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Kohana Stormbreaker Ahroun and son of the Chief (PC)  
:[[Kohana]] Stormbreaker Ahroun and son of the Chief (PC)  
Kinfolk of the Wendigo, first to leave the sept looking for help (PC)
:[[Aowyn]] Kinfolk of the Wendigo, first to leave the sept looking for help (PC)
Shields the North - Theurge Elder and Alpha of the Three Rivers Sept, Chief of the First River. Renowned for the fierce and wise use of spirit alliances to protect the sept from invaders, Wyrm and Wyld alike in the northern isolated region of the Three Rivers. Growing more progressive, he has gained detractors, particularly from the conservatives of the Second River garou.
:Shields the North - Theurge Elder and Alpha of the Three Rivers Sept, Chief of the First River. Renowned for the fierce and wise use of spirit alliances to protect the sept from invaders, Wyrm and Wyld alike in the northern isolated region of the Three Rivers. Growing more progressive, he has gained detractors, particularly from the conservatives of the Second River garou.
Mad Eye Crow - Elder Philodox of the Sept - Chief of the Second River. The highest ranking judge, and a very conservative voice within the sept. He wants to maintain the traditional ways the sept has survived and fought its war against the wyrm. Maintaining its isolationism.
:Mad Eye Crow - Elder Philodox of the Sept - Chief of the Second River. The highest ranking judge, and a very conservative voice within the sept. He wants to maintain the traditional ways the sept has survived and fought its war against the wyrm. Maintaining its isolationism.
[[File:ETH2.jpg|200px]] Eats the Heart - Elder Ahroun and one of the War Leaders of the Sept, and Chief of the Third River. Known for his fury, intensity, and a renowned Wendigo Warrior.
:Eats the Heart - Elder Ahroun and one of the War Leaders of the Sept, and Chief of the Third River. Known for his fury, intensity, and a renowned Wendigo Warrior.
:Aowyn’s dream Tipi:P
The Three-Rivers Sept Plot:
The Story so far…
The story begins with the pure Sept of the Three-Rivers, an all Wendigo Sept that has been under the tribe control for centuries. In its history, they have fought off not only invaders of the Wyrm, but of European Gaian tribes trying to steal the Sept from them. All of which has only reinforced xenophobic behaviors and policies of isolation as they have maintained pure blood lines, pure warriors, and a great and successful battle against the Wyrm thus far. The most notable and legendary battle was a great war against a Wyrm beast known as the ‘Undying’ that spread from host to host. The creature was defeated by a great pack of warriors led by their Alpha, Kuruk Storm-of-Rage, one of Kohana StormBreaker’s great ancestors.
Since that time, the sept, although small has lived with prosperity enough for its very simple people and their simple needs. That is until recently. Recently the fish have been dying, the game to hunt have been disappearing and migrating further and further away. Combine this with the shortened growing season in the spring, it is not an attack by the Wyrm that has put the Sept at risk, but basic living necessities like food.
In an effort to change this, Aowyn, kinfolk of the sept received permission to travel from the sept and go see if there are methods that she can return home with to help the septs food supply problems. Shortly after, Sheilds-The-North’s son, Kohana StormBreaker left his sept to meet with Aowyn and protect her and act as her guardian. Aowyn’s efforts in finding help were successful, in Prospect, the Sept, vastly different than her own, people of all tribes working together and eager to help send food and farming methods back home to the Three-Rivers Sept.
That’s when the Wyrm attacks began. What at first seemed like unconnected activities, soon became apparent when the Wyrm’s attacks continued to increase in frequency and intensity against Kohana and Aowyn, an effort to kill them off and keep the Three-Rivers sept isolated from getting help. First was the attack against Kohana, a fomori with poison tumors attacked and was defeated by the Wendigo Cliath, and just after more attacked the garou that came to offer aid. Next came an attack on Chullain and his farm there, drawn there to the scents of the Wendigo. Then once more Kohana and Aowyn were the targets of a group of banes, hunting them down. All efforts to stop the Wendigo from bringing aid back to the Three Rivers sept.
Whispers and prophecies have come since then. Is the Forge in danger? Is the Sept of the Three Rivers under attack by the Wyrm in secret? Signs point to yes.
It’s been decided that Kohana will bring two local Wendigo with him back to the Three Rivers Sept in an effort to convince the alpha, Shields the North, to allow outside help to join them at the sept and root out the evil that has up until this time been undetected.
Most recently two Wendigo of the Three Rivers arrived in Prospect. Cheveyo Cold-Claw, Fostern and son of the Chief of the Second River, Mad Eye Crow. He came with another of his river, Whispering Death, a philodox of the sept. They came to force Aowyn’s return with Kohana. A challenge to claim her as mate by Cheveyo, a challenge that Kohana accepted. The Warrior Chief to be, besting the fostern in brutal claw to claw combat before the challenge was called in his favor. Kohana maintaining his promise to Eloise to keep Aowyn safely here in Prospect when he returns to the Three Rivers to battle the Wyrm.

Latest revision as of 18:48, 14 April 2018

This page is meant to keep track of PC's NPC's of the Three Rivers sept for a PRP


Kohana Stormbreaker Ahroun and son of the Chief (PC)


Aowyn Kinfolk of the Wendigo, first to leave the sept looking for help (PC)


Shields the North - Theurge Elder and Alpha of the Three Rivers Sept, Chief of the First River. Renowned for the fierce and wise use of spirit alliances to protect the sept from invaders, Wyrm and Wyld alike in the northern isolated region of the Three Rivers. Growing more progressive, he has gained detractors, particularly from the conservatives of the Second River garou.


Mad Eye Crow - Elder Philodox of the Sept - Chief of the Second River. The highest ranking judge, and a very conservative voice within the sept. He wants to maintain the traditional ways the sept has survived and fought its war against the wyrm. Maintaining its isolationism.


Eats the Heart - Elder Ahroun and one of the War Leaders of the Sept, and Chief of the Third River. Known for his fury, intensity, and a renowned Wendigo Warrior.


Aowyn’s dream Tipi:P

The Three-Rivers Sept Plot:

The Story so far…

The story begins with the pure Sept of the Three-Rivers, an all Wendigo Sept that has been under the tribe control for centuries. In its history, they have fought off not only invaders of the Wyrm, but of European Gaian tribes trying to steal the Sept from them. All of which has only reinforced xenophobic behaviors and policies of isolation as they have maintained pure blood lines, pure warriors, and a great and successful battle against the Wyrm thus far. The most notable and legendary battle was a great war against a Wyrm beast known as the ‘Undying’ that spread from host to host. The creature was defeated by a great pack of warriors led by their Alpha, Kuruk Storm-of-Rage, one of Kohana StormBreaker’s great ancestors.

Since that time, the sept, although small has lived with prosperity enough for its very simple people and their simple needs. That is until recently. Recently the fish have been dying, the game to hunt have been disappearing and migrating further and further away. Combine this with the shortened growing season in the spring, it is not an attack by the Wyrm that has put the Sept at risk, but basic living necessities like food.

In an effort to change this, Aowyn, kinfolk of the sept received permission to travel from the sept and go see if there are methods that she can return home with to help the septs food supply problems. Shortly after, Sheilds-The-North’s son, Kohana StormBreaker left his sept to meet with Aowyn and protect her and act as her guardian. Aowyn’s efforts in finding help were successful, in Prospect, the Sept, vastly different than her own, people of all tribes working together and eager to help send food and farming methods back home to the Three-Rivers Sept.

That’s when the Wyrm attacks began. What at first seemed like unconnected activities, soon became apparent when the Wyrm’s attacks continued to increase in frequency and intensity against Kohana and Aowyn, an effort to kill them off and keep the Three-Rivers sept isolated from getting help. First was the attack against Kohana, a fomori with poison tumors attacked and was defeated by the Wendigo Cliath, and just after more attacked the garou that came to offer aid. Next came an attack on Chullain and his farm there, drawn there to the scents of the Wendigo. Then once more Kohana and Aowyn were the targets of a group of banes, hunting them down. All efforts to stop the Wendigo from bringing aid back to the Three Rivers sept.

Whispers and prophecies have come since then. Is the Forge in danger? Is the Sept of the Three Rivers under attack by the Wyrm in secret? Signs point to yes.

It’s been decided that Kohana will bring two local Wendigo with him back to the Three Rivers Sept in an effort to convince the alpha, Shields the North, to allow outside help to join them at the sept and root out the evil that has up until this time been undetected.

Most recently two Wendigo of the Three Rivers arrived in Prospect. Cheveyo Cold-Claw, Fostern and son of the Chief of the Second River, Mad Eye Crow. He came with another of his river, Whispering Death, a philodox of the sept. They came to force Aowyn’s return with Kohana. A challenge to claim her as mate by Cheveyo, a challenge that Kohana accepted. The Warrior Chief to be, besting the fostern in brutal claw to claw combat before the challenge was called in his favor. Kohana maintaining his promise to Eloise to keep Aowyn safely here in Prospect when he returns to the Three Rivers to battle the Wyrm.