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Xaviar Ortiz's background is shrouded in mystery like those around him he tells different versions to people to cover up what really happened in his past. Few know that truth were or what happened to the Garou which now walks but his background seems to be dark and he doesn't like talking about it. Some say he comes from the CyberRealm called Dystopia which his parents died, some say his parents died when he was young in a village not far from Prospect. Some here the man is from Rio which lies to the south in Argentina.

Dangerous Knowledge- The man reflects a deeper understanding about this world that most people don't have. With that he says simply comes responsibility to act and observe and be a witness to the strange, weird, and wacky. When he shows up typically he can find away to do the impossible by simple means.

Shaman-He isn't afraid to say he is a shaman. It is the simple truth even if he pretends to be otherwise, the spirits both ghost and Umbal see this and he tends to listen to them. While the man may not have spirit sight he is well aware of the feelings that goes on around him.

Dream-While the man doesn't walk through his dreams he has a deep understanding of them. To the native american the world is a dream which they walk through if you understand there heritage. He is no different but that which is dreamed becomes reality eventually.

Spiritual Guide-The man is no Cross, but he helps those that need to confess, live with Dark Pasts, Heal those that are tainted beyond measure and willing to be a sounding board even with his enemy.

Herbalist-While this is normally a mage thing, Herbalism is primal to a shaman he cures people with holistic intent people say he can perform miracles with the right teas and herbs.

OOC: Take this for fun you will find out.

Weaknesses: He doesn't have any dots in brawl, melee, dodge, or even firearms. How he survives is amazing to even the player, those few times he has been in a fight and kicked ass was much to luck for him. The man can fight a certain way but it needs special conditions met.

No Countering Magic: Like most Garou here is something many don't know about. There is no real way for Xaviar to counter magic without learning about things.

Truth- For a uktena he runs at the mouth, this is a player thing I can't seem to keep my mouth shut when I know I need too. lol.