Changeling Info
- "Personality": Tali is vivacious, fun loving, and good natured, contrasted by being "reckless, aggressive and undisciplined". As a Peacock/Celebrant, she is prideful but in love with life.
- "Unseelie Nocker": She is Unseelie because she believes in personal freedom over regimented order. And that whole Order 66 thing.. She is remarkably low-spite for a Nocker, much more an Unseelie one.
- "Greater Good": She has a highly developed sense of purpose and honor that she calls the Greater Good. Best thought of as making her a sort of Knight Errant or Ronin Samurai. +Coop -PVP.
Mortal World Info
- "Identity": Her ID says she is Tali Vette, born in SanFran, on June 20th 2003. Graduating at 16, she completed a mechanical/electrical trade school, currently is unemployed. Minor criminal record.
- "Rambunctious": She loves having fun and causing mischief, especially anything that breaks the booooooring social norms. Sometimes more fun, others more trouble, mood depending.
- "Disguised Hunter": There are monsters of living filth, mutated creatures, and possessed thrill killers. And having been attacked by such more than once, she hunts now them.
Mortal Mask.
Companion: "Crisis"
Play List.