Remi Benoit/Stereotypes

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The Others
Vampire "The darkness is your safety, the light your weakness.. but damned if that kiss doesn't feel divine.. Your fathers sins follow you even unto this day.. but then again I have never really minded sin."
Werewolf "Nature is becoming a commodity, soon these poor bastards will have nothing left to do but face the modern world and the jungle of concrete and steel. I feel for them, but one must adapt with the times.."
Wraith "Though I have yet to run across any of you knowingly in this day and age.. I feel for you poor bastards, Forced to watch the world and not touch it.. Few can relate like me.."
Changeling "The dreams of men are growing darker with each year that passes, this does not bode well for them.."
Mage "They watch the world and seek to change it, So young and full of promise.. Some do need a bit of a nudge in the right direction though.."
Mortal "How weirdly exotic and excitingly perverse."