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A traitor defects
The Red Circle was told to help someone get to a plane safely, turns out he is a traitor defecting. This is important to the events the next day.
IC Date November 29th, 2017
IC Time Night
Players Carys, Lawrence, Tempest, VegardST
Location Mexico City.
Spheres Vampire Sabbat

The ozone in the air is palpable and the sky looks ominous this night. Distant flashes of lightning on the horizon occasionally light up the darkness. It appears like it will soon storm. The approach to the mountain retreat is on a barren two lane dirt road. Located high on a mountain in middle of nowhere, Sechenia Mexico. This hamlet has a population listed at 20. Tonight a long line of vehicles clog the road for miles. The accommodations are splendid and each pack.

Carys is looking around the hacienda, and then receives a text message. She looks up and sees her pack mates and says, "Tempest, Lawrence, we got a job to do before everything gets started. We need to get to an address in Mexico City, meet a guy, and escort him to the airport. Let's get the car and get this done. I do not want to miss the rest of the events tonight."

Tempest gathers up the keys and the things she thinks they might need, including weapons and she heads for the door. "Let's go."

Lawrence ends his exploring and sightseeing when he gets called up by Carys and heads toward the car. "Like, ah' honor guard escort, or like ah' break his legs and trow 'em in da car escort?"

Carys shrugs as they head to the car. "Not sure. He is a Grimaldi. Could be get him out before he screws something up? Beats the hell out of me. A job is a job. Let's not piss anyone off."

Tempest laughs at Lawrence's suggestion. "Well, if he needs some bone breaking, I'm sure you'll take care of it." She wriggles the keys at Carys. "Want me to drive?"

Lawrence puts his big boned butt in the back seat, waiting for the ladies to decide who's driving. "So ask nice first, den break da bone if he don' co-operate?"

Carys grins, "Sure thing. I'll take shotgun." She nods to Lawrence, "Exactly. You play the muscle."

Tempest slides into the front seat, buckling in and she starts up the engine, pulling out of the hotel and nods at Carys. "Okay, you navigate and we'll get there toot suite!"

The trip to Mexico City is long, the hacienda is way out in the boonies and getting to the city sprawl feels like it takes forever. You pass ramshackle slums on your way, so many that it feels like that is all there is around here. When you finally arrive to the location provided you, it's a sprawling mansion. Truly, this is a magnificent estate. The totality of the estate is so bit, it takes 20 minutes just to get to the house. Parking in the large circular driveway, the place seems mostly deserted. Only a few lights are on in the mansion.

Carys hmms. "Well, at least if we get out of the car, we shouldn't worry about anyone stealing it. Let's get inside and meet this Pablo." She exits the car, and waits for at least Lawrence to squeeze his way out and join her on the walk up to the door. "I'd expect someone to come out and greet us already. This could be some drama."

Lawrence watches all the slums pass bye out the window, and then the large driveway. "Ya, burnin' moonlight." As he gets out as well and follows the ladies to the door. "Let's hope dis goes smooth."

Lawrence reaches out to try the door rather than ring the bell at her comment about drama

The door is locked.

Lawrence looks the door over a moment. "So ehh, ring da bell, or..." pats his shoulder.. "knock?"

Carys nods, "Ring the bell. A place this big, it may be needed. If he doesn't answer, we knock...or knock it down."

Lawrence motions for the two of them to move out of the 'field of fire' in case the bell gets a violent response before he rings it. Lawrence (after they get out of the way) does, in fact, ring the bell.

Carys moves aside, waiting.

After ringing the bell and or knocking, you wait. In fact, you wait a terribly long time. To the point of annoyance. Right as you are deliberating plan C, someone on the other side of the door is unlocking it, several bolts are slid open before the door. The Hispanic woman that answers the door, belongs on Telemundo. She is beautiful, but nothing about her is natural. From Botox'd lips to her padded rear end and her obviously expensive boob job, this woman screams plastic. She looks down her nose at the three of you and says, "Mister Salamanca is expecting you. This way.." she turns and her heels clickety clack on the polished marble floor. A painting dominates the view in this magnificent foyer, it depicts a Cro-Magnon man striking another Cro-Magnon man in the head with a rock. The violent painting is incredibly detailed and you can feel empathetic pain for the man struck with the rock. The woman in the too short dress beckons you to follow her down the hall past a set of grand stairs and then into a sitting room. "Wait here.. he will see you soon." and then she leaves the same way she came, closing the door behind her and leaving you there in the opulent sitting room.

Tempest doesn't like it and she explores the room looking for other ways out, and makes sure they're not locked in as the woman leaves. She's edgy and really doesn't like these situations, but they keep piling up. "We're just giving this guys a ride? He doesn't look like he needs a ride from the likes of us."

The door is not locked, though the other door in this room is locked.

Lawrence looks up at the painting a moment. "Cain an' Able ya think? Or jus' random murder?" Though places himself near the locked door, to where if someone comes out it, they go through him before hitting the ladies.

Carys shakes her head at Tempest's question, as she taps her foot while they wait. "I think we are making sure he gets out of town. Proof he left. We may have to convince him to leave the way this is shaping up. Either that, or make sure he lives to get on the plane."

Tempest looks up at Carys. "You want I should do some sneaking and see if I can find someone here? The house is quiet. Too quiet. All this space and that woman might be the only one here."

A full half hour passes by and still, no one returns.

Carys nods to Tempest. "Be careful, but yeah. Something does not feel right. We need to take some sort of action. But not all of us at once."

Lawrence looks between the two. "Alright, he ain' coming, we being put on. If ya's can track da guy, let's get im, if not, get da woman and make her take us to 'im, not searchin' every nook and cranny in dis' place."

Tempest looks at Carys and then Lawrence. "We're Vampires. First place we go is down." She steps out of the room as silently as possible and then goes deeper into the house, looking for stairs to a basement.

As you are about to go looking, the woman returns. "Mister Salamanca will see you now. This way please.." she moves through the room and she unlocks the door on the other side of the room, opening it she walks into a small hallway and opens the door at the far end. Gesturing inside, she hastily ushers you into what appears to be a large office.

Carys follows this woman and watches everything around. Once inside, she looks for this guy they are looking for.

Lawrence follows all three ladies, big burly guy that he is, doesn't completely get out of the doorway when they reach the office.

Tempest really wants to strangle Ms. Plastic. "Wow, I think silicon's leaking.. there's a wet spot on your dress. There." She just can't help it, they have a job to do and they're going to do it.

Once inside of the office, you can see just how rich this guy is. If the estate wasn't enough of a clue, the artwork in this office is obviously worth millions. The room is choked with cigar smoke and behind the large desk a small Hispanic man, well dressed and extremely dignified sits there. When you are in his full view, the look on his face is one of disappointment. He splutters and takes the cigar out of his mouth, "You're my escort?" he stares at the three of you in disbelief. The woman, did not take Tempests jab kindly and she sneers at her before she makes her exit back into unknown parts of the house.

Lawrence doesn't exactly move out of the door, so unless it's a really wide door, there may be some touching between the giant fake boobs of the assistant and the large real belly of the big man. Petty, yes. But he's annoyed, and about ready to throw the man in the trunk.

Carys looks at him and raises an eyebrow, "Yeah, we were sent to escort you. We should go. Don't want to miss your plane."

Pablo Salamanca y Grimaldi, stands up from behind his desk. "Which of you is Ventrue?" he looks between them questioningly.

Tempest stands to the side, ready and able, but she's no bruiser. She just smiles at the question and doesn't answer.

Carys stands up straight and looks at him quite seriously. "None of us are Ventrue. Why does it matter to you? You got three of us ready to escort you. Although judging from how well you live, I'm surprised you do not have a hit squad and a private helicopter to fly you to the airport and get on your luxury jet."

Lawrence raises an eyebrow at that, and snarls just a bit. "Plane's a waitin', night is burnin', ya gots places ta go."

Pablo furrows his brow and he shakes his head a little, "This is all very disconcerting." he looks between the three dubiously, finally he just sighs and nods. "Fine, let's get to the airport. I take it, they didn't brief you on what this is about.." he mutters. "After you.." he gestures back the way you came in.

Carys gestures to Lawrence to pull up the rear behind Pablo. "We were only told what they felt we needed to know. Come here, get you, go to airport. Buh-Bye. What else is going on?" She walks a few steps ahead of him, turned so she can speak clearly with him.

Tempest steps back, gesturing for Carys and Pablo to precede them. She nods at Lawrence to take up the rear if he needs some convincing. "Not our business. We have a job to do and we'll do it."

Lawrence whispers softly to Tempest as they get a move on, finally. "Listen for anythin' like trigger click'en at da corners an' doors."

Pablo walks with you toward the front of the house, a man who is probably a butler is standing at the front door with a huge pile of luggage. So much luggage it will never fit in the car you came in. When the butler opens the door and Pablo sees your car, his heart sinks. He looks back at the three of you with a look of disbelief. "We're going to ride in that?!"

Tempest suddenly starts to laugh. "You have more luggage than a woman. You can ship the rest ahead to where you're going. Take what you /must/ have with you and the rest can be sent ahead."

Lawrence takes a look at the luggage, giving Carys am imploring look. He really wants to throw the guy in the trunk.

Carys looks to him. "If you wanted to bring your home with you, you should have shipped it ahead. Take 2 bags, and the rest stays. Have your people ship it somewhere - wherever you are going. No excuses. Just deal."

Pablo is visibly angered but he just starts to pick out what luggage he can carry himself. "I am already regretting this.." he mutters. After spending too much time choosing and requiring your nudging, he finally gets in gear and everyone loads up in the car. It's cramped due to the luggage and he smells like cigar smoke, so you ride with the windows cracked at least. Pablo has sunk into sullen silence and he doesn't say a word as the trip gets underway to the airport.

Tempest drives again, and much like a bat out of hell, desperate to get this fop and his stinky self to the airport. In the back. With Lawrence and his meaty hands.

Carys makes sure Tempest knows the way to the airport, but watches around in case of anything else coming at them or for their package.

Lawrence throws a big arm over the little man and acts all chummy, except for the not so subtle or accidental display of fang. "So, ya's got cubans, or cheap havana crap?" He actually knows nothing about cigars, just uses a movie reference."

Pablo squirms and does his best to get away from Lawrence, it's obvious that he is absolutely furious. The airport you are to deliver him to, is not the normal International Airport. It's a remote runway a private plane is waiting on the runway and there are about 10 black SUV's here. Men in black suits are everywhere. There are at least 15 of them around the plane and they are waiting as you arrive. Pablo breathes a sigh of relief when he sees his escort came through at least. "Finally.." he whispers. "I don't know how much the Camarilla are paying you, but I do thank you for the ride." he says quietly.

Tempest looks amused at that. Camarilla. She slides to a stop and then glances at Carys, giving her a look from beneath her lashes. "Mmm. I'm sure it'll benefit us all, right?"

Carys sends a text message off at that. Then looks to Tempest. "Certainly." She looks back to Pablo and says, "Why didn't these guys bring you here?"

Lawrence raises an eyebrow at Carys, and in this cramped back seat there isn't much getting away from the big man, waiting for the response to her text.

Pablo quirks a brow, "Because we'd all be dead if they did? I'm not defecting for nothing.. " he says flatly.

Carys receives a text back. "Ok, let's get him out and on the plane. Just be cool, and this will be over quickly." She is looking forward, but blinks. She shakes her head and just opens the door, and steps out.

Tempest gets out and then she walks around to hold open the door for Pablo, letting him get his own luggage. She's watching all around, listening, not trusting all the black vehicles.

Lawrence looks over the vehicles, and actually has the sense to look away from them and out over the field surrounding the place.

Pablo frowns and hauls his own luggage out, obviously not a man used to carrying his own luggage. The men in black that await him are stoic, dour and very very Ventrue. Two of them board the plane with Pablo and shortly after, the door to the plane closes and it begins to taxi. The remaining men in black get in the SUVs and begin to start leaving. As the plane takes off and up into the night sky. Mission accomplished. Your trip back to the hacienda was uneventful.