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The Apology
Jake allows Lleu to come and apologize for his anger at their last meeting.
IC Date Monday, August 20th
IC Time 17:52:09 2018, PDT.
Players Lleutrim, Jake, Giselle
Location Black Stag Forge - Warhouse, then Office
Spheres Shifter, Mortal+

Black Stag Forge - Warehouse Floor

The warehouse is a large rectangle of space with over twenty-foot ceilings on the ground level and a floor of concrete. Several large loading doors line one side to accomodate the trucks that must have backed up from the lot outside to take on whatever it was that was stored here. A small corner of the ground floor has been walled off into some kind of office space. Near the office, and against the same wall, is the bathrooms for the warehouse with a set of stairs heading up into the second floor near the door marked 'Mensroom'.

The space has been cleaned of junk; scowered from corner to corner to remove every trace of dust and debris. Skylights set into the angled ceiling of the warehouse roof are set to old metal gears which have metal shutters to protect them. Once opened they would fill the room with as much natural light as several dozen lamps. Hanging from the angled ceiling are two wind chimes that appear to be home made.


Lleu made an appointment to come by the Forge to see Jake and, he arrived right on time! Points for Lleu! Jake greets him at the front door in a friendly but not overly friendly fashion, gives him a quick tour of the forge itself, the tools, some weapons that are being fashioned, all very informative. It's a nice set up but nowhere as impressive as RTO. This is old school. No tech involved. Just muscle and skill. Finally Jake turns to regard the man directly, expression unreadable. "Anyway, I'm sure you're not here just to see the forge. How can I help you?"

Donnachaidh has been attentive though pretty quiet. Not asking questions, just listening. He takes it all in and there are subtle cues that he is very interested in the forge, looking at the tools, samples of things made or being made, taking time to examine them. More time than if he wasn't interested. He lets Jake show him anything he likes and take as long as Jake cares do, rushing nothing, not interrupting, not drawing it out with asking about things.

He sets down the large knife blade that is in progress and doesn't yet have an edge on it, the full tang rough and without a grip. Even so the damasc layers can be seen in the steel even before it's cleaned up. Subdued, Lleu keeps his baritone low, "I came because I owe you an apology, Defiant-Storm-rhya. Because I have /not/ understood, and I allowed my frustration to turn to anger. I did not intend disrespect, yet disrespect was given." He shifts his jaw, briefly meets Jake's eyes. "It won't happen again."

It's also fair to point out that as soon as Lleu stepped into the Forge...WHOA...a wave of calmness comes over him. It's like a blanket has just been thrown over his rage and it feels sooooo gooooood! Calgon take me away!

Jake listens quietly to Lleu, not speaking until the man is finished and pauses for a long moment. "I appreciate your being here and will certainly accept your apology. As for happening again...I hope you're correct about that." He glances towards the door. "But this isn't the best place to talk. Let's go into my office. We won't be interrupted there." He then leads Lleu into the office.

Jake moves to Black Stag Forge - Manager's Office


Black Stag Forge - Manager's Office

As offices go, this one is rather bright and cheery.

The ceiling is lower than that of the Forge proper, with a window overlooking the streets outside. The blinds are almost always open and if it's warm enough, the window is also open, letting in a breeze.

Immediately to the left is an L-shaped metal desk that has been pushed against the wall, the length of the desk that faces the entrance acting as the usual artifical barrier between clients and sales reps, this unspoken relationship further illustrated by cushioned chairs that are set out in front of it, though at an angle so the person behind the desk is slightly off to one side. It's a little more friendly that way. The desk itself is neat and orderly, with a pair of LCD monitors placed at the corner, a Cisco phone set off to one side of the keyboard and mouse, in and out boxes, an iPod that sits on a docking station which is usually playing something quietly - everything one would expect from such an office.

The filing cabinets are present, but the tops are covered with metal and glass work, sometimes individually, sometimes together in various smaller sculptures. The walls, too, are hung with sculptures of either metal or glass or both combined.

The place is bright and airy, even if it is just a little on the warm side.


Once inside Jake offers Lleu a seat before moving behind the desk and sitting down. "By the way, I heard that you had a little talk with Journey. How did that go?"

Lleutrim does as he's told and comes into the office, then takes a seat when it's indicated. He doesn't pay much attention to the office. Sits and waits for Jake to say whatever he likes. "It went." That is all the reply Lleu gives. A flicker of his gaze and he knows Jake'll want to hear more than that, so after a moment he adds, "Kind of derailed me. I deserved it."

Jake nods slowly and pauses again as if choosing his words carefully. "Yes, you did. But in your defense all this is new to you and you're undoubtedly out of your comfort zone." He leans forward slightly. "Now, I want to make a few things clear. First of all, I need to explain something to you. Something that I normally reserve for Kin but I feel it's equally important for you to hear. I am not speaking for other Elders but as far as I'm concerned you can tell me -anything- and speak your mind. I want to hear your opinions. I want to know what you're thinking. I want to hear about your worries and concerns." He holds up a finger. "ALTHOUGH, it must be done in a low, respectful voice. That means, no yelling, no swearing, no threats. Nothing of an aggressive manor." He pauses again. "Now, you may be thinking that I'm being unreasonable or simply trying to throw my weight around but there is a very important reason why. Because, even though I am an Elder I am a creature of Rage, like you. True, Elders have a better hold on their Rage but we are still Garou. We get our hackles up. We go into attack mode when confronted or disrespected. It's our nature. It's -your- nature. The difference is...you are a cub without training. I am highly trained in ways you can't even imagine. Now...let's just say that someone pushes my buttons. Let's just say, for example...I'm pushed into Frenzy. Or any high ranked Garou for that matter. You see..." he sighs. "...IF I were pushed into an uncontrolled Frenzy or even just lost my temper and there weren't other Elder around to contain me...there is a chance that -everyone- in my eyesight would be dead. Instantly. So...that little stunt you pulled at RTO could be responsible for not only your life but Faith's, Nascha and God knows how many other innocent people. You simply do -not- speak like that to an Elder. It would be like a private attacking a four star General who has his finger on a nuclear button. You just don't do it. Now, perhaps you'll remember the evening Dragomir nearly lost it. Did you see how Iris immediately grabbed Faith and took her to safety? That's because, at that moment, everyone was at risk. Thankfully Dragomir didn't totally lose it and could be talked down but you just don't raise your voice to those of higher rank unless you intent to challenge or fight them. Again, I'm not telling you this to be an asshole, I'm simply explaining how things work in Garou society. Please continue to speak your mind, voice an opinion, ask questions...just remember to do it calmly, in a moderate, respectful tone. I'm truly here to help you, as the other Elders are. Including Journey. I told you this before and I'll tell it to you again, Journey can be your greatest ally or your greatest nightmare. The choice is ultimately yours."

Lleutrim sits there and listens, watches Jake as the other speaks, absorbing the information. He has no expression whatsoever. Lleu says quietly, "Understood, sir." A short reply, no questions.

Jake nods slowly, watching Lleu carefully. "Very good. I also want to make something else clear. Regarding your past life...NO one is implying that it doesn't matter. What you did before is -very- important. It shaped you as a person and will always be a part of you. Please don't think that anyone here is belittling it or telling you to forget about it. That's not the case. Not at all. Your past life will be of tremendous help to you here. You have experience that goes beyond most of us since we are younger than you and haven't spent the amount of time in the human world that you have." Jake smiles. "That's a compliment. And when I say, or anyone else says 'Your life is just beginning' that's not a slam or insult to your past life. It's simply a fact. What we mean is your GAROU life is just beginning, which is true. No one is trying to demean what you did before. Including me. I'm sorry you took my statements that way. Granted I'm not the most articulate person around here and perhaps I didn't make myself clear when I was referring to your new life. We all have sore spots and I wasn't aware I was upsetting you. That was the least of my intentions."

"Understood." Lleu lifts a hand to rub at the back of his skull, then lowers it. "I'm ... it's .. " Stop, try to order his thoughts, "Lost. I guess. Don't know what to stand on, or where I am in all of it. Tired." Not very articulate tonight. "I'll sort it out in time." Best to leave it there.

Jake looks sympathetic again. "I know. Believe me I know. I've been exactly where you are. The good news is you are in a Sept that actively tries to help new people. There are other Septs out there that--" he stops himself and sighs. "Bottom line is you are -not- alone. If you keep your temper in check and try to keep an open mind then it will all come to you in time. I know you're anxious to get on with 'things' and you'll be in battle soon enough. That said...in case you're in battle sooner than later..." he takes something out of his pocket and holds it up. It looks like a graham cracker cookie in the shape of a house. "This is a Talen. It's...Garou magic. It's a Hurry Home Talen which will take you out of danger anytime you need it. For instance...say you're attacked by a pack of Wyrmcreatures and totally overpowered. You simply activate it and...POOF...you will find yourself in the Kinhouse bathroom where the special showers are to wash off taint. That's where it will take you. Instantly. It's for emergencies and might come in very handy one day. Do NOT give this away." He hands it to Lleu.

Donnachaidh continues to be silent and listens. His gaze does sharpen on Jake at mention of 'you'll be in battle soon enough'. He studies the thing that is shown to him, "I understand what talens are. Nascha has explained and shown me several. I have no idea /how/ to use them, yet. Am I supposed to break it? Eat it?" Finally, a few questions. Lleu frowns and turns it over in his hands, "How do I know if I have taint? Does this ... somehow need to be dedicated like my clothes?"

Jake smiles. "All those questions are excellent ones and Nascha will answer them all. I'd rather you continued to have her explain things to you. She's a much better teacher than I am." He stands, obviously bringing this conversation to a close. "That said, you are free to come and talk to me anytime. I may not be able to help with everything but I'll do what I can to help make things easier for you."

There is a knocking upon the door, coming from the direction of Black Stag Forge - Warehouse Floor.

There's a barely there flicker of frustration, then he kills it. Null and void. Lleu nods and puts the thing carefully into his pocket. "Understood, Defiant-Storm-Rhya. Thank you." He moves to stand and waits to be absolutely certain he's dismissed before he'll go.

Giselle comes in from Black Stag Forge - Warehouse Floor

Jake notices Lleu's frustration and he nods. "I understand. I really do. You have questions. Lots of questions. You--" but then there's a knock at the door and he calls out, "Come in." Giselle enters and Jake smiles brightly. "Darlin! Perfect timing. You need to meet one of the new recruits." He turns to Lleu. "This is my mate."

Giselle steps in after a knock and a call to enter. SHe comes bearing a huge tray of toasted ravioli and sauce. It smells fucking D E E E E E E E E E E vine. Smells like you stepped right into Italy in the middle of lunch and you can almost hear Mario and Luigi bitching about the princess in the background. You can almost FEEL the gooey gunk that sits on the bottom of Venice, can almost FEEL those buildings crumbling around you. Not to mention all the sexy Italian women. Anyway, smells good. "Hi," Giselle, the tiny little very much non-Italian woman says, sliding the tray off onto the desk and motioning toward it. "I'm Giselle. Shadow Lord Kin."

The fella in Jake's office is standing in front of the chair he'd just risen from. Lleutrim was about to depart, having just stuck something carefully into a front pocket of his jeans. Jeans where are missing the button to keep the zipper up, so he's stuck a safety pin through to keep from having to be embarassed. Right as the door opens he was taking a step towards it. He draws up short and instead, takes a half step back to make room for the new arrival. "Ma'am."

Wait. He's supposed to introduce himself. A slow, tired breath ere he says, "I'm Lleu Donnachaidh, Cub of no pack, born on two legs, Galliard." His introduction gets shorter and shorter.

Jake eyes Giselle's plate of food and almost starts to drool. He waits until introductions are made then gestures to the platter. "Oh, you have to try some of her cooking. You just have to. She's...well, the best cook in the Sept."

Giselle smiles brilliantly at Lleutrim and she nods. "And it looks like you're leaving. Here." She reaches over and stacks up a perfectly recycled bamboo paper plate and whips out one of those bowl cover thingies and it happens in the blink of an eye almost before it's thrust into Lleutrim's hands - if he'll take it. "No one leaves here hungry. PLease take this with you."

She's quick. No sooner than Jake's insisted that Lleu should try it than Giselle's making up a plate and putting it in Lleu's hands. He looks like he's about to object to all those carbs in the pasta - then ... doesn't. Yes, he'll accept it, "Thank you." A look at the take out, then back to both of them, "I should go. Thank you, Defiant-Storm-Rhya. Ma'am." If they'll let him, Lleu'll slip out. He really doesn't want to be around anybody right now.