
From City of Hope MUSH
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  • Youthful - She looks younger then she actually is, and this causes all sorts of trouble. She gets stopped by cops now and again for 'ditching school'. In addition, she has problems getting into all the cool clubs and bars. Also, who takes a teen seriously?

  • Hacker - HACK THE PLANET! Yes, she is a hacker. She treats it differently then 'real' hackers, though, and she might as well have walked off the set of the 90's movie of the same name. Still, she uses her skills to mainly target wicked companies who take advantage of people, or pollute and such. She's like a far less douchey Anonymous.

  • Garou - Her Rage is so low almost nobody can tell, but Sketch is a Glass Walker. She's a Ragabash as well, and she indulges herself in the role often. She loves causing trouble, and also being a sneaky little bitch.

  • Intolerance - She has issues with Technophobes. Come on, man, this is the 21st century! Live like it!

  • Electronics - Need something electronic built, modded or fixed? She loves this stuff.