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Latest revision as of 12:13, 3 February 2016

A walk through the woods
"we need to talk"
IC Date February 2nd, 2016
IC Time after dark
Players Akimi, Dex, George, Journey, Tracy
Location Hiking trails in the woods outside of town.
Spheres Gaian

Akimi nods slightly to Tracy. "I do not think it was the offer of help that caused them concern... I suppose it does not matter." She shrugs her shoulders slightly, taking a glance about the place, before turning a weighted look upon Tracy. "As you say, you are far calmer than most Rokea... You said that you asked Unsea for this?" she asks as she continues to walk down the intermediate trail.

Tracy tilts her head "No I asked Sea to change me and she did. Why do you ask my friend?" as they walk down the trail. "What do you believe concerned them then? I don't understand the reaction, I am on Unsea's side." she seems confused by all of this.

George comes walking along briskly, slowing only when he catches sight of Tracy and Akimi "There you two are. Nice night for a walk in the woods right? The air's clear or at least its going to be."

Journey moves along with George, stepping along with him and smiling faintly, looking at the pair as they get closer. Hands in his duster pockets, and generally appearing upbeat.

Dex wanders along with his hands in his pockets, sniffing the air a bit while he looks around the area a bit. He shifts his shoulder to push the bag back into place making the strap rest in a comfortable position. He offers a smile to the pair of women though while he looks about the area more interested in the trees it seems.

Akimi tilts her head slightly, still smiling calmly at Tracy. "It came up, and I wished to clarify the matter. Thank you." She sighs softly and shakes her head. "I believe there are just certain things you do not understand." She glances at the others as they begin to catch up, slowing down herself, until she stops to look back at them. She does look back at Tracy to say, "I do believe you really mean that." There is a bit of an odd emphasis in her words. She smiles at George and nods. "I did not get a chance to thank you for your assistance. I was quite successful with that matter, with your aid. Thank you."

Tracy looks to the new arrivals well they are not surrounding her. She looks to George "The night is rather good for walk. The woods have been more comfortable to me. The air seems clear to me." she looks to Akimi "There are somethings I don't understand but I try to. Can you explain?" she tilts her head "It is what happenned I remember it clearly and I do not lie."

George nods for Akimi to go ahead "We got time if you want to explain. This is getting handled tonight though, that much is certian."

Journey looks at George and then to Tracy and Akimi, waiting for the explaining to go on.

Dex keeps himself quiet for the moment he's really here just to watch and learn as is his rank. His eyes flick between those that are speaking and he shifts his weight on his feeth while his hands remain tucked in his pockets.

Akimi gives Tracy a saddened little smile, and nods. "I'm certain you do remember it. And no, you are not lying knowingly..." She turns towards George, looking at him questioningly, before asking, "Are you certain you are fine with me explaining the entire thing to her?" she asks, beginning to slowly move several feet away, closer to the trees. Maybe so she can quickly hide behind one in case things suddenly turn angry.

Tracy listens her face does have twitch of anger "I do not lie!" she exhales to calm "Perhaps I am in error and that information I can give is wrong. I will admit that." she shakes her head "Explaining what to me?"

George clears his throat and asks "What's the first thing you remember after what happened in Prospect Roasters? I don't think anyone thinks you're lying, we just think you might not remember."

Journey tilts his head, listening intently, watching George and taking a breath as he laces his fingers in front of him.

Dex's fingers twitch a moment as if he wants to write something down but he does. He just folds his arms over his chest and waits. Looking between the women, his brow arches a moment at the raised voice and his head tilts to the side. He just watches though curiously.

Akimi stops at a tree, turning around to lean back against it. She looks over at George and nods. "She believes what she says. She is unaware of what has happened." Not getting the confirmation, she falls silent and allows George's questioning to play out.

Tracy looks to George "After Roasters, I was in a helicopter when I came to. They were not expecting me to come to so soon. I jumped out of it and made my way to Sea." she looks to Akimi "That is what I remember."

George sighs and shakes his head "Well that doesn't match with what we found out. They had you longer than that. And released you on purpose."

Journey nods, frowning as he listens, remaining quiet for the moment.

Dex slips his hands into his pockets while he continus to just listen to it all. Not offering any words his eyes flick between the various speakers soaking it in.

Akimi actually remains silent as George continues with the exchange, not willing to risk adding in anything more than what he wants said. She doesn't have authority on this matter, after all. Her facade of a smile is gone however, replaced with a saddened expression pointed towards Tracy.

Tracy frowns as she speaks to George "That isn't what I remember. How did you discover this? Is there any proof?" she seems concerned that her memory may not match what happenned. She looks to Akimi confusion on her face "Do you know of this discovery?"

Akimi looks to George questioningly, checking before answering.

George nods for Akimi to go ahead

Akimi looks to Tracy and nods. "I was the first one to discover it. You have not been yourself since you were taken... I became increasingly suspicious, and then I tested you. That powder tests for more than only the Wyrm's influence. You are terribly tainted by the Weaver. And there's -something- inside of you. Something we're incapable of getting out. Another has double checked and found the same thing. You are deeply tangled in the Weaver's webs."

Journey watches the explanation, appearing to have already known all of this.

George nods slightly as Akimi explains and waits to see what Tracy has to say. George is listening carefully.

Tracy shakes her head "Why didn't you tell me Akimi when you first discovered this?" she looks at the woman with very sad eyes "I'm infused with C'et influence...Something in me? Do you know what it is?" she lets the profound nature of this sink in. "I could be spying for them and not even know it. The ones who took me. Is there nothing that can be done? If there isn't I should stay away from all of you." she is just very saddened by this news.

Dex follows suit along with Journey. Just watching and listening as his eyes track the conversation.

Journey nods, slowly, listening to Tracy, watching her carefully, head tilted slightly to one side. He nods a little to Tracys final assessment of her situation.

Akimi closes her eyes and sighs deeply. "When I tested you, I only found out one thing about the thing inside of you, beyond that it is of the Weaver. It's incredibly dangerous. I have little idea how, but it poses a great danger. I was afraid that you finding out about it may have set it off... I wasn't willing to take that risk. Not there, at that time. Why do you think we're talking about this all the way out here?" She shakes her head. "As I said, another checked you and confirmed my findings. They could not even see what was inside of you. They were, however, quite certain that trying to remove it would set it off. Whatever that would entail. Most likely, it would either call the Technocracy to the location to attack whoever tried it, or it would explode. Perhaps with enough power to level a block, and certainly enough to kill you and anyone nearby. And... you are right. I suspect that this is the case. I... am deeply sorry. I've tried to find ways to get it out, and they all involve unreasonable risk, and those unwilling to take it."

George nods when Akimi is finished and frowns sadly "And that's why we're having the conversation out here instead of back at the Olympian. Didn't think Dex'd be too keen about having to remodel so soon. I'm sorry Tracy but until whatever this is has been undone if at all possible you can't be allowed back in the Caern or any of the other Garou holdings. Not because you'd betray us but because you might be broadcasting information to them and not know it. I'm going to have to let the Beast Courts and the other Fera know as well....with the same recomendation."

Tracy just nods "I am Rokea. I will swim on but I will not put any of you at risk. I shall return to my home and fight in my own way. I ask that you allow me to be the one to tell Leesa of this. We will decide what to do next. You have my regret and apology if I unknowingly placed any of you in danger." she gets close to Akimi to offer the woman a hug "I am sorry this will be the last time I will see you. I can only wish you well my friend." she looks to George "I never went to your Caern and now I am glad I did not. I have not exploded so I will assume I am physically safe to be around. I will not go to any places that I may betray by whatever they put inside of me. I will avoid all Garou and Fera."

Journey listens to Tracy, and looks to George for his reaction to the reciept of the news.

Akimi seems a bit on edge as Tracy approaches her... but she hasn't exploded yet. So this probably hasn't been one of the triggers. That, or it's not a bomb, and the black helicopters just aren't close enough to hear yet. She returns the hug, tightly, maintaining her deeply solemn expression. "I am very sorry as well... I wish there was another way. Maybe, one day, one will be found... but for now there are no better options than this. I will miss you... and Hitonai will greatly, even if he cannot say it."

George nods to Tracy "Go with honor and I hope you find a way out the other side of this." Then he turns to the others and says "I think we're done here."

Dex just continues to do his job of watching. He listens and he doesn't speak up even when she makes her goodbyes he doesn't know her really having only just met her so he follows Journey's lead.

Journey nods to George, looking prepared to move out, stepping to the side and getting ready to move on out, apparently satisfied.

Tracy nods to Akimi "If there is a way I will find it. I am nothing if not stubborn. I will miss you too and Hitonai. May you both be well and your friends." she gives George another nod "I will do so and may Sea bless your endeavors. If I find a way I will see you again. If I don't know that I will still be doing what I can to protect this land." She is stotic as she walks in the direction of town to the shelter.