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Iris' magical duel challenge for Adren
Gathering turned into challenge for rank
IC Date April 21st, 2018
IC Time Night
Players Branton, Brooke, Dragomir, Iris, Journey, Vesta
Location Redstone Manor - Living Room & Back Yard
Spheres Gaian Garou

Lisa is a Kinfolk that feels familiar to Dragomir. Polite, calm, respectful, armed, and always watching the children. They are all OVER Silver Fang holdings. She smiles to Branton, Iris, Brooke and Dragomir as they approach. "Please, come in, you're expected." Were people expected beyond his howl? Don't overthink it. Lisa leads the guys into the house to the living area where Stephen is slowly stacking blocks with Garou runes on the faces of the blocks as two wolves sit flanking him watching and a thick scent of cooking meat in the air as Journey moves out of the Kitchen, calling, "Hello." He says, waving a hand as he wipes it on the towel thrown over his shoulder.

Vesta heads out of whatever room she was in, and waves to people as they arrive. "Hello! Welcome!" She sits down on the floor next to Stephen and hands him a block, which he immediately rejects and picks up his own. He's a big boy now. GOSH!

Branton grins as he enters and sees Stephen making good and strong choices in his project materials "Evening all. Nice night for a thing eh?"

Brooke got the invite! She was napping earlier today, and makes her way to Vesta and Journey's home. She must have arrived right after Dragomir, since she always is right near her Alpha it seems, and Branton. She smiles when she sees Stephen and waves to the others here, "Hello! Thanks for the invite."

Iris skips after B-Town And The Gang, bitchin sweet recycled shoes tucked in her Bigass Purse so she can walk around on dirty, dirty bare feets like a dirty dirty hippy. "HI!" she waves at Journey, extending that wave to Vesta, and Dragomir, Brooke and Lisa, and just kind of everybody.

Dragomir turns to notice Iris and then.. Brooke.. and Lisa. Wow, this exponentiated rather quickly. "Evening all.. I did not realize.." He turns to look towards the house, Journey's doing - sneaky old man. He nods his head and starts to make his way inside, saying to Lisa, "Thank you."

Journey smiles and looks to the group, "Okay everyone grab somewhere to sit and I'll have food out in a minute." He moves back into the kitchen before pretty damn quickly coming out with a huge platter of sliced, slow cooked beef, lettuce, shredded cheese, diced tomatos, and soft small taco tortillas, and a couple of bottles of hot sauce. There is a LOT of it as well as plates for individuals placed to one side. "It's gonna be get your own right now, somewhat informal, but please, go ahead. Taco Friday." The platter is placed on the central table, and Journey goes back to the kitchen, "Call out what you want to drink!"

"Ooh, tacos!" Iris seems pretty pleased with that and-- Wait, no tacos yet. Instead, she hits the kitchen to go wash her hands, cause bitch be livin under a bush and digging around in the dirt like a feral kid or something. "Thanks, Elder-man!"

Branton grins and nods at Journey "Beer me." He sets the file folder aside and gestures at it for Vesta "A proposal for you to look at later. Journey suggested I bring it by."

Stephen pops up and hurries in to eat food! Fuck you, blocks! FUCK YOU! Food is waiting! Mommy, also, is abandoned for this endeavor. "I'll help with drinks." Vesta says.

Brooke is not about to turn down food right now, not at this stage of her pregnancy. "Thank you, Shaderunner'rhya. And I'll take a water, thank you." She heads over toward the food, but waits to watch Stephen come at the food first.

Two things you don't get in the way of... kids and preggers when it comes to food. So Dragomir hangs back, watching Iris go for the scrub down and smiles. He lifts his head and says, "Vodka?" because why not perpetuate the stereotype Dragomir. The man looks a bit tired, more than normal.. as though he's been working harder than normal lately.

Lisa does that Kinfolk guardian thing and scoops up Stephen, bringing him to the food and giving him some cheese before making Stephen a small Taco, trying to be quick and efficient, giving Stephen.

Journey comes from the Kitchen with a tray of water, beer, a sippy cup, an empty glass next to a bottle of vodka sporting Cyrillic characters and growing frost on its glass rapidly, several soft drinks and possibly some hard drinks in there.

Vesta comes back from being a big helper and nods to branton, taking the folder. "No time like the present. With the way things have been lately, I don't put anything off." She pulls the file out and at least skims it, depending on how long it is, as she takes a seat, half keeping an eye on Stephen, and grinning at Brooke. "Hi there. You're looking amazing, lady."

Iris returns! Her hands are SPOTLESS compared to the rest of her, still wet, and so she wipes them on her pant legs, which results in them getting kind of dirty all over again. Might be about time to drag herself to Journey's kin house and use the stupid, stupid god damned washing machine. UGH. Whatever, she did her due diligence, and it's time for tacos now! "Yeah, me too. I mean kinda. Not the vodka, the Important Stuff, I mean. There's no other ranking Theurges around that I can find, and I was considering letting Sergei The Bearded Wonder do me up an Andren challenge, but I thought maybe I should ask you first, Journey? But if you're busy, I'll happily go let Sergei take vengeance on me kicking and annoying him through his Fostern challenge. Or something."

Branton takes the beer and has a sip before answering Vesta "Its an enchantment I worked out that's turned into a series of enchantments. I've only worked out the first two. So far. I'm not sure who, other than the two of us, in the sept could handle work of this magnitude."

Brooke can barely keep her eyes off Stephen, noting how Lisa cares for him, and deals with his want of the tacos. When Vesta speaks to her, she turns her head and grins, "Thanks. Still got a ways to go, but it is at least easier right now without the morning sickness." She moves in then and makes her self a plate with a taco.

Vesta looks over the plans, seating herself beside Stephen so she's close. "This.. This is good." She flips the page and then tracks back with a fingertip and her brow arches. Her lips move a little bit and she holds up one hand, counting, uncounting, head tipping. "Shit, dude." Stephen looks up at mommy. "Sit!"

Dragomir walks over and moves to take a seat. A glance is given towards Brooke and then towards Stephen, "Perhaps you should interact with him.. " he motions his hand encouragingly. When offered, he takes the vodka thankfully and says, "Thank you Shaderunner'rhya." as though this was water for a man dying of thirst. "Before I forget.. Winds of Change'rhya, Elder Ahroun of the Silver Fang and my mate's father is here with his mate staying with us. I imagine he will howl soon." the sound of exhaustion in his voice no doubt do to having been on 'display' since they arrived.

Branton nods and grins at Vesta as she catches on "Those are the two complete spell formulae so far, I bet you can guess what comes on the next couple pages."

Journey looks around as Lisa takes Stephens Sippy and moves him off out of the way and Journey looks over the group as if counting people, one finger moving amongst them. Tacos around, drinks opening, head nodding and Stephen swearing, and he sighs, "..Naschas gonna blame me for that.." He mutters, then points at Iris and pauses. "Did you just challenge me for Adren?"

Iris is a shitty Black Fury! She's not falling to pieces over Stephen or going all side-mom or anything, and actually kinda... ignores the adorable little ball of Theurgeness. Terrible Fury. "...Yup. Pretty much." Iris says to Journey with a nod of her head. "I mean, all the other Theurges are Fostern or Cliath, and *also*? You're not a fucking lunatic, so like..." She pops her shoulders in a shrug and jams a taco all up in her face, and then proceeds to say several completely unintelligible things. Nomnomnom.

Brooke nods to Dragomir, "Not a bad idea." She steps over closer, and looks to Vesta and the Journey first to see if it is ok, "Do you two mind if I just help a little with Stephen and Lisa?" She looks to Lisa as well, not meaning to leave her out either.

Vesta glances over at Iris. She stares for just a second and then wipes some taco juice from Stephen's face. "Yes. Yes, I sure can. I'm going to put this away before I end up spending the next 32 hours making it happen."

Dragomir turns to look towards Iris, no doubt the formality-loving Silver Fang judge stares with blue-eyes at the exchange. No doubt he wants some exhausting laundry list of deeds and names, and blah blah blah. He turns to look towards Journey to see his reaction. This should be interesting, at least he's not in the spot light for once. He swigs back his vodka in a gulp. Where's Sergei when he needs him?

Journey watches Iris for a moment, then starts slowly rubbing his fingertips together, then straightens, as Lisa moves with Stephen, rising and moving back, looking to Stephen to make sure he's distracted. Journey looks at Iris, "This is gonna be a thing you realize that, I use a formula for my Rank challenges, a classic style that comes from my training. Adren is where the real power starts to come, when the next set of powers and responsibilities will come. When you turn around and find yourself the adult in the room. And you will need the power to claim all of that."

Branton laughs and nods at Vesta, saluting with his beer "I'd mentioned to Journey and Jake a posibility of doing them seasonally, as some sort of award." Then he catches on to what Journey and Iris are doing and he tapers off.

"Oh yeah, totes." Iris replies, possibly purposefully trying to kill Dragomir with an embolism. BEHOLD HER LACK OF FORMAL GRACE! Could you even imagine her as a priestess? 'Sup goddess, you coo'?' "I'm sort of expecting to get the Cosmic Bitch Slap once or thrice, but I *have* smacked some teeny little banes and electric elementals, and chatted up a little fire elemental, did a walk through on some local ecosystems, so now obviously it's time to summon an incarna from the friggin sun and get this party started." No, she's totally serious, by the look on her face. Teeny gafflings, skip intermediate, go straight to advanced, because reasons! "And then I have to go shave patches off some sacred sheep, build a thing, find a sapphire the size of my head, and somewhere in there I need to fit in a rousing game of Bull Slappin', so... I'm ready!" Maybe she is, maybe she isn't, but damn it if she doesn't have confidence in herself. Let's DO this shit!

Vesta NOW looks at Brooke as she realizes that she had been spoken to. "Oh, no. No, that's fine. Please. I'll be RIGHT back."

Brooke nods to Vesta, "Thank you." She then sits down on her knees, not far from Stephen and smiles to Lisa. She tilts her head, and waves her fingers to Stephen. "Hi Stephen. I'm Brooke."

At -that- exchange, Dragomir pours another glass of vodka, because this is starting to hurt. Yep, swig - right on. And he turns his gaze to watch Brooke and smiles at her introducing herself to the littlest bacon-theurge. A look goes over to Branton and Vesta, and for the moment he just keeps quiet and to himself. The man of so-many-fucking-words... is being quiet?

Journey watches Iris as she answers him and he narrows his eyes, tilting his head, then sighs, nodding, "Yeah Alright, let's see if we can make sure you're not going to get a golden apple shoved up your ass." He starts to turn away from her, then looks back, "You know this is gonna hurt right?"

Apparently the Elder and the Fostern are speaking some Theurge 'cant' or something.

"I'm pretty sure someone somewhere said the best and most fun things usually hurt at first." Iris retorts with a grin, "Or that might have just been from that magical virginity loss moment, who knows. I fully accept that growth and advancement in spirit craft and Theurgery occasionally results in an apple shaped golden butt plug. But, you know... On the other hand, at least it ain't silver, right?" Optimism! She has it! "I'll run the course till I get it right, promise. And thanks! Sorry to kinda derail you from dinner time and company chats. As you were, good sir!"

Dragomir doesn't even know what's happening anymore.. he just.. yeah, wow.. Tacos. And he moves over to make himself a plate, and never has been so thankful for the phase of the moon he was born under as he is now. Lifting the plate up, he starts to take a bite and begins to make his way outside. Fresh air, that's definitely what he needs right now.

Journey chuckles, shaking his head, "Oh nono, come on." He moves toward the glass doors. "Combat. Magic only. Points on three." He pulls open the glass sliding doors, and heads out back.

Brooke takes a bite of her taco, and watches Stephen have his food. She pays attention to what he does, but then Journey is moving outside, and she sees Dragomir heading that way, and she looks to Iris and thinks...maybe she should follow as well.

"CRAP." Iris blurts, and jams the last of the taco into her face. But you know what? Fuck it, she's gonna go out there and she's gonna fail like a fucking CHAMP is what she's gonna do! Dusting her hands off, she marches after Journey!

A high twelve foot concrete reinforced wall topped with wrought iron spikes encloses the quarter acre or so of the backyard.

Emerging from the glass door to the house to the South, a covered concrete patio stretches out ten feet, holding several deck chairs and tables forming a casual seating area, and ending in a large sunken firepit with embedded rings and bases to attach cooking equipment to the pit. On the far side of the pit, inset rocks of natural stones are fit together into tight pathways, laying across the green grass of the yard, gently sloping.

In the northernmost corner a collection of larger rocks and boulders, worn smooth by water lay in a large pile as water emerges from the stones, and runs down the stones to collect in a two foot deep, twelve foot wide pool of water.

To the East, a large willow tree stands, covering the ground beneath its gently curving branches.

In the open area of the yard, a pair of trees stand, with a large Hammock strung bwtween them. A Custom Hammock, it's large enough for a Trio of people to enjoy.

Elder says.. come watch this... challenge? What is this, fucking Hogwarts?! Magic only? What does that even mean? Dragomir comes outside with his plate, feeding his face with one hand and holding the vodka with the other. Doesn't that guy normally only drink water? A glance to Brooke, and something akin to 'I have no idea what's about to happen' is conveyed over the pack link.

Brooke has her plate of food, and while eating as well, she nods her head to Dragomir. She has no clue either, as magic is not her thing so much either...unless it is tech magic. Just time for her to stand back and watch with Dragomir.

Iris follows Journey out back, unslinging her Bigass Purse and thudding it onto the ground with some clinking and clanking, and digs around in it for a moment. Loading up her ARSENAL of magic items! What are they? It's the magic of Nunya. As in Nunya Business.

Journey is standing outside in the open area, Lisa NOT coming, Stephen inside and secured from this. With the rest of the food. So he's good. Journey watches Iris, "Points to three, Magic only, touch counts." He nods to Iris, "Questions before we begin."

Brooke looks back between them, standing with her Alpha...munching tacos.

"Three tickles, hold the pickles!" Iris says, brimming with confidence despite knowing full well she's going to get her ass kicked off, waxed, and then handed to her nice and neat. Or fast and dirty. Cause she's seriously going to have to improvise like... a lot. Do jazz hands count as magic? She takes a second to concentrate so as to whip out her pretty much only magic thingie... Wings.

Iris wings up like a champ! FWOOMP! Bigass white dove's wings. FEEL THE PEACE, FUCKER!

As soon as Iris activates the Fetish Journey flicks out his hand, alignment on the Jackal Headed Ring on his hand, focuses on Iris and the small diamonds in the eyes shine as Iris shoots up, and the spot where she stood explodes, leaving a small blasted spot as Iris neatly gets out of the way, and Journey nods, "That's worth a point."

Iris flies like a boss! Which is good because she's largely helpless when Journey tries to BLOW HER THE FUCK UP! In retaliation for this violence against a woman, you *cad*, Iris spreads her wings, moonlight catching on the snow white and slightly gold touched feathers, giving her a particularly angelic appearance, albeit an angel that's like super dirty and has some hairy friggin armpits. A wash of gentle awe and calm fills the heart of her 'prey', a kind of drunken 'I LOVE YOU, MAN!' that can only come from the loving heart of Pegasus herself.

Journey pauses, looking up at the Crazy ass Fury as the effect blindsides him, reaching past the Mental blockades into the Emotional, and brings greater force on the strongest emotion there. Journey blinks and his mouth tightens, and shoulders hunch ad he constricts with suppressed laughter, taking a step back, trying to overcome the sudden fit of the fucking giggles.

When she's not immediately shot by lightning, Iris barrel rolls and swoops! It's not as graceful as it could be, but she's busy and this is some hectic aiming here. She doesn't actually want to crash directly into Journey at all, or give them both concussions, so doing a fly-by nose smewch takes a bit of work. Aaaaaand *touch*. Touch counts, separate sentence from 'magic only', so there!

Journey blinks and turns, looking drunken almost, and lcaughs, "Wait wait two-zero, nono." He then actually focuses on the Fury flying past and snaps his fingers.

And thus the magical COMBAT STONER FEST continues! From up in the air, Iris succumbs to the glorious rapture of Gaia by screaming out a rousing, "WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!" while doing this completely random series of dive-bombs and loop de loops, in very honest danger of crashing and breaking her fool neck, but *somehow*, she just kinda eeks through it by the skin of her god damned teeth. When the mind blowing quality of the Dazzle reaches that 'sit down and stay down' portion of things, her landing is a soft, gentle, totally not at all boob skinning sliiiiiiiiiiide across the lawn on her chest until she's just sprawled on the grass on her front, splayed out in an X, wings flopped on the ground and occasionally twitching like a cat's tail when it's all blitzed out on Nip.

Journey nods, "Don't mind, grounding you I'll take a point there. And I won't take one for this." He nsaps his fingers and a FUCKTON of water appears in shimmery, stoner liquidness over Iris. Then FUCKING Gravity Sploosh! And the sopping wet Fury comes back.

"DUUUUUUUDE...." Iris wails, but she takes that bath, and then admits in that overly honest, high as fuck sort of way, "I really needed that. I smell like a huge foot." She pushes up to her hands and knees, stumbling slightly as she gets up to her feet, "Whoawhoawhoa!" she complains as gravity comes from the left instead of straight down. Her wings are fine though, thank you feather oils! Not *perfect*, mind you, but still. She's honestly out of it, it's not an act when she's kind of stumbling about there and getting her brain to work right. And then, attack! (sorta.) She plucks a vial from her cleavage, whips the top off, lunges forward and flings it at Journey's head, unleashing the magic of glitter! This is not *actually* magic, correct, but millions of ammeter magicians and Bronies the world over would argue that it's certainly 'magical'. She does this while screaming, "JAZZ HANDS!" as though she were casting the world's stupidest spell.

Journey flicks his hand, a sudden blast of wind, and a whistle, from him and the theing she threw goes right back into her face. Literally impacting on her nose.

Iris screams again! "MY EEEEEEEEYES! I'M SO FABULOUSLY BLIIIIIND!" She can't help it, this is *really* fucking funny despite the fact that OW GOD! Glitter in the eyes! And, since she's soggy as fuck right now, it ALL STICKS! Thank god she's not a Corax because she'd implode. With one eye squeezed shut and the other cracked about half way, she shouts, "I don't remember what the points are anymore!" and attempts to just wing slap the elder. It counts, it's a magic item! Not that it's going to *land*, mind you..

Journey watches the wing come in and the smile leaves his face as the wing brushes into him and the whiff of ozone and a sudden sharp snap as electricity courses through the winged Theurge. He takes a breath, "Seriously though, this is the kind of advancement that can turn lethal." He turns, moving back across the ground. "Two even. Last point." He turns back.

It's all fun and games till someone's nose hairs get curled. The fun flap fest has come to an end as Iris goes suddenly rigid, her arm (and pit!) hairs standing on end as she's electrocuted, and then just... falls down, smoking a little bit when she exhales. "Uuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhh!" is her war cry from down on the ground. She takes a moment to consider, banish the pain or go for the gold? Fuck it, she's done vivisection without anesthetic before, she can hang. "You *fried* me! You should feel *so bad*!" she groans, pointing an accusing finger at Journey while she struggles to pick herself up off the ground. Hell naw she ain't giving up, and instead hurls guilt at the elder. FEEL SO BAD ABOUT THIS!

Journey lowers his head, looking levelly at Iris, Kindled, the emotional spark of his focus becomes quite clear, "You know I've been thinking of using that one, calling it a sacred soil." He always was a hard read. He lifts a hand, holding an innocuous little jellybean which he pops into his mouth.

"Shitfuck!" What, like Iris hasn't heard about Satan's Burn Beans? Having been electrocuted, she's honestly a little fearalized with pears about being set on fire! Maybe he's just freshening his breath with the zesty taste of cherry candy, maybe she's gonna fuckin die. Whatever the case, she whips her hands up while turning her head away, genuinely scared shitless for a second! See, this was why I asked about reflective things in the garden, because heightened fear + a natural channel that slips sideways = boop! It's not quite instantaneous, but possibly, maybe, faster than getting set on fire.

Journey opens his mouth, flames licking his teeth, light coming from his open maw as he lunges forward slightly, a blast of flame shooting across the distance to impact.. Again, into the place where Iris was before she transited across the Gauntlet. Journey stretches his jaw and chuckles, "And that's the point."

Iris appears in the umbra... unburned! "CRAP!" she blurts again. I mean yes this was very helpful THIS time, but god damn it! She can't see Journey right now, but he can probably see her as she fluffs her wings and lifts off, while whipping another baggie thingie out of her boobs. She has actual pockets, but not gonna lie, bras make waaaaay better saddle bags. Zing. And accidentally lifts off into a tree! "CRAAAAAAP!" God damned umbral nature, it keeps wanting to hug. She doesn't WANT to hug right now!

Journey looks over, watching Iris easiely, and chuckles, lifting a hand and calling "Do it." The Umbra for one mile.. Here one mile in every direction from Journeys house, every spirit of Gaia turns its attention to Journeys commands. The entire freaking Umbra it seems sweeps around Iris, engulfing her, sweeping around her, and through her, searing into her, the pain of the spiritual mark, Adren ADREN ADREN!!

And lo, the umbra was filled with much shrieking and flailing as Iris flails around like a completely inept idiot while somehow also gaining rank, this makes no sense but then... It's Iris, so it's kinda par for the course really. Bombarded by plants, wind, maybe a few sparks of fire, a squirrel spirit in the bum, a rabbits and deer and the friggin tree itself, she feels a bit like the day all the forest beat Snow White up so she'd stop fucking singing. It's the most painful love ever! BLOOP! Iris appears back in the physical world, still screaming and flailing, wings flapping madly as she hangs upside down from a tree, fallen half out of her own pants, which have gotten tangled up on branch nubs. When she realizes she's not being loved to death any more she stops and just... hangs there. "...Ow." she complains. And then falls the rest of the way out of her pants and hits the ground face first.

Journey watches Iris FLUMP her way into being Adren. This is how it often is with those Touched by the Wyld. Bronwyn would approve. "Congratulations." He says.

Brooke sits her plate down and claps loudly! "Congratulations Mercy's Messenger!" WOO!!

Journey lifts his head, "Spread the word." he whispers into the wind, adn the rushing of air fills the place.

Iris's wings FLAP just once, smacking the ground in a rather birdlike imitation of a toddler just smacking their feet into the ground when FINE! giving up. "Thaaaaank yoooooou!" she calls, her voice muffled by the grass of the lawn. It takes her a moment, but then, still pantsless and largely unmoving, she suddenly *whips* a hand up in the air, and shouts into the lawn, still muffled, "HIGH FIVE!" at.. Whoever. She's not looking, and still has fucking glitter in her eyes anyways.

Journey smiles and looks over to the rest of the onlookers. "Okay so. Tacos." He looks to Iris, "You okay?"

Brooke nods, "Tacos." She does peer closer to Iris. "Need help to get your pants?"

"Ugh, leaving me *hangin*, you guys suck!" Iris says, waving her unfived hand before slapping it to the ground so she can push herself up. "The hell with my pants, they turned against me like the traitorous Weaver woven butt covers they are! FIE ON YOU PANTS! Ow." She looks down at her bare legs, which are unshaven in case anyone cares, and checks out the spider web of burns running from her feet upwards, following the paths of her veins. "Ooooooo shit that hurts so fucking bad but how god damned *awesome* do I look?!" Surely everyone here is garou enough to deal with the Pantsless Wonder, because she's flaunting her war wounds, damn it!

Journey nods, "Yeah, you were soaking wet when you took that charge, remember, that carved some serious burns through you." He looks to Brooke, "You got this story right?"

Iris is totally wearing underoos, also. Just so it's said. Wonder Woman

Brooke grins, "Absolutely. I'm already thinking how I'm going to tell the tale for the next Moot. Let alone the cubs will really enjoy this one. I have a feeling it will be shared quite often."

Journey nods to Brooke, and chuckles, "Okay. Can't wait." He looks to Iris, and gestures, "You want to get fixed up or enjoy that some more?"

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." Iris says as she limps towards the house and its bounty of delicious tacos. "If people aren't roaring with laughter by the end, then I demand everyone lose renown. Except me." Dragomir's probably gone ahead and suffering that aneurism, or else he's drunk all the vodka ever and is crying himself to sleep against the wall. Whichever, either is probably totally accurate here. "I say good day, sir!" Iris gives Journey the hand at the offer of healing, "I'm gonna keep this, I'm gonna suffer through it, and I'm gonna learn from it!"

Brooke looks to see wherever her suffering Alpha is, but the call for tacos seems stronger now as she is sure he is still reeling from what they watched. Meh...catch up with him later! "Best challenge I've witnessed yet." She giggles.

Journey nods, "Pretty good, now I feel the call of tacos." He chuckles, and heads inside, "We'll get you some neosporin."

"Oooh, and a bandaid too, while we're at it!" At least Iris can take a major wound with a sense of humor, right? "Brooke! Make a note: Electricity *really* hurts!" See, she's already learning from the experience! Lookit her *go*! On the way in, her wings relax and fold, melding into her back to form the elaborate tattoo they hide out as.

Brooke nods to Iris, "Good. Basic science wins the day. Thank you for testing and letting us know."