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Latest revision as of 10:42, 20 August 2018

Nascha, Rocky, and Lleu are ambushed by unfriendly Spirits
IC Date Saturday, August 4th
IC Time 17:18:03 2018, PDT.
Players Lleutrim, Nascha, Connor
Location Deep Forest
Spheres Shifter, Mortal+

Deep Forest

Here the forest is a bit thinner than in the surrounding area. With no large, tall trees to provide complete cover, large patches of sky are visible between the branches of the trees that do populate the area. With less shade, the ground is subject to more harsh, direct sunlight so the patches of grass not protected by trees are meager and sparse. Where the ground is clear of trees large irregular chunks of pink-veined granite are visible: possibly preventing trees from growing. Occasionally a soft breeze disturbs the leaves on the trees and ground providing gentle background noise.


Nascha sent word to Lleutrim that she was available for him when he got the chance. Her days are mostly the same, hunting and gathering and playing around with the spirits in and around here and so time is a fluid thing. Right now, she has gathered a couple of days worth of kindling, but she stands with a bundle of it in her hand, a frown on her face, staring off into nothing and the big rock beast is materialized at her side, staring off in the same direction.

The gray wolf with the ruddy sides comes through the trees. He's sniffing at the ground here and there as he moves, pausing to look and listen frequently as he makes his way to find Nascha. She's a tricky woman to find if you can't pick up her scent to follow her trail if she's wandered off from her great tree, but the wolf is checking the area. Once he sees Rocky, Nascha's slender form isn't difficult to spot. The wolf raies his head high and smeels the air, listening intently as his silvery eyes are vigilant.

Only after a good pause does the wolf start to come closer. He's still wary of Rocky and not getting too close, stopping a little ways off but visible to the woman. He looks in the same direction as has captured their interest, attempting to descern what has caught their attention.

"Stop, Lleutrim," Nascha says, her voice WAY firmer than he might have ever heard. "There is something here that doesn't belong, but we can't find it. Come to my side, please." She moves her right hand, indicating the side opposite of Rocky

Stop. Come! The wolf eyes her contrary directives. You'd think she'd been in the military or something. The grey wolf looks around for a second more, then starts to move in the rest of the way to come to her side as indicated. His ears are up and forward, eyes bright, his thick pelt to brush up against her thigh and hip lightly.

She's a kinfolk. The Army ain't got shit on her. Rocky's big head turns slightly, tipping to the side and Nascha winces, her eyes tracking as well. "It's close. I can feel it. Rocky can t--" And then Nascha is pushed forcefully forward by.. nothing... and there's the sound of something snapping. Rocky makes a sound that could only be akin to an avalanche and he spins around, his big stone hand crashing down inches from the wolf. About ten feet away, something materializes out of nothing. It's about four feet tall, nearly that wide with tiny beady eyes and a huge mouth with rows of sharp teeth, oozing something that looks probably very toxic

Rocky just.. disappears, seemingly leaving Lleutrim on his own. There is the faintest shimmer of.. something... vaguely rocky-sized off between Nascha and where Lleutrim is. The little fangy dude lunges for Lleutrim, making a nearly inhuman sound, something between a shriek and a moan

Nascha's shoved and the wolf turns and snarls, ready to go after something if he can just find a target! Rocky's giant fist slamming down does make him jump aside to give the stone thing room to move. Every hair on the wolf's body stands out bristling. Lleu wolf sees the /thing/ seemingly appear out of no where! There's no time to think about it! He moves to leap between that nasty-ass looking monster thing and Nascha, to block it from getting at her!

Rocky does his thing to defend Nascha as well. The snarling wolf grows much larger almost at once, getting unnaturally huge. Silvery eyes flash and the teeth are bared, the red tongue curling within the massive jaws. The dire wolf moves as the thing lunges for it, using it's body to try and block it from getting to the kinfolk even as Lleu attempts to evade the strike!

There is no time for the distraction of trying to keep track of Rocky! It's enough if the dire wolf can keep tabs in case any more of these nasty things should try to come at her from another direction, even as he's engaged with this one.

The Dire wolf leaps forward and with it's broad head suddenly snaking in low, tries for the thing's throat! Or just underneath those bad ass looking jaws at any rate whether it has much of a 'throat' or not. Lleu snarls loudly even as his teeth sink into the thing's nasty, smelly pinkish flesh. All the while the huge wolf's body shifting to swing around and try to evade getting bitten or clawed in turn. It's lower to the ground than he is and Lleu may not be able to get a a really good bite in, looking to try and see where the thing may have the most open weaknesses for attack!

There is a squeal of pain and defiance as the thing is bitten so viciously. A substance that looks like old, clotted blood and smells like sulfur coats Lleutrim's tongue, plopping back into his mouth and oozing down his throat. It's a LOT of .. blood.. the texture is like warm jelly. The thing rears back and half-heartedly sweeps a clawed hand, then turns to flee

Nascha is crumpled to the ground, not far from where the deer path intersects the little hidden path to Nascha's tree. Rocky, Nascha's Earth elemental, is nowhere to be seen. Lleutrim is tearing apart a little four foot ... thing... that looks like this

The night is broken with the sounds of snarling and some strange creatures shrieks and moans. A huge dire wolf is engaged in attacking and dragging down a nasty, horrible looking creature with huge jaws and teeth ( https://i.pinimg.com/originals/09/a4/89/09a489f554626a108c4b1cd4611c0ee1.jpg ). Nascha herself lies on the ground a little distance away and isn't getting up. A large, strange shimmer might be caught hovering near to her between herself and the dire wolf ravaging the thing it's attacking.

When it's down and ripped up as much as he dares to, the dire wolf backs off and coughs, trying to ejecg the nasty foul flesh and blood out of it's mouth. A horrible, anguished sort of choking to cough up as much of the sulfurous filth as possible. A few steps are taken back, then the lupine beast shifts form to grow smaller and become a regular if still fairly large wolf. Lleu turns and trots back to check on Nascha, avoiding that faint shimmer cautiously. Silvery grey eyes are wary as the wolf lowers it's head to sniff at the kinfolk and nudge her with his nose. Assuming he's not intercepted before he can get to her.

Connor may not stick around the Caern often, but he can almost always be found walking patrols through the woods. He may or may not have also smelled tacos. The large irishman strolls through the forest, his giant klaive slung across his shoulders as he makes his way along. He'll catch the scent of...something... and head on over to find a wolf and gunk and a person and a shimmer. What a nice walk!

Nascha isn't dead! She lifts her head, trying to roll over so she can see what's going on. The answer is.. not much, really. She looks disoriented, and her leg is cocked at a weird angle and there's blood pouring from her nose and her mouth and.. yeah, she's pretty fucked up. The shimmer fades into Rocky, who reaches for Nascha to scoop her up, but she waves him off.. but he STILL lifts her up and the normally very quiet young kin lets out a shriek of pain. The big rock just hugs her against his stony body for protection and spins in a slow circle to assess further threat

The wolf backs off when Rocky picks her up. A very faint whine of concern, then it circles Rocky once, watching out for trouble. The wolf's pale grey eyes latch onto the 'man' that is walking their way. Lleu lowers his head slightly, hackles still up and shakes his head. His tongue and mouth moving in such a way as to indicate something still being awful in his mouth. Then the wolf starts to circle Connor, keeping a little distance as it studies the new arrival warily.

Connor is large, covered in tattoos, has a shock of red hair. Mostly what gives him away though? That massive slab of silver he's got across his shoulders. His brow raises a bit at the sight of the elemental, but hey he's known to summon dragons so oh look something new! "Ya a'right there lass?" He glances over to the wolf, his nostrils flaring a bit "Ya might want ta wash ya mouth out." He'll reach into the satchel at his waist and pull a bottle of water free.

"Shining Walker-rh..." Nascha speaks, half-motioning toward Connor. She would have mentioned that name to Lleutrim. Rocky turns toward Connor and he just.. holds Nascha out toward Connor and this time it isn't a shriek, just a groan.

This wolf has /never/ seen a Klaive or anything like it, nor any silver weapons at all. The Cub stops his circling when Nascha speaks a name, turning his head to look in her direction in Rocky's thick arms, then back to the stranger. The various reactions are noted. The grey wolf turns and starts back, keeping an eye out for the woods around them, as well as keeping tabs on Connor. Gack, still a nasty taste in the wolf's mouth and he's not liking it.

Connor's brow still goes up but he nods to the elemental "Yah, sure." He shifts the klaive across his shoulders and takes Nascha in his other arm. "Let's take a look at ya." He glances over to the wolf "Lad, ya can turn on back now. Nothin' is a threat while I'm here." He didn't sound like he was boasting "And she needs some help. What did ya run across here?"

Nascha is shifted over to Connor and she hangs on. She's dripping sweat and still bleeding. She manages to take a breath, but there's a gurgly sound, but she speaks anyway. "Heard.. something.... Rocky too. Snuck up... hit me. Attacked. Rocky. Lleutrim...." She turns her head to the side and spits out a mouthful of blood. "Wyld, not Wyrm. Grass." She tips her head backwards just a little bit and then just sort of.. loses consciousness. flump

The wolf isn't about to take off. The grey with the ruddy tint to his coat stays near and circles them all. After a hesitation, the wolf blurs into the form of a man and rises to stand upright. "I just arrived. She said there was something near but she couldn't see it. That thing attacked her while we couldn't see it, then appeared after Rocky struck it away from her." Lleu points back at the thing that now lies dead.

His own baritone has a faint hint of of the Deep South, his eyes grey, his hair shorn very short over his skull. He's dressed in a T-shirt and blue jeans with black combat boots, "She needs medical attention, badly. Stop the bleeding." He grimaces, "Where should we take her?"

Connor's brow lifts as he looks over the other man "Take her no where, ya know how ta patch up a wound?" He shifts his weight and gently settles Nascha down "Or basic first aid? Just put pressure while I get what I need." The klaive is twisted off his shoulder and propped up on a tree before he goes rummaging around in his satchel

Nascha isn't going anywhere. She's put down and she just sort of flops there where she is. Flump. Not ded.

"Yes, I know a few basics. I'm former military but I'm not a medic." Lleu's not paniced. If Connor will carefully lay her down so he can rummage through his things, Donnachaidh gets down on his knees beside Nascha to look for her worst signs of bleeding. He applys pressure to slow to stop as much of the bleeding as he can while Conner pulls things out. "I hope you can heal her, like..." Lleu's gaze flicks up, "Shaderunner-rhya. She shouldn't have been moved or picked up." A grimace, "She's getting blood in the lungs. Probably broken ribs, broken leg. She may go into shock so we don't have much time." He speaks low, calmly.

Connor shakes his head "That's it, just a bit o blood in her lungs? Pfft, rub some dirt on it and walk it off." He gets what he needs from his satchel. It's totally just a tin full of crushed up herbs and spices...maybe there are eleven of them in there... He pours some into his hands and then rubs them together to grind them up even more before he just begins to draw a pair of fingers over each of the wounds.

Lleutrim watches Nascha's face as she lies there unconscious and bloody. His gaze shifts to watch what Connor does. When the other garou reaches out to where Lleu's applying pressure to one of her wounds, Lleu moves his blood stained hands and does what little he may to assist. Before his very eyes her nasty injuries are tended to. Donnachaidh turns his head back to look at Connor, "Shining-Walker-rhya she named you. You have my thanks. I would not have been able to do much for her wounds." His mouth he thins ere he carefully straightens out Nascha's leg.

The worst seems to be over. Lleu takes a slow, deep breath before he speaks again, "I am Lleutrim Robert Donnachaidh, Cub, born on two legs beneath the gibbous moon. No pack, no tribe." Though his Fianna blood may be obvious to another garou. "Is she going to be all right?"

Connor dusts his hands off and wipes the rest on his pants as he settles back on his haunches "Ah, she'll be fine..." He'll reach over and grab the bottle of water and tuck it back into his satchel with a roll of his shoulders "Ah then. I'm Connor McMurrough, Athro Druid of tha Fianna..." He looks like he is about to keep speaking but then shakes his head "There's a lot more that goes with that, but it ain't tha time." He scoops Nascha up "Lets get her home ta sleep it off."

Donnachaidh isn't hurt. There's no sign of injuries about him, just the bad smell of the thing he'd been fighting. Lleu gets up, looks around to make sure they didn't drop anything to leave behind, then gives a nod, "Agreed." He takes only a few steps before he looks back to the thing he killed, "What about that? We can't just leave it here. I don't even know what it was that attacked us."

Connor gives a sharp whistle, causing some will-o-wisp lights to bob off in the distance of the forest. They swirl around a bit and then come zooming to bob right infront of Connor "Lads!" He beams brightly as the little pixie's answer he call. He points to the mess caused by the other wolf "Ya see that thing. Not a clue what it is boys but I need it gone from here. Can ya help me with that." The pixie's bob and weave and nod a bit. Connor holds up his hand "Hold on wait.." He grins and gets another bottle from his satchel. "Here's some of the good stuff boys, fer tha work. You'll need more ta move it all." He offers the bottle which only causes more of those motes of light to come flitting from the woods to help. He nods and then gets to his feet, carrying Nascha carefully "No worries fer now. I'll come back and cleanse tha place ta be safe."

Well, the look on Lleu's face as the lights come slipping out of the forest and gather all around and in front of Connor is one of surprise. He has stopped and stands very still as he watches. They are like, and yet very unlike fireflies. The new garou looks upon the floating lights as though he's never seen them before. Lleu's voice is very, very low and almost a whisper as if he might scare them away, "Are they will-o-wisps?" He turns slightly where he stands to watch as they weave and bob over to where the dead thing lies. "What did you offer them?"

Connor's lifts his brow and looks over "Them? Nah I won't deal with tha wisps too often, they're more spiteful than most people even realize." He glances back to the fae, a trio of them hefting the large bottle "Ah...awakened brew, they love tha stuff, refreshes them just like it refreshes gnosis fer us." he nods his head over to the bobbing lights "Those are just pixies, and I bribe a whole lotta them ta help and give me information when I need it."

As Nascha is carried back towards her brambles and tall tree house, Lleu opens his mouth at 'pixies' and then closes it, not sure what to say. He comes along walking quietly and looks back once. "Interesting." When they arrive at Nascha's towering tree, Lleu adds, "My cabin is near here. I'll come by and check on her tomorrow. Her wounds may have been nothing to you, but if you hadn't shown up when you did, I don't know if I could have gotten her help in time. Thank you again, Shining-Walker-rhya."