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Johanna's Challenge for Fostern
Alecto gives Johanna a difficult task to earn the rank of Fostern
IC Date July 8th, 2018
IC Time Evening
Players Alecto, Johanna, Journey
Location The Caern
Spheres Gaian Garou

Alecto and Journey are quietly discussing things and there are a pair of Garou - two Adren, brothers but not twins. They are sitting apart, not looking at each other and actually looking a little cranky about things in general

Johanna arrives at the Caern, having finished up whatever she was doing, and got the call from Alecto to come over. She sees the scene, and takes in a breath before heading over to the Elders. She will wait respectfully for them to finish their discussion.

Journey is nodding to Alecto and listening to her reply. Noticing Johanna approaching, he sits back and lets Alecto take the center stage as it were, looking over to the two gloomy guys before looking back.

Alecto straightens a little and smiles at Johanna as she approaches. "Right on time." She didn't specify a time, but .. apparently, the time is right. "Come. We'll begin." She motions to the two and they rise to their feet. "Introduce yourselves," she tells them and they both stand a little straighter.

"I am Bad Penny, Adren Ragabash of the Fianna Tribe, born on two legs, of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit, second born of Spits Out Nails."

The other does likewise, "I am Spirit Eyes, Adren Theurge of the Fianna Tribe, born on two legs, of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit, First born of Spits Out Nails."

Alecto nods and turns back to Johanna. "Recently, Spits out Nails returned to his ancestors and left a fetish that both make claim to."

Johanna listens to Alecto. "I see." She looks to both of them, "I am sorry for your loss. May Spits out Nails be at rest, and be able to advise you both from beyond." She then introduces herself, "I am Starchaser, born on two legs beneath the Half Moon, Cliath of the Stargazers. Daughter of Seeks-the Stars, granddaughter of Calls-Down-The Stars-To-Judge, great granddaughter of Stardancer." To Alecto, she says, "How can I help?"

Journey stays silent and watchful, waiting. Not creepy at all.

Alecto isn't going to introduce herself again. She's done that too many times today. And everyone here knows her. She motions toward the two Garou who move a little further apart as they're looked upon. "It is for you to question and make the decision as to which Adren is entitled to the fetish. If you have questions, you may ask them, or me or Journey. We all have relevant information."

Johanna nods to Alecto, "I understand." She looks to the two brothers. "I will ask you both questions, and I ask that you both remain quiet while the other one speaks. I understand this is an emotional situation, and I ask you to try to be composed and answer plainly for now." First she asks, "Spirit Eyes, please tell me what the fetish is, and why you feel it should be yours."

Journey watches the questioning as Johanna takes point. Silent strider is Silent.

"It's a spirit whistle. It belonged to my father and his father. My father wasn't a Theurge, but that is generally a Theurge fetish. I deal almost entirely with spirits and I have made both allies and enemies among the spirits, both locally and further out. I could have one made, but this was my legacy. It's something that I've been looking forward to since before my first change and this dickhead thinks that it's his." He jerks a thumb over toward his brother.

Alecto just stands back, watching each as they speak.

Johanna holds up a finger. "Spirit Eyes'rhya, please refrain from using antagonizing words." She looks to Bad Penny. "Bad Penny'rhya, please tell me about your claim to the Spirit Whistle, and why you feel it is stronger than your brother."

Journey keeps watching the interview dispassionately.

Bad Penny eyeballs his brother, but doesn't comment. He seems more placid than his brother and more sad than angry. "I have spent almost every day of my life in service to my father. We were even in a pack together. I was his Beta. I served him faithfully and he had even said, before he died, that he wanted me to have it, but I have no proof of that."

Johanna considers that and nods. "Thank you, Bad Penny'rhya. If I may ask, what is your pack totem?" She asks, "Spirit Eyes'rhya, have you been in a pack? If so, what is your totem?"

Journey watches.

"I do not have a pack," Spirit Eyes says. "I don't feel like I need one. I have made my bargains with the spirits and they sustain my needs." He frowns. FROWNYFROWN. He doesn't like where this is going at all.

Bad Penny offers, with pride, "Ox," he says, his chest puffing up a little bit.

Alecto glances at Journey briefly and then back to the two Garou

Johanna asks, "Spirit Eyes'rhya, have you ever used this fetish before? Can you explain to me what it does? I want to fully understand what we are dealing with." She will wait for his answer before speaking to the other brother.

Spirit Eyes shakes his head. "I have not used it. I only know that it affects the spirits in your vicinity."

Journey watches the interaction. When any attention goes his way, he lifts a hand, and.. between his index finger and thumb, he's holding a whitish whistle, with small adornments.

Johanna continues, "Bad Penny'rhya, have you ever used this fetish before? Can you explain to me what it does?" She is trying to see just how much each of them really has gotten to know about this whistle, that she spies may be in Journey's fingers.

Bad Penny shakes his head. "I have not personally used it, no. But I do know what it does. When you blow the whistle it inflicts immense pain on any spirits in the area. Some are able to resist, but very few. I do not interact with spirits very much."

Spirit Eyes snorts. "Or ever. I am in the Umbra DAILY," the Garou says, turning his gaze toward Bad Penny. "You just want it because you're a suck up and you think that one day YOUR kid won't be afraid of spirits."

Bad Penny just shakes his head, glancing to Johanna like 'See? he's a dick.'

Journey lowers his hand once the presence of the Fetish itself is noted and.. He's still quiet.

Johanna blinks once and then asks Journey, "Shaderunner'rhya. As an Elder Theurge, can you tell me more about this fetish? I am only learning about them myself, but it seems like something that inflicts pain upon the spirits in the area could be anywhere from annoying to dangerous. Is this something that should be in the hands of someone without experience with the spirits? Should it be used, that is."

Journey lifts his hand, holding a small cylindrical object with a tapered end, "Spirit Whistle. Classic Fianna construction, this is actually the leg bone of a stag. I've cleaned it, replaced the reed and resettled the assembly in accordance with the Rite of the Peacock and the spirits acceptance. The Screech-Owl within is satiated and pleased and prepared to bind to a new partner. When blown, the spirit enhances the whistles sound to be painful to spirits en masse. Good way of clearing out Spirits of an area. I actually have one myself. They offer control over the effect, to focus it in a specific direction." He lifts a shoulder, holding the bone whistle. "As for the use of the Whistle?" He shrugs, "Spirits are everywhere. Experience with the uses of a Spirit Whistle by watching ones Alpha against a Theurges direct contact with the Spirits. All Fetishes CAN be abused, this one has uses for anyone wielding it." He says neutral on the subject, but he does hold the Fetish out to Johanna, "It is in my possession only for the safekeeping and till a judgment is rendered."

Alecto lets Journey take the lead here and the two Garou stay quiet while the Elders are talking.

Johanna nods to Journey, and takes the fetish to get a closer look. "Thank you, Shaderunner'rhya. Not only for your information, but for your care with the fetish." She speaks to the brothers again, "Bad Penny'rhya, do you have children?" and to the other, "Spirit Eyes'rhya, do you have children?"

"Two," says Bad Penny. "One will be an Ahroun." "None," says Spirit Eyes. "But one day I will. Soon. My mate and I are planning on popping a few out in the next couple of years."

Johanna asks, "Bad Penny'rhya. If you were on your death bed, and had this.." she holds the fetish up "..to give to one of your children. Assuming they both bred true. How would you choose?" She asks the same of Spirit Eyes.

Journey lets the Fetish pass to the Philodox and sits back, looking between them at the question posed.

Bad Penny opens his mouth to speak, sure he has an answer, but then he pauses and sighs softly and lowers his gaze slightly. "I want to say that I would give it to the one who served me the best, who cared for me as I aged, but I don't know. It's SUPPOSED to go to the Eldest, but what if the Eldest treats you like a piece of crap, Starchaser? What if the Eldest ignores my every wish, every command, because he thinks he knows better than I do, even when he's wrong? Then does he deserve it just because he's older? Or do I give it to the one who has faithfully stood by my side, backed my decisions even when maybe they weren't the best? The one who may not use it, but certainly won't abuse it, and will pass it on in his own time to his children, or another who serves him faithfully?"

Johanna nods to Bad Penny. "Thank you, Bad Penny'rhya. Spirit Eyes'rhya, I know you do not have children yet, but you are an Uncle. Imagine you had two children to decide between passing down this meaningful symbol to. How would you chose?"

"The eldest," says Spirit Eyes. "That is the way, that is how it is set up. That is how it always was and always should be. That doesn't mean the youngest gets nothing, but that fetish has been passed down from Theurge to Theurge for seven generations, with only two times when it wasn't in a Theurge's hands. That was my father and my great great grandfather. There were no Theurges in line for it in the family and no acceptable Theurge outside of the line, so it went to the Eldest. As it so happens, I am eldest AND a Theurge." '

Journey listens without comment, just observing now.

Johanna looks to Alecto, and says, "May I speak to you for a moment, and turns away from the brothers, hoping for a quiet conversation with her, so she can gain some insight on proceeding. Johanna whispers to Alecto, “I see how this is a tough situation. I have never been called into assisting or observing with this sort of thing before. What do you recommend I consider, and I assume you wish for me to render judgment?” to Alecto.

Journey sits back as Johanna calls for a consult, patient for the moment.

Alecto nods, stepping back with Johanna to listen to her, then she glances over at the two men and then she nods down to Johanna. "I will abide by your decision, whichever you choose. Tell me what you have gathered so far. Tell me how you are reading this situation and what your initial, gut reactions are."

Johanna speaks softly to Alecto, not wishing for the brothers to overhear. "I have gathered that these two have had different relationships with their father. They are very different people. One that sticks with his beliefs, traditions, and his word. He feels he is promised, nay owed this fetish by virtue of his blood line and birth order. The other was a loyal, supportive, and spent far more time with his father, as well as was connect via their totem and pack link. He knew more of his father than the other ever will by virtue of that. Both have a fair claim, in my opinion. Seeing as we tend to operate on tradition, even though the eldest may come off as uncaring and selfish, my gut reaction tells me that he should be granted it. Although my heart would rather allow to younger son to have it, as he will see it as a treasured memory of his father, not just prize for being born first."

Alecto nods just once to Johanna. "Is that your decision then?" Her expression does not at all betray her feelings on the matter. She's GOOD.

Journey offers the Adren some Jerky while the Philos are talking

Johanna sighs, "I want to ask them both one more question. Then I will know for sure." She turns back toward the brothers. "One at a time, I wish for you both to answer one more thing. If I decide to give the fetish to your brother, and not to you, how will that change your feelings for your brother? This fetish has you two at odds with each other already. Will that continue no matter what is decided? Or with a firm decision, will you be able to move past it, mourn your father, and celebrate his life and continue on in his name to fight the Wyrm and defend the nation?"

"I believe I can speak for both of us when I say that this won't change much at all," says Spirit Eyes. "We have never gotten along. The only thing that we have agreed on in the last very many years is how much we dislike each other. If you gave it to my brother, I would be just as pissed at him as I would be if I got it, just for all the trouble he's caused me personally, being a goody two shoes suck up daddy's boy." The Ragabash just waits this out and he nods. "He probably isn't wrong."

Journey listens to the conversation without reaction, just listening with nothing to add, he waits

Johanna tries to remain as neutral as she can. "Thank you both for answering my questions and for your honesty. This is not an easy decision for me to make, and I want you to know that I have listened intently and taken into account what you have both shared." A quick look to Alecto, Journey, and then down to the fetish.

"I know that tradition is vital and important within society, and the Nation. So is doing what is right. This is not just a book, or a rock, this is a fetish with a spirit inside of it. One that should be taken care of. It is also a symbol of your family, and from what I am gathering and feeling from your words, I do not think it would sit with me right if I did not give it to Bad Penny'rhya. I judge that he should receive it, over the eldest and Theurge of your family, as it is not never a requirement that a Theurge has possession of it, and although you are not the eldest, you are the one that knew your father the best, and have spoke honestly to me today so I choose to believe your claim that your father wanted you to have it."

Johanna looks to Spirit Eyes, "Spirit Eyes'rhya, I recognize you had a claim, and again, I thank you for your honesty in all of this. This was not an easy decision, nor one I take lightly. I do wish you well, and that you and your mate have many children and they breed true. If I can ever be of assistance to help you and your brother settle this animosity over other issues, I am at your service."

Alecto nods just once and she starts to speak when Spirit Eyes lurches forward with a growl. In the blink of an eye, Alecto is stepping between Johanna and the Adren, suddenly, is on the ground and Alecto's knee is in his chest and she's.. in Glabro. That was .. VERY sudden. VERY sudden, indeed. THEN the Ragabash reacts and steps between Johanna and the other two. Alecto doesn't look like she's about to fight and she doesn't really even look angry. "She speaks with the authority of the Truthcatcher," she says, leaning over him somewhat, her knee digging into his sternum. "And that will be respected without question." She, amazingly, comes back to her feet and she nods to Bad Penny. "Take your legacy and treat it well. Your brother will challenge you for it. Get him out of here." The Ragabash moves and, if Johanna is willing to release it to his custody, he gives her a nod of thanks, takes the fetish and drags his brother to his feet to head out. Alecto really doesn't fuck around

Journey watches as Spirit Eyes forgets who he's dealing with, and just watches Alecto set things straight.

Johanna blinks as things move so fast. She does not take her eyes off Alecto and Spirit Eyes, but opens her hand and moves it toward Bad Penny. Not much else to say - she has said it all already. Once the brothers have left she waits there for Alecto's judgment of how she handled what was a volatile situation. She clasps her hands in front of her.

Alecto waits for the two to go, then eaaaaaaaaaaaaaes back down into her Homid form and turns to Johanna. "I do not agree with your decision. That is not the decision I would have made at all. One must take cultural and family traditions into account, regardless of what our heart tells us to do." She holds up a finger. "However, your thought process was sound. You took the facts and all the other factors, you weighed them out and you came to a decision and you were able to explain yourself and I am confident that you will go to sleep tonight and will not feel guilt or remorse." She gives the girl a smile and flicks a piece of dirt off her shirt. "And in the morning, you will wake up and announce to the Sept that you have attained the rank of Fostern with the blessing of the Truthcatcher and the spirits."

Journey looks at the Philodox in front of him and smiles, "So congratulations are in order."

Johanna lets out her breath she was holding. "Thank you, Truthcatcher. Thank you Shaderunner'rhya. I still have much to learn, and I appreciate your time and giving me this opportunity. I hope to learn more from you in the coming months, so I can be more confident in my decisions, especially tough ones. I will make that announcement tomorrow, and am honored by you and the spirits."

Journey rises directly, brushing his hands, "My purpose here was fulfilled when you took the fetish. Congratulations, and I look forward to seeing what your path brings you from here."

Alecto nods to Johanna. "You did well. Despite my disagreement, I do not believe that you were necessarily WRONG. You lack experience and wisdom in these matters, but as this was your first true judgment, you did extremely well." She smiles at Journey. "Thank you, Shaderunner-rhya, for your assistance. Have a good night."

Johanna waves to Journey, "Have a good night, Shaderunner'rhya." She asks Alecto, "Thank you. I hope you can share more with me as time allows."

Alecto nods to Johanna. "For the moment, any further judgments that need to be made, you will take point on and I will tag along. The lesser ones, I will send you to and you will speak with my authority. This may last for a month, or it may last for several years, depending on many factors. I see promise with you, Starchaser. I would like to see where this goes."

Johanna looks hopeful and surprised at once. "Thank you for such trust in me. I am honored and humbled by your trust so quickly in me. I will do my very best for you and the Sept."

Alecto shakes her head. "It is not trust. Not yet. For now, it is just an opportunity and it will be up to you to decide where you want to go from here." She smiles and offers the girl a light little head butt. "For now, I am tired and a little miffed that he didn't put up more of a fight with me. I've been itching to fight lately."

Journey smiles and backs off, and from one moment to the next, Journeys not there anymore.

Johanna nods, "Of course. Thank you. I will leave you then for tonight, so you can either get some sleep or a fight, or whatever will help."