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(She Who Listens Pt. 2)
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She Who Listens-2
November is Kidnapped (On Purpose) and Rescued
IC Date Sunday
IC Time 8:00 PM
Players Foster (Storyteller) and Aleksei and November and Velok
Location Collins Office/House
Prp/Tp She Who Listens
Spheres Demon and Mage


(Enter Velok and November)

xxxxxSo Velok gets another 'in the car' duty. It's not all bad, he stopped for crisps and snackums and drinks and stocks up. That and he has his Ocelot in the backseat, so at least he has someone to talk to. "Good luck baby." He says to November, leaning over to kiss her ew ew lips. His eyes follow her as she gets out of the car, lowering his seat so he can lie back a bit. He waits, even as November starts to walk away before he talks again. "Alright fucker." They've done this numerous times now, and immediately the Ocelot perks up. Velok opens up the coin tray and pulls out a deck of cards, shuffling them rather impressively. "Every other time you kicked my ass, but I'm winning tonight. Tonight, YOU'RE going to Go fish." He starts to deal out the cards to...the ocelot. Yea, this is how Velok passes his time.

xxxxxRebecca Collins sits in her office, talking on the phone with somebody or another when November comes to the door. She smiles, raises a finger in a 'just a minute' gesture, and finishes confirming an appointment with someone or another. Shortly thereafter, she hangs up and looks to November. "Hi. How are you," she inquires, her face showing the concern she frequently displays around the other clients.

xxxxxNovember waits quietly at the door. There was totally another visit to Hashim and Velok topped it off. She doesn't look worse, but she doesn't look better, either. She just stands there, nervously chewing her fingernail until she's invited in. She slides into her seat and shrugs, running her hand lightly through her clean but frazzled hair. She's a little bony around the edges, her shoulder blades protruding just a little bit. She hasn't been eating well, clearly. "I'm.. I'm okay. I guess." Her voice is soft and careful.

xxxxxCollins purses her lips faintly and nods to November as she forces one of those sympathetic smiles. "November? I know it's really hard to admit when things are getting hard and they aren't REALLY ok. But you did come in here for a reason," she points out gently. "So honestly... how are you doing? Because I don't think you came here to let me know you're ok."

xxxxxNovember shakes her head a little bit, looking down at her lap at her ragged fingernail. "I guess I ain't doin' so good," she murmurs quietly, her shoulders slumping. Oh, she's GOOD. "No money for rent. Dudes at the shelter..." She shrugs. "Isn't safe for a girl there, ya know? Not one little like me. I've stayed with my boyfriend a little bit, but we just fight."

xxxxxFrowning and nodding, Rebecca smiles and says, "I'm leaving the office here in a bit. There's a place where they'll take care of you and help you get on your feet that I'd like you to come with me to. A safe place. Because it really sounds to me like you don't have anything left in this world other than yourself, and yourself is who you really need to be taking care of."

xxxxxNovember chews on her lip and sh looks up at Rebecca, managing to look startled. "I don't have..like I didn't even bring a change of clothes or anything," she says. There's fear there, both real and fake, so it isn't much of a stretch. She accepted this as a possibility, of course, from the first meeting. She starts to stand, then winces and plops back down. Did she mention the bruised ribs that she made Velok give her before they got here?

xxxxxCollins smiles warmly and nods. "We can pick those up after you get settled in," she offers soothingly. "There's no hurry for that, but it would really help to get you in, make sure there's a bed for you, and maybe get a hot meal as well and a shower," the woman points out. "Tomorrow we can pick up whatever else you might need."

xxxxxNovember frowns, her brow knitting together and she reaches to lightly rub across her belly. Hot shower. Hot meal. Not ramen? She looks up slowly and nods, itching the tip of her nose. "Okay," she half whispers, taking a deep breath, wincing at the top and then letting it out slowly. "okay."

xxxxx"Okay," Collins echoes warmly. "I'll gather up my things and we'll get you settled in. You don't have a ride waiting for you or anything, do you," she inquires, a curious look to her face.

xxxxxThe Crisis Center is nothing elaborate. It doesn't even have its own building, but it's like 'Suite B' at the address of this professional offices building. They've got cubicles with individual phones, a couple other rooms for group or a private session, and Collins' office."

xxxxxTo lie or not to lie? That is the question. November makes a quick decision and nods. "He's out there waiting for me. I told him that I was having the suicidal thoughts again and he brought me down here to talk to someone. He doesn't know that I've been coming, though."

xxxxxWell. That will simply not do, will it? Rebecca frowns faintly and nods. "Well... we /do/ keep the locations of our shelters confidential for the safety of our clients. A lot of victims of domestic violence come to us," she explains. "I'll gladly take you there, so it might be best if you just let him know that you're alright and you've got a ride out of here, yes? He can go home and you'll be fine."

xxxxxNovember nods, very slowly, then pushes up carefully to her feet. "Alright," she murmurs, reaching up to run her hands through her hair and she bravely heads back out to the car where Velok's waiting.

xxxxxCollins can wait. I mean... it's not like November's going to back out, is she? And if she does, well... but we won't worry about that. "Do you want me to go with you," she offers, rising with November and laying a supportive hand on her shoulder. "If you don't want to go out there alone, I understand..."

xxxxxNovember thinks about it for a long moment and looks toward the door. "I don't know. Might be ... might be okay if I go down there by myself? Maybe... maybe just stay close? But I don't want you to get hurt."

xxxxxCollins shakes her head firmly. "I'll be nearby, but I don't want /you/ to get hurt, dear. I'll watch from the door, and if he lays a hand on you? I'll call the police," she promises, gathering up her things and turning out the lights to her office. Rebecca stops momentarily to brief the night shift and then prepares to head out the door with November.

xxxxxNovember nods and heads down toward the car. She makes her way down. One minute, she's striding boldly forward, the next she's slowed down to almost a crawl. "Baby...." she calls, so she doesn't accidentally sneak up on him. She heads around to the driver's side door

xxxxxWhen the pair get back, Velok is...asleep? Yes, he's asleep. The backseat is empty, and not a playing card in sight. When he hears November's voice his eyes awaken immediately and he looks over towards her. His eyes squint and he looks at November, then over to Collins. "Are you done?" He says, though his tone is rather gruff. He doesn't lay a hand on November or anything, but he does lower the drivers side window to talk to her.

xxxxxNovember leans over a little bit, but doesn't stick her head in the door. "I actually just came out here to tell you that I'm going to hang out a little bit longer, but I know you need to go to work, so she's gonna give me a ride, okay?" Look! See? Nothing wrong at ALL. Not a THING.

xxxxxCollins watches from the door, as promised, and keeps her cellphone out, just in case. By and large, however, she isn't taking any action worth noticing.

xxxxxVelok is the BIGGEST dick. Just the biggest. Forever. He glances back to Collins, then a sheer look of disgust comes on his face. "Fucking seriously?" He says, his voice rising in anger at November. "God, you never fucking tell me the truth. Fine. Whatever. Just don't forget that I want my clothes washed BY TOMORROW." He raises his hand and shows her the back of it, as if he was about to slap her, but he doesn't. Nope. He stares at November then starts the car. "And I swear to god, if I catch you fucking around on me..." With that the window is closed and Velok backs out, driving out of the parking place and down the street.

xxxxxNovember jerks back with the rising hand and stands up straight. "I...." She brings her hands to her lips and then steps back just a little bit as he squeals away. She just sort of stands there as he goes, holding herself still and quiet.

xxxxxCollins approaches, her phone put away as she pulls her keys out of her purse. "Real charmer, that one," she states dryly. "Don't worry, dear. You don't need him, and obviously he doesn't care about you. I'd be surprised if he notices that you're gone, as self-absorbed as he seems," she offers with a shrug. "Let's get you somewhere safe, with good people who listen." She leads November towards her car, a semi-recent model sedan.

xxxxxNovember just stands there, facing away from Collins for a long moment while she watches him probably leave and circle the lot. But anyway. She sighs quietly and bites on the inside of her lip hard enough to bring tears to her eyes and she just looks down, letting her stringy hair obscure most of her face. "Okay,

xxxxxIt's a relatively lengthy drive, heading north out of town towards the suburbs and forested area. Eventually the car pulls in to a gated community and heads up along a winding driveway within a heavily wooded area. "It's really nice here," Rebecca says encouragingly. "You'll meet a lot of people who have gone through what you have." Velok's capable of parking near the gate itself, though any further entry would require negotiation with the rent-a-cop in his security booth. He can sense, however, that November eventually stops and isn't more than maybe a quarter to a half-mile inside the walls.

xxxxxNovember keeps careful watch on the drive. Not that it matters. She can EASILY come and go as she pleases. She's quiet on the ride, sitting up a little straighter and looking around a little more alertly. "This looks like a really nice place," she says, her fidgetting not entirely fake.

xxxxx"Oh you'll feel right at home in no time," Collins says assuringly. The car stops and she gets out, walking November to the door. Apparently they were expected, as two well dressed gentlemen step out along with a very large, very intimidating looking bald, albino man. "Heya Becky," one of the suited men says with a leering grin towards her. "Brought another lost soul to take solace?" The second man rolls his eyes faintly and gestures towards the door. "Come on in, hon. We'll get you cleaned up."

xxxxxTHE FUCKING ALBINO!!! HAH! SCORE! November nods just a little bit, keeping herself and her excitement in check. SHe gives the man a little smile and nods, following, skirting around the big scary looking dude

xxxxxCollins sighs and glares faintly at Yuppie #1. "Yes. I'm sure she'll... do fine here. Now I have other things to tend to," she says distastefully as she disengages from him with the look of somebody who's smelled something awful.

xxxxxInside? Oh it's nice indeed. The second man and the albino escort November through the hallway and towards a door that opens down a flight of stairs. "We've got a room down here for you," he states simply. "Meals will be brought to you and we'll get you for services when it's time," he states simply. "I'm Father Mather, and the other man was Father Lambert." He doesn't state the albino's identity, practically taking it for granted as he leads November down the stairs. The bald brute waits behind her, effectively boxing her in on the staircase so it's either follow Mather or stand still.

xxxxxNovember nods, following along slowly, her arms crossed over her chest, her head down just a little bit. "Bring... them to me? We don't eat together?" She follows along, though. She's weak, remember? A little lamb to be led to the slaughter.

xxxxx"You'll catch on," Mather states simply. Turning a corner, they pass a man sitting in front of a desk covered with monitors that are clearly connected to CCTV cameras. Down the hallway, a steel door is reached with a bar that runs across it. Mather slides it open and pulls the door open while the albino begins to push more insistently, driving November towards the opening. "Get comfortable," Mather states coolly. "You'll need your rest." The light from the hallway illuminates the room, and inside? There's a throng of humanity. Throng really is the best word to describe these people. They're bruised, frightened, and curled up as they shelter their eyes from the light. Most are women and young girls, though a few young men are present as well.

xxxxxOh. Oh no. Oh no. FUCK that. Not really. November isn't worried. She steps BACK though, into the big wall o man, trying to turn, to run, to back off. She isn't REALLY worried, though her heart does give a leap, more in disgust and surprise than anything. "NO!!!!!" she screams, fighting as hard as she can. Biting, clawing, tearing, but not using any of her actual skills. She WANTS in there. Oh YES she do.

xxxxxYeah, this is pretty much old hat to these guys. Mather stands back against the wall with a sigh as the albino reaches forward, grabs November, and wraps his arms around her to contain her. He gives a crude, silent grin as his hands roughly knead her flesh, squeezing at her ribs and breasts. "You really should just do as you're told," Father Mather states with almost sheer boredom. "Of course Father Lambert likes the fighters. And Joey here? Well... it doesn't matter if you fight Joey, he'll hardly notice. But YOU will," he cautions. "Now you can be a good little girl, don't make too much noise and go inside. Or I can tell Joey he's been a very good boy and give you to him for an hour or so. It ensures you can't run away, since you won't be able to walk. Or sit. We don't want that, do we?" Joey? Umm... he kind of looks like he might, though he doesn't say anything to that effect. Or anything at all, really.

xxxxxNovember could probably take down Joey. COuld probably ... well... let's not test that. He is a BIG dude. She struggles a little more, giving a couple of teeny tiny mighty heaves and then settles down, sweating and panting and crying like a little bitch. Fuck.... and she might have lost a contact lens, too. Nope. There it is. Just glued to the top of her eye for the moment. Shit.

xxxxx"Good," Mather states simply, giving Joey a nod. The albino tosses November inside with a rough shove and an expression of disappointment. "Father Lambert /does/ have such a preference for fresh meat. I hate to disappoint him." The door slams shut behind November, followed by a loud *kachunk* sound as the steel bar is slid back in to place to keep it from opening. Inside? It's dark, with only a little light from the hallway leaking in under the door to provide any illumination at all. A few voices in the darkness whimper and cry, with eyes peering from the darkness at the newest arrival.

xxxxx<<Vorael..>> The word crosses her lips just the barest whisper while the voices whimper and cry and then November's screaming and carrying on with them. She isn't afraid. She's got WAY too much shit on her side. She doesn't know WHAT this is and crisis center is as good a word as any. <<Vorael, I've just been taken prisoner. The crisis center. There's like.. I don't know. I can't see really. I came willingly. Now I just got shoved in a room with a bunch of other...... I think it's all girls.>> November bangs on the door a few times, loudly, just in case they can hear, then turns. VERY softly, she says, "Girls, we're getting out of here."

xxxxxWell there's a couple guys too, but mostly girls. November gets an A for effort. She hears in her mind, <<Do you have a way out or are you going to require extraction?>> Well that's good. Foster wasn't sleeping or anything.

xxxxx//I think Velok can get us out. I need to get these girls out, then we're coming back. I don't know what's going on yet. But someone needs to fucking die// November gives the girls a little reassuring smile. "It's okay. Really. Someone is on the way. Minutes." Are they convinced at all?

xxxxxIt HAS been a while since he heard from November. She went in there, didn't come back out or anything. That Rent-a-Cop is looking mighty suspicious, especially with Velok trapped outside the gate. He reaches down to check his phone, nothing. Looks up to check around, nothing. Slowly Velok slips out of the car, closing the driver side door quietly. The back door is opened as well and out slinks that Ocelot, the closing motion repeated. Immediately Velok starts to trod closer to the fence. He brought his nice blue hoodie, perfect 'sneakin' around' gear. He stares at the rent-a-cop for a while before deciding instead to search instead around the fence for a tree. Huzzah! The tree is climbed and Velok hops over into someone's backyard, beginning the trek to where he last sensed November was.

xxxxxNot so much. November doesn't know it, but the cult has a name for these people. The Broken. And there's a reason. "Shut up," one hisses at November. "You're going to get us all in trouble!" From November's head: <<Alright... be careful and get out anybody you can. Wouldn't hurt to learn a little more about them while you're inside, but saving lives is the priority.>> November counted about maybe... 7 figures in the darkness. There's a little room in here for a few more, but any more than that and it would get mighty crowded.

xxxxxThe broken indeed. <<Holy fuck.>> "Not going to get us all in trouble, Pepper. We're getting the fuck out. If my white knight would get his ass in here. That'd be great." And if she has to, she'll hop over to the Dark Side and haul his ass over.

xxxxxVelok is on his way to the house, not the super fast way, but the sneaky enough way. He does stop before he gets to the house, pulling out his phone. He reaches up, taking a picture of the house, and a picture of the surrounding parts, and then a text. He remains out of the way of the cameras, firing off the pictures and the text as he starts to stare around. He's waiting for something, and searching as well.

xxxxxIn a gated community? Oh yes. There are cars aplenty in driveways. Mom and dad have theirs in the garage, but Aster just turned 16 so she has a car too, but OMG it is like... two years old and they make her park it in the driveway and that is SO NOT FAIR!

<OOC> Velok says, "Alright. I'd like to use Entropy 3 to "Slay machine" on poor Aster's car too. Disable the car alarm system and the door locks to open the door and let Aleksei walk through"

xxxxxO. M. G. Aster's car is totally fucking broken now. Gawd, her parents don't get her anything good EVER! The locks don't work, the car alarm doesn't work. Some asshole could totally steal it or alter space and time between two points so he could enter one car and step out of hers and she'd never know it because that stupid alarm isn't working. GAWD! Why do her parents have to ruin her LIFE!?

xxxxxVelok walks over to poor Aster's car. Poor Aster. He's going to leave the car INTACT at least, does that count? It takes him a bit, but Velok makes sure he's out of the light as he rests his hand on the car. The coin is flipped, Velok catching it throughout the process. Afterwards he reaches out and opens the drivers side door, stepping back to take a picture of the open door, as well as some very choice profanities along the text before turning and walking back towards his hiding place.

xxxxxSlipping into his own car Aleksei picks up his phone, looking at it for a moment he nods his head before rolling out of it again. The warp of reality as it bends and contorts shifting as he steps out into the neighborhood. Looking toward Velok he moves off into the shadow. He looks back to the sight of the man walking away. He is murmuring softly to him, "Very well, my sister. I will see to it. How many of you are in there? How many threats?" He says softly while he continues toward Velok moving to hurry after him to get out of sight to wherever the man has been holded up while he was looking over the place.

xxxxx<<Seven people? Maybe 8 plus me. And there's Father Mathis, father something. That big fucking Albino and Rebecca. There were (this many people that I totally took note of outside if there were any) We're in a locked room. Barred door. These people are scared. They're all pretty damaged. Like they don't even accept that there's help coming>> Meanwhile, she lets people blather on and do whatever they're doing

xxxxxVelok slips out of the hiding place for a little bit, returning eventually to Aleksei. "Sliding glass door in the back. I saw a garage with the door shut, and lots of windows." He comments quietly, hanging out behind...I dunno. Bushes? A parked car? Whatever that stealthy roll allowed. "Did November say anything? She hasn't come out or texted or anything."

xxxxxThe house is up in a wooded area, so there were trees aplenty to hide behind.

xxxxx<<Very well, sister. We wil be dealing with this before long. Keep them all together.>> Aleksei murmurs back to her as he looks back over toward Velok. "Four hostiles. A Father Mathis, one more, our Albino Killer, and a woman named Rebecca. Those are who she saw. She has seven victims with her." The man offers those words as he slowly rolls up his sleeves to his elbows before looking back toward Velok with a smile upon his lips. "How will we enter the house?" He asks the man beside him taking a deep breath in before letting it out again. <<Sister, where are you within the house? Are there any barriers we need to be aware of?>> <<And there's a dude watching security monitors>> And Aleksei totally adds that to his replay

xxxxx<<Down stairs. Very bottom. (directions) But there are security monitors everywhere. Do you want me to come out? *I* can get out. I just can't take anyone with me>>

xxxxxVelok actually...takes some time to think. "No...no...yes...no.....well I hardly see how that's important right now...yes...no....perhaps we should just knock." Velok mumbles, obviously talking to himself in normal Velok crazy. He looks to Aleksei then nods. "Alright." He stops and looks back towards the houses, then returns flattening himself against a tree. "Tell November to stay in the house, but get through the door barring her. I'm going to go into the sliding door." He reaches into his pocket and takes out the pen he always has with him. Right in front of Aleksei he clicks the pen and it fully extends out into a silvery-black bow, both the sides for no reason at all extending FAR past where they should. "You, my dear friend and employer, are going to walk right up the front door and ring the doorbell. They don't know your face. Ask them about Jesus...or something." Holy shit yes does Velok smile at that. Telling a demon to talk about Jesus is always funny to Velok. "Maybe you'll get them together and I can put arrows into people. Nice, quiet arrows."

xxxxx<<Better idea. You tell me when you're at the door and I'll sneak out and pull a fire alarm. I saw one on the way down. Mayhem. ANd then I'll poof back inside to wait for my knights in shining armor to come rescue these dumbasses in distress.>> November's VERY pleased with herself right now <<Vorael, I need you on backup just in case we all fuck this up REALLY bad>>

xxxxxIn November's head (a scary place to be indeed): //I... see... where precisely are you and just what kind of ruckus are you anticipating?//

November fills Foster in on the plan.
Foster says ok, whatevs, invoke me if shit gets real.
November also tells Aleksei who tells Velok that she told Foster the plan
Velok tells Aleksei to tell November to tell Foster that oh yes. Shit is going to get real.
November tells Foster to tell Jenny to tell ALeksei that Velok's shit is real and he's wearing a tutu, cause shit gets messed up when you pass it around like that

xxxxx"Mmmm, very well. I think I can make a decent distraction. Kill the albino if you would, please." Aleksei offers back toward her as he wanders across the yard he heads through the trees still keeping himself hidden there when he asks to November, <<Can you destroy those security monitors? It would open more options for me.>> He says while moving with Velok his hand flicks across the door with a soft word and there is a faint 'click' as it comes open before he's circling back around the house again. He walks far around the house until he can get to the 'correct' entrance point before he starts walking toward the front door. Strolling along as if it's a Sunday afternoon walk as he heads toward that front door.

<OOC> Velok says, "Wait, fuck slay machine. Can I shoot an arrow into the camera?"
<OOC> Foster says, "Yeah, they're normal security cameras, not armored."
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Velok rolls Dexterity + Archery vs 8 for 4 successes.

xxxxx"Either Kill, or keep him alive for questioning. I don't know, haven't decided yet. I'd like to know why he's just so damn ugly. Like, did he have a tough childhood?" Yes, Velok is being a dick even while he slips away. He stays quiet and sneaky, reaching back into his tube to pull out an arrow from seemingly nowhere, notching it, aiming, and *FWIT* into the camera it goes. Velok steps up and slowly slides the door open, slipping into the house. He holds the door open for a little bit so his invisible Ocelot can follow (The ocelot is telepathic, so Velok can talk to it through the invisibility). Slowly he closes the sliding glass door, venturing carefully into the house to get a general idea of the floorplan without getting caught.

<OOC> Foster says, "Woo! Alright, Velok. HOW SOOPER SNEAKY ARE YOU!? Dex + Stealth vs 7"
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Velok rolls Dexterity + Stealth vs 7 for 5 successes.

xxxxxVelok hears two guys talking across the house with one another. Velok is currently in a dining room, with a kitchen nearby and then there's a hallway from where Velok hears the talking. It's in the direction of the front door. There is also a door and Velok hears footsteps coming up the stairs."

xxxxxAleksei comes wandering toward the door a hand in his pocket as he wanders along it as if there is nothing at all amiss about approaching the creep-o house as he goes. He doesn't pause wandering right up to the door he wraps his knuckles against it while he lets his hand fall back down. A smile on his lips he just waits, he's a nice guy he doesn't kick down doors, he tells OTHER people to kick down doors. It's a point of class really.

xxxxxThe door opens and a man in his 30's or so with dark hair (it's Father Mather, for those keeping score at home) looks at Aleksei with a befuddled expression. "Umm... there's no soliciting in this neighborhood," he says, eyeing the Russian with suspicion. "And how'd you get up here anyway? We have cameras on the driveway." Suspicious cult leader is suspicious!

<OOC> November says, "Oh! How dark is the room that I'm in? Like... if I poof from existance, are they going to freak?"

xxxxxVelok stares at the door in front of him. He can hear the sounds coming up the stairs. Slowly and quietly he takes out the bow and notches another arrow, drawing the bow back and pointing it towards the door. "Fuck she's um..." He says quietly, slowly aiming the arrow up. "She's like less than five feet. That's five feet. Yea." He says, aiming the arrow directly at where the door will open and reveal someone, but high enough above 5 feet so that if it's November coming up the stairs, he won't be shooting her in the face.

<OOC> Aleksei is going to use Radiance 1.
<OOC> Aleksei says, "To try and put him to sleep."
<OOC> Foster says, "Ok, he'll turn around and go to his room and lay there for the scene, sure."
<OOC> Foster says, "Even, "DO NOT MOVE" will suffice if you just want to neutralize him."

xxxxx"Hello, can I use your phone? I don't mean to be any worry." Aleksei offers back toward him, the amusement showing in his features no doubt that's going to get an odd look. He leans in softly and his voice rolls out with the authority of Heaven itself, "BE STILL AND SILENT." It is a command, there is no question upon it as he offers those words back toward him in turn letting the power of it radiate from him toward the man. His hand still in his pocket, standing with a complete comfort and authority as the Defilier invokes the power that lies dormant within him called to life as the Fallen speaks.

Aleksei loses one Willpower
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Aleksei rolls Leadership + Manipulation vs 6 for 3 successes.
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Foster rolls 5 vs 6 for 4 successes.

xxxxxWell, Aleksei? Good news and bad news. The good news is that Mather didn't sense Aleksei's divine nature via Revelation. So there's that. The bad news is? He's a stubborn bastard, apparently, and shakes off the command. "I think you need to leave... I'm calling the police."

<OOC> Foster says, "You can make another roll and then I'll move on to November."
Aleksei loses one Willpower
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Aleksei rolls Leadership + Manipulation vs 6 for 1 successes.
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Foster rolls 5 vs 6 for 2 successes.
<OOC> November asks Aleksei where Velok's car is first, then once she knows that, I want to step across, speed of thought my way to the car to get my sexy sword, REACH across, then start breaking shit

xxxxxMather isn't terribly convinced on the second command. Shit's about to get real...Aaaand then the basement door opens and a guy steps out in front of Velok. He hollars, "Guys? One of the cameras went out," just as he crests the stairs and opens the door... and probably gets an arrow in the face for his trouble.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Velok rolls 5 + 1 + 8 (14 dice) vs 6 for 8 successes.
<OOC> Velok says, "So he takes 8 agg damage."

xxxxx"I'm on parole. Just got outta the joint. Can't call the cops on me man." Aleksei tells him, apparently the finely dressed Russian is drunk? Then he starts babbling in Enochian as he answers November's question while still seeming utterly strange. But then there is hollaring that goes on.

xxxxxAs soon as the door to the stairs open and, unfortunately, the guy manages to get off some hollaring. He at least finishes his sentence so it's not like he was cut off. The arrow is silent as it flies through the air, faster than the naked eye can see it as it imprints through the man's eye and into his brain. He falls back down the stairs, thudda thudda thudda thudda. Velok quickly notches another arrow. The tip gets rubbed on his thumb first which seems to be dripping a bit of blood, the blood being transferred to the tip of the new arrow as Velok stays within his hiding place, waiting for reactions and possibly someone to come investigate for another ambush. Also Velok was mumbling something. Probably something ominous and not good. Dude is a Euthanatos after all. It might not have been a good death, but it's totally a death.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
November rolls Dexterity + Awareness vs 6 for 5 successes.
<OOC> November says, "WOot! Crossed"

xxxxxOk! Well isn't this a lovely mess! One guy, dead, goes stairway bobsledding down his back. That's some racket. And Father Mather has a crazy guy up front he's dealing with, so he hollars out, "Joey! Get in here and get rid of this asshole!" There's some heavy thumping coming from further in the house at that command. November vanishes, leaving some very confused, very scared people in the basement.

<OOC> Aleksei does his Storm impression.
<OOC> Foster says, "Mather is backing off, essentially going desperate defense, though he has no idea how pointless that is. Lambert's staying back in the living room, kind of confused. Joey comes stomping forward to enter the foyer, and that will take his whole round as this is a big fucking house.
<OOC> November says, "ANd yes, flying back"
<OOC> Velok moves to "intercept Joey" basically
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Aleksei rolls Survival + Stamina vs 7 for 3 successes.

xxxxxNovember slips through the barrier and to the car. SHe reaches through to grab her sword and then zips back. Where does she go? Well, she WANTED the albino. <Is he Mexican? Because that would totally make him an albeaner. That would rock, even i it is a little racist. But instead, she's going to put herself RIGHT behind Lambert before she prepares to whoosh that sexy sword of hers across the barrier again.

Aleksei loses one Willpower
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Aleksei rolls 3 vs 9 for 0 successes.
<OOC> Aleksei says, "One bolt at least."
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Aleksei rolls Torment vs 6 for 1 successes.
<OOC> Foster says, "Mather takes 1 lethal."

xxxxxWell the cover is blown, but one guy is down and Aleksei seems to be having fun doing something at the door and so Velok is off on his assigment. Find Fugly. The arrow stays notched in the bow as the man breaks stealth and tears through the the house. One look here, oo the kitchen. Nope. He sees no one else until he gets to that living room and finds the Albino giant he's been looking for, cutting him off. "FUGLY! I've missed you so much. Do you want to hug? Perhaps Cuddle? Mindy did." He's already raising the bow.

xxxxxCrazy Russian goes to pissed off Russian pretty damn quick. "I think I am done with the comments, pesant." He spits out the words back to Mather as he raises a hand over his head for a moment the hair starts to stand up on any near him, feeling the temp drop a few degrees further in the cool night charing the air with eletrictiy. His hand snaps down and there is a flash that crashes out a bolt of lightning thrashing through the air glancing off Mather the show is quite impressive as the storm rages around him winds and rain thrashing about the air as he snarls, "You just couldn't make it easy? Could you?"

<OOC> Aleksei says, "Zapzap"
<OOC> Aleksei says, "Nearest target."
<OOC> Aleksei says, "That you know, isn't Velok."
<OOC> November pops back through
<OOC> Foster says, "So noted! Lambert has a worse dex+wits, so he declares next. He will scramble and run for the back door."
<OOC> Foster says, "Mather will cower and plead for his life."
<OOC> Foster says, "Joey will attempt to tackle Velok"
<OOC> Velok is going to dodge and loose the arrow at Joey at the same time.
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Velok rolls 5 + 2 + 4 (11 dice) vs 6 for 7 successes.
<OOC> Velok says, "So 7 agg damage.
<OOC> Foster says, "Joey takes enough damage to drop a normal person, he's still on his feet but staggering and dazed, loses his round."
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Aleksei rolls 3 vs 9 for 0 successes.
<OOC> Aleksei fizzles!

xxxxxVelok guesses that Joey didn't like the talking and so he continues, all while starting to move backwards and loose the arrow. "And really, another thing. I mean, I'm not at all a fan of what you're wearing. It really doesn't match your color scheme." He goes on, even while the arrow embeds somewhere in Joey, Velok reaching back to draw out another one. You paged Foster with 'So I'm not rolling my invisible Ocelot's initiative even though he's there with Velok right now because I don't want to complicate it. But basically he has two moves he'd use while Invisible. One is essentially "If I fuck up a roll" he can use Luck to allow me to roll it again. He can also use Bad luck curse on one of the enemies to cancel their successes. Do you want me to start rolling the cat's initiative or just wait in case one of those moments comes up?'

xxxxxThere is a crackling of lightning around Aleksei but it doesn't thrash out toward Mather as the Russian steps forward bring more of that storm into the home. The dull roar of it as he looks back down toward the man, "Did they look as you do now?" He almost snarls out those words toward the man. "Did those women you take beg for their lives as well?" He his voice holds with the roar of the winds and rain that swirl around him. The Storm Lord's eyes lost all their color, black orbs of the abyss as he drifts further toward him, "Tell me. Do you fear death?" He asks him with that rage shown full within the storm around him.

xxxxxNovember fades in to existence, her sword at the ready. AND SHE WILL MURDER! Soon. Probably. (Courtesy of Foster) Mather holds up his hands over his face. "Tashmetum! Save me! Tashmetum! Please! I hear you! I LISTEN!" That's... interesting...

<OOC> Foster says, "Joey shakes the cobwebs out and goes for another tackle, burning a wp to ignore his wound penalty."
<OOC> Foster says, "Mather is going to scramble away, because lightning hurts and Aleksei says scary things. Aleksei!"
<OOC> Aleksei says, "GETOVERHERE! With lightning."
<OOC> Foster says, "Lambert runs, November chases."
<OOC> Velok says, "Ooooooo, you're right. Hmm. Fuck it. I'll hit him across the face with the bow"
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Velok rolls Dexterity + Melee vs 6 for 7 successes.
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Velok rolls Strength + 6 vs 6 for 5 successes.
<OOC> Foster says, "He takes 2 bashing, which incaps him, and then another bashing."
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Aleksei rolls 3 vs 9 for 0 successes.

xxxxxNovember goes scrambling off after Father Lambert in to the woods, chasing him down with her sword while howling for blood or... whatever she does when she's killing people. She's weird. Like I know. Mather watches lightning arc about Aleksei, striking random shit in the room (fortunately not him this time) and he crawls and scrambles away, crawling towards the living room for Joey's protection. (Oh dear.) And Fugly crumples.

xxxxxVelok shot Joey with an arrow...and the albino still didn't go down. He just steps back and hops on the balls of his feet for a second. "Really!?" He says rather exasperated as Joey still manages to get up and keep coming. Velok doesn't want him DEAD, no, but this guy won't stop. Notching another arrow would probably kill the guy pretty quickly, so Velok does the next best thing. He lowers the bow down from a drawn position, takes it in both hands and "Batter up!" *WHAM* to the side of Joey's head with the bow, the metal crunching into the guys head. "And the crowd goes wild...Oh he's down for the count, the judges are shocked!" Velok starts to look for where Aleksei is.

xxxxxLightening lashes out arcross the room striking falls, ground, ceiling as it flashes around him as Aleksei leans down toward him, "Who do you cry for, pest? Who do you think will save you?" He asks him while he wanders over towards him as he scrambles toward Joey. "Where are you going?" He asks him with that wild look upon his features as he stalks after the man on the ground.

<OOC> Foster says, "Ok, the only person who actually WAS a real combatant is down and out. Mather and Lambert are lovers, not fighters (sort of), so I'm fine with handwaving Mather's submission. And November is in better shape than Lambert, so she'll catch him eventually and cut him down."

xxxxxJoey? Did not make a sound the entire fight. Not even when Velok shot him. No exclamation of pain or an 'Owie' though he did wince and stagger and it clearly took the piss out of him."

xxxxxOnce Joey is secured <unconscious> and November has made her way back in after... what did she do? Kill someone? Whatever. She's back in and she's looking around. "He isn't dead?" Incredible. <<Vorael>> she says aloud. <<The place is secure. We have hostages that we don't know where to take them and we have the albino, unconscious but alive. I need your advice, Lord Tyrant. How do you wish to proceed?>>

xxxxxFoster replies to November! <<Any hostiles who have survived should be interrogated. The hostages... will likely require a brief screening. Be careful with them. You don't know how long they've been captive and whether or not they've been indoctrinated. After making sure they aren't a threat to themselves or others, they can probably be set free. Be aware, however, that somebody will almost certainly be speaking to the police. If you've killed there... that will potentially make things messy.>>

xxxxxVelok is kneeling over the body of the albino when November comes back in, and it's her entrance that finally draws his eyes away from the man. "You're safe..." He says with a brief sigh of relief, though the sunshine moment is quickly moved back into sheer profesionalism. "He's...well..." Velok says, looking back. He lays his hand down on Joey's back, carefully staring at him.

xxxxxJoey's alive, but dude is going to need some medical attention. He's in a pretty bad way. If left alone, he'd probably die of internal bleeding.

xxxxx<<Oh, there has been killing. These people are damaged. They need to be brought SOMEWHERE. How convincingly can WE be the police? Not me, of course. And they're still down there. Need to get them out, but they aren't in any danger. These people are scared. And they're... going to be talking about people disappearing from their sight. Revelation is a bitch, but there was no way around it. The albino ... I don't think he can talk. Velok said he didn't make a single sound the whole time. I'm not sure how to interrogate him without getting.... ugly... about it.>>

<OOC> Velok says, "Velok is going to heal the worst of Joey's injuries. Enough to bring him out of the "I'm going to die" range. He'll still be pretty fucked up, but not going to die"

xxxxxFoster pauses a moment. <<Well, Minister, I think you can figure something out. Use whatever resources you have at your disposal. I suspect they've been through too much for me to make them conveniently forget it, though Revelation may help with whatever you had to do in their presence.>>

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Velok rolls Arete vs 4 for 3 successes.
<OOC> Foster says, "1 agg/3 bashing."

xxxxxInternal bleeding. Yay. Velok unceremoniously rolls Fugly over to the other side where the arrow is still embedded. "Alright big guy. This is going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me." The man grips the arrow where it meets the flesh, quickly yanking it up out of Joey's body and setting it down carefully against. He reaches up and takes another arrow out of his tube, using the tip to knick at his forefinger and draw blood. The finger is brought down and the blood is smeared along Joey's forehead like Simba as Velok's eyes close. The hand is placed carefully on Joey's chest over the wound.

xxxxxVelok stands up from the body when he's done, though he seems to have been lying a bit. It didn't necessarily hurt Joey more than Velok, and Velok can be easily seen wincing as he rises. His hand falls to his abdomen, very gently rubbing through his hoodie as he looks back towards November. "He'll live. For now." Whether that's particularly fortunate or not, Velok doesn't answer, turning and peering towards November.

xxxxxNovember nods, moving over toward Joey. She looks down at the man. "Look at me. If you want to live, you will GIVE ALL THE INFORMATION THAT YOU ARE ASKED IN THE MIND LINK." She leans back and peeks up at Velok, giving him a little smile. "Pretty please." November also lets a little bit of that whole apoc form peek out so he knows he ain't dealing with no schmoots

November loses one Willpower
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
November rolls Manipulation + Leadership vs 6 for 3 successes.

xxxxxJoey snorts at November and spits blood in her general direction. He doesn't even look like he struggled to shake off that command. Huh. Well that's new. Joey also doesn't appear to flip his shit at revelation. Joey? Still looks pretty hostile as he glares at November all menacingly and shit.

xxxxxVelok looks to November, then down to Joey, then back up to November, then to Joey again, and on and on until he might get dizzy. That blood spitting does make him a little concerned, and he scoots his foot over to press on Joey's rib. He stares towards November then holds out his hand for hers. "Now that's certainly not nice, Fugly. We're all going to be the bestest of friends."

xxxxxJoey calms down a bit. Seems the Lore of Longing has managed where Radiance failed. WOot!

xxxxx"Now," November says, behaving in whatever manner Joey expects, absolutely perfectly, without fault, "Let's get some of this information out of the way, shall we?" <<Here... this is safe. No one will overhear>>

xxxxxVelok looks tired, more tired than he usually does, but he stares at November, then stares down at Joey. "Fugly's all yours." He says to the woman, releasing her hand (assuming she actually did take Velok's hand). He removes his foot from Joey, looking down to the albino and turning to walk away from November and Joey for the time being, heading towards the stairs. Joey shakes his head at November, his thoughts reverberating through the cloud. <<There is no safety. She hears all. She /listens/.>>

xxxxx<<That's okay. That's just fine. I HOPE she hears me. Are you listening (whatever your name is)? You're fucking with the wrong Fallen. I remember you. Do you remember ME? Because you should... Sorry. Okay. How long have these people been here? How long have you been in this area?>>

xxxxxJoey looks... conflicted. He closes his eyes and shakes his head rapidly. <<No no no no nonononononono.>> The albino's struggling with something, apparently.

xxxxxThud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Squeeeeeak. Thud. Thud. Slowly something gets dragged up the stairs, and when Velok turns the corner he's dragging the poor guy previously at the bottom of the stairs into the room. There's no actual blood trailing behind the guy or anything considering the wound, but there is a very distinct arrow sticking out of where his eye used to be. Velok turns the body and lays it down right next to Joey, face up, so that Joey and the world can see how lucky Joey was and how unlucky this poor guy was. <<What was this man's name?>> Velok asks of Joey, staring at him. Not at all like November's questions, but still apparently important to Velok.

xxxxxJoey is far from feeling cooperative with Velok (he isn't all awesome like November was) but... meh. He doesn't particularly care about that question. <<Fred. Never knew his last name. Didn't matter.>>

xxxxx<<Joey.... what can I do to convince you to cooperate with me? You know I would do anything at all to help you.>> Just that. She ignores Velok's subtle attempts at intimidation.

xxxxx"Fred." Velok repeats out loud, looking down to the body. He kneels down next to it, putting a hand on the man's chest. Velok kneels on the opposite side from Joey, putting his face near the dead man's ear and starting to whisper.

xxxxxJoey shakes his head rapidly. //I am hers. You are not she. Pretty girl, but not her.// Huh. Stubborn bastard, isn't he? <<She Listens. Her will is done.>>

xxxxx<<What is her will, Joey? Tell me and then I'll let you go to her>>

xxxxxWhen Velok is done giving Fred his last rites, Velok pushes himself back up to a kneeling position. He reaches into his pocket and takes out a penny, pressing it into Fred's palm and closing his fingers around it. Velok stands up and glances back to November. He turns and goes to begin his search of the house for information.

xxxxxJoey audibly sighs, proubably the only sound he's managed to muster so far, and then stares intently at November. <<We cannot know, until she makes it known. She grows strong, and she listens. We speak, and she listens.>> The albino closes his eyes in almost reverent ecstasy.

xxxxxAs for the house? On first inspection it looks like what it should look like: a rich house. There's a nice flatscreen, a couple bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, and a study. The office in the study has a desktop computer and a sizable bookcase with various volumes, most of which probably were on the best seller's list at one point or another. It also bears mentioning that Mather is still alive, if lightly singed, and being held captive by Aleksei. Though if Aleksei ran off or something... whatevs? Father Mather is still there in any case.

xxxxx"Okay... " Assuming that Velok is communicating his findings, <<We're taking that computer with us. Get it loaded up. We need to get the hostages and get out of here and to some place safe... REst for a minute, Joey.>> Mathers? He's totes tied up with some sort of tie that November used to use to hold people in place when she was still a human. All very complexy and stuff. "Now you..." Mathers

xxxxxMather's calmed down a bit. "Father Mather," he growls, no longer quite as shitfaced terrorized as when lightning was being hurled at him. "You're already dead. You just don't know it yet," the 'Father' hisses. "She knows what you've done."

xxxxxNovember shrugs just a little bit. "And I know what she's done. How long have these people been here? I'm going to tell you one time that my friend down there? He was being nice. Me? I'm a killer. And I really don't concern myself with the amount of torment that I accrue. She came to the wrong town. She's dead. I'll see her soul locked forever in a convenience store bathroom in the ghetto."

xxxxxThere aren't any secret rooms or anything, other than the whole of the basement. And that's just got a storage area and the security desk. Mather stares at November as if she's insane. "She... is a GOD. You can't be serious." The mortal stares at November incredulously. "You honestly don't know what you're trying to fight, do you? Her mind is on another level of consciousness. Her power... unfathomable! She can't be killed! She can't be stopped!"

xxxxxNovember! Full apoc! NOW! Some crazy little japanese people in full body suits do what amounts to gangsigns in the background and November straightens up to her full nine feet tall, the glow emanating first from her eyes, then from her full form, bathing the little man in their benevolent light. "I am Asmodyl. The Angel of Death and Suffering, Slayer of the Unjust, Glory of the Night, Keeper of the Shadows. I make your god look like the lowest of the low."

xxxxxMather? Oh he loses his shit. Apparently this guy does NOT have Joey's resilience. "Tashmetum! Protect me! I am your loyal servant! Show me favor and drive away this evil spirit!!" If Tashmetum's listening, she apparently isn't saying much. Or doing much.

xxxxxVelok continues his survey of the house, noting the computer, noting the phone, and searching. When he's satisfied about the place being clean, he returns to the foyer. He doesn't look at all surprised that November is in Apoch form, though he does look up towards her now. Not a usual way of looking at the demon. His blue eyes glance over towards Mather, staring at him. There's a brief flicker of a smile on his face as he turns and heads towards the kitchen.

xxxxxAleksei comes wandering back out of where he'd been stashed. He has the security taps and went about erasing what he could left on them... then he sent a jolt of electricity through it as well. Just to be safe. Wandering along wih those tapes making sure they don't go anywhere. He takes a deep breath in before letting it out and he goes looking for where the others have gone. Spotting November like that he nods his head to her, "Having fun, Sister?" He asks when he hears that introduction she spills out.

xxxxx"You will stay here, mortal. YOU did this. You did all of this. Do you hear me? You killed your friends. YOU captured these women. YOU WILL TAKE THE BLAME FOR ALL OF THIS WHEN THE POLICE COME." So THERE, motherfucker. November shrinks down to her almost nothing form.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Asmodyl rolls Manipulation + Leadership vs 6 for 4 successes.
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Foster rolls 5 vs 6 for 3 successes.

xxxxxMather clenches his jaw and really... really wants to say something defiant. And he does! "I will take the blame for all of this when the police come," he snarls at Asmodyl... and then blinks. Oh fuck. He's rightly fucked indeed, and he knows it. "She will destroy you," he hisses angrily.

xxxxxVelok comes back in from the kitchen, his eyes flashing towards Aleksei. In his hands he has two bananas, on peeled and one not yet peeled. He looks down towards his bananas. The peeled one is brought up to his lips and he takes a bite, looking from November to poor Mathers. He doesn't actually comment about her decided plan, nodding to Aleksei. "There's a computer I can take with me." He comments idly, leaning into a doorframe and enjoying his banana.

xxxxx"She can try." Her eyes roam to Aleksei, then to Velok. "Can you erase our fingerprints from everything? Just tag onto our personal signatures and make it not so?" She's in work mode. She's done this before. "If not, I can wipe everything down. But we need to get out of here and call the police."

xxxxxAleksei looks back to Asmodyl a nod given to her as he grins back toward her, "It is adorable when they ramble on about things they do not understand." He says with a smile on his lips, his head tilting to the side while studying her. Then looking back over to Velok he gives the man a nod of the head, "Sounds like a good plan." The thought drawling out from the Russian before smiling back to Mather, "Sounds like you've got some fire back." The air around him almost seeming to snap with static electricity as he grins to the man, "Oh well." With that he starts to wander back over toward the door so they can head out.

xxxxxVelok has a mouth full of banana. He's still in work mode too, this is just part of it. Bananas are good. When he swallows, he returns his gaze to November, tilting his head. He glances to Aleksei for a moment, shrugging. "I'd prefer the wiping everything down method." He looks rather..uncomfortable at the moment. "So he's just supposed to sit here? What's the tip off to the police? When they come, what does he say? Does he take the blame and list us as accomplices?" With one banana done, Velok starts to peel the other one. "Sever the gas line. Light the place on fire. Make it look like he did it. Ritual suicide. That way, no concerns of what he's saying, no risk of fingerprints. Police can't ask questions and won't find out about the cult. Burn the place down." All said while peeling a banana.

xxxxxMather doesn't pipe up, instead he starts rocking in the corner and... praying? Sure, praying. It's far more polite to say praying than babbling to some weird ass god that approves of bad... bad things.

xxxxx"We're leaving the hostages." November is sure about this. "They are going to talk to the police ANYWAY. MIght as well let them all babble on about stupid shit. Angels and demons and all that." She tugs off her shirt. Sports bra underneath. She starts wiping everything down. EVERYTHING that she's touched. "Wipe down the dead guy. Get your arrow." November has done this before. She knows what she's doing. "We aren't setting anything on fire. The hostages will die."

xxxxxVelok isn't really one to argue against November at the scene of the murders, despite how sure she seems. He continues to look around, giving a shrug and moving over to pick up Joey's arrow. Poor Fred's arrow is a lot trickier to get out, so hopefully no one looks when Velok presses his boot to the man's head and yoinks out...eye goop. Ew. It gets wiped off on Fred's shirt and the rest of him is wiped clean. He turns and walks towards the sliding glass door now, pulling his arrow out of the security camera. Three shots, three targets, three arrows accounted for. He returns to November. "We don't want to move the hostages out of here? They might be able to get us more information if we talk to them. " He asks curiously, glancing back towards where Aleksei was leaving and shrugging.

xxxxx"Aleksei. I've never had to mass relocate people before. What do you think we should do? I don't do a whole lot of cleanup."

xxxxx"We could get them back to the dacha no doubt without a lot of trouble... I can try to open a passage there but we would have to move them quickly through." Aleksei offers with a small shrug of the shoulders when he makes that offer back toward her, "Or we just hvae them bring some SUVs around and load them up that way. But if Foster wants to get a look at them, and from the sound of it we could have someone amongst them as a plant if they had a woman bait you in." He offers the thought back toward Nova, he is a bit paranoid but it helps him keep his blood on the inside.

xxxxxNovember nods, looking Mathers and Joey over. "Alright. These two also?" She's alreayd moving, already kicking in Aleksei's plan. "Let's get to it, then. You open the door, I'll pop in and we'll see about getting them out. I mean, how long can you hold it?"

xxxxxVelok accompanies November in the wiping everything down, looking up towards Aleksei. He doesn't seem to mind either way, both options Aleksei suggested working out well enough. "We could also go with November's plan and just interrogate them here. Only what, seven of them? Find out what they know, determine if they're sane, let them know. That way you both can do your...thing, perhaps convince them or comfort them. Drop them off at a homeless shelter or something. Foster only said he wanted them screened, not that he had to do it himself."

xxxxx"Ya, those two..." leaning in so that they wont hear Aleksei says, "they wont be leaving if they come. Just so you know." Because the Adad has no problem making bodies vanish near the sea. He starts to head down toward where the girls are pulling out his phone he sends a quick text off toward a certain fiery Redhead to open a door back home out onto the back patio while he walks down to where the girls have been huddled.

xxxxxDown in the basement is a big ol' steel door. It's barred, but the bar can be slid over and then it's open, the light from the hallway illuminating the room. 2 young men and 5 young women are curled up and huddled, shielding their faces from the light.

xxxxxNovember nods just a little bit. "Alright. So you two go down. You open the door. They're going to shrink back against the wall, so SOMEONE needs to shoo them out. I'll do it. It will scare them more, but maybe they'll get moving. Unless someone has a better suggestion."

xxxxxVelok finishes eating his bananas, going over and throwing the peels down into the garbage. He nods towards November, reaching down and picking up his bow. The arrows get put back into the tube, the bow retrieved and slung over his shoulder, and he goes to help Aleksei.