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Jake's Elder Challenge (part 1)
George finds Jake a target to lead a war party against.
IC Date July 31st, 2017
IC Time After dark
Players George, Journey, Andy, Jake, Tabia, Andrew, Chullain
Location Somewhere in the Wilderness
Prp/Tp Jake challenging for elder rank
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song Red Light Kings - Born to Rise http://youtu.be/PPmeN9DqUbQ

George shot Jake a text telling him to get a team together and bring them to a set of GPS coordinates out in the woods near where things start thinning out into the desert. George is sitting at the base of a tree, waiting.

And Jake shows up with a very nice group of warriors indeed. Journey, Andy, Tabia and Andrew. They stride into view and Jake offers a respectful nod to George. "I received your message, Sir. Hope we didn't make you wait too long."

Journey showed up and has been hanging around with the group as they summon up and, he checks his pockets as he nods to George, subdued.

Andrew had heard the call, and had picked out something appropriate for going to war. hanging by his hip on a string of leather is his Ironhammer, as the Get keeps his quiet and nods his head to George. Eyes and ears, he's paying attention.

Andy just shows up. Bare handed. It's all good. He even managed to chomp down a cheeseburger on the way and he's got one in progress. Lucie was cooking. You don't turn down Lucie's amazing cooking. Ever.

Tabia has most of her worldly possessions on her person just at the moment, though she leaves the non-essentials in the saddlbags of her bike. As far as what she arrives with, she's got Heartbreaker -- the fang dagger that Journey crafted for her -- at her waist. She offers quiet greetings to the other Garou that have gathered.

Chullain had been lucky enough to find out about that call for others, The Irishman heading out from the smoke and barley catching a ride closer to the meeting spot before heading the rest of the way on foot. The ginger giant wandering up sniffing the air slightly before he is asking softly, "There was a call?" The man's words holding an Irish brogue to them.

Its night time, the breeze from the desert does very little to actually cool anyone. Though the gathering is far from any sign of civilization the waxing half moon gives plenty of light.

George offers Jake a smile and a shrug "Not too long. Found a group of fomori lead by a Spiral digging something up off in the sand a ways. Too much of a target rich enviroment for us to be selfish so I figured even though its your Elder challenge you wouldn't mind sharing." A nod is added to Chu "Yep, I howled on account of there being some wyrmy ass that needs kicking. Jake's hunt though."

Jake's all business tonight and his usual good nature is nowhere to be found. This is -warrior- Jake and he's totally focused and ready for anything. He listens intently to George and growls lightly. "A group lead by a Spiral, eh? Do you know exactly how large this group is yet? If not I can try to find out." He glances over at the others. "Sounds like we're all going to get some target practice."

Tabia's brows raise, and her lips quirk upward in a grin. "Elder challenge, eh? Then we all should be makin' sure we're at our best." To Jake specifically, "If you need an advance scout, say the word."

Journey nods slightly and waits to hear how Jakes going to handle command of the warparty. Looking around he takes notes of the resources at Jakes disposal and nods a little looking back.

The answer from George has Chullain giving a nod, A low growl leaving the large Irishman hearing the mention of the wyrm nearby. His eyes lifting to look out over the desert ahead before he is blinking. "Am honored tha' I was invited along then.." A small smile given as he looks to Jake before he is turning his focus back towards the others. A small sniff given here and there noticing a few new faces.

"Congrats," Andy says, glancing up at the new guy and offering him the last burger. Taken or not, he wipes his hands on his shorts and reigns in his ever so slight ADD and crosses his arms over his chest, forcing himself to focus.

Andrew gives a simple nod, before he looks over towards Jake and ducks his head. He gives a little growl of approval at the hunt, as his hand moves to his hip, resting on that hammer. "I await your lead."

George shrugs "The Spiral stays on the surface but the Fomori are rotating in and out of this hole they're digging. There's consistently two big ones and four little ones on the surface but not sure how many are in the ground."

Jake considers a moment then turns to address the group. "No telling just how powerful this group is so we have to assume the worst. You're all first rate warriors and I'm proud to be here with you all. Tabia, yes, you certainly can scout ahead." He looks back at George and nods. "Okay, that makes seven we know about. Let me check something out." He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, almost like he's talking to an unseen force.

Chullain isn't one to turn down something that smells of meat especially when its from an apparent friend, the Irishman reaching out to snatch the burger up giving it a sniff as its unwrapped before he begins to bite into it listening to the conversation around him. The Fiann's gaze of emerald green quickly flitting from person to person. While some reach for weapons though the ginger seems to be content just being big and ginger for the moment. The words from George have his head tilting at the mention of the 6 fomor. The man's brow furrowing as he quickly finishes that burger leaving grumbs in his beard without care or knowledge of the left over burger bits. His gaze drifting to Jake as the man mentions checking something.

Andrew pauses, saying softly "Fenris, guide our claws and fangs to strike true. Brace our courage in the face of the wyrm." as religious as the Get shows himself to be as he calls up the gifts that take away pain that the wyrm might bring.

George has offered up what was asked and now waits, watching and judging. Taking a moment to evaluate each of the participants as well

Jake's eyes remain closed and he eventually speaks, his voice low and full of anger. "Goddammit. Besides the ones George saw there are four small digger type fomori in the hole and..." his brows furrow. "...there's.../shit/...they're getting close to cracking free a Thunderwyrm. Very close." His eyes open and he scans the group again. "We don't have much time. We're going to have to move fast before they can release it." He points to the direction of the enemy. "Journey can take the Spiral, Andy, Andrew, Tabia, Chullain, we will each target one of the others. We can't waste time though." He starts to sprint off to the south.

Andy pauses for a moment as Andrew offers up the prayer to Fenris, then he slips up easily into Crinos now that his hands are clean. Once that's done, a bit a possum crawls out of his newly expanded pocket and up onto his shoulder. <<Got sight on all? Have more eyes.>> Andy indicates the possum on his shoulder.

Journey listens to the assessment and starts off after Jake, slipping into Crinos and starting to prepare for battle.

When others begin to shift the Fiann smiles softly seeing that it is okay, The Ahroun craning his neck from side to side before the sound of bones shifting and growing and muscles reforming sounds out wetly and almost sickening in nature. The ginger giant himself moving into his crinos form begining to slowly rake his claws against one another as he gives a happy little growl, The man clearly excited for the fight ahead and enjoying the prospect of cleansing some of the wyrm from the world.

Andrew takes his crinos form as well, the Get keeping that hammer in one hand as he starts to run on after Jake. The crinos running as fast as he can, chasing after the others.

The Spiral mentioned previously is in its mishappen warform, fur patched with mange and mutated patches of scales and puss oozing sores. It is weilding a whip that's braided from sinew, bone, and black wire. The four smaller fomori look like some sort of corrupted burrowing animal, their original species is indeterminate. The bigger ones were humans once, now they have four arms and a mouth full of spikey tentacles. There's enough flash and howl going on that those among the gaians looking for a sneak attack chance can find one. Large angry ahrouns make excellent diversions.

As the group charge towards the enemy, Jake shifts to Crinos and activates gifts. It isn't long until they spot the camp and he continues to barrel headfirst towards them. Now, usually Defiant-Storm would be being a bit more stealthy about all this but it seems time is of the essense. He knows Journey is going for the Dancer so everyone can just grab whoever they can get their claws on!

Shaderunner charges forward, as one of the monstrous Formori get in his way, he pulls back silver lips, snarling at the creature, and..


Almost ten feet of Silver shimmery Silent Strider Just gone. The Formori is left pawing at the space where the Strider was, not believing he's GONE, invisible maybe? Flail.

The Whip wielding mutated Dancer shudders and in a violent motion seperates, the pustules and armor splitting down the head, the halves falling apart to reveal the Shaderunner behind him, looking down, grimly at the corpse of the Dancer, before silver ears swivel searching, as the head moves up and around.

Defiant-Storm makes a beeline for one of the diggers, wasting no time since there is no time to waste! Springing into action, with incredible speed, he sinks his teeth into the unsuspecting creature and, basically, rips the fucker to shreds. Flesh and bone fly through the air and it isn't a moment until it slumps to the ground, dead. Defiant-Storm then glances around to see how the others are doing with their targets...

Door-Breaker moves quick enough for a giant nightmare monster. That Ironhammer having grown to fit into the grip of the crinos as one of the the diggers comes at him. As the two collide, that hammer connects with the sound of breaking bones as the fomori is laid out on the ground, no longer moving. Raising the Ironhammer to the skies, Door-Breaker gets ready to throw it at anything left standing.

Lucky Bastard charges in. He doesn't do much thinking, just works on instinct. When the thing splurts out some tentacles in his direction, he dips under easily and bites down on the thing's face. <<Fuck>> he mutters, getting a tentacle wrapped around his hand. That takes him a moment to recover from, leaving the thing open for other attack.

Scratch moves like a ghost. Her fur blends into the backdrop of the desert, despite not actually being the same color, and not so much as a sound or a scent betrays her presence. While it might not be invisibility, with a pack of charging Garou coming straight for you, how much focus is going to be left for guard duty against other things? And while the initial target she planned to engaged is slaughtered by Jake, she quickly shifts gears and attacks the remaining digger, Heartbreaker demonstrating how it earned its name as she slides it between the creature's ribs in what would be a potent attack of its own right, and then the dagger bites deeper still, and the creature falls dead at her feet.

Claws-for-Gaia rushes in with the others, The Fianna initially focusing on one of the diggers only to see it quickly go down with the movements of Scratch before him. His gaze quickly shifting as he gives a low growl as he shifts his focus towards the hulking Fomor that Jake is engaged with. The dark red furred Fiann Ahroun moving in on Bubba2 from behind bringing his large clawed right hand out to arc across the creature's neck as he moves to join the fray more fully. Those claws digging through the muscle and bone easily bringing that head to seperate from the rest of its form. The body of the Fomor teetering briefly before collapsing like a marionette with its strings cut as the head tumbles to the ground.

The scrabbling beneath the earth stills as the sudden and terrible death of the surface defenders is completed almost entirely. One of the tentacle mouthed humanform fomori is still standing, clawing at the air as it looks for Shaderunner. It finally looks around to its boss for direction and finds its quarry but seeing that everyone else on its side is dead it decides to make a run for it. Towards the woods. Where George is waiting and watching.

Defiant-Storm spots the fomori heading in George's direction and points it out to Chullain. "Take it down!" Yes, it seems he wants Chullain to handle this one before it can get too far.

Shaderunner half lifts his free hand in the direction of the last beast, then looks around for anything else interesting on the battlefield as Jake assigns a killer.

The words from Defiant and the motion have Claws-for-Gaia giving a quick nod as that growl turns into a howl before he is off after the running Fomor. The dark red furred crinos garou moving after his /prey/ giving into those Lupus born urges despite the form he is in as he brings his claws to clamp down on the things sides as he tackles it to the ground. The Fiann Ahroun biting the back of the bubbathulu's head and neck seconds later. His large maw shaking the captured fomor around briefly before releasing that hold.

Lucky Bastard dashes after Claws, bringing up the rear. He's there for backup, nothing more. When the Fianna hits his mark, Lucky Bastard drops back to let him finish things off, casting a glance around briefly to make sure everything else is clear

Since hunting the last one on the surface has already been covered, Scratch keeps her attention focused on the hole itself, helping to make sure the group gets a warning if they're going to have more company.

Door-Breaker has his head on a swivel, looking about for things that might be moving. He keeps his hammer high up, ready to be thrown as his eyes seek and watch. The Get stalking about as he moves, hunting.

Shaderunner prowls, silver spines rustling as he moves, stalking toward the hole, and listening with Scratch, ears swiveling, searching for dangers.

The remaining diggers abandon the Thunderwyrm's cage to try and make a run for it. Without the threat of the whip hanging over them they're not inclined to actually work anyway. However with a hunt pack of vigilant Gaians on the surface they're dispatched handily. Door-Breaker and Scratch and the other sentries get to play Whack-Wyrmy-mole.

Defiant-Storm strides for the hole with definite purpose and holds his huge paws out in front of him as if he's holding an invisible basket ball. <<As they come out, take 'em down!" His furry brows knit in concentration and, suddenly, the entrance of the hole is engulfed in a blast of fire.

Shaderunner looks to Jake as a digger runs out in his direction gabbling and reaching for whatever might be in its path. The Silver Strider brings up one arm in a backard sweeping motion and


Six silver spines off of the Crinos arm penetrates the things head, freezing it in place. It twitches.


Puling the spines out and turning back to Jake, Shaderunner doesn't watch the beast fall.

Claws-for-Gaia remains with the Bubba that he had been pointed towards and told to take care of, The Fiann gnawing upon the head briefly making sure that the movements had stopped fully before his claws rip out of the fomors back. The Fiann reaching for the things neck to seperate its head from its body just to be safe before he raises back up to his full height. A glance given back towards the hole and the others as he sniffs the air. When Defiant brings those flames to engulf the surface the Fiann gives a low chuckling growl before looking to the Bubba. His foot giving it a nudge and another before turning fully to the hole and the others heading their way.

Lucky Bastard lets Claws demolish the bad guy and then claps him on the back. <<Good work.>> ANd then he points back to the group. <<Will be cleansing.>> For now, Andy stays in his crinos form, just in case he needs to round up an escapee.

Scratch will keep to the outskirts of the fight, save when she's needed, largely because when you're dealing with numbers, there's likely to be at least a few that manage to slip through while everyone is occupied. And given her speed, those are the ones that she is particularly well suited to be able to assist with. And so it is that while she lends a claw where needed, it's the last of the runners that gets her attention. It's fast. But she's faster, and once she's closed the gap, the creature doesn't last long, Heartbreaker getting another taste of the blood of Gaia's foes.

Defiant-Storm scans the area once more, pointing the three more creatures that need killing to Andrew, Tabia and Andy. "Take them out, fast. And don't bite them in case they're blood is poisoned." He looks back to Shaderunner, expression grim. "Fuckin' fomor. Never know what they're going to throw at you." He then watches as the others rip the shit outta the enemy.

Door-Breaker watches the fire for a moment, giving a slight toothy grin at it. <<Fire good.>> as he makes his way on closer, he hears Defiant-Storm and quickly spots one of the things that are running. He quickly throws that Ironhammer at it. A swift blow as the hammer breaks the spine of the runner, and in a heartbeat it's already back in the crinos's hand. <<First time she has drawn blood.>>, before he adds a few comments about how Fenris guides the strong.

The Fianna's head gives a small nod hearing the words from Lucky, <<Tasted fucking terrible. But yes, Cleansing.>> His head giving a dip and raising as he moves with the others to rejoin. His eyes flitting between the others and their own chosen /prey/ When Defiant motions three of the others off much as he had him the Fiann near seems to grin even in Crinos as he watches before looking back to the hole making sure nothing else sneaks out.

Shaderunner nods, <Once the situation is secure, George can come in and give you a grade.> He looks around and nods, looking at his arm, <Yes we all will want cleansing.>

Little late for the no biting thing. But Andy listens to the leader of the fight. He swoops in toward the thing closest to him, raising up to his full height and slashing the thing across the back. A claw gets stuck on the thing's spine and ANdy sends it flying through the air with the force of his blow, sending the thing careening through the air, flipping and flopping like a crash test dummy. By the time it lands, Lucky Bastard is all over it again, tearing it to shreds. Once he's content that it's done moving, he lopes back over, foot catching a rock. He stumbles, but keeps his feet. Goddamn claws anyway!

<Cleansing, yes,>> Defiant-Storm agrees. <<As well as the grounds.>> He surveys the damage and finally starts to relax a little. <<Good work, everyone. I'm proud of you all.>> He continues to survey the area, just in case something might have been missed then looks at Shaderunner. <Thank you, Sir. As usual, that was an amazing kill.>>

George walks up clapping slowly as things settle down. There was no sign of his approach, he's just there all of a sudden. "Not exactly how I would have done it but you got the job done. And not a scratch on anyone."

Claws-for-Gaia listens closely to the words from Shaderunner, His head tilting as he glances to the other Crinos garou his emerald eyes shifting to a near startling blue as he blinks, "Grade?" Confusion showing in his tone as he watches for a moment before returning his focus to the hole. When Andy gives his own chase Claws watches briefly shifting his weight almost as if imagining he was the one having such fun with the rag doll of a fomor THe words from Defiant have Claws giving a small dip of his head to the leader of the little warparty before he is focusing on George as the man appears and gives his rating on things.

Door-Breaker makes his way back on over, changing forms down to the lupus form. The wolf looking up at Defiant-Storm, then to George as well. He's at attention, listening.

Defiant-Storm looks around and blinks after he hears George's statement. <<Indeed. No injuries.>> That gets a toothy grin from the Ahroun. <<Excellent. Simply excellent. Can't remember the last time a war party finished up without so much as a scratch.>> He then nods to Shaderunner then regards George. <<Sir, we may need some Banetenders to deal with the Thunderwyrm. It was never released but we must make sure it never is.>>

Shaderunner looks around, letting George and Jake speak, and watching with interest.

George nods at Defiant-Storm "I'll pass word to the Rite-Mistress and she'll call in the specialists." Then by way of Explanation he offers to Claws-of-Gaia "I set him the task of handling this incursion as part of his Challenge to become an Elder. His Grade is my evaluation on if he passed or not. And he did."

Scratch, likewise, opts simply to watch and listen for the time being, though she's also standing by to assist with rites of cleansing, whether as participant, or if necessary, performing it herself.

Claws falls silent listening as explainations are made and grades are given, When he mentions that the elder challenge was passed the man grins looking to Jake. <<Congratulations.>> The only word spoken before he is falling silent again.

Lucky Bastard heads on back to the others and he shifts back down to his homid form and the little possum just hangs out for the duration, tail wrapped around Andy's ear, from paws on the man's head. There's a little scritchy sound from the thing that might be 'hooray' if you can speak possum.

Door-Breaker gives a howl, an expression of joy for Defiant-Storm. The lupus letting loose before he looks to the others, then starts to make his way on back home.

Once it's totally certain the danger has passed Defiant-Storm shifts back down to homid and offers George another respectful bow of the head. "Thank you, George-Rhya. I am honored. Truly." He then turns to the others. "And I could not have passed without all of you. You have all performed exceptionally well." He smiles.

"Hey, new guy. Come see me at the kinfolk house tomorrow, yeah?" And then Andy and his possum are heading out