The Others
You can always have faith the pixie dusters love to cause trouble and change the very fiber of things, useful but it can be turned very easily against those that would seek to ally with them.
Some are almost gone a few are reported extinct, dwindled down by tooth and claw in the great War of Rage the proud Gaian's fight an ever losing battle as their numbers thin and ours only continue to grow.
Leeches have their uses a well, but their vile taste for blood that even can include his own kind is beyond reconciliation. Once they help defeat Gaia's force they will need to be put down like rabid mongrels and the rest of humanity when Armageddon has arrived.
Humans with only a minute chance of being more useful then a house fly in a dog house full of shit.
Like spirits but often much more dangerous as they can't let go of their ties to the world and cling onto their existence to suck the very energy of life to keep their own bodies going. Time will see if they can be useful.
They fell from grace, they must have done something to deserve it. But how mad are they and reasonable?
A useful tool for the leeches to be able to make, but the feeding off something unnatural to gain powers is abhorrent.
They have a possibility and a place if they can live to prove themselves able enough, then they make good breeding stock as well.
They share the pixie duster blood and are no better than most humans who have dead and bred as choices to serve.
A more natural ability than the mages and their secrets, they might have more than a use or two past breeder stock.
Breeding and dieing, that is their only usefulness.