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Hunting Arthur
What happens to Vampires who blood bind gaian garou kinfolk
IC Date June 8th, 2017
IC Time Just around sunset
Players George, Andy, Billy
Location Random cabin in the wilderness
Prp/Tp none
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song Metallica - Of Wolf and Man

Ideally when hunting a vampire you want to run it to ground in the day time but operating in daylight hours is problematic for reasons of exposure for the Garou even as far from civilization as the cabin George found.

Enough warning was given to gear up and now the hunt party is gathered on a hill about two hundred yards of slightly hilly lightly wooded terrain from the cabin. George brought along his briefcase and assembled a sniper rifle from the parts inside "I figure on hanging back and making sure no one gets away, the rest is on you two. There's the leech and four minions with firearms and body armor."

And its twilight, the vampire is likely not awake yet.

Billy hunkers down by George while he's getting all set up with his rifle, and starts double checking his pockets and such. "I brought all the neat fire and sun stuff Journey gave me a while back. Also some other stuff that um... I don't remember what they do, but they look neat and they fit in my pockets." He looks to Andy then, as the elder and more experienced of the go-pair that they are, for word on plans and tactics.

Andy comes along, a little late, but with his serious face on. He can't help the slight swagger to his step. HIs mate just popped out a baby. HIS baby. And there's that old wound, too. YOu can see it, clear as day. Looks like a shark attack. Andy wanders up and hunkers down as well, silent

George nods at Billy and Andy as he surveys the cabin through his scope "Actually Billy, Its your op. You're the eldest present of the wronged tribe. Andy came a long because he's the den father so he has jurisdiction but you're the shot caller. And you two are equal in rank anyway, Tribal claim and Sept officer status are the only difference."

"Well... That may be true, but I'm also the least experienced in the particular hunt we're doing." Billy admits without wounded pride being a factor at all, "I've never hunted a vampire before, I don't know much about them at all. I've never even seen one, I don't think. Um..." He looks down the way at yonder cabin though and tries to work this out as logically as he can to avoid any fuck ups. "Um... Okay, so. Not a fan of daylight, right? So if he's in there, then it'd be a safe bet that he's probably... under the cabin? In a cellar, maybe? Vampires have slaves, right? And he's got this biker gang? So there's probably some in there with him, I bet, keeping him safe from people like us. Just burning the place down might not solve any of the problems, if he's under it. So um... I suppose we should stealthily advance on the target building, maybe with a quick peek into the umbra to see if there's anything in particular there to worry about, though I suppose there wouldn't be. Identify enemy troops, and theoretically - assuming nothing changes plans between then and now - shock and awe with brute force to neutralize retainers and guardians for a proper search for and assault on the vampire. Do you know anything about his kind? Any weird tricks they have that I should be aware of?" he asks the pair.

Andy reaches into his pocket and pulls out one of those helicopter things. "False Dawn. This should help. At least for him. Won't do much for his slaves, though." He nods to Billy. "Sounds good to me."

George nods and points a thumb at his chest "That's what I'm along for, expert advice. He's got four men with him, they've got kevlar vests, shotguns, heavy pistols and knives. The cabin doesn't have a cellar but it does have a crawl space. The vamp's 'clan' is called gangrel, they're why there are so many stories of vampires changing shape into wolves, bats, and mist. Plus they can meld into the ground and grow claws that'll hurt as bad as ours. Plus they can speak with animals and are tougher than average. This one isn't too old though so he's probably not very powerful." Reaching down into one of the duffle bags he brought, George produces a large pink hat box "If you can take his head intact I'd appreciate it. Your plan seems solid to me."

Andy's eyes widen a little bit and a grin splits his face. "Oh, god yes. That would be sweet," he says, but then.. business. "Okay. I'm the luck master. And that could be good or bad. There are times when I might be able to take down George in a fight, others when I'd have trouble wrangling a kitten." He glances down at his shorts where a little possum crawls out of the leg. "You should stay here Nibbles." Right. Yeah. Nibbles crawls up Andy's crotch and loops a tail through his belt loop, then just hangs on. He's ready too.

George adds quickly "I can handle Umbral over-watch as well. I see three worlds at once."

Billy can't help but snort a little laugh at the hat box, and says, "Okay, we'll try and do that. Keep the box here though, I force some issue clawing through things with a box in hand. It'd likely get used as a bludgeoning weapon and end up ruined. Nibbles gets a skeptical look, but he then "Oh!"'s and digs around in his pockets for a moment, "Hang on, I've got something for this!" It takes him a second to find the right bits and then put them together, but naturally he has little robot bits and pieces in his pockets to keep then convenient when working. Nibbles gets himself a spiffy little helmet in the form of a steel cat's skull cap, with some flexible wire to hold it in place. "There you go, battle ready." Cause like, a possum going into battle. Not weird at all. A nod to George and he says, "Oh good, then you can alert us if there's anything amiss outside our visual range. Right! Forward march!" The throwback soldier drops into lupus for the stealthy advance part, and begins to pad towards the cabin, making use of vegetation and such out of habit for concealment.

There is light and movement visible from the windows of the little single level cabin. As Andy and Billy approach one of the figures stops in one of the windows and peers out into the darkness.

Lucky Bastard eases forward, stealthy like ninja and he scoots to one side, pausing as the dude looks out the window. He waits, them moves slowly in his hispo form, low to the ground, easing himself from cover to cover

Billy sneaks like a vaguely sorta kinda sneaky thing! Not quite Looney Tunes style tip toeing from bush to bush, but close! Close. He moves around towards the back of the cabin caaaaarefully, STOP MOVING! He waits for there to not be a dude staring at him through the window before mooooooving along. Once he does manage to get to the back, he has a brief listen at the door while he shifts into crinos, taking his time, no rushing, but he did say shock and awe, and that's usually what you get with crinos+door. Ask Andy, he knows. Once they're both in position for mayhem...

Just outside the back door is an old school style water pump that doesn't look too rusty. The back door itself has a screen door that's closed and a regular door that's open on account of it being muggy as balls. One of the minions is seated at the kitchen table watching something on his smart phone with the shotgun laying on the table next to an open bottle of Corona beer.

Under the house there's some pipes and supports and the sort of vermin evidence and detrius you'd expect to find. also some sawdust that seems newer and directly above that is a trap door down into the crawl space.

Keeping the pop and groan of joints and bones quiet while he slooooowly shifts his way to crinos, the big ball of kneeling glass walker has a listen and a quick peek, and spies with his ginormous eye, something that begins with tech. Well, they don't count as helpless humans, so fuck those guys. Billy focuses for a moment in an attempt to cause the guns within fifty feet of his person to take the day off (Jam Technology) and who knows, maybe it'll work. After that, probably just gonna smash through the door like a fuckin boss.

The generator doesn't sputter, it doesn't cough, it just dies. And so does the smart phone the guy in the kitchen was watching. And all the lights. Someone else somewhere in the cabin curses loudly "Goddamnit Eddie did you forget the fucking desiel again you two bit punk ass motherfucker!" The guy in the kitchen is blinking and startled and getting ready to yell back when.......

Well, would you LOOK at that. Blur of the Milky eye is your friend. Probably. Andy will make his way in that direction, slunk low to the ground, making himself even more invisibler than he already is.

Very-Good-Boy hurls himself through the screen door and past the open back door! Sure, it's dark, his own sight is limited outside your basic enhanced ambient lighting, but the way he figures it, if movement seems to come from something shorter than him, it's probably okay to jam his claws into it or otherwise bite its face off. If it's NOT shorter than him, well, that's probably Andy? Maybe. Although he'll probably have Andy-Sounds to identify the guy with. "RAR!" he roars, which in Garou translates to, <<RAR!>> because who has time for awesome catch phrases when you're cleaning house?

Rar? Really Billy? Eh, whatevs. Lucky Bastard skulks quietly toward the trap door

Andy is able to get to the trap door and sneak his way inside, its a bedroom with one of the thugs asleep on a cot in the corner and his shotgun on the floor next to him.

In the kitchen Billy has about scared Eddie out of a year's growth as he stumbles back and gets to his feet, knocking over the chair but keeping Billy's claws from going through his armor.

(Andy goes towards the sleeping thug) Sneak. Sneak sneak. Sneak. Sneak. Sneak. Sneak sneak. Sneak. Sneaksneak. Sneaksneaksneaksneaksneaksneaksneak. Open mouth and CHOMPTHEFACESNARGLECRUNCH! Literally just biting his head off.

Very-Good-Boy takes a swing! Scratches a kevlar vest and does nothing! Damn it, the lupus is just not made for this. In frustration and righteous anger, he reaches out and grabs the bastard that's closest to him in the dark kitchen, snagging him by the calves in a DEATH GRIP! which probably really hurts, but not as bad as being yoinked up by the legs to THUD! on the ground before being hefted up, ready to swing like a bat!

Eddie scrambles for his gun and squeezes off a shot into the side of the giant furry monster. A horrified look washes over him when Billy's barely bloodied. Tyson is dazed in Billy's grip, Jack is behind where Tyson was looking a bit afraid and Biff? Biff's headless corpse is bleeding into the matress. Of the Vampire himself there's yet no sign. The sun is now set and the Full moon's light washes in through the cabin's windows.

You ever been so mad you had to beat a dude with another dude? Well, after getting shot, Billy is exactly that angry. He was GONNA beat Eddie with his friend for SHOOTING HIM god damn it, but no, no, cause some OTHER asshole is trying to shoot him! >:( He whips Tyson up by the calves and SLAPS the gun upwards so that it blows a hole in the ceiling instead.

QUIT SHOOTING PEOPLE! Andy doesn't like guns. Not really. So with all the kablamo going on, Andy shoulders his way through the door and pounces Jack from behind and CHOMP.... clean break, right through his shoulder, and chomps right through his heart too.

Poor Eddie sees his fellow thug get waved around and the other get ripped apart so he lets fly a wild blast with his shotgun that has even less effect than last time. He yells in Andy's direction "Master! Run!"

Yeah, fuck that guy. Eddie? He gets chomped right along with Jack. Andy's kind of a biter.

Well, Arthur might be turning to mist, but Andy? He never missed. Hah! Get it! He lunges for Arthur, chomping him good on the neck.

Very-Good-Boy hurles Tyson at Arthur and they go down in a tangle of limbs. The impact knocks Arthur into the generator and the corner of the metal safety frame digs into the wound where Lucky Bastard's jaws half ripped the vampire's neck off. Finishing the job. VGB has decapitated a dude with another dude. Tyson himself is alive and bleeding but unconscious as the tech suppression field expires and the generator starts back up.

Lucky Bastard dodges to the side. When the two land in a heap and the vampire is dead, Andy tromps over to Tyson and rips his guts out. It's really the only POLITE way to do things. We don't really need witnesses and the guy has to die anyway.

I know the job's done and all, but Billy's not ENTIRELY sure the dead thing is all the way dead, and even though I said the rage was for clawing... fuck it, I changed my mind, he's dead anyways. So Billy then picks Tyson up again, and beats a dead horse a little bit JUST TO BE SURE. Just a bit, just making sure before dropping Tyson, at which point he's then gutted! He doesn't feel bad about Tyson, he's the vampire minion anyways, so if he dies then so be it. Afterwards, he says, <<...Oh right, the head. That's still there, right?>>

Arthur's severed head is still there and rapidly catching up on the several months of decomp that have been held in abayence since his death, leaning against the side of the generator as it starts to heat back up. The smell is fairly terrible.

"Dear god, get that thing and let's get the fuck out of here. Let someone else worry about the mess." Andy gags. That's just.. that's just fucking nasty.

Very-Good-Boy shrinks down into homid while moving around the gore pile in order to pick up Arthur's hairless head and points it at Andy, holding the back of his skull with one hand, and working the jaw with the other, "Something something daaaaark siiiiide." Decomposed, it makes a pretty okay Dark Emperor head, and Billy's impression isn't too terrible! Look man, he's a lupus, he licks his own butt, he knows gross and this ain't it. "Okay! Let's get this in the box, get the bodies in the cabin, burn it to the ground and um.. Think the area needs a cleansing, or no?"

Andy snorts as he also shrinks down. "That's.. you're nasty." Not that he's much better off. He bit the fuck out of three vampires. "I need some water. You ready? Get on out and I'll have Flambeau take care of the fire. A fire elemental just.. pops into existance and there's the rumbling crackle of flame

"OH! Here, I have something for that." Billy says, tucking the head under his arm while he digs in his pockets to find a small bottle of pure water that he packed along for cleansing purposes. "Here. Nibbles, did his helmet help?" he asks while helping drag Tyson and Arthur's bodies into the cabin for disposal. Field training has him automatically collecting up enemy shotguns for keepsies before getting out of the way of FIYAH!

"FUck yes," ANdy says, taking the water and downing most of it. Nibbles has just been hanging out this WHOLE time. He scampers up to Andy's shoulder and Andy pours a little into his hand and holds it out for the possum who slurps it up and then collapses over on Andy, like he's the one who did all the work. Andy reaches up and scritches the little thing and then heads out. "Catch up when you're ready Flambeau." The room is already starting to heat up

"Don't swallow!" Billy blurts, "Rinse!" I mean obviously Andy doesn't swallow a buncha blood, but still! While Andy lags behind in order to get all lovey on his possum bro, Billy trots off, pleased and proud, back up the hill towards George. Once there, he places the head at George's feet and then sits on his heels in front of the guy, looking so stupidly happy. Homid version of bringing the ball and then sitting proudly in front of a guy. If he had a tail, it'd be wagging SO HARD right now.