Goði Zachary Erlingson, M.D.
He wears simple clothing - boots, jeans, t-shirt and camo jacket. He has no particular pride in his appearance, but he is clean in a rugged down-to-earth kind of way. His haggard face is home to a rough beard and hair that has been braided into a single long knot. All in all, he is a rather forgettable man.
If you were to get close to Zach, you'd smell a comfortable blend of expensive musk cologne and loose earth. You'd see the lines on his face that come not of age, but of horrors experienced first hand. More than any of that, though, you would see the intense eternal fire in his eyes. A fury that defies his otherwise relaxed posture and mannerisms. He always seems one wrong move away from erupting into a truly primal rage.
Zach makes a habit of blending into the least among us. It is the poor and helpless who are his charge - the strong and tired who are his flock.