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What about Bob? Brooke Challenges for Adren
Billy and Brooke hang out around the city for the day, and discover a secret lab that has been turned into a dangerous version of a video game.
IC Date February 1st, 2018
IC Time Afternoon
Players Billy, Brooke
Location In the City
Spheres Gaian Garou

In the morning the Glass Walker pair have gotten together as planned. Scientific as he is, the Philodox has that strong lupus streak and insists nothing fun ever happens by planning for it, and that they should just run around a while and see what happens. Stick their nose into interesting things and explore a bit. If nothing else, it does make for a pretty good day out, driving around to different random spots to see what's happening out in the big city.

It's somewhere around the third or fourth random stop with the day in full swing, and the pair are wandering along through down town. Billy is trying his first hotdog-with-absolutely-everything, the weather is warming up nicely and the spirit of commerce and city is booming all around them in the form of smartly dressed people going to work, lunch, meetings, whatever, and of course the ever present sounds and scents of traffic. Billy meanwhile has made a Face and is staring at his hotdog, "I'm not sure I'm a sauerkraut guy."

Brooke laughs! "I'm not a fan of sauerkraut myself. But it is worth trying once. What is life without adventure?" She looks at her hotdog she is about to munch. "You have had the bacon wrapped ones, right?"

Billy still eats it, but he makes a mental note about sauerkraut for next time! "Wait wait. They make *bacon wrapped hotdogs*??" Billy asks, eyes wide at this amazing new revelation. A rat makes its way unobtrusively out of an alley, unnoticed by most people as it hops up onto a short wall and behind some decoratively cut bushes. This in itself isn't too unusual, where there's people there's rats, and cities are full of them. What stands out here, though, is what Brooke catches just a glimpse of while Billy's too distracted by bacon talk. The rat's carrying a little nibble along with it and, wait what? Was that a finger?

Brooke is about to answer Billy and just blinks. What? Was that?? What??? She looks to Billy and says, "I'll get you one later. In fact, I'll get you a dozen. Um...I just saw something. You saw the rat right? I think it had a finger in its mouth. I think we should check on that."

"A what, now?" Billy asks, looking side to side, "Yeah over.. Somewhere. A finger?" he asks with bafflement, "Are you certain? ...Someone else's right? And not like it's mouth was a finger, right? Because that would be really weird and gross." He doesn't seem to know exactly which way it went, so he steps out of the way so Brooke can take the lead on this. Within just a few moments the rat has managed to vanish itself behind the little boxy cut shrubs.

Brooke walks over by the bushes. "Yeah, it was biting a finger that it was taking along with it. Those things will eat anything from what I gather." She starts pushing apart the leaves to see if she sees anything else.

Billy follows while shoving the last of his hotdog into his face. If rats'll eat anything, then they're not getting his lunch! It takes a minute but Brooke finds her target passing right alongside the building behind the bushes. It's a female, out hunting down something delicious to bring back to the nest, and she squeaks when Brooke's face and hands suddenly appear, attempting to run for it! And yes, that's definitely a finger, neatly severed just above the second knuckle. It's not chewed up as though the rat did it, pretty unmarked and just sorta picked up.

Brooke pulls a napkin from her pocket (yeah, she is prepared whenever she is around Billy! This is the obligatory reminder of the BBQ Sauce!) and reaches with it to snatch the finger away and wrap it up. Hopefully Brooke is fast enough to grab it.

She's quick enough to grab it with the napkin, but can she win the tug of war?! Probably, yeah, but damn it that lady rat isn't giving up easily. SHE found it, and she's gonna KEEP it! The fight's not that bad really, it's just gross, cause it's making Brooke's fingers all gross with congealed blood squeezins. Still, while the ratgirl's willing to fight for her food, she's only willing to fight so hard. This is dangerous, so fuck it! She lets go of the finger and runs at top speed along the wall to get away.

Brooke gets that finger, and wraps it in the napkin. "I'll buy another hot dog and throw it back here for her. Fair trade and all." She pulls more napkins out and gets anything off her hands. Where is the hand sanitizer when you need it!?! "What do you think Billy? All I can really tell is it is a finger. Only bite marks is from where she bit it. Hmmm."

Billy makes a face at the severed man's finger, "Ew. Well, that definitely counts as something interesting! Wanna go find where it came from? ...I dunno where that is."

Brooke stares at it some more. It is gross, but she's seen and done worse. "So someone cut off a man's finger. I am not sure how much mafia is going around here, or bookies, but I suspect we should look around a bit and see if we find any more digits...or more." She directs Billy to look at other sections of the bushes and they both scan the wider area.

The going is slow but there's a drop here or there of gross goopy dead blood leading in a rough trail back the way the rat came through the bushes, a little smear at the edge of the planter's wall, and leading into the alley between some tall buildings. It's not a gross disgusting alley, actually fairly clean and clear due to being down town. The rat carried the severed digit a decent ways along the alley, and the trail leads to a short flight of steps to what looks like an unassuming basement door. There's no knob on it, and its grey paint is a little chipped. To the left of the door frame there's a small keypad. A small red sputch mark up around chest level and another on the ground show that the finger got severed by the door, and in the dust and debris of the little stairwell, there's two more that hit the ground and rolled away.

Brooke follows the trail and finds the door. "Where is CSI with their collection kits..." she muses to herself. "Billy, you see what I see. Maybe we should try to get inside and see if someone needs help in there."

"Oh my gosh, I bet that *hurt*!" Billy says with some honest empathy about what they're seeing just now, and nods quickly his agreement with Brooke. "No handle.. Think you can handle that keypad?" he asks, and goes about halfway up the steps to see up on to ground level, "I'll keep an eye out while you do. Besides, this seems like a pretty good start to that challenge you wanted! Told you not planning works best!"

Brooke laughs! "Yeah, no planning works every time." She trots down the steps and looks at the keypad. "Yeah, I should be able to handle that - no problem."

When Brooke fiddles with the spirits in the key pad, there's a distinct *thunk* as what sounds like some pretty beefy locks trip open. The door itself doesn't, but the lock fails. Billy heard it succeed as well, and comes back down the stairs to try and help force the door to slide open.

Brooke puts a shoulder against the door. "Ok, on three we push it open? One...two...three!"

It takes a good minute or two to wrangle the door, it's completely unpowered and the pair have to heeeeeeave to get it open! Billy has some trouble at first, but he gets a new grip and some different leverage and then between the two of them together, they're able to shove the door open with a squeal, revealing nothing but blackness beyond... Dun dun DUUUUUUUUN!

Brooke sees the darkness...the very very black darkness, and decides time to pull out another gift she has learned with help from the technological spirits she has been working with. She takes in a breath and closes her eyes. When she pops them back open, she can see again through the blackness. She has exchanged her sight for infrared and can start to make things out inside.

Billy went a pretty similar route himself, pausing alongside Brooke a moment and reconfiguring his senses to pick up infrared. The blackness turns into shades of blue and purple, displaying a lot of things that are fairly cool. An even seventy degrees. Fine details are lost, but they can see clearly now. It almost looks like a supply room, although holding nothing of great interest. Desk and chair, a few extra chairs stacked up, coffee maker and so on. It's like a low rent waiting room for a failing business. Blackish blue splotches on the ground look like blood spatter on the wall beside the door, likely due to having fingers severed when the door slammed shut, and trail off back through the room towards a door that hangs ajar. "...You don't think this place was working on um.. on a zombie virus or anything, do you? This has horror movie lock down scenario written all over it."

Brooke smirks at Billy. "If a Zombie comes out into here, I'm sure we are equipped to handle it. Claws first in that case." She searches around to see if there is any sign of life or what. "Good thing that door was heavy..or do you think we should put something in the doorway to make sure it does not shut...scratch that. Let's move something in the doorway just in case."

"Yeah, but then what if WE turn into zombies!?" Billy questions. He's not super up on his pop culture, but he's totally heard about the walking dead, and may have even seen an episode or two! But he does nod, all red and yellow colored in Brooke's vision, and goes to help her move some kind of something to block the door. "This stack of chairs, maybe?" But, RIGHT when they start to move things forward, the door powers up and shuts itself with an audible *thunk!* of locks sliding into place, almost mocking in its timing.

Brooke sighs. "Well, if we do not find another way out, or another control panel - we may have to break down the door."

"...Heck." Billy says at the now closed door, moving in to look around near it. "How did they open it in here, anyways? I bet it's a hidden switch or.. Something. Well, we're stuck in it now, aren't we? Okay, you lead, I'll follow." The only other way out is through the door where the blood drips disappear through, though this one is a totally normal door with a knob so there's no trouble there. Through it, a hall, black and dark with the cool blue of the walls as it leads through what look like ordinary, unimportant little offices, bathrooms, and a break room. "I feel like I'm in Tron!" Billy whispers with a grin on his infrared face. It really doesn't seem worth that security door, but at the same time there's a distinct sense of disarray. There's some papers on the floor here, a broken coffee mug there, chairs shoved out away from desks like whoever had been working in here left in a hurry.

Brooke looks about to find if there is any tech, computers, etc, around on the desks. She'd look for a light switch, but why bother right now? "The high security door we came in, and yet ordinary stuff here. Weird. Maybe they were keeping something or someone in there?"

There are computers, but they're as dead as the lights, as though the whole area had its power turned off, all except for the door. It's impossible to read any of the papers, but the whole thing just seems so... mundane. "Yeah, I was expecting robots or lasers or.. Something. Not the accounting department or wherever we are." Past At the far end of this simple and mundane office space though, the pair comes to another security door much like that to the outside, secured with what looks like a dead key pad... "Heck it all, that's dead too. What do you suggest?" he asks Brooke, though if he has any ideas of his own he holds them back for now.

Brooke looks closer at the dead key pad. "Huh...I wish I had a setup to give it power. If this wasn't so much an investigation, I'd say we could tear through this. Perhaps I could find something and give it a spark...try to fix it." She begins to look around and see if there is anything she could use to give it some power. "If you have another suggestion, let me know."

"I think finding a power source is a great idea. Um.. Split up and search the offices?" Billy offers, and should she go with that idea, he'll stick close of course, no splitting way up in the creepy abandoned whatever this is.

Brooke nods, "Yeah, let's look around for something. Every drawer and closet." She starts her search, fully knowing Billy will probably follow her. If /only/ power sources had bacon scent - he'd find it then!

At first their search yields fuckall, but just when it's starting to seem like a 'god fucking damn it' moment, the pair manage to find several helpful items that they can strip batteries from. An old half dead laptop, a few desk lamps with decently large batteries, wire a'plenty and little alligator clips, even something to crack off the protective face of the keypad to get to its complicated wires.

Brooke takes all this stuff and does her best MacGyver to put it together. She asks Billy from time to time to hold certain parts and do this and that - as well as suggest anything more since he is pretty damn smart himself she knows.

Billy plays tech-nurse to Brooke's science-doctor like a pro! He generally stays out of the whole thing aside from following directions, after all she's supposed to be showing *her* genius as a Glass Walker right now, so he keeps his mouth shut. Although to be honest, they both seem to be thinking pretty alike and he's got his usual pleased demeanor in place. In no time, though, the keypad lights up, little yellow spots forming in their IR vision showing heat in little filaments. "Nice job!" Billy says with a grin, and it's just an easy clip of wires to get the *thunk* sound and the whoosh sound of the door opening up.

Lying just a few feet inside the doorway is a body, male, face down and sprawled on the ground. Slacks, a technician's white lab coat just lightly spattered with blood, he was in his late 40's with thinning hair and a bald spot on top, his glasses knocked partially off his face, and on one hand he's missing his index, middle, and ring finger.

Brooke hears something and quickly does her best gymnastics move to get out of the way. She gets away in time, but sees Billy get grazed. She reaches to yank him further away from it and looks for safety or anything else around that could target them. "What the hell! Lasers??"

"PLAYER ONE, HAS ENTERED THE GAME." is heard over intercom speakers, probably once used for interoffice announcements and the like, "PLAYER TWO, HAS ENTERED THE GAME." Doof doof! Hot red laser shots zip through the air, causing small burns on the linoleum flooring. "AH!" Billy hisses when he gets a zinger across the arm. It's not bad though, the half moon diving aside more slowly than Brooke and grateful for the tug. They're able to take scant shelter by a beam along the wall and its bricked up facade. "I don't know!" He's just as surprised as he is.

Brooke sighs, "Oh crap. You were right about being like Tron, in a way. Damn." She looks about from the shelter they have found. "We got to disable whatever the hell this is."

Overlaying Brooke's infrared vision appear lines of color moving through the cool blue of the walls and ceilings, blurring and fading as they get farther off through the blueprint of the facility. To the door's still battery powered keypad, through walls and branching to boxes that are probably computers or something in other rooms, and of course through the ceiling to the two small turrets. They have power and they are, in and of themselves, tiny computers with targeting, maneuvering and firing programming. Their data comes in from deeper in the place out of sight and there's something of an 'active hand' in this, given their timing of being turned on in attack mode.

Brooke relays what she sees to Billy. "We can jam the lasers and take them out, but I'm betting there is more from here. Someone is controlling this. They might think we are mice in a maze. We need to put an end to this." Then something occurs to her. "If they have that, they have cameras. If we ... change here, they will have it on tape. Shit."

"Heck it." Billy mutters. He doesn't cuss, he's a very good boy. "You're right, there has to be surveillance around here somewhere. What's your call, sir? My resources are available to you if you want me to control, short out or jam anything for you. Otherwise um.. I could try and make a run for it down the hall and draw their fire if you want to try and hit them with um.. A brick or.. something."

Brooke nods and thinks for a moment. "We need to short out more permanently those lasers. I'm sure there is something more ahead. Then we need to go further in to try to find who is controlling this where. Jamming is not good enough. Can you do that? Then we get down the hall and see what more we find."

"Yes sir." Billy says with a quick salute. He leeeeeeans carefully to try and get a view without getting shot at, daring for a quick peek. There's a shudder of twitchy movement from the turrets, and Brook can see her tribemate's interference with the signal connecting the pair. The two turn to face each other, and then both fire at the same time, causing a small explosion up on the ceiling as the things burst in a hail of metal and plastic fragments.

Brooke laughs! HA! "Oh...I got to learn that one!" She looks about. "Ok, let's try to head down the hallway and see what we find there. Keep an close eye around. You pay close attention to the upper half and ceiling. I'll keep an eye on the lower half. Ok?"

"Once we're out of here, you can pick that one up." Billy says with a grin while stepping out from behind cover and heading cautiously down the hallway with Brooke, nodding to her instructions and keeping an eye out on the upper half. Traveling along, they soon end up in a large room filled with all sorts of interesting stuff. Computers connected by the data flow network that Brooke's able to see, a lot of equipment for testing and analyzing, there's various mechanical/robotics type stuff to help out with that. Nothing like the robots Billy builds, this is much simpler stuff, mechanical arms meant to auto fill test tubes with precise amounts of this or that, or to move and retrieve samples of whatever from their compartments. These things are in turn connected to the computers.

It's a fancy set up, almost completely shut down with just that residual sort of 'things are connected' sort of way. The thing that really messes the whole look up is all the dead bodies on the floor. They're juuuuuust starting to get that eau-de-dead-guy thing going, various people in lab coats much like that first guy they found. Some things are tossed around, there's large puddles of tacky and dried blood on the floor.

Brooke nods and follows Billy along. Once she sees all that is in here, she wrinkles her nose. "Oh, ugh...this is /not/ good." She looks for a place to start getting readings from one of the computers. See if she can tap into surveillance, and get a blueprint of the place, or anything to help them get to the heart of the operations.

Getting over to a computer, Brooke at first finds that the damned thing won't turn on, as if it had no electricity. While she fights with it, Billy looks around at the nearby bodies. "Oh my gosh," he says when he sees the rather gruesome way in which these people died. "I wonder if the people in the very front made it out, and that dead man that we found came from in here. Didn't quite make it and tried to get his hand in the door, lost his fingers and started running back to find a different way out when he got hit by those lasers. ..Oh no." Billy realizes what killed the people right when the enemy shows itself. The data surge through Brooke's vision is bright and huge, a rush of both power and programming. The computers kick in to life and begin booting up while the data flows right past and into the robotic lab arms. Billy's the one out in the open and they stab at the Philo while he dances and tries to avoid being gutted or injected with who knows what! Meanwhile Brooke's safe by a terminal, waiting for the fucking OS to load. It does, it just seems agonizingly slow when there's doom all around.

Brooke would jam the technology herself, but if that computer loads up she can get things shut down that way....load, darn you!!!!

"No! No! You have germs! No!" Billy commands at the arms as they try and murderize him a bit, grabbing a metal try off a table and using it as a shield while trying not to trip over corpses. Meanwhile, over at Brooke's terminal, loading... loading... LOADED! All the terminals make a little musical sound and she has access to its workings!

Brooke gets to work getting things going on the computer and hacks her way through the screens and gets the stabbing things stopped. She focuses and gets control away from the other terminal where the big bad guy is directing this show. It is her show right now.

"Ahh! Nooooo! Make it stop!" Billy shouts as he trips over a body behind him and falls down, half in a puddle of gross dead blood. His feet kick at an arm and he uses a now much dented tray to keep another from stabbing him in the head. He could shift, and he's got a light saber, but damn it with the risk of surveillance and this STILL being a challenge for Brooke, he keeps those things under wraps for now unless shit gets real dire. Fortunately, Brooke's awesome and the arms stop moving, leaving Billy panting and wide eyed on the floor.

"Billy! Are you ok? Did anything get you?" Brooke calls out, quite concerned. She will keep hacking away for another minute or two so she can make sure the big bad is locked from his system until either he comes to them, or they find him.

Whoever's controlling this is locked out. ...For now! Billy scrambles to his feet and gets away from the machines and to Brooke. "Holy *heck*! Did you *see* that?? Remind me to beef up the security on my own machines..." Catching his breath he looks to his tribe mate, "Well, what do you want to do now, sir? There's more places we can get into around here, but you've got the computer too. There's probably a lot of spirits around as well, if you're feeling spicy."

Brooke looks at Billy. "Spicy? What do you have in mind? I think this guy deserves something to burn him good."

Billy pops his shoulders in a shrug and smiles, being intentionally vague about things, "Well, we're 'Walkers, right? They may not exactly be *our* guys, but they're close enough. Pattern spiders, net spiders, electricity elementals, there's probably plastic and metal elementals in here as well. If you're nice enough and offer some good chiminage, you can probably talk them into just about anything that'll help you find the source of this um.. game."

Brooke nods. "I like the way you are thinking. Ok. Let's do that. Give us an advantage so we can win and end this game."

"Sounds good! ..You do it." Billy says with a grin, "I'll help loan any gnosis to the effort, but you're the spokes person in here, Player One."

The gauntlet is thick in this lab, thicker than outside in the city, but with some patience and gumption, Brooke can get her vision shifted across to the spirit plane. Billy does as well. There's a lot of those steely pattern spiders marching around on the walls, floor, and permanent structures like tables and shelves, all of it constructed of what looks like shaped metallic webbing or cloth. A single electricity spirit zips around through the wires buried inside the web-walls and the data flow network has small, glassy net spiders. A single death spirit is still hanging around but it minds its own business and other spirits just ignore it.

Brooke looks around seeing it all. "So you probably have the speech ability to talk to them. We need to get their help. Can you tell them we need to get to the control center? If they can help us open doors, avoid traps, and get there safely, then we will not hurt the technology. We just want to stop the guy in control."

"Sure, just a second.." Billy says, and begins speaking in odd tongues. One minute he sounds like the buzz of electricity arcing, the next he sounds like monotone clicks, and then something not all that different from the screech of dial up. Similar voices answer in fits and starts. "They want to know what's in it for them?"

Brooke hmms. "Ok, tell them that I'll make sure they have a tech haven of their own after this. A place they will not be bothered, as long as they stay there. I'll even bring them some additional tech once a month. I'll monitor to be sure they behave and all, but otherwise, they can be upgraded and maybe do some useful stuff."

Billy nods and relays the message. It takes some negotiation, the spiders and elemental have requests to get bargained down. The Net Spiders don't want the proposed system to be closed, they want the freedom to travel. The Pattern spiders say they're fine where they're at, but they want minimal to none in terms of damage to the facility. The electricity elemental wants a playground of wires and an amped up power supply. And they all want a little gnosis for their trouble. Agreed?

Brooke nods. "Alright. We need their help. Let's get to this. This guy has messed with us too long." She watches as Billy communicates with them further.

After some quick negotiating and interpreting, Brooke and Billy are able to move with a sense of safety again through whatever this secure lab is. They don't even need their IR sense of vision either, the electricity spirit and the pattern spiders bring back light and power to the rooms they venture through while a swarm of net spiders track through the flow of information, scrambling attempts to murder the wolves through the place's built in counter measures. They're shot at or jabbed at once or twice before the net spiders can wrest control away.

There's still bodies, still weird labs, they seem to have been more of an R&D lab than anything, by the looks of various different project labs, stupidly complex notes and even interoffice memos. Aside from the dead guys, one thing that just about every place in here has in common is Bob. Whoever the hell Bob is, no one likes this guy. He sounds like a jackass boss the way most people have mentioned him in private notes or clandestine text messages. Bob? Bob's a dick.

Eventually the pair find a lab with a complex name that boils down to quantum computing. As with everywhere else, there's a couple bodies in here, but these ones were just plain old shot with a gun. The culprit? Their co-worker, Marty Filch, identified by a name plate on his cluttered desk, and a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head. He's still holding the gun he used. Before killing himself, he used the blood of, presumably, his co-workers to write 'fuck you bob' on the wall behind him before ending it, and everyone else.

How? With looks like a stupidly complicated computer that looks vaguely like a Game Cube. It sits on his desk with a multitude of wires and antennae, plugged in to the wall, his machine, a homemade power source and more.

Brooke looks at the Game Cube and around the wires and all that is going on there. "This just brings up more questions. Who is controlling everything? Is it really centered into this one computer? And who the heck is Bob?"

"Bob must have been a very bad boy to make someone want to do *this*..." Billy says with a sad shake of his head. Backing up, he goes out of the office enough to read the sign again and says, "I think maybe that box thing is controlling everything. If they were studying quantum computing, I mean that's getting into some very weird stuff touching on AIs, ghosts in the machine, infinitely complex programs and who the heck knows what else. Quantum computing doesn't even.. it doesn't even exist, so.. There's really no telling what exactly is.. you know, *in* there. IF that guy figured it out, that is. Whatever it is, it's dangerous as heck."

Brooke nods, "Absolutely. Obviously, we do not want to destroy things, but this little sucker needs to be disabled, period. Hopefully the spirits can understand that this one thing is too dangerous to keep around."

"I think they'll live with it." Billy agrees with a sagely nod, "The pattern spiders are mostly just concerned with the facility itself, we can take that thing offline and break it without hurting the place. Could even just take it outside and smash it or something. It's a shame, that's some really advanced stuff, but.. yeah, way too dangerous. What do you suggest we do about the forgotten dead here?"

"Ok, let's unhook this machine and get it out of here. I'll give Vesta a call tomorrow, first thing. Get her to help us with the clean up. I'll make sure to be here so I can make the spirits happy with a few new toys as well. Make sure nothing gets damaged." Brooke replies. "Let's get this dangerous thing out of here first. Oh, and we need then to open the exit for us as well. Although I probably can do something with the computer in that one lab. One way or another."

Using Marty's terminal to get to door controls is simple enough, supplying a little power and an open request, which goes through just fine as Billy starts disconnecting the box from things, taking away its struggling control over the building. "PLAYER ZERO, HAS LEFFffff..." sounds over the intercoms as its connection is severed. He helps get it bundled up and avoids stepping in grossness as much as he can despite having some on him where he fell before. And then they're able to leave! Once they're outside again, Billy hands the doom box to Brooke and says, "You do it, I can't, I just.. I'll cry." It hurts to see good tech go bad and get smashed.

Brooke takes the box of doom, and sets it on the ground. She pat pats Billy's shoulder. "I understand, really. But this is for the greater good." And then she goes all Office Space onto a horrible fax machine on it. She may not have a baseball bat, but she has her feet, and even in Homid, she can inflict some damage. She even spots a brick laying outside, and uses it for good measure against the box of doom. After it is good and split up into a bazillion pieces, she takes a step back, breathing heavy for a few moments. "It's dead, Billy. Wish I didn't have to, but it is for the greater good this time."

"Yeah." Billy says with a heavy sigh of agreement. Glass Walkers, they're so weird. "Well, if you ask me, that was some real Adren thinking in there, you got us out of there practically on your own. Tech, spirits, good decision making and fast thinking. If you ask me, that's challenge passed. Let's go get another hotdog and celebrate! I mean, while making phone calls and stuff."

Brooke grins. "Thank you, Billy. I've been learning a lot. Let's see if we can find you those bacon wrapped ones. I'll give Vesta a call on the way."

Billy takes off his over shirt and tries to do a little creative folding to hide various blood stains. It leaves his gun and holster exposed, but he has licenses. He's a good boy, that way. And then, hotdogs!