Spirit charms
Spirit Charms work in a similar fashion to Gifts, but useable by spirits. Using Charms, they generally last for only one scene. Charms used for combat though last one turn per use.
Below is information from the books for Spirits for Shifters, followed by Spirits for Kuei-jin. While some charms and names are similar, some of them work differently. Be sure to use the one for your sphere.
Book Reference: WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#236-237.
Spirits don't normally have Attributes or Abilities like physical creatures. They possess them only if they appear in the physical world. Instead, spirits simply use Willpower, Rage and Gnosis to determine whether they succeed or fail in actions. They also have Charms, which give them different powers. Instead of health levels, they have an Essence rating that is the sum of their Willpower, Rage and Gnosis. Traits work differently for spirits than werewolves. For example, spending points of Rage won't let spirits take extra actions. Spending a point of Willpower won't give the spirit an extra success.
All spirits have Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower. Those three combined would be the spirits Essence, otherwise referred to as Power. Essence is a measure of a spirit's survivability. ST's can raise or lower the Essence as they feel is best for the story. When a spirit takes damage, they lose Essence. When their Essence is used up, the spirit 'dies', fading into the Umbra. It can bring it to a permanent death.
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- Charms: Charms work in asimilar fashion to Gifts. Most Charms last for one scene, but, combat-oriented Charms last one turn per use. According to some Garou traditions, every Charm has a corresponding Gift that a werewolf can learn. Spirits have even been said to promise to teach Charm-like Gifts in exchange for services from Garou.
- Sources listed below are versions approved on City of Hope.
Name | Type | Details | Source |
Absorb Fetish | Weaver | This Charm allows a spirit to absorb a fetish into its own mass, increasing its bulk and power. The spirit must make physical contact with the fetish, then make a resisted Gnosis roll vs the fetish's Level. The cost is 8 Power. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#125 |
Access Caern | Unclassified | Spirits may usually not access caerns from the Umbra. This Charm allows the spirit to access the fundamental nature of the caern (eg. Wisdom, Enigmas, etc.) to facilitate other Charms. The Firebirds (See Falcon's Brood) use this Charm to remotely access their Light Web through Wisdom and Enigmas caerns. Power cost is 6. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#156 |
Acquisition | Unclassified | This Charm allows a spirit to 'borrow' a small object from the physical world. The object disappears from the material world and appears in the Umbra; at the end of the scene, the object disappears from the Umbra and reappears in the physical world. If the item is moved or hidden while in the Penumbra, it reappears in the appropriate place corresponding to its new location. The object cannot be removed from the Penumbra, such as into a Near Realm; any attempt to do so immediately shifts the item back into the physical world. In order to use this Charm, the spirit must roll Gnosis against the local Gauntlet. Items larger than a stack of dollar bills or a drinking glass require the expenditure of one Willpower point to acquire; items larger than a suitcase cannot be acquired via this Charm. | WW3811 Book of the City pg.#88 |
Agony | Specialty | The spirit can attempt to incapacitate a creature by magnifying its pain. The creature incurs double the dice pool penalties from its wounds. If the target attempts to take an action with a dice pool smaller than this penalty, he or she must burn a Willpower point to make the attempt. Even simple actions can take great effort while this charm is in effect. Since this is a combat ability, the duration is 1 round. The Power cost is 3. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#156 |
Airt Sense | Common | Most spirits have a natural sense of the airts (directions) of the spirit world, and they are able to travel about without much difficulty. They can create or find spirit tracks at will. The Storyteller rolls Gnosis for a spirit to locate a particular place or individual in the Umbra. However, even spirits aren't infallible, and a botch can lead them into an unforgiving realm (especially if they are leading a pack of werewolves). | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#237 |
Appear | Unclassified | A spirit with this Charm may manifest in front of an observer without assuming material form. The spirit's manifestation is immaterial, and cannot affect the physical world in any way without the use of other Charms that reach across the Gauntlet. To activate the Charm, the spirit must expend one Gnosis point; the spirit may appear, disappear or reappear to the selected observer or observers at will for the remained of the scene. | WW3811 Book of the City pg.#88 |
Armor | Specialty
Common |
This Charm grants a spirit a measure of protection. By expending 2 points of Essence, the spirit gains a soak pool equal to its Gnosis for the remainder of the scene. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#238 |
Assess Character | Unclassified | This Charm allows the spirit to evaluate the general strength of a character in an individual. The spirit rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7); the number of successes indicates how accurately it may evaluate a subject. This charm costs two Power to activate. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#125 |
Blast | Specialty | This Charm allows the spirit to direct its Rage at opponents from a distance. Depending on the spirit, this effect may take different forms. For example, Blast could appear as thorns shooting through the air if used by a nature spirit, while an electrical spirit would probably blast its opponents with lightning. Some spirits send bursts of fire at their targets, while others use glass, lightning, and even swarms of insects. The spirit causes its rage in dice of Aggravated damage; no roll to hit is required. However this attack drains a point of Power from the spirit. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#238 |
Blighted Touch | Bane | The spirit can deliver a blight unto a target. If the spirit attacks successfully, the targets player must make a Willpower roll immediately. If she fails, her negative characteristics dominate her personality for the next few hours. A botch on the Willpower roll causes the blight of personality to become permanent. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Blood Sucking | Unclassified | This Charm allows the spirit to suck blood from a target and gain Power from it. The spirit must enter combat with its victim, and gains 1 Power point per 5 points of damage inflicted. If the victim is a vampire, the damage is subtracted from Blood Points instead of Health Levels. This Charm costs 3 Power. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#157 |
Break Reality | Wyld / Specialty | With a successful Gnosis roll, the spirit can disrupt the reality of a substance, and thereby modify its Umbral form. For example, the spirit could create a door in a wall, enabling the spirit to pass through. The extent of the attempted change and how interesting, sensible and clever the action is determined by the difficulty. The number of successes obtained determines how much change is actually accomplished. A failure with this Charm causes the spirit to lose a point of Essence. A botch on this roll is extremely harmful, and it causes the spirit to lose a gnosis point as well. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#240 |
Break Wind | Unclassified | This Charm allows a spirit to release a rich, pungent gas from an orifice (usually the rear one). All who smell this (it's thick enough to be visible as a floating cloud of roiling, greenish gas) must make a Willpower roll or choke on it, falling to the ground or running away, desperate for fresh air. The radius is initially 3 yards around the spirit, and then the cloud travels windward for 3 turns. If the victim is a Garou who cannot escape the area of effect, she must roll to resist frenzy. This costs 5 Power. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#157 |
Calcify | Weaver / Specialty | This Charm allows the spirit to bind a target into the Pattern Web. The Storyteller rolls the spirit's Willpower against the target's Rage. Each success subtracts 1 dot from the victim's Physical Attributes (or Essence in the case of Spirits). When the target's Essence or Attributes drop to 0, the victim is bound fast into the Pattern Web until freed. Werewolves can usually be freed from the Pattern Web by their packmates with a solid bit of effort. Spirits are more difficult to release, but Wyld energy should dissolve the Pattern Web. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Call for Aid | Unclassified | This Charm grants the spirit the ability to call for the aid of like spirits. The spirit makes a Willpower roll versus a difficulty based on the likelihood of fellow spirits being nearby (3 when spirits are within sight, 6 for common spirits in their habitat, 10 for rare spirits or those outside their habitat). This Charm costs 5 Power. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#125 |
Choke | Unclassified | By spending a Rage point, the spirit is capable of generating clouds of suffocating ash, smoke, or noxious gas. Anyone inhaling the cloud must make a Willpower roll, difficulty 8, or begin choking on it helplessly, unable to do more than roll on the ground or crawl from the area. The radius is initially 3 yards around the spirit, and the cloud will drift on the wind for three further turns before dissipating. Any Garou caught in the cloud for more than 1 turn must make a frenzy check. | WW3111 Umbra (Revised) pg.#136 |
Cleanse the Blight | Specialty | This Charm is similar to the Rite of Cleansing, in that it purges spiritual corruption in its vicinity. The Storyteller must roll the spirit's Gnosis at a difficulty determined by the strength of the Blight. Most spirits have a limit to this Charm, such as only being able to cleanse woods, for example. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#238 |
Cling | Unclassified | The spirit may attach itself to any target. Only successful grappling, reducing the spirits Power to 0, or forcing the spirit into Slumber can remove the clinging spirit. In order to cling to an opponent, the spirit must make a successful attack roll. Once successful, the spirit acts at Willpower+5 for grappling purposes. This Charm costs 1 Power. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#157 |
Control Electrical Systems | Specialty | The spirit can exert control over an electrical system. The Storyteller rolls the spirit's Gnosis (difficulty from 3 to 9 depending on the system's complexity). This Charm can allow the spirit to overload a system, shut it down, or manipulate it. For example, it may use a security system to open some doors and lock others. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#238 |
Control Forest | Unclassified | This Charm is similar to the Children of Gaia Gift: The Living Wood . The spirit can animate one tree per 2 Power points spent. | WW3105 Rage Across Russia pg.#126 |
Corruption | Bane | The spirit can whisper an evil suggestion in a target's ear, and the target is inclined to act upon that thought. The Storyteller rolls the spirit's Gnosis against a difficulty equal to the target's Willpower. This Charm can be used across the Gauntlet. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Craft Technology | Weaver | This Charm functions much like the Homid Gift: Reshape Object, save that only complex and/or intricate technological items are possible. The cost is 3 Power per turn. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#125 |
Create Fires | Specialty | With a successful Gnosis roll, the spirit can create small fires. The difficulty varies (from 3 for small fires to 9 for conflagrations). The fires must have fuel in order to keep burning. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#238 |
Create Shadows | Unclassified | The spirit can create, shape and manipulate shadows in the physical world. Apart from their unusual animation, these shadows are perfectly mundane, unable to attack or manipulate physical objects - although they can speak in voices no louder than a whisper. Spirits with this Charm usually use it to unnerve or frighten humans, often to drive them away from the spirit's territory. A Gnosis roll against the local Gauntlet is necessary; the more successes, the more shadow the spirit is able to manipulate. | WW3111 Umbra (Revised) pg.#135 |
Create Wind | Specialty | The spirit can create wind effects. The Storyteller rolls the spirit's Gnosis. The difficulty varies, from 2 for a breeze to 10 for a tornado. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Crystallize | Unclassified | This Charm is possessed only by Crystal Spirits. The spirit is able to transform part of a creature's substance into crystallized matter. The spirit makes a Rage roll against the target's Willpower. Each success inflicts one Health Level of Aggravated damage as a portion of the target's body becomes crystalline and brittle. Garou can attempt to soak this damage by rolling Gnosis (difficulty 6). Only the gift: Mother's Touch or some other form of magical healing will restore the crystallized portion of a creature's body to its original form. If a target loses all of its Health Levels to this form of attack, it becomes a crystal statue of itself and dies unless it can be healed of at least 3 Heath Levels within 24 hours. Power cost is 4. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#157 |
Disable | Unclassified | With this Charm, a spirit can temporarily paralyze its target. The target is paralyzed for a number of turns equal to the successes on a roll of the spirit's Rage vs the target's Stamina+3. This Charm costs 1 point of Power per a target's remaining Health Levels or Power Points; the spirit must spend a minimum of 10 Power to activate this Charm. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#125 |
Disorient | Wyld / Specialty | The spirit may alter landmarks and directions completely with a successful Gnosis roll (difficulty 6 or the Gauntlet rating, whichever is higher) | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#240 |
Divide and Conquer | Weaver | This Charm allows the spirit to split into multiple versions of itself, dividing up its Rage, Gnosis, Willpower and Power between each new "child". The cost is 5 Power. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#125 |
Drain Gnosis | Specialty | The spirit is capable of draining its target's very Gnosis. The spirit must make an opposed Rage roll against its target's Gnosis; it drains a Gnosis point for each success by which it wins the contest. If an opponent has no Gnosis, she loses Health Levels instead. The damage is aggravated. The cost is 7 Power. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#125 |
Dream Journey | Unclassified | While the target is asleep, the spirit can intrude on his dreams. Nothing the spirit does will carry over into the waking world, but its actions will hurt, arouse, or comfort for as long as its subject slumbers. Although such dreams are really vivid, the sleeper may or may not remember the visitation in the morning. Mortal creatures may only touch the spirit by crossing into the Dream Zone while awake. Each visitation costs 10 Power. | WW3111 Umbra (Revised) pg.#136 |
Ease Pain | Unclassified | This Charm allows a spirit to ease a material creature's pain for a scene; it heals no damage, but soothes even the most terrible wounds. When the Charm fades, the spirit can use it again, spending 1 Power each hour or so. If the spirit departs, the pain returns. Power cost is 1. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#157 |
Field Sense | Unclassified | Like Forest Sense, except that the spirit can sense all that transpires in the earthly field(s) which make up its domain. Power cost is 10. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#157 |
Flee | Unclassified | This Charm gives the spirit an effective Willpower of 15 for purposes of escaping a foe; this includes any rolls that actively give the spirit a chance to avoid the presence of others through peaceful means. The cost is one Gnosis for every three turns of flight. | WW3811 Book of the City pg.#88 |
Flood | Specialty | The spirit can cause all the waters in a given area to rise rapidly, causing flooding. Doing so requires losing a point of Essence. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Freeze | Specialty | The spirit can lower the temperature drastically in the immediate area. The spirit loses a point of Rage for the remainder of the scene, but everyone in the area of effect suffers the spirits newly Rage in dice of Aggravated damage automatically. Using this Charm may have additional effects at the Storyteller's discretion. Some fire-spirits have similar abilities involving flame that are more powerful than the Create Fires Charm. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Frozen Breath | Specialty | The spirit exhales a breath of bitter cold air. The cost is 1 Power per die of damage. | WW3105 Rage Across Russia pg.#126 |
Group Fusion | Weaver | A group of three or more spirits with this Charm may surround a target and fuse together around her. Each one drains a Physical Attribute from the target every turn, and they hold her with a Strength equal to their Willpower. Once the target has lost all her attributes, she is calcified as per the Charm: Calcify. The cost is 1 Power per turn. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#125 |
Healing | Specialty / Common | This Charm allows a spirit to heal physical beings (such as Garou). A spirit can heal up to its Gnosis in Health Levels of damage. So, a spirit with 5 Gnosis can restore 5 Health Levels. The Storyteller rolls the spirit's Gnosis against a difficulty of 6 for regular damage and 8 for Aggravated damage. This Charm can be used only once per scene, per target. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Hide | Unclassified | The spirit has the ability to conceal itself. An opponent wishing to find the spirit must roll Intelligence+Wits vs the spirit's Willpower+5. This Charm costs 5 Power. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#126 |
Ice Shards | Specialty | The spirit can fling sharp shards of ice at a target. The cost is 5 Power points per 3 dice of damage. | WW3105 Rage Across Russia pg.#126 |
Incite Frenzy | Bane | The spirit can cause a Garou to enter frenzy. Roll the Roll the spirit's Rage against a difficulty of the target's Willpower. All normal frenzy rules apply. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Information Flow Tap | Unclassified | The spirit can tap into the flow of electronic data flowing between two computers without interrupting that flow - the spirit dips a finger into the digital stream between the machines, as it were, and then tastes the data. The storyteller rolls the spirit's Gnosis against a difficulty equal to (10 - the local Gauntlet); one success gives general information about the data but cannot distinguish the message's contents if encrypted or protected against magical intrusion. three successes will pierce mundane encryption. Supernaturally encrypted data resists the Charm using the Willpower of the character that ensorcelled it. | WW3811 Book of the City pg.#88 |
Informational Link | Weaver | This Charm allows the spirit access to all the knowledge incorporated into the Pattern Web (which is just about everything). The spirit must roll Gnosis, difficulty 9, to receive the answer to any question. The Power cost is 10. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#126 |
Inner Pain | Unclassified | The spirit may cause a living being intense pain. For each 2 points of Power spent, the target loses 1 die from her dice pools for a turn. While the Charm cannot inflict lasting damage, the victim will not be able to tell the difference. If the Power spent exceeds the victim's Stamina, she must make a Willpower Roll (difficulty 7) or fall unconscious for a turn. Even when she awakens, she will lose 2 dice from all actions for the scene's duration. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#157 |
Insight | Unclassified | Through this Charm, a spirit can gain insight into any one hidden aspect of the target's self. If the spirit chooses a specific aspect upon which to gain insight, this ability costs 10 Power. If the spirit merely searches for the easiest piece of insight, the Charm costs only 5 Power. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#126 |
Intangibility | Unclassified | By spending 1 Gnosis and 2 Power, the spirit can shift into a Zone, becoming intangible for the duration of the scene, unable to affect or be affected by anything around it. | WW3111 Umbra (Revised) pg.#136 |
Invisibility | Unclassified | With this Charm, a spirit can make itself invisible in the Umbra or the physical world (if Materialized). The Gifts: Umbral Sight and Pulse of the Invisible will not detect the spirit, but Sense the Unnatural and Sense Wyrm will. If the spirit attacks someone, that person can make a Perception+Enigmas roll vs the Spirit's Gnosis to perceive it. The cost is 2 Power points. | WW3105 Rage Across Russia pg.#126 |
Iron Will | Unclassified | The spirit can lock its mind upon certain goals from which the spirit cannot stray(i.e., guard a location, hunt down a target, remain un-possessed). This Charm costs 1 point of Power per hour. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#126 |
Kindle | Unclassified | This spirit with this Charm can kindle the spark of life or emotion into full blaze. A spirits may use this Charm to cause seeds to germinate, fertilization to occur, or fruit to grow on trees. The spirit may also choose to use the Charm to kindle powerful emotions into beings either in the material world or the Umbra; the spirit makes a contested Gnosis roll against the target's Willpower, success indicating the victim is consumed with the appropriate emotion. Either use of this Charm costs two Essence points. | WW3811 Book of the City pg.#88 |
Life Drain | Unclassified | The spirit can drain one Health Level from a target for every 3 Power points spent. The spirit must be in physical contact with the victim. | WW3105 Rage Across Russia pg.#126 |
Liquefy | Unclassified | The spirit, even when Materialized, may merge its form with water, blood, oil, or any other liquid substance. This is often used if a spirit wishes to disengage from a losing battle and does not have the Power to Reform. The Power cost is 5. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#157 |
Materialize | Common | This Charm lets a spirit take a physical form on Earth. The spirit must have a Gnosis score equal to or greater than the area's Gauntlet rating. A spirit's physical form appears just as the spirit appears in the Umbra. the spirit's Gnosis rating is used for all Social and Mental rolls. Stamina and Dexterity use the spirit's Willpower as a dice pool. Strength uses Rage. All rules for spirit Traits in the Umbra apply to the physical world. Materialized spirits don't have Abilities, but their dice pools are assumed to take the spirit's knowledge into account.
In some circumstances, such as a toad-spirit trying to program a computer, the Storyteller should divide the spirit's dice pool in half and raise the difficulty numbers to reflect the spirit's lack of knowledge. Materialized spirit forms do possess Health Levels like most physical creatures. Spirits usually have 7 Health Levels, but the Storyteller may make exceptions for things like elephant-spirits or particularly monstrous Banes. If a spirit "dies" in the Material world, it enters Slumber automatically upon its return to the Umbra. Many spirits will not use this Charm except in extraordinary circumstances. The modern world is far from welcoming to their kind. |
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Neutral Scent | Unclassified | By expending 3 Power, the spirit can conceal its Triatic affiliation. For the duration of the scene, the spirit does not register to Gifts such as Sense Weaver, Wyrm, or Wyld. | WW3111 Umbra (Revised) pg.#136 |
Noxious Gas | Unclassified | The spirit can produce a malodorous cloud that will linger for one scene. The size of the cloud depends on the number of Power points spent. Anyone breathing the fumes of the cloud must soak the damage each turn. If the amount of damage taken is higher than the target's Stamina, she passes out. Of course, the victim can also resist damage by holding her breath or by using winds to dissipate the cloud. The Power cost is 1 per die of damage. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#157 |
Nullify Dream | Unclassified | The spirit can nullify any of its target's powers to affect a dream, whether Gifts, magic, or even the wraithly Arcanos of Phantasm. The cost is 3 Power for each turn of nullification. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#126 |
Open Moon Bridge | Specialty | Creates a moon bridge to a desired location. A spirit may use this Charm regardless of whether there is a caern present. The moon bridge extends a total distance of 1000 miles. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Open Sky Bridge | Unclassified | Like the Charm: Open Moon Bridge, except that it opens portals in the sky. There does not have to be a caern present. The total distance covered is 1000 miles. This Charm is used to travel along either solar "roads" in the realms of the Celestine Helios, or lunar roads in the realms overseen by the Celestine Luna. Only those spirits associated with Helios or Luna may use this Charm. Power cost is 5. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#157 |
Paralyze | Unclassified | With Charm acts like the Shadow Lord Gift: Paralyzing Stare. The spirit stares into the eyes of its target and rolls its Willpower vs the target's Willpower; the target cannot move for one turn per success. The cost is 5 Power points. | WW3105 Rage Across Russia pg.#126 |
Paralyzing Stare | Unclassified | This Charm works much like the Shadow Lord Gift of the same name; the spirit spends 1 Gnosis point and rolls its Gnosis against the target's Willpower. The target (who must be able to see the spirit) Freezes in place for one turn per success. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#126 |
Peek | Specialty | Spirits with this Charm are able to peek at will from the Penumbra to the physical world, no matter where they may be. This Charm is common among nomadic spirits with no Domain of their own. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Prophesy | Unclassified | The spirit can peer into things to come and tell a questioner one fact about their near future. Generally these will be mundane events, such as a marriage or inheritance. The cost is 5 Power. | WW3105 Rage Across Russia pg.#126 |
Purify | Unclassified | The spirit can remove toxins from physical beings (such as Garou). The spirit spends 1 Power point per Health Level to heal damage from poisons. An additional expenditure of 3 Power flushes the poison from the being's system. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#157 |
Quake | Unclassified | The spirit can cause the ground in the physical world which corresponds to its current Penumbral location to rumble and shake. The Power cost is 5 per 1 mile radius; additionally the spirit can increase the intensity of the quake by spending more Power per mile. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#157 |
Quit Reality | Weaver | This bizarre Charm allows the spirit to "step sideways" from both physical and spiritual planes into an unknown third place, presumably a pocket Realm. The spirit may take one passenger along; for some reason mages are the most frequent targets of this attack. The cost is 10 Power. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#126 |
Re-form | Common | Spirits may dissolve their forms and transport themselves through the Umbra to their home Domains. Glass Walkers refer to this Charm as "re-spawning". It takes a spirit a full turn to try and re-form. The Storyteller must roll the spirit's Gnosis successfully for this Charm to succeed. Spirits use this charm to flee their enemies. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#238 |
Realm Sense | Common | The spirit can sense all that transpires in its Domain both in the Umbra and on Earth, although it still requires successful Gnosis rolls for specific perceptions. This Charm is usually associated with Naturae, woodland spirits of Gaia, but most spirits bound to an area possess this ability. Free-floating spirits without direct ties to Earth may have this Charm, but with the abilities to sense only their dens in the Near-Umbral Realms or home Domains. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#238 |
Sap Will | Unclassified | The spirit can sap the will of a person on the physical plane. The person will feel her resolve slacken and find it hard to make any decisions. Once she has lost one Willpower point, the victim will need to make a Willpower roll to perform any decisive action, otherwise she must spend two turns selecting her course before she can act. If the target is brought below zero in Willpower, she can make no decisions of her own and becomes extremely susceptible to the Charm: Suggestion (no resistance roll). The spirit rolls its Gnosis resisted by the target's permanent Willpower; each success drains one point. The effect lasts for one scene. The cost is 5 points per turn. | WW3111 Umbra (Revised) pg.#136 |
Scale | Unclassified | This Charm allows a spirit not directly in the Weaver's service to climb on the Pattern Web without becoming stuck, calcified, or alerting Net or Pattern Spiders to their presence. This Charm costs 2 Power. | WW3209 Book of the Weaver pg.#126 |
Scent of Safety | Unclassified | This Charm allows the spirit to instinctively home in on the best path to the nearest safe haven. This costs 6 power. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#158 |
Shapeshift | Specialty | The spirit may take the form of anything it desires. It gains only the form and visage of its new shape, not its powers or abilities. If the spirit wishes to appear as a specific individual, the Storyteller must roll its Willpower to determine how successful it is. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Shatter Glass | Specialty | The spirit can cause all glass in the vicinity to break (Gnosis: difficulty 6). This charm may cause incidental damage as well. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Short Out | Specialty | The spirit can cause electrical systems to short out (Gnosis: difficulty 6). This Charm is a more limited version of the Charm: Control Electrical Systems. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Siren Song | Unclassified | This is similar to the Charm: Suggestion, but the spirit can only lure a target to it through song, not suggesting any other commands. The cost is 5 Power. | WW3105 Rage Across Russia pg.#126 |
Snatch Wireless Packet | Unclassified | The spirit with this Charm can grab cellular and digital packets coming from or going to phones and pagers. Catching as many packets as possible, and in the process somewhat disrupting communications in a small area, requires a Willpower roll against the rating of the Gauntlet. Finding a particular stream of packets, a conversation, requires a Gnosis roll first against the same target. Chasing down all the packets in a conversation, however, will cause enough static to disrupt the call. After having consumed the packets, the spirit can recount the information the packets contained if it so chooses. | WW3811 Book of the City pg.#89 |
Solidify Reality | Weaver / Specialty | This Charm enables the Weaver spirit to spin the Pattern Web, thus reinforcing the laws and rules of the Weaver upon aspects of the Umbra. The power requires only a Willpower roll. Each success makes the object or spirit more solid, increasing it's Essence or effective Health Levels by 1 per success. The effect last for about a day. This Charm can be performed on a target only once until the effects wear off. Even different Weaver spirits cannot perform this Charm multiple times on the same target. Many times, Pattern Spiders will perform this Charm on each other before entering combat. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#240 |
Spirit Static | Weaver / Specialty | The spirit may raise the Gauntlet in a given area by 1. Spirits working in conjunction with each other may raise the Gauntlet rating by a maximum of 3. A spirit must stay in the area to keep emiting the spirit static. While distracted, all of the spirit's dice pools drop by two. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#240 |
Suggestion | Unclassified | This is a lesser form of the Charm: Corruption. The spirit can convey a sensory image and suggest that the target pursue it. If the target resists, the spirit rolls its Gnosis against a resisted roll of the target's Willpower. Any sense can be used, so the target could be asked to seek out a flashing light, a cold place, a cu of warm tea, a patch of rabbit fur, or a bottle of perfume. Although the involuntary effect of the charm lasts for one scene, the target can still hold the image in his mind if he wants to pursue it further. The Power cost is 1. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#158 |
Swift Flight | Specialty | The spirit with this Charm can outdistance most pursuers easily, flying through the Umbra at triple speed. Its maximum movement per turn is [60 + (Willpower x 3)] yards. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Throw Crystal | Unclassified | This Charm is similar to Throw Glass, except that the shards directed by the spirit are made of crystal. Shards deal 3 dice of damage. Power cost is 5. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#158 |
Tracking | Specialty | The spirit can track its prey unerringly. This Charm is not easy to use, and the spirit must lose a point of Essence to activate it. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Umbraquake | Specialty | The spirit can cause the Umbra to shake with such Force that all those standing are thrown to the ground. Everyone within the radius suffers bashing damage from the spiritual concussion equal to half the spirit's Rage roll, rounded up. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Umbrastorm | Unclassified | The spirit can cause a great downpour in the surrounding Umbra. Due to the strange nature of the Umbra, it is not always just water that falls from the sky. The Power cost is 5 for a storm 1 mile in diameter, with 40 m.p.h. winds. The size of the storm increases by 10%, or the wind by 10 m.p.h. for each additional 2 points of Power spent. Storms created by this Charm last until they die down naturally. | WW3067 Axis Mundi The Book of Spirits pg.#158 |
Updraft | Specialty | The spirit can cause a great downpour in the surrounding Umbra. Due to the strange nature of the Umbra, it is not always just water that falls from the sky. The Power cost is 5 for a storm 1 mile in diameter, with 40 m.p.h. winds. The size of the storm increases by 10%, or the wind by 10 m.p.h. for each additional 2 points of Power spent. Storms created by this Charm last until they die down naturally. | WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pg.#239 |
Spirits play by different rules than material beings. The Traits and Charms below represent their natural abilities and powers. All Traits, except Chi Reservoir, range from 1 to 10.
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- Charms: Each spirit possesses special magics called Charms, These magics require a certain amount of Chi to use. Unless otherwise noted, Charms last for one scene. However, a combat-related Charm lasts for one turn per use.
Name | Details | Source | ||||||||||||||
Appear | With this Charm, a spirit can manifest to an earthly observer without taking on material form. It cannot, however, affect the material world in any waywhile using this Charm. A specialty of demons, who use it to taunt their victims. Costs five Chi. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Armor | This Charm provides a spirit one soak die per Chi point spent. It is the only way a spirit can soak damage unless the spirit is Materialized. The spirit may use this Charm at any time in the combat turn before damage is rolled. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Blast Flame | The spirit can blast a gout of flame at opponents. The Chi cost is two per die of aggravated damage. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Blighted Touch | The spirit can bring out the worst in a target, if the spirit successfully attacks, the target must immediately make a Willpower roll. If she fails, her negative characteristics dominate her personality for the next few hours. When this power is used on a Kuei-jin, the P'o automatically dominates the vampire fora number of hours equal to the P'o rating. The Chi cost is two. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Calcify | This Charm allows the spirit to bind a target into a static web. A Willpower roll is made against the target's own Willpower. Each success subtracts one from the victim's Physical Attributes (or Willpower, in the case of other spirits). When Attributes or Willpower reaches zero, the victim isbound fast until freed. Rescuers must attack the web and score as many damage successes as the spirit scored. The Chi cost is two. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Cleanse the Blight | This Charm purges spiritual corruption in a vicinity. Chi cost is 10. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Control Electrical Systems | The spirit can exert control over an electrical system. The spirit rolls its Gnosis (difficulty from 3 to 9, depending on the system's complexity). Chi cost is from one to five points. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Corruption | The spirit can whisper an evil suggestion in a target's ear; the target is inclined to act on that thought. The Chi cost is one. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Create Fires | Bysucceeding on a Gnosis roll, the spirit can create fires. The difficulty varies (from 3 for small fires to 9 for conflagrations). The Chi cost varies from one to five points. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Create Wind | The spirit can create%ind effectslfehi cost varies from one for a breeze to 20 for a tornado. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Dragon Sight | Most spirits have a natural sense of the dragon tracks of the spirit world and are able to travel about without much difficulty. It costs one Chi to find any particular thing. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Influence | A spirit can change the target's mood. The spirit need not speak to its target to use this Charm, and the effects are more gradual than sudden. Each die of effect costs three Chi. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Lightning Bolts | The spirit can generate lightning bolts and launch them at qpponents. The Chi cost is two per die of aggravated damage inflicted. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Materialize |
WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#211 | ||||||||||||||
Mind Speech | A spirit with this Charm can speak directly into a subject's mind. Chi cost is three points. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#212 | ||||||||||||||
Possession | The spirit may possess a living being or inanimate object. Chi cost is three. Possession requires a successful Gnosis roll (difficulty of the victim's Willpower, automatic in the case of an object). The number of successes equals the speed with which possession occurs; refer to the chart below:
Before possessing its victim, the spirit finds a dark, isolated part of the Fabric and remains there, concentrating on the possession. During this time, the spirit can take no other action. If it engages in spirit combat, the possessive link is broken. Possessing spirits are often guarded by others of their kind to ensure that the possession process remains undisturbed. |
WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#212 | ||||||||||||||
Re-form | This Charm allows aspirit to dissipate and Reform somewhere else in the spirit worlds, usually far away from
its enemies. Chi cost is 20 |
WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#212 | ||||||||||||||
Shapeshift | The spirit may take the form of anything it desires. It does not gain the powers or abilities of its new shape, only the form and visage. The Chi cost is five | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#212 | ||||||||||||||
Short Out | The spirit can cause electrical systems to short out (Gnosis: difficulty 6). The Chi cost is three. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#212 | ||||||||||||||
Solidify Reality | This Charm is possessed primarily by spirits in urban areas. It enables a spirit to spin a pattern web, thus reinforcing the laws and rules of static reality. This power requires only a Willpower roll. The spirit could, with a successful enough roll, make a spiritual wall so solid asto be impassable. The difficulty is determined bythe extent of the solidification and how interesting, sensible and clever the description of the action is. The number of successes obtained determines how much solidifying is allowed. Chi cost ranges from one to 20, depending on the magnitude of the feat. Success makes the object or spirit more solid. An object's effective "Health Levels" are increased by one per success. The effect lasts for about a day. Each spirit can make only one roll for each object. |
WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#212 | ||||||||||||||
Spirit Away | The dreaded power of the worst demons. With this Charm, a human may be snatched from the material world and taken straight to the Yomi World. If the demon scores four or more successes with a Willpower roll (difficulty 7), the mortal passes through the Wall and into the spirit's personal demesne. He may then try to escape — if he can.... The Chi cost is 25, The charm takes the spirit along with its target. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#212 | ||||||||||||||
Tracking | The spirit can unerringly track its prey. Chi cost is five. | WW2900 Kindred of the East pg.#212 |