, then straightens and looks to Lleu, then looks to Ghost, "Buy him a lottery ticket on the way home."

Ghost, smirks, "Bronwyns been pretty cool lat-"

Journey interrupts him, "She's recharged."

Ghosts smile falls and he looks around.

Journey looks up as a puff of wind passes, and he looks back, "Gotta go." He says, a Bridge opening and he jumps in, poof.

Lleutrim eyes them both, "I take it ... it's not a good idea to mention her name out loud. Especially here? Got it." A respectful nod to Journey, "Thank you, Shaderunner-rhya." And then he's gone. Donnachaidh doesn't bother coming back for the pants. He looks to Ghost and Cypha instead, "Lottery ticket?" If nobody stops him, Lleu starts moving out into the water!

"You just really never know," Cypha says, and she skims her way out of her own clothes and wanders toward the water as well. She. Has. Freckles. EVERYWHERE. Even the bottom of her feet. Quite a sight, all wild of hair and freckled of body. But, as seems common around here, she's a fucking dragon and doesn't think anything about being naked. She moves into the water to about knee deep, then leans in and pushes off the bottom, gliding through the water like... well, like a fish.

Freckles all over are nice. It makes a fella want to investigate. Except Lleu's smitten with just one particular gal so he keeps his hands to himself. He does check her out though until she goes into the water. He goes down into the water as well and starts to swim, soaking up the feeling. Something about the ocean is simply wonderful and refreshing. And hey, keep at it long enough or if the water's rough, and it's a great workout! He is content to be silent and swim, swim, swim on out a fair but not far distance, cautious of current and just rrreeellllaaaxxx. Like he hasn't really gotten to do in far, far too long.

Cypha does the same, darting here and there, dipping down under the water and coming back up far too long later with a little trinket or an interesting shell or.. any number of things. These get tossed onto the shore. Then Cypha dips under and there's a brief turbulence to the water and then from below.. Lleutrim is bumped and lifted briefly out of the water. Like he's suddenly on a raft.

Donnachaidh decides diving and seeing what is on the bottom is a great idea. He does some of that when he's in shallow enough water. He can't hold his breath for long like she can. The game doesn't hold interest for him for long before he's out treading deeper water again, getting a feel for the flow of the current and it's temperature changes. If he pays attention, it can give him all sorts of information about where an undertoe may be that's best avoided, drop offs he can't see, and so forth.

Oops! Then he feels the water begin to uplift and swell beneath him. Lleu looks around for Cypha and isn't surprised when something surfaces beneath him!

Lleu goes onto his belly and puts out his hands to float and take hold of whatever he can get hold of. Scales? They are beautiful, glisting and irridescent in the sun's light. "Damn, you are beautiful and amazing. I'm sure glad you are friendly, Cypha. Else I'd probably already have been a snack to you."

Scales. The bottom edges are sharp, but the sides are blunt enough, and they're large enough in this area that he can put his whole body on one scale. It shimmers, like oil in a puddle, only much clearer. Snack. The large head comes up out of the water and wraps around to peer at Lleutrim and swear to god, she's smiling. It's terrifying, and beautiful all at the same time and goddamn, the nose has freckles. For real. The sides of the dragon swell outward, winglike fins stretching out to either side. "HOLD ON!" Calls Ghost from the shore.

Ha! There are a lot of things nobody needs to tell Lleu. He finds the blunt edges and adjusts his hands, then tries to brace his feet against something. A huge, stupid grin is on his face even as he looks into Cypha's eyes, "This is partly /why/ I joined the Marine Corps! To do exciting shit! Go for it!" Hell yes! Professional Bull Riding? Piff! Try this you bastards! Like a little kid at Disney Land, Donnachaidh is about as happy as a can be and excited to have an adventure, "Neverending Story, here we go!"

Once he gives the go, those 'fins' pump through the water. It's a slow acceleration, allowing Lleutrim to get used to it. Then a little faster, then a little faster, then the fins tilt and they rise up just alittle bit, then a little more, and then they're airborn. She doesn't go incredibly high - too dangerous. But she's a good fifty feet up. The wind is buffered around the large head, which is probably the only thing that keeps Lleutrim seated. A little faster - sixty miles an hour? Maybe. Something like that. Certainly FEELS that way. It's a straight shot, out to sea, then a slow bank around, the wings tilting just so to keep her gliding, with the occasional pump to keep them aloft.

Lleutrim appreciates not going very high for several reasons, not least of all if he slipped and fell. Water can get hard as stone from a height and kill you just as much on impact. Staying under radar is also important. No worries about wind buffeting him - he's used to riding motorcyles without a windshield, though he doesn't have goggles or a helmet on so it make his eyes tear up and blur, squinting and hard to see. He stays real low and that helps, lying prone against that large, powerful dragon body. He yells against the wind, "This is amazing! Like a freak'n dream! Hard to imagine this is real! I wished I had some goggles!"

What a view! Not just the ocean around them but more, /her/. As best he can, Lleu tries to get a good look at Cypha, all of her out of the water at once. Mind boggling! "An artist would love you!"

There is a lot to see. The scales are like opals almost, though clearly not. The long whiskers trail back along the sides, like streamers on a fan, the same shimmery quality to them. When the sun hits right, it's mesmerizing. There is a whisper -- she has to be careful not to be too loud in this form, lest she deafen someone. "Hold tight, Mr. Cub." She heads back toward the island, which is just a little speck in the distance and she goes low to the water, then all of a sudden, up... up up up up up, almost a hundred feet, another bank and then.. straight down. Mere inches from the water, she straightens out and wings skim the water and she coasts all the way to the beach, coming to a smooth stop a foot or so from Ghost, who reaches out and boops her on the nose. "Boop."

"Oh shit!" Up and up and up and then down like a rock! This might not end well! Lleu might piss himself but he hangs on for dear life and hopes to hell Cypha knows what she's doing and is a nice, responsible, friendly dragon! One never knows - and it's all he can do as the Galliard ties not to loose his shit and frenzy as the dragon startles him!

It's a hell of a ride - and then she's down in a soft, beautiful landing! Donnachaidh's heart is beating a bit hard and fast. He slides off and his legs are a unsteady so he clings to her side, breathing hard and trying to not let strong emotions ruin a beautiful day. Lleu sucks a breath, "Sometimes ... being a garou is ... a pain in the ass."

It takes a minute or so for the adrenline to stop charging through his blood. When he's certain he's not going to embarass himself, Lleu finally lets go. He pats her giant scales and moves back, "I'm OK, I'm all right." A deep breath, "That was fucking amazing, thank you, Cypha. A pleasure to meet you." That however is probably enough excitement for one day. Lleu looks to Ghost, "Man, let's go find some beer. I could use some."