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A Rose By Any Other
On Snow Fang Peak, Kuba encounters Grace as the quest continues
IC Date 2015.08.28
IC Time Daytime
Players Alandra, Grace, and Kuba
Location Snow Fang Peak
Prp/Tp PRP
Spheres Changeling
Theme Song Making Plans for Nigel

Recently arrived himself, Kuba is bundled up with layers enough. With the hearth here of course, he must undo what he's done. Careful to undo the outer layer of thick robes even, he pulls out a repurposed altoid tin with come stickers and bedazzling on it, a brown parcel wrapped box with a green ribbon, and a tincture of some sort in a small bottle. As if these possessions are the most important right now and he needs to make sure they're not broken at all. Carefully, with them in hand, he makes for the bar of course. His height, he needs to clamber up to a stool of course, which he does. Setting items down in front of him before glancing about the bar, seeing who is here, and then looking for the bar keep, "Honeymead," he calls when he sees the keep of course, one finger lifted to let them know who asked for that.

Grace has arrived, looking about the tavern as she unbundles herself. Not her most favorite place, Snow Fang Peak, as it is always /so/ cold, she nevertheless is here, due to an invitation. But, if the frown on her lips is any indication, the person who invited her is not to be seen. She, too, makes her way to the bar, and waits to be noticed, ordering a 'brew when she is.

Alandra is wrapped up in layers of green fabric. The cloth itself is smooth and warm to the touch, the lovely sidhe was likely inspired to adorn such garb due to the location of the area. While it is summer in the mortal world, being Snow Fang Peak the name might imply a colder temperature. The cloak itself is hooded, which may provide a shield so others do not notice her beauty as readily as they normally would. Even for one who symbolizes royalty, her comeliness still stands out.

But, if someone looked in her direction and watched her for a while, they might notice more of who or what she is. Sparkling emerald eyes, set within a cream colored complexion, stare at the area in wonder. Not far from those eyes red tresses poke out of the hood, the shade maybe being a bit unique for those in the area. But then again, random things happen in dreams and colors can change at a whim. As she continues to look about, a slight frown crosses her lips and a sigh escapes from the sad grimace as well. But, at the moment, she doesn't venture in further.

Not yet taking notice of the green adorned figure near the entrance, Kuba waits of his drink and turns to the one nearby of course, that ordered a 'brew. "Okay, I admit it," he says to her as if to strike up conversation, "I'm not sure if this is a good, warm day up here, or if this is bad. But, I think given time, I could get used to it." Or not, but he raises a curious brow at the idea, figuring either she enjoys the weather or doesn't, but if local enough, she might be able to correct his way of thinking on what is normal for Snow Fang at least.

Taking his drink as it comes, he lifts it to enjoy the flavor, looking over the container its in to watch Grace with that curiousity of course.

Alandra begins to move toward the bar and a sigh escapes her lips as she makes her way over. The cloak stays on, maybe she is just either in a mood to wear one or she hasn't quite adjusted to the fact that the hearth, nearby, generates at least some warmth. "Elderberry wine." she tells a server in a calm, perhaps too steady voice. She's not known for keeping a temper in check and likely now something perplexes her. Either that or something has inspired a bit of a somber mood. She does tilt her head to the side as someone gives her a strange look and the hood of the cloak comes falling down. "Nothing should intrigue you, when you do not have permission to be intrigued." she tells the other server. A bit of arrogance laces her voice but as the waiter looks away, she remains quiet for a little.

In that bit of conversation, Kuba pauses then grins, "Well, then, I think that makes me near the expert, for better or worse. This would be my third visit." To be conversational at least, "I've come to see someone too." Letting that hang, as if to make a story of it even, and take another drink of his mead. "Hopefully I can find them," suggestiong no invitation to see the person(s) he seeks. Then he follows Grace's gaze of course, watching the green clothed woman, catching the hints of red hair peaking. Its not until her hood falls down that he may recognize who it is. "My lady Alandra, you bring luck to the quest with your presence." He scoops up his things to at least scooch stools in her direction, "It is good to see you here."

Oh, great. One of /those/ Sidhe. Grace keeps her expression absolutely the same as before, a little worried, a little put out. Cheerful about her drink, and the conversation with the man ... who seems to at least know the woman. Grace inclines her head to him. "You are indeed the expert, then." When he mentioning coming to meet someone, and then greets Alandra, she tilts her head inquisitively, as though to ask if this is who he's come to meet. Either way, she follows this with another sip of her brew, while watching their interactions. Maybe she was too quick with her assessment.

Alandra turns around to peer in Kuba's direction, and when he moves closer to her the peering gives way to a smile. Suddenly, all seems right with the world, at least when the woman is concerned. She unfastens the top of her cloak and moves in Kyba's direction. "I admit I am a bit perturbed." she states, "Distressed that one who is not worthy to even look upon you insults you so, and at this time, I cannot find anyone in my house to discuss this matter with. I am, unpleasantly distracted from important issues until I find a way to right a wrong, and make her suffer for being rude and foolish. It was bad enough that her and her companion offended me, but woe be unto those who insult those who the Fiona find favor with." she tilts her head again and more crimson ringlets begin to appear from the hood. Her eyes fall upon Grace for a moment. At this time she appears a bit curious. Does Kuba know this other woman? Yet that leads to another question as she looks at Kuba again, "Who are you looking for and why?"

"My lady, I am honored you would do this for me, they but spoke hastily. Errors where made yes, but we are here now." Kuba may just reach to tuck a ringlet behind an ear. "You and I, at this moment, it could not be better." Then, he looks more between Alandra and Grace, "I've come in search of Warlord Locke or the Bone Shaman, Slaine I believe." To answer who he's looking for, but also to explain, "I am meaning to travel up higher and talk with the winds, they may have heard of the rose I am seeking, they travel far and wide. First, I must bring them quest gifts." He looks down at the items on the table that he brought with him of course. While more focused towards Alandra, he looks between both, curious if they might have heard of either of these souls of course, so he can find them or have them pointed out as he has seen neither before.

Grace listens politely to Alandra's comments, as she takes another sip of her drink. When Kuba mentions who he is looking for, however, she sets the mug down, and nods to him. "I am familiar with Locke, and Slaine used to be my roommate, some time back." That must have been a raucous time, two Satyrs sharing living quarters? "And who has insulted the Fiona?" She doesn't sounds offended, gleeful or anything else, just curious, as she glances to the woman.

Alandra moves to take a seat closer to Kuba and then she moves her shoulders forward so the cloak can fall behind her. More of her body is revealed but she still seems to maintain a modest dress, at least compared to many of the creatures of dreams. "A redheaded tart." likely there seems to be an overpopulation of redheads in the lands, "Who at first seemed to wish my champion well until, she insulted him." she says with a huff, "He is not gullible, but wise." then her calm voice immediately changes to reveal an angry tone, "How could he be anything BUT intelligent! Already, he seeks out two patrons of the lands and offers them gifts. Only a noble gent would do such things!"

Then as quickly as she spoke, her tone of voice begins to sound more calm, "But, Slaine, I have met her yes. She may not remember meeting me. Locke, I think I have seen him and I will keep my comments to myself. Still, they are worthy of praise among us and, should one wish their blessings, proper tokens are good ideas."

"My lady, you fill me with pride to say I am not gullible. She does not understand the nature of the quest, she doesn't understand the wealth of affection she could have. She has settled for someone who would not do the same for her." As if to help keep the calm, Kuba is smiling as he returns that for Alandra. Warm, and soft, but that they all know who he seeks, a blessing in itself, the quest is afoot again of course. Certainly Locke he should be able to find as the resident Warlord of Snow Fang Peak, the shaman less so. "This is great news, do you still speak with your roommate, I believe to ensure the success of this quest I have taken for my lady, Bone Shaman Slaine would be the one I should at least greet before I go to ask after the ruby rose." A look between Alandra, and Grace, hopeful Grace is still in touch with her roommate. He offers a hand to Alandra, soft and gentle, a brush of thumb over her slender fingers, "I am upset they would question your intent and sincerity as regards the gate to my heart."

Grace does her very best to ignore the apparent slur on redheads, though her lips do curl downwards slightly at it. She takes up her mug once more to hide this, and takes a few sips to help her control her temper. Not that she tends to be anything at all like any of the stereotypes that anyone might attribute to her. Maybe it's because her hair is at the opposite spectrum of red than Alandra's that she doesn't have quite the fiery temper. When the man asks her about Slaine, she shakes her head. "No, I'm not even sure what she is doing these days. She was serving Jaxon for awhile, but I am pretty sure that has changed ... if you seek her here, it is probably Locke she serves now." She shrugs, and turns back to her brew.

"And Locke is one who has many servant?" she asks, as if such a notion either surprise her or..something else. She doesn't come straight out and say it, but again her tone of voice may reveal she doesn't quite find favor with him. "Well, rumors say he is one who tries to walk a good path." though maybe she doesn't quite mean that? Her eyes then look over in Grace's direction. Curious still, her lips finally curve into a bit of a smile, "Slaine now that is an honorable one. She has much influence over anyone's dan, should she wish it but, that is someone I could trust. I have heard of Jaxon as well, in fact, I think he had one of my dear ones in his employ at sometime. But, I do not think she remains with him."

She then turns to look at Kuba and when her fingers lace with his she squeezes his hand. Then, a deeper smile forms on her lips and she tells the boggan, "You should be filled with pride, for no matter the task, ou will do what needs to be done, irregardless of the amount of work. If she does not understand, perhaps she needs to be educated. When you mean she has settled for someone who would not do the same for her, do you mean she has found one who would betray her heart?"

As for Locke, Kuba looks between the two of them, "If I must start with him, these are his lands, it would only be right to give him his gift. But it seems as if Slaine is the more honerable." Though Grace only indicated her as a roommate, but still, there must of been some trust there. "What about the one you're seeking, old friend maybe?" Curious who Grace is after if not this old friend, even though he only just learned this of Slaine.

Of course to Alandra, he can't help but smile, even trying to be polite, the boggan is taken to her it seems. "I am not certain if that someone would betray her, only that the idea of romance may not be all there in her life. If she but asked for something, she's certain he would not do what he could to get it for her." Which is certainly trivial in the way of hearts and courting, but down the road if that courting leads to more, that could be a serious issue perhaps.

Grace doesn't know Locke that well. "Locke is certainly different from most Redcaps," is all she has to say about him in regards to the woman's comments. "And Slaine ... has gone through some tribulations to get to where she is today. I would certainly not doubt her honorableness." She gives the man a slight smile and shake of her head, as she finishes off her mug, setting it down. "And, the one I seek is not Slaine, but someone who has evidently been detained. I shall take myself off, as I have only a little time before I must return." So saying, she starts to don all the layers of warmth for her trip off the peak.

The crimson haired sidhe nods in response to his words and as he speaks she appears to be a bit transfixed. Moving her free hand, she touches his face and begins to guide his head to look at her eye to eye, "Pity" she remarks, "But still, she should be taught to respect others, least she wish to be treated like a flea bitten dog."

But there are better things she wishes to discuss, yet likely at a later time. Her lips move forward to graze over Kuba's, and then she pulls away. "I am afraid I must tend to other business my beloved but surely, you will find who you seek. No one can resist your grace you know." she rises and begins to wrap the cloak around her shoulders but she does regard the satyress, "Be well and safe m'lady." and of course her eyes fall on Kuba as well, "I am sure I will see you again...soon, yes?"

"Oh, I agree, some tact would be in order" returns Kuba, meeting her eyes as she draws his attention. Then she is ready to part, he turns to Grace, "Thank you kindly, glad to have met you, or at least shared the conversation and bar with you." Cause no introductions seemed to go around that time, curiously enough. "Safe travels." To Grace, then to Alandra, "Yes, very soon, I shall come to our hearth shortly." Depending if he gets chance to meet Locke or the others, or has to wait for a time with Locke is available. He waves off, then turns to check on his gifts atop the bar.