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|players  = [[Gwydion]], [[Faqirah]]
|players  = [[Gwydion]], [[Faqirah]]
|location  = An old Empty Warehouse
|location  = An old Empty Warehouse
|prptp    = No structured prp but the previous log is [[2015.10.09:MeetingFaqirah|'''here''']] next log is [[2015.10.10:DiveCleanup|'''here''']]
|prptp    = No structured prp but the previous log is [[2015.10.10:DiveCleanup|'''here''']] next log is [[2015.01.25:GardenMeeting|'''here''']]
|spheres  = Mage, Vampire
|spheres  = Mage, Vampire
|themesong = A theme song for the log
|themesong = A theme song for the log

Revision as of 12:21, 11 August 2017

Truth-bombing Faqirah
Gwydion relates some uncomfortable truths to the Sabbat.
IC Date October 16th, 2015
IC Time Evening, after sun down.
Players Gwydion, Faqirah
Location An old Empty Warehouse
Prp/Tp No structured prp but the previous log is here next log is here
Spheres Mage, Vampire
Theme Song A theme song for the log

Faqirah waits for you in an old empty warehouse. An old style television and dvd/vcr player is hooked up for the meeting. The lights are dim and she is conferring with Vera in low tones as you arrive, her head rising as you enter and nodding in recognition.

Vera grew a little hushed, placing both hands in her back pocket. She was here to support the Arch-Bishop and maybe converse with the civil will worker if allowed.

Gwydion comes in, striding confidently and fearlessly, carrying a dvd in a jewel case "Evenin all. You're about to find out somethin you're not gonna like. An they way I said some stuff in the conversation you might not like either but I left it unedited because you need to be able to trust that its true." he says as he offers it over "This is from my perspective because I crafted this one from one of my personal memories. After you contacted me originally I went to the first obvious choice of suspects and this is what I found out."

Gwydion adds on "Even if the technocracy had agents on the raid, they weren't behind it."

Faqirah frowns as she pops the dvd into the player. "Well I appreciate your candor sir. I give complete honesty without a cheerful veneer so of course I´ll gladly accept it in return." She stands waiting to see it play. "I just want to know who it is and help them learn to not do it again."

Green feral eyes peer over sunglasses, as Vera spoke in Arabic to Gwydion, <We promise to not shoot the messenger, thats not what this is about. You did a good thing tonight Gwydion at great cost. Thank you>, she says looking to the dvd player.

Gwydion settles back as the DVD plays, when he said it was from his perspective he wasn't kidding. Its as if his eyes were the camera and his ears the microphone.

Faqirah looks stone faced at the video as it plays out and the story of her sister´s betrayal is made evident on the screen. "I....I am disgusted beyond measure."

Gwydion sighs and nods "I imagined that would be the case but I also imagined you'd prefer the truth to a fight you couldn't win."

Faqirah nods. "In actuality Mr McBryde....I was pondering the value of a fight with the technocracy in any case. Why go after the cops who did their job rather than the culprit who led them to the prize. It makes little sense. There will always be more cops." A scowl is etched deep into her face. "Remember your promise....no matter who I kill in the Camarilla, it is not your problem. Pieces will be moved and pieces will be reaped in the coming days. Some of them you may find pleasant to talk with but...the agreement between us was not that you should stay out of Jihad save it be your friends."

Gwydion nods and shrugs "Vampires hunting vampires ain't my problem. As long as no more C4 gets stolen and the collateral damage gets kept to property rather than mundane human lives we got no quarel."

Faqirah nods. "There was some human losses in that theft so I suppose.....it technically does breach our agreement. I see you chose to negate the theft rather than declare war....acceptable. And here you are declaring it in honesty. I can hardly fault you. You have done us an immeasurable service. I thank you."

Faqirah says, "It makes sense now why all of our havens were known and there is a leak from the inside, an old and dripping faucet that we must recycle."

Vera seemed a bit hurt watching the video. Taking a deep breath, and learning some things, "Have you ever made a mistake before Gwydion? Eden was a childe who made a mistake, and she frenzied..., to not be in control of herself. Yes people died, it was very unfortunate, however Eden flogged herself for days, unable to forgive her actions, she begged for God's mercy. She did this, until the night she died. She was mortified by what she had done", sighing. "You spared more lives tonight, than you'll ever know".

Gwydion shrugs at Faqirah "And that's your business. I reckon Father Cross is gonna be a bit upset with me but I didn't see any other way around it." Turning to Vera "Hopefully then she'll make better choices in her next life."

Faqirah says, "You will remind him of his promise to stay out of the vampire war. You did what you did to avert bloodshed. You have succeeded though I warn you now...others will die, and all will be vampires. Maintain the honor we have maintained for these two years and when the time comes that you need another blade in your corner, mine stands ready."

"Let us all make better choices in our next life", Vera states pushing her sunglasses up. "Till next, Gwydion. I hope the world treats you kindly".

Faqirah inhales and exhales slowly. "Is there anything I can do that you might be persuaded to render us immune to scrying for a time or will that compromise your position?"

Gwydion tilts his head and ponders for a moment before shaking his head "Not on such short notice. I've got an idea for wardin amulets I could try an make but for somethin that'll last it takes more warnin and lead time to set up."

Faqirah nods. "Be thinking about what you want in return as you do so. I understand things take time."

"To think the meddling of mages has forever changed the course of vampire history, it never ceases to amaze me. From the Tremere being created and damning our kind with a loss of Salout and Golconda. To altering a former leader into the Camarilla in hopes that war might be averted, yet instead of letting a mistake be punished, they continue to attack. All these things could of been resolved a long time ago, if people let actions take their course. Only monster should fight monsters, to have men sully their hands in battle like the normal police officers killed at the Argent raid. Foolish. But, this is a new Sabbat, you will see. War has evolved", Vera states, readying to leave.