" The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it." -- Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf
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The story of a young woman:
xxxxxLos Angeles: Home sweet home, or it used to be. Her family still lives there - Dad's a mechanic, Mom's a nurse, a slew of brothers and sisters. Sometimes she goes to visit.
xxxxxU.S. Army: How she got out of LA. Not that she lived in the worst parts of town, but Tamara wanted to see the world, what did she see? A bunch of sand and blood. But at least it got her trained as a medic.
xxxxxAfter Discharge: She pulled her six, saw a few more tours than she should have in the Sandbox. She's glad to be home, maybe healing in a place where there are fewer bombs and bullets. She picked Prospect, so she'll see how that goes.
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Tamara Estelle Cruz
Apparent Age:
Mid to Late 20s
February 12th 1985
EMT, Intern with the M.E.
130'ish, none of your damn business.
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xxxxxTamara Cruz was born in LA to a lower middle class family. Her father was a mechanic, her mother a nurse. Her grandmother used to talk a family history of gifted women, but she always dismissed that. Seeking to escape the neighborhood, she joined the Army to train as a medic. She had some terrible experiences, but grew really close to the men and women she protected, and they did to her as well. She got out, and is currently working as an EMT and using her GI bill to go to medical school, wanting to become a Trauma Surgeon.
xxxxxWhile she was in the service, she started to experience some strange events. Soldiers who turned out to have less injuries than she first reported, seeing..flickering of people out of the corner of her eye, people she knew she had seen die. And then there was the incident when she was trying to get rubble off of an injured comrade and it seemed, as she waved her hand, to just fly off, small pebbles. She doesn't want to be crazy, but she also can't believe what is happening. The old stories she remembers, maybe they are true? She's going to try and find out.
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