For totem spirits, see the Totems page.
For spirits in general, Essence / Power / Chi are equivalent, and regenerate at the rate of 1 per hour of Slumber (WtA 240, Mage ST Companion 44).
Totem Broods
Totems of Respect
Falcon's Brood
First among the Tribal Totems and patron of the Silver Fangs, Falcon is the totem of freedom, victory and insight. More ancient than all but a few totems, there is little that escapes the Falcon's golden eye. Falcon is a strong, fast flier, skilled in the wars of the air. Those Garou who ally themselves with him have a strong and reliable patron. Falcon, more than any other totem, hates the Wyrm because for many centuries the Wyrm enslaved some of his brood. The Falcon eventually battled his way from the Wyrm's heart, but he has never forgotten his one-time subjugation. Some of Falcon's progeny are still thralls of the Wyrm and wander the Umbra as powerful Banes. The primary realms of Falcon are in his great speed, power, and knowledge. His broods are generally powerful warriors in their own right, a fact that most Garou can readily respect. Indeed, the Falcon's brood are similar to the Garou in many ways. They are among Gaia's fiercest protectors, though they also have strong connections with the Celestine Helios. This commonality of conviction and purpose makes the two groups easily understood by each other. The Garou's alliances with the totem are thus strong and bound by more than mere necessity. The Falcon is a totem of Honor and Respect. He reacts poorly to anyone with a permanent Honor of less than two.
Falcon's Brood | ||||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Level | Reference |
Talon of Horus | 5 | 4 | 4 | 40 | Gaffling | AM p. 53 |
ToH: Small Flock | 6 | 5 | 7 | 65 | ^ | AM p. 53 |
ToH: Large Flock | 8 | 8 | 10 | 95 | ^ | AM p. 53 |
ToH: Greater Flock | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | AM p. 53 |
Children of Karnak | 8 | 8 | 8 | 65 | Jaggling | AM p. 54 |
Firebirds | 4 | 7 | 10 | 80 | Jaggling* | AM p. 56 |
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Grandfather Thunder's Brood
Power is seductive. Grandfather Thunder and his brood understand all the aspects of power in its crudest form, including the fear and respect that come with it. When power is seized by crude methods, deceit, subterfuge, and conspiracy are often involved. In places where the power of Grandfather is strongest, this is the coin of the realm. Many spirits of Thunder's brood are well-trained in the arts of subterfuge. In fact, many are spirits that have gone astray, such as the rogue Raven Gafflings, who turn from the way of their Incarna, and Pain-spirits who once served the purposes of the Wyrm. Thunder subjugates those who meet with his goals. These servants, then, are rarely what they seem, and through seduction, lies, torment, or fear, they have all come to understand the way of Thunder. Those who do not understand the brood of Thunder sometimes claim that his spirits drift perilously close to the methods of the Wyrm. Some opinionated Theurges claim that Thunder's way is not always Gaia's way. It is like a narrow path that leads up the side of a mountain. The footing is treacherous, and it skirts the edges of a yawning abyss. No matter how fast an ambitious Garou's ascent may be, one false step can result in utter failure. Many Shadow Lords gladly take that risk in the pursuit of seductive power. The brood of Thunder misdirects and hinders those on the path who do not possess the reasoning to triumph.
Grandfather Thunder's Brood | ||||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Level | Reference |
Stormcrows | 7 | 9 | 6 | 35 | Gaffling | AM p. 62 |
Rogue Ravens | 6 | 8 | 8 | 35 | Gaffling | AM p. 63 |
Night Spirits | 9 | 9 | 9 | 50 | Jaggling | AM p. 65 |
Spirits of Pain | 8 | 2 | 5 | 20 | Gaffling | AM p. 65 |
Pegasus's Brood
- Pegasus as a totemWtA 294
Pegasus' Brood | |||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Reference |
Chimaera, the Masks of Man | 8 | 8 | 8 | 50 | Axis Mundi p 78 |
Haima, the Red Mothers | 3 | 7 | 5 | 15 | Axis Mundi p 80 |
Pegasus Gaffling | 8 | 8 | 8 | 40 | Axis Mundi p 81 |
Pegasus Jaggling | 8 | 8 | 8 | 24 | Umbra Revised p 105 |
Triptych: Crone | 4 | 8 | 8 | 30 | Axis Mundi p 81 |
Triptych: Maiden | 8 | 4 | 4 | 30 | Axis Mundi p 81 |
Triptych: Mother | 6 | 6 | 6 | 30 | Axis Mundi p 81 |
Stag's Brood
Stag's Brood | |||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Reference |
Black Stag | 10 | 9 | 7 | 30 | Umbra Revised p 107 |
Black Stags, The | 9 | 7 | 10 | 50 | Axis Mundi p 94 |
Brook, The | 4 | 10 | 10 | 100 | Axis Mundi p 93 |
Dawn | 3 | 10 | 7 | 70 | Axis Mundi p 89 |
Grain | 6 | 6 | 5 | 90 | Axis Mundi p 90 |
Hind, The | 3 | 10 | 8 | 90 | Axis Mundi p 91 |
Impala | 4 | 10 | 9 | 100 | Axis Mundi p 92 |
Kelpies | 4 | 4 | 6 | 30 | Axis Mundi p 95 |
Rabbit | 4 | 6 | 5 | 40 | Axis Mundi p 93 |
Squirrel | 4 | 7 | 6 | 80 | Axis Mundi p 94 |
White Hart | 6 | 7 | 10 | 60 | Axis Mundi p 95 |
Yale | 7 | 10 | 5 | 70 | Axis Mundi p 94 |
Totems of War
Fenris's Brood
Great Fenris is a harsh master. He demands almost endless sacrifice from his Get, and in return he grants them the power to survive at almost any cost. The price for cowardice is death, for Fenris cannot abide the fearful heart. The reward for courage is a place beside Fenris himself when the Ragnarok is finally at its climax and the final battle rages at Vigrithr. The spirits who follow Fenris are, for the most part, as harsh and unforgiving as Fenris himself. Very few of Fenris' brood will tolerate even the slightest deviation from the proper rituals for summoning them. None will associate with a coward. The cold Northern territories are often affiliated with the brood of Fenris, and not unjustly so. Many of the spirits who join with Fenris appear cold and barren when first seen. Beyond what is immediately obvious, however, a wealth of beauty and power waits. At all times, the brood of Fenris note how the Garou they meet act, and report any impropriety to Fenris.
Fenris' Brood | ||||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Level | Reference |
Surtur | 10 | 8 | 9 | 40 | Jaggling* | AM p. 57 |
Norns | 5 | 10 | 10 | 80 | Jaggling | AM p. 58 |
Fimbul Wolves | 8 | 7 | 7 | 40 | Gaffling* | AM p. 59 |
Hrafn | 3 | 8 | 5 | 20 | Gaffling* | AM p. 59 |
Sturms | 7 | 5 | 9 | 30 | Gaffling* | AM p. 60 |
Bragir | 6 | 9 | 9 | 40 | Gaffling* | AM p. 61 |
Cuckoo | 4 | 7 | 6 | 20 | Gaffling | AM p. 61 |
Aegir | 8 | 6 | 7 | 60 | Jaggling* | AM p. 61 |
* - spirits whose level is marked with an asterisk do not specify Gaffling or Jaggling in their entry and so were labeled according to the level of their other stats.
This is a best guess only. Staff may rule otherwise on their level.
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Griffin's Brood
Griffin's Brood | |||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Reference |
Lion | 9 | 6 | 7 | 30 | Axis Mundi p 68 |
Mammoth Gaffling | 8 | 7 | 9 | 25 | Axis Mundi p 70 |
Sabertooth Tiger | 9 | 6 | 7 | 23 | Umbra Revised p 110 |
Saber-tooth Tiger | 9 | 6 | 7 | 35 | Axis Mundi p 67 |
Scavengers | 6 | 7 | 7 | 20 | Axis Mundi p 72 |
Simurgh | 6 | 10 | 8 | 40 | Axis Mundi p 69 |
Sphinx | 7 | 10 | 10 | 35 | Axis Mundi p 70 |
Rat's Brood
Rat's Brood | |||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Reference |
Rat Gaffling | 6 | 8 | 7 | 30 | AM pg. 83 |
Raccoon Gaffling | 4 | 7 | 7 | 20 | AM pg. 84 |
Heap Gaffling | 4 | 3 | 3 | 20 | AM pg. 85 |
Urban Englings | 1 | 6 | 10 | 25 | AM pg. 86 |
Feral Psychagonea | 8 | 6 | 8 | 25 | AM pg. 87 |
Lost Dogs | 7 | 6 | 6 | 25 | AM pg. 88 |
Wanderlust | 1 | 8 | 8 | 40 | AM pg. 89 |
Pain/Disease Spirit | 8 | 2 | 5 | 20 | Ratkin pg. 49 |
Freakachu | 2 | 3 | 9 | Varied | Ratkin pg. 50 |
Wendigo's Brood
Wendigo's Brood | |||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Reference |
Atcen | 8 | 5 | 6 | 35 | Axis Mundi p 109 |
Ice Elemental | 6 | 6 | 7 | 20 | Axis Mundi p 110 |
Ice Haunter | 6 | 8 | 7 | 21 | Umbra Revised p 114 |
Kwakwadjec (Wolverine) | 9 | 5 | 7 | 30 | Axis Mundi p 108 |
Mosquito-spirits | 8 | 5 | 5 | 20 | Axis Mundi p 112 |
Windtooth | 8 | 6 | 4 | 20 | Axis Mundi p 111 |
Totems of Wisdom
Chimera's Brood
Chimera is a totem of dreams and chooses whomever she wants into her service. She is everchanging and fey, and for the most part her servants reflect these qualities. While her Epiphlings can be found only in dreams, many of her servants dwell in both Dream and Umbral realms. The Stargazers say that she chose their tribe due to their love of wisdom, a tradition which began when she sought out the first Stargazer, Klaital. Chimera is served by servant races as well as singular spirits.
Chimera's Brood | ||||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Level | Reference |
Belstu | 2 | 8 | 10 | 30 | Jaggling | AM p. 42 |
Belstui | 1 | 3 | 8 | 25 | Gaffling | AM p. 42 |
Aralin | 4 | 9 | 10 | 60 | Jagging | AM p. 43 |
Dream Ravens | 2 | 6 | 9 | 30 | Gaffling* | AM p. 44 |
Meneghwo | 5 | 10 | 8 | 50 | Jaggling | AM p. 45 |
* - spirits whose level is marked with an asterisk do not specify Gaffling or Jaggling in their entry and so were labeled according to the level of their other stats.
This is a best guess only. Staff may rule otherwise on their level.
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Cockroach's Brood
The Cockroach and those spirits it has created as its brood are known for their cunning and survival instinct; to them, "flight" is better than "fight". To those not familiar with these often underrated spirits, it comes as a chock to learn of their honor, knowledge, and intuitive abilities. Cockroach takes great pains to secure spirit forces from throughout the Umbra to establish and protect its influence. These spirits throw themselves into battle against both Weaver and Wyrm when needed, committing themselves to their duties with unwavering dignity - even in the face of insurmountable odds.
Cockroach's Brood | ||||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Level | Reference |
Kilakac'n | 2 | 5 | 8 | 40 | Gaffling | AM p. 46 |
Gremlins | 2 | 8 | 3 | 25 | Gaffling | AM p. 47 |
Mula'Krante | 1 | 6 | 9 | 30+ | Gaffling | AM p. 49 |
Guardians of the Gates | 8 | 7 | 3 | 50 | Jaggling | AM p. 50 |
Scab Birds | 2 | 7 | 3 | 30 | Gaffling | AM p. 51 |
+ - Base 30, + 1 for each point of Willpower drained.
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Owl's Brood
Owl's Brood | |||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Reference |
Darkling | 3 | 10 | 6 | 45 | Axis Mundi p 76 |
Death's Breath | 7 | 10 | 9 | 40 | Axis Mundi p 75 |
Owl Gaffling | 7 | 5 | 8 | 20 | Umbra Revised p 111 |
Twice-Born, The | 5 | 9 | 4 | 30 | Axis Mundi p 72 |
Uktena's Brood
Uktena's Brood | |||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Reference |
Dakwa's Children (Fish-spirits) | 5 | 5 | 5 | 30 | Axis Mundi p 101 |
Feathered Serpents | 6 | 7 | 6 | 40 | Axis Mundi p 97 |
Inadu (Snake) | 5 | 5 | 5 | 30 | Axis Mundi p 100 |
Kolowissi | 6 | 6 | 7 | 45 | Axis Mundi p 99 |
Sea Serpents | 7 | 6 | 6 | 40 | Axis Mundi p 98 |
Snake Jaggling | 7 | 5 | 9 | 21 | Umbra Revised p 113 |
Wingless (Oriental) Dragons | 6 | 9 | 7 | 45 | Axis Mundi p 96 |
Unicorn's Brood
Unicorn's Brood | |||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Power | Reference |
Black Unicorn | 10 | 8 | 10 | 90 | Axis Mundi p 102 |
Dove | 2 | 9 | 10 | 70 | Axis Mundi p 102 |
Duck | 4 | 6 | 10 | 30 | Axis Mundi p 107 |
Heart Guides (Unicorn Anamae of the Children of Gaia Homeland) | ** | ** | ** | 30 | Axis Mundi p 105 |
Heart Guides (Unicorn Anamae) | ** | ** | ** | *** | Umbra Revised p 107 |
Misshapen, The | 5 | 7 | 8 | 45 | Axis Mundi p 104 |
Myrrhae (Olive Tree Glade Children) | 3 | 8 | 7 | variable | Axis Mundi p 106 |
Narwhal | 6 | 8 | 8 | 60 | Axis Mundi p 104 |
Starlight | 4 | 8 | 8 | 60 | Axis Mundi p 107 |
** = equal to those of the bonded Garou
*** = equal to sum of rage, gnosis and willpower
The spirits a Garou is most likely to encounter are nature spirits. Some are the spirits of dead animals that haven't yet cycled to life, others are generated from the significance (or belief in such significance) of a place or thing. Long ago, the Umbra was filled with active spirits, and every stream, every tree, every stone, every thing had a living spirit connected to it. Now, the Umbra is largely barren and featureless. Only a few nature spirits still exist, and most of them are in Slumber. The Storyteller may assume that all spirits listed here possess the Charms of Airt Sense and Re-form in addition to those listed.
Animal Spirits
Garou maintain close ties with animal spirits. Animal spirits look like an ideal of the species they represent. There are far too many varieties of animal spirits to list here; many others have disappeared as species have become extinct. Besides the fact that these spirits can teach many Gifts to Garou, it is always wise to appease them after hunting their kind for food. Garou believe the animal spirits have a totem Incarna, which the Wendigo and lupus refer to as the Animal Fathers. The Animal Fathers are said to watch their children from lodges in the Near Umbra. Not showing proper respect to animal spirits may draw the ire of the respective Animal Father, who may prevent births of the animal in the physical world. A population decrease in deer, for example, would bring starvation to the wolves.
The following are some sample animal Gafflings:
Animal Spirits | ||||||
Name | Rage | Willpower | Gnosis | Essence | Charms | Reference |
Deer | 4 | 4 | 6 | 14 | N/A | WtA |
Falcon | 6 | 10 | 5 | 21 | Swift Flight | WtA |
Snake | 6 | 5 | 8 | 19 | Gift: Paralyzing Stare | WtA |
Glade Child
Glade Children are the spirits of trees. In the Umbra, they appear as robed, kindly luminescent figures within the tree. How a Glade Child appears depends on its tree's location in the physical realm. In the wilderness, the spirit appears majestic and powerful; near a busy intersection, the spirit will seem grimy and waiflike. During the spring and summer (for Children of deciduous trees), Glade Children are bright-eyed and watchful of all that goes on around them, while they become sluggish and harder to rouse in late fall and winter. Glade Children are usually Gafflings or Jagglings, although some of the eldest may be Incarnae.
If approached by a friendly Garou, Glade Children may impart some of their considerable knowledge of what has transpired within their sight. However, the more a tree has been tainted by a Blight or the more tightly it has been woven into a Pattern Web, the more twisted and less reliable its information becomes.
Willpower: 7
Rage: 3
Gnosis: 8
Essence: Variable*
Charms: Cleanse the Blight, Realm Sense
*Essence is determined by age: 20 for sapling, 35 for mature oak, 50+ for ancient redwood
These spirirts, the most common of Luna's Jagglings, appear as shimmering ribbons of light outlined in gold or blue. They communicate to Garou empathically, spiraling or undulating more rapidly as they become excited. Their power waxes and wanes with the moon. During the full moon, they can be powerful but quite unpredictable. Lunes have the power to open any moon bridge at will, and they may create moon bridges for Garou who petition them. In general, they are positively disposed toward Garou, assuming the werewolves don't get too bossy. During the full moon, however, there's no guarantee where the moon-mad spirit will send them.
Willpower: 8
Rage: 4 (8 at full moon)
Gnosis: 7
Essence: 19-23
Charms: Open Moon Bridge
The best-known of the spirit servants of Grandfather Thunder, Stormcrows act as the eyes and ears of the totem. They are connected to him at all times, and they often serve as pack totem avatars for Thunder.
Willpower: 9
Rage: 7
Gnosis: 6
Essence: 22
Charms: Create Wind, Tracking
The Wendigo
Wendigo in his avatar form appears as a blue humanoid with great claws and fangs, fiery eyes and black hooflike stumps for feet. When summoned on a mission of vengeance, Wendigo can run through the sky at up to 50 miles per hour, tracking its prey. If it succeeds, it will kill the target and eat its heart; if somehow thwarted, it finds the one who summoned it and has his heart instead. It may be summoned with the Wendigo Gift: Call the Cannibal Spirit.
Willpower: 7
Rage: 10
Gnosis: 5
Essence: 32
Charms: Blast (Ice), Create Wind, Freeze, Materialize, Tracking
The Wild Hunt
The Wild Hunt is the personification of fury and an instrument of Stag's vengeance. It is considered by some to be the Fianna's "tactical nuke," for they can call upon it when in dire straits from a Wyrm menace. It is not called lightly, for the Garou can get caught up in the Hunt and consumed by it. The Huntsman and his pack aren't specific entities so much as wild spiritual energy. If it is "killed," the Hunt will disappear into the Umbra, to reappear if called later.
The Huntsman is a powerful Jaggling servant of Stag, who appears as a tall, stag-antlered man following his hounds.
Willpower: 10
Rage: 10
Gnosis: 5
Essence: 40
Charms: Armor, Materialize, Tracking
The Hounds are Gaffling servants of the Huntsman. There are usually nine, although there may be as many as three times that number, with black coats and eyes of cold green fire. They can easily pace a Garou in Lupus form and are tireless.
Willpower: 6
Rage: 7
Gnosis: 2
Essence: 18
Charms: Materialize, Tracking
Ancestor Spirits
Garou are faithful to tribe and Gaia unto death... and beyond. The spirits of the long-dead wait in the Umbra, watching the exploits of their descendants and ready to aid the living with knowledge, wisdom, or perhaps by lending their expertise in combat. Most ancestor-spirits reside in their tribe's Umbral homeland. Some may also be found near their sept's caern, or even bound to powerful fetishes. Garou who find a spirit may bargain for aid or Gifts as with other spirits (although often an ancestor may be more favorably disposed to her descendants). A Garou with the Ancestors Background can actually call upon his ancestors to possess his body temporarily, endowing him with the ancestor's skill and knowledge.
Are the acestor-spirits really the spirits of dead Garou? Some think so, although many believe that they are the memories and personalities of the departed werewolves wrapped around ephemera spirits. They believe that the true spirits have returned to Gaia to be reborn. Departed Garou aren't the only ancestor-spirits that werewolves can encounter; human spirits appear rarely, particularly if they were Kinfolk. They are almost never as powerful as werewolf spirits, however, since Garou have much stronger spirits to begin with. Ancestor spirits vary greatly in ability, depending both on their power before death and their strength of will. The following is a sample Garou spirit:
Willpower: 6
Rage: 8
Gnosis: 7
Essence: 21
Charms: Charms relate to their tribal, auspice or breed Gifts. For example, an Ahroun may possess the Armor Charm, a lupus might have the Tracking Charm, and a Glass Walker may have powers similar to an electricity elemental or a Net Spider.
As the name suggests, these spirits are the manifestation of the raw elements that make up all things. For centuries, elementals could be categorized classically: earth, fire, air, and water. In recent times, others have been discovered such as electricity and metal. Glass Walkers truck regularly with glass and plastic elementals. (Elementals in the periodic-table sense of the word are rare if they occur at all - no sodium elementals or the like have been found.) Elementals differ greatly in power, with some being no more than minor Gafflings and others wielding Incarna-like powers. The following are examples of minor elementals.
Earth Elemental
These spirits often appear as collections of rocks connected in a vaguely humanoid form, or simply as a moving bulge in the ground.
Willpower: 10
Rage: 4
Gnosis: 5
Essence: 20
Charms: Armor, Materialize, Umbraquake
Air Elemental
When materialized, these spirits are seldom visible except through contaminants such as dust or smoke.
Willpower: 3
Rage: 8
Gnosis: 7
Essence: 18
Charms: Create Wind, Updraft
Fire Elemental
These mercurial spirits typically manifest as a swirling column of flame.
Willpower: 5
Rage: 10
Gnosis: 5
Essence: 20
Charms: Blast (Flame), Create Fires
Water Elemental
These elementals often appear as little more than a "thickening" in a body of water, but they take on humanlike form occasionally.
Willpower: 6
Rage: 4
Gnosis: 10
Essence: 20
Charms: Cleanse the Blight, Flood, Healing
Glass Elemental
These spirits usually appear as numerous glass shards collected into a humanoid form.
Willpower: 4
Rage: 7
Gnosis: 7
Essence: 18
Charms: Blast (Glass shards), Materialize, Shatter Glass
Electricity Elemental
These spirits usually manifest as electric arcs, St. Elmo's Fire, or ball lightning.
Willpower: 6
Rage: 7
Gnosis: 5
Essence: 18
Charms: Blast (Lightning), Control Electrical Systems, Short Out
Enigmatic Spirits
Most of the spirits that Garou deal with are tied to something concrete and understandable, such as a type of animal or plant. Some have no such connection, though. Lacking a frame of reference, they are often difficult to comprehend. Regardless, some wise Garou have had encounters with these spiritual enigmas and come away the better for the meeting.
Chimerlings are Jagglings of the totem Chimera. They are Enigma given form, changing shape as they choose. They appear to Garou at the end of dreamquests, or they haunt dreams to grant Gifts or impart messages that the recipient seldom understands.
Willpower: 3
Rage: 5
Gnosis: 10
Essence: 18
Charms: Shapeshift
Englings, Jagglings of Gaia, are spirits of Gnosis that Garou hunt during moots. Once caught, the Engling is thanked for giving itself to strengthen the Garou. If the ceremony is performed properly, the participants regain all their Gnosis, and the Engling re-forms elsewhere in the Umbra.
Willpower: 5
Rage: 1
Gnosis: 10
Essence: 16
Charms: No special Charms
These Gafflings appear as a small nested series of filagreed spheres hovering just above the ground. Theurges and many Stargazers spend hours studying these spirits to puzzle out the true pattern they hold within their spinning colored spheres. It usually requires a Gnosis point to pull in a Curiosus, but solving the puzzle successfully (Perception + Enigmas, difficulty 9) earns the Garou a Gnosis point and a temporary Willpower point per success. Those who meditate on such spirits come to realize that the Curiosus is fascinated by non-spirit beings, and that it will watch them as long as they watch it.
Willpower: 5
Rage: 3
Gnosis: 9
Essence: 17
Charms: Illuminate (lights a 50-foot area or changes the color of light)
These spirits embody an idea or concept, such as peace, envy, death, or speed. Although they find Epiphlings more understandable than Chimerlings, Garou aren't sure exactly how these spirits fit into the spiritual hierarchy. Having studied these spirits more closely than any other tribe, Stargazers suggest that Epiphlings are the essence of pure thought and Platonic ideals made manifest. Whether they are spawned from the thoughts and emotions generated in the physical realm or they come from some place in the Umbra is open to debate. Besides learning Gifts, Garou often bind them into fetishes. The Storyteller may create appropriate traits for Epiphlings, which are usually encountered as Gafflings.