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An Evening in the Whisper
Mags ventures out for the first time since returning home
IC Date May 7th, 2018
Players Magdalena, Johnathan, Mikael, Lilian, River
Location Whispers of Widow Paris

Leaning over slightly at that counter, she smiles brightly as he finishes writing in that book. "Thank you." Licking her lips, Magdalena looks up with a bright smile and nods as she starts to look around the shop. Quietly the young woman seems to just be taking in the shop for right now.

Johnathan enters the small shop with a smile on his lips, wearing a victorian suit and a billowing romantic poets shirt, with small skulls decorating its lapels, a cane in his hand and a top hat crowning his head, fitting rather nicely with the style of the shop, though maybe leaning more in the gothic then towards voodoo. Eyes wander over Magdalena curiously offering a nod and a tip of the hat.

Hearing the door bell, she slowly looks over and smiles. Returning that nod she then slowly turns back to look at the books before her. Toying with her dark hair, she seems to be just browsing at the moment. Magdalena just seems to have taken the man's attire in stride.

Johnathan looks over the different voodoo items for sale with a raised brow but kept his smile, though gravitating towards the books since he really had no interest in voodoo, it had some interesting ideas but not his cup of tea. Books however could always have some hidden gems among them, unless they were mass produced and boring.. but you never know.

"It's all interesting, isn't it?" Her soft voice speaks up as she slowly looks over to the man with a smile. "I'm not sure what to make of it all...." That gaze finally lands on a book as she touches the spine of it. "....if it were something to master...I'd find a way to screw it up I'm sure...." Letting to a soft laugh, Mags just shrugs as she pulls her hand back to herself. "Though the incense is my speed...."

Johnathan chuckles lightly "Oh its a curiosity store going with the theme, though I bet for actual practitioners this place is a right out gold mine" a warm smile offered to the woman "I doubt there is much one can mess up when it comes to religious or ritualistic endeavors the key is of course what one seeks to get from it rather then how well one can do it" shrugging lightly "Incense is always nice, specially if you have some nice scents with it"

"Well I like stuff like this just....a different kind..." Mags then moves over towards the incense. "I think I'm more holistic than anything...." Looking at the Dragon's Blood incense she just picks up a bag and smiles a bit. "....meditative?" Turning to face him then she smiles. "So what brings you here then?"

Johnathan shrugs "Curiosity, found it looked interesting as I was meandering about getting to know the city. Meditation is a very good tool, focuses your mind and thoughts." nodding approvingly "Rather new in town and trying to set up shop, though it is taking a while so decided to have a look around, see what could catch my attention"

Smiling she nods then. "I know how that goes. I've been gone from Prospect for college but came back a little bit ago. Still trying to get my bearings...." Mags chuckles then tilts her head slightly. "So where are you from then if you're new to town?"

Johnathan tilts his head "LA though I been around here and there really" shrugging lightly "Preferred things a bit smaller then going all out in LA, competition is fierce and I am not all to concerned with sales numbers apart from being able to pay the next bill. And LA the bill is huge, here I don't have to industrialize to keep things running, or make my prices extortion rates.. so much better for me"

Raising a brow she tilts her head. "Um...." Mags hesitates then chuckles. "Well what is it that yo do? And I can only imagine. LA is pretty big. I've been there a couple of times for competitions but never long enough to truly explore..."

Johnathan takes of his top hat with a smile "I design and tailor clothing which I sell in my store.. or rather intend to when I have a physical store to sell them in. Right now I am just building up repertoire so I do have some goods in it. I am going to have to buy in somethings to keep the racks stocked but my hopes are to have it to 80 filled with my own merchandise but that is going to take a while and more specialized items gonna be hard to produce"

Those eyes brighten as she hears that. "Oh! Really now? What style?" Mags moves closer now as she picks up another bag of incense. "That sounds exciting. Owning your own business is a big step I'm sure. But making your own? That is some serious talent..."

Johnathan motions to his own clothing "I specialize in alternative clothing, gothic, punk, steampunk, cyberpunk, fetish... really anything I can think of make or purchase that I like or find fascinating" smiling to her softly "It is not a store for all but I do hope some will find pleasure in my creations, fill a dream or a desire"

Mags looks him over, appraisingly then nods. "In that case I need to stop by one day. When I'm a cool kid I may have to commission a bellydancing costume from you. Something more edgy than what I normally wear..." She holds out her hand then. "I'm Mags....."

Johnathan takes the hand "Johnathan" he offers with a smile and leaning over giving the hand a light butterfly kiss "Pleasure to meet you Mags, you should commission it as soon as I open, you are a cool kid and I like the sound of edgy I want to hear what you think of... and I want to make it and see you in it" eyes wander over her form "Yes, it would be marvelous" nodding to himself like he decided it would look good even without hearing what she wanted.

Mags blinks at the kiss and clears her throat slightly as she blushes just barely. "Well...one day." Chuckling she pulls that hands back slowly and nods. "I don't think I can afford a custom costume yet. Need to find a better paying job before I get that bold." Smiling she then nods a bit. "But I will remember you, Johnathan when I have a budget for something like that."

Johnathan nods "One of the reasons I moved here, so I can keep reasonable prices. I also do commissions on credit for those with a bit less but I know will pay me back. I know what it is like to have little means but still wanting to express myself. If you really want it and you show you are good for it, we can always come to an agreement. As I said, monetary gain is not my main focus of business, but offering people ways to express themselves to catch a dream, to follow that fantasy."

There's a sparkle in her eyes and she smiles then. "Seriously?" Nibbling her lower lip Mags thinks for a moment. "Well...how do you want me to show you I'm good for it? I can do it in installments? Just let me know a total after we chat it out." Smiling she then moves to the counter, smiling to the shopkeeper as she goes to pay.

Johnathan waits for her to be done with her transaction not wanting to disturb it, when she returns he continues "Installments would be good, as for showing you good for it, just hanging and showing your colors honestly. I am pretty good with judging character so shouldn't be to much issue. Besides, if you burn me then you wont get anything after even if you have money.. so there is that" shrugs not seeming to bothered at all with it. "I am very flexible when it comes to terms and a verbal agreement is good enough for me. I honestly can't stand paper work"

"Hanging and showing my colors?" Mags lets out a little laugh as she finishes her purchase then turns to face him. "And exactly. I don't get why people think screwing over others will pay off. I hate when people take advantage of others...." Sighing softly she just shakes her head then and nods. "Well if you don't mind working with someone that's a nobody....I'd be game to work out a payment plan."

Johnathan raises a brow "I don't work with nobodies, and you are not a nobody. You are Mags a somebody and not just anybody" smirks a bit to her "I have no issue with working things out with you, actually I am looking forward to it, will be my first work here in town.. might have to do it in temporary apartment till the purchase has cleared... but I know how to work the magic" offering a warm smile to her.

"Well...." Letting out a laugh she just pushes her hair out of her face then. "Where do I begin? I can show you some of may other ones. They were expensive...to me anyway. They were about two hundred each but....I saved for them and they're competition stuff...." Mags then nod a bit. "But I want something more my style: black and silvers...edgy..."

Mikael walks in from the back room, carrying a large box. He pauses, and nods, "Bonjour, welcome to Whispers. Might I help you with something?"

Johnathan shakes his head and waves a hand "No no no no. No looking at other works, this will be a unique piece, not a derivative work. I what they look like, I can make you sketches if you need to decide what you want. This is going to be your clothing and my creation, and it will be glorious" a broad grin. He looks to Mikael "Bonjour Monsieur, merely looking. The lovely lady already purchased some interesting incense though" motioning to Mags with a light bow, his top hat under his arm.

"Oh! Well then....." Mags lets out a smile then. "Can I at least show you a picture of inspiration?" Hearing another, she turns around quickly as she smiles then. "Oh! No no. I don't think I'm in the right store for what I was kind of looking for but I did find some incense...." Tucking some of that long hair behind her ear she smiles then. "....but thank you though...."

Mikael says, “I am sorry, Monsieur, I do not carry clothing here," he gives them both a curious look. "But, if you are looking for custom clothing perhaps you meant to speak with mon ami Heath, he does costumes and custom items, but I do not sell his items here either."”

Mikael says, “Merci," he tells Magdalena, "I am glad you found something that you liked."”

Johnathan chuckles "Ah quelle barbe, that means your friend Heathen is competition, as you see I myself create clothing, I am opening up a store soon and it seems Mags here is going to be my first custom piece that I make here in town. It is going to be lovely" he gives her a stern look "No pictures, we work from scratch and build up, materials, then to designs and cuts. I already can see at least three possible variation depending just on how edge you need" nodding to himself "But thank you Monsieur for the offer, its quite the neat store you have here, a lot of curiosities, not my cup of tea but... I do see the charm of it"

There's a tilt of her head but then she chuckles. "Oh no....he's designing me a costume....we were just discussing the deets a little bit." There was a light shrug then as she speaks. "But I am sure that....Heath does wonderful things. Maybe one day I'll see them." A pause. "Any idea where I can find books on Santeria....? This doesn't look like the right spot but...I could be wrong...." Magdalena tucks that small purchase into her handbag and waits.

Mikael gives Magdalena, "Non, I do not have books on Santeria. It is a worship of Saints, similar in some ways, but not the same. My shop mainly deals in the supplies for Voodoo, Hoodoo and Voudon. I could order books for you, or..." he steps to the counter, and reaches into a small display of cards underneath a bulletin board by the old fashioned cash register. "I have cards on two bookstores here in the area, one is Feather of Maat, and the other is Wicked Mystic." He offers the cards to her. "Either might have the books you are looking for in stock."

Lilian comes in with a look about then smiles, "Really Mikael, I just took a break and let a counter girl there, and you refer us to someone." shaking her head over it. "The way it goes sometimes, I need some stuff, so come here to see you, then advising someone to our books."

Johnathan nods to himself as they talk about Santeria offering a smile, not really a topic for him but with a store like this it is understandable. He looks over to Lilian curiously as she bursts in and gives poor Mikael some flack. Curiously looking between the two and their interaction then looking to Mags with a grin.

Mikael shakes his head to Lilian, giving her a bright smile, "Pardonne moi, but she is looking for particular books. Santeria. Do you have anything on that art?"

Mags looks between Lilian and Mikael but her gaze looks to Johnathan and chuckles. "Seems I have opened a can of worms." Exhaling she raises her hand then nods. "It's quite alright. I can seriously just harass my grandmother or something for anything more in depth...I just wanted to explore from a scholarly viewpoint is all...."

Lilian nods, "We have some, from the light basic education to some more in depth on the beliefs, and some of the basic practices and in depth on the beliefs. So if study the practice of Santeria we got plenty there including one study with allot of interviews of believers and a few practitioners."

Johnathan nods to Mags "They seem rather well stocked" looking between Mikael and Lilian curiously. Letting them settle the Santeria issue amongst themselves. He seemed more then happy to merely observe and make comments when he found something, not wanting to interrupt Mags possible further purchases.

Mikael looks between the two women, still holding the cards out to Magdalena. He gives her a smile, and places them down on one of the nearby displays. "You see? There is a reason that we refer people to the various other shops. It is a way to be of benefit to all who wish knowledge or supplies for the various arts."

Lilian says, “I am here for those pure bee wax candles you carry, also do you have a brazier in stock at all." taking his cards, "I sort need a brass one." then looking at the herbs she smiles, "River's?" is her question. Then to Johnathan, "We do more books, and translations then anything else."”

Magdalena makes her way over to the man but looks to the cards. Picking them up she slips them into her handbag and smiles. Looking to Lilian she nods. "Oh nice. I'll see when I can get time off again...." A nod and se then looks Mikael. "Thank you...." At that she looks back to Johnathan and chuckles. "And I do need to see when to schedule something with you. I think I have nothing but night shifts coming up during the day maybe if I don't have a gig?"

Johnathan nods to her "Any time works for me" producing a card from his jacket and offering it to Mags "As said, still setting up shop so still provisional but I can easily make what you need given a bit of time, which I have plenty of since I am waiting for the deal to come through. My current apartment is large enough to house my more... portable equipment though" nods to Lilian "Good to know"

Mikael smiles to Magdalena, "There was nothing else that I might help you with then?" He gives her another curious look, along with the man with her. He turns and nods his head to Lilian, "You wish the natural ones or colored ones?" He moves over to the section with the candles, and then tells her. "I have a few braziers, only tabletop sized ones though. The brass ones are Turkish designed."

Lilian hmm, "Well Natural, and I need 12 of them. And table top is fine. I love the design on the Turkish ones." as she smile now, then to the one dressed so interestingly Johnathan that is, "Ohh what type of place are you opening?"

Mags nods to the man she met here, taking that card. Exhaling deeply she then looks to Mikael with a smile. "No not me. I found incense for when I meditate so I'm good." A firm nod and she then steps out of the way to let them talk. Those brown eyes look around as she clears her throat, tucking hair back as she seems to just look around again.

Mikael says, “Oui then," another glance and a smile to the couple, then turns his attention back to Lilian. He pulls out three braziers for her to examine, a shorter squat one, a tall almost cone shaped one, and one more trianglish. Each has ornate design work. "How have things been?" He asks her.” Mikael moves to count out the candles for Lilian.

Lilian looks over the braziers and is hard pressed to decided between the cone or triangle, "I like the cone, but never seen one that is triangle before." as she checks both out for stability because sometimes she is clumsy. Then after allot of though she chooses the triangle. "That is so neat."

"If you find it does not suit you, then bring it back for the other one, oui?" He tells Lilian as he carefully wraps up her candles, and places them into a box. He pulls out a box for the brazier, and begins to wrap it up as well.

"Well...." Looking to the man in goth Victorian she nods. "Johnathan....I will be in touch. I should go find a studio I can rent time in and practice...." Mags then turns to the others. "Thank you both for your help. Perhaps I'll see you both soon again."

Lilian smiles, "I will but it is as stable as the squat one, and that matters nothing worse then knocking a brazier over when it has hot coals in it." with a wry smile.

Mikael says, “I hope you enjoy your incense then, Mademoiselle. I am glad Dephine could help you. If you have need of anything else that I can help you with, please visit us again." He smiles to Magdalena, then looks back to Lilian, and nods his head to her in understanding, "Oui, such would be very bad."”

Lilian says, “You Be Well Mikael I need to get back to work." as she heads on out for now.”

Mags stops then and turns to look over at Mikael then. "Thanks and...." Those brown eyes look around then as she seems to be in thought. "....oils at all? Preferably ones for protection?"

Mikael nods his head to her, and smiles, "Oui, all kinds actually, but we have some particularly for protection." He moves over to an area, "Oils made from Angela Root, with scents added for use in cleansing as well."

Mikael says, “That is one of them. Are you looking for protection from a particular thing?"”

"What about stuff with Calendula or Caraway....?" Mags follows him over then smiles as she shakes her head. "Just negative energy....so maybe....Rosemary?"

Mikael shifts position to reach the herbal oil mixtures, "I have one with Rosemary, Sage and scented with Jasmine for protection and purification. It is often used in homes to dispel negative energies, oui. Can be sprinkled or added to mixtures to burn."

"Ooh....that sounds nice." Licking her lips she then looks over the selection. "Anything like olive or grape seed oil infused with verbena?" A beat. "And any dried verbena leaves too?" Mags starts to look around a bit more now. "Sage is so cliche...."

Mikael says, “Oui, but has multi usages, so I sell quite a lot of it. That is why I get both dried and fresh. If you wish something special mixed, I can do that. Either in a bottle or in a prepared gris-gris. It is easier than attempting to have dozens made up at any given time. It also allows the use of the freshest available herbs, and I get mine from an Apothecary Garden here in the city."”

"I think if I could just get a bottle of light olive oil mix with crushed Verbena that would be awesome." Smiling bright Mags then nods. "A big bottle."

Mikael says, “This is for heath or medicinal purposes? I will need to take precautions if it is intended to be ingested."”

"Oh no no. No one will be ingesting it....so no worries." Adjust her purse on her shoulder, Mags nods a bit. "And I can understand that. Don't need people eating stuff they don't need to be."

Mikael says, “Well Verbena is excellent for nervous stomach and other ailments, and you requested it in olive oil..." Mikael gives her a smile, "If you will just wait a few minutes I will step into the back room to mix it together for you. If you wish to come and observe, you are welcome."” Johnathan smiles "You make it yourself?" looking over to Mikael curiously and then over to Mags

Magdalena shakes her head as she steps again to look around. "No need but thank you. I'll wait here....." Folding her arms under her chest she nods. "Then I should really get to rehearsing....."

Mikael gathers up a sprigs of fresh verbena, and moves toward the back room. He nods to Dephine, "You will watch the front of me, oui?" Turns back to Magdalena. "I will be back in a few minutes then, Mademoiselle. Is a pint large enough?"

"A pint is perfect...." Giggling softly she nods the. "I'll be right here don't worry...." Mags then looks to Johnathan. "He seems to mix things up himself....kind of cool in a shop. I'm used to doing it myself."

Johnathan nods to Mags "Do give me a call when you have time to discuss the materials and cuts for the outfit. I already have a few ideas that I will sketch up for you"

River makes her way into the shop as she bounces with each step, half dancing to music through her ear buds.. At the moment she is humming the tune Voodoo child by the Rogue traders. For those that know her it seems she can truly have a good time doing even the most mundane of task.

Giving him a warm smile she nods then. "I will. I'm kind of really excited to be honest. I've never had a true costume of my own..." Mags just smiles then looks to the door to the new occupant...giving a small wave to her.

Johnathan looks to River and offers a nod to her then looks to Mags "Well always time for a first, as I said, one of the many reasons I do what I do and why I try to keep the price down."

Mikael comes back into the shop holding a pint size clear jar with sections of fresh verbena steeping in olive oil. On the side is a label with the words "Not meant for human consumption". The lid has been sealed, and a thin layer of what appears to be natural beeswax melted across the seal. "Here you are, Mademoiselle." He gives a bright smile to River, "Bonjoir, a pleasure to see you again. I will be right with you." Turning back to Magdalena he asks, "Will there be anything else?"

"Well I'm excited..." Mags then turns to look at Mikael as he makes his way back then nods as she starts to open her purse. "No thank you that is all. How much do I owe you?" Digging in her handbag she starts to rifle through some cash. "I may be back once I finish unpacking..."

Mikael smiles, "Fifteen dollars, and most of the cost is the jar," he explains, "It is plain though. Perhaps I should have asked if you wished one more elaborate." He lifts his shoulders in a slight shrug. "You spoke of performances, and now unpacking. I take it that means you are new to the city, oui?"

Johnathan smirks "Well you should be excited, I am excited as I said my first in town so.. going to be breaking in my equipment and see how my temporary workshop will work and what issues might arise, so will be quite interesting to try out"

River walks over and picks up a voodoo doll and she says "So cute!" She then smiles as she looks at another and says "I think Ill name you Normand!"

"Oh plain is fine." Pulling out a ten and a five she passes him the cash and takes that bottle. "And yes I am. Just moving back her to home. I left for college for a bit and did some work now here to look for the same kind of work. Right now I'm doing my hobby on the side to help with cash or now...." Motioning to Johnathan Mags gives a small smile. "I'm a bellydancer and he's going to make a new costume for me." At that she glances to River and chuckles a bit. "Name one after my ex while you're at it..."

River cuddles Normand and smiles "Sooo cute." She then makes her way over to the counter as she offers her hand to mags and then John as she says "Im River by the way." She then holds up the doll "This is Normand! er the first."

Mikael glances to Johnathan, and arches an eyebrow but for the moment holds his tongue. He looks over at River, and makes a soft chuckling sound, "I am not sure I would call it /cute/, but if you say so." He takes the money from Magdalena, and taps the keys on the register, which spits out a receipt. "Oh, a dancer? Mon Firebird is a dancer as well, although it is more of le ballet, or mostly."

Johnathan raises a brow "You own a Herbal Store?" tilting his head as he looks to her curiously taking the hand and shaking it lightly, eyes lingering perhaps a tad bit to long on her

Taking River's hand she smiles then. "Mags....nice to meet you." The young Latina then looks back to Mikael. "Oh nice! Yeah that's not my thing. I normally do latin ballroom dancing but fell into bellydancing in college. Now I'm hooked and do it for events and at competitions."

River says, “Mo, no I don't own a store, I run an apothecary garden, I supply a few of the shops in town with the more rare harder to find herbs." She holds up the voodoo doll and says "And Now Normand will help...Moral support." She grins to mags and says "I love to dance, well I don't do it well but I still love to do it."”

Mikael hands Magdalena the receipt, then looks to River, "So, you have chosen to name it that? Do you wish pins as well, or do you have your own?"

Johnathan nods "Sorry a misunderstanding on my part then" nodding to her "It is good to hear that people doing it the old fashioned Traditional way"

River gasp at Mikael as she looks horrified. "You want me to hurt Normand!" She then cuddle the doll and says "The bad man did not mean it Normand!" She grins and slides Mikael some cash as she says I do sell herbs, but mostly cooking. The medical herbs I don't sell unless you can prove to me you know what your doing."

Mags just smiles as she hugs that bottle to her then nods."Oh that's lovely....a garden." At that she looks to Mikael and smiles. "Well I'm off. Thank you for all your help...." Looking to Johnathan she smiles. "I"ll be in touch. Now...I'm going for a walk and the like..."

Mikael says, “I hope the rest of your day finds you well," he tells Magdalena, then gives River a slight roll of his eyes, but chuckles softly again.”

Johnathan nods to her "Take care, and looking forward to it" smiles broadly to her

And with that, the short Latina makes her way out with her new bottle of oils and incense. Magdalena seems quite content.