
From City of Hope MUSH
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"Conflicts, even near-fatal ones, seed new tales, often breeding entertainment. Fatal resolutions sever threads of possibility, often breeding boredom. I am here to entertain and to be entertained. If I have someone 'dead to rights' (Unless otherwise stated), 'Story' happens and the victim escapes with lessons learned, or vengeance seeded.. It's more fun that way. I do not expect others to follow this concept, but it is mine." ~ The Player

  • Antagonism, Even Risk 3 Even at this stage, and characters are suffering... If you. The Player aren't entertained.. talk to me, I'll work to fix that.
  • Powergamers If you minimize RP for the sake of winning, I will react in kind and use every cheesey tactic I can think of to make you regret the choice even if I know I will never 'Win'. If you EVER feel i am Powergaming, call me on it then and there.. I will apologize and work to correct things ASAP. I will like wise inform others if I feel they are crossing the line before taking 'Unfun' actions.