Vampires: Immortal assholes. They burn like a match to gasoline, so let them come.
Garou: Some sort of werewolf type thing? I don't know. The Vamp's seem scared of 'em, so they're fine with me.
Wraith: I'm sure my old home was haunted. How much harm can a ghost do, anyway?
Changeling: Tinkerbell on crack. They'd be one to meet.
Demon: Can they possess anyone? I mean, I've seen plenty of demons in my time, but they all looked human to me.
Psychic: I'm sure there are more of us out there. Not that I care, it's not like we're going to build a clubhouse and sing kumbaya.
Sorcerer: The only one's I've met have been a bit twisted in the head. Does power draw people to evil? It's cool with me.
Mage: What's the difference between a mage and a sorcerer? No, that's not the start of a bad joke, I seriously don't know.
Mortal: You're fine. You keep the world ticking over. Carry on with your day jobs.