আবার চেষ্টা করুন.
"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." ~ Alexander the Great
"Fear not, we are of the nature of the lion, and cannot descend to the destruction of mice and such small beasts." ~ Elizabeth I
তখন অবধি যখন ছাগল হয়ে ত্তঠা লায়ন্স.
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- Kalisha: My mate and a passionate woman, but head strong. A good lioness to be first wife of Pride Khan.
- Anastasia: There is something that speaks of the wild, and a good sort. I see a great friendship between us.
- Edward: Strong and powerful are the Mokole and he has my thanks for keeping Kalisha and her dancers safe from harm.
- Gar: Him and I see eye to eye on many things, I hope I never have to shred him to pieces.
- Dark: A quiet and sullen young woman. But the rage is easily felt and that speaks of strength and danger.
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General RP Hooks!
- General RP Hook Interests.
- Social Simba ~ He may be Simba but he is a very sociable person as well, as easy talking about the occult as he is about every day philosophy. He can be arrogant as any Simba, but he also tempers it with an very deep honor code and self assured attitude. He has nothing to prove, in that he knows what he can do, that he is the the Strength of Gaia and will fight the right battles. Don't try pushing him around though unless you want to find his claw and teeth buried deep in your flesh.
- Kalisha's Mate ~ It as it will be with Simba and her being Simba kin. and she has been claimed as his and made first wife of his Pride. Of course the perks of her having a entourage of beautiful dancers doesn't hurt either. If you know Kalisha and have seen them around together or see them together, RP can be made that way as an introduction and a start.
- The Haunting ~ For those that can see the Umbra or Wraith, then they might notice that there is a young lion cub, male, that is always hovering around or nearby to him. It is the spirit of his dead brother and yes you can take that information as you want to, and I'm looking to get more RP in with that as a lead to more interesting conversations or possibly into some PrP. Though please, he is not there to be gotten rid of either, he is a animal spirit that is linked, it is not a tragic thing for Rakesh or the brother.
Shifter RP Hooks!
- Shifter RP Hook Interests.
- Animal Might! Any and all RP with shifters of all kinds is welcome and desired as he is looking to play a prominent role in Prospect and having an in to PrP's is always nice for any shifter. Those out there that are know how this is and how renown works as well, its even tougher for Bastet. All shifters welcome to chat things up and he is already started to speak with Mokole and some Garou. Bastet of all kinds are highly desirable to RP with.
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~ Iron Will ~ A strong will and any who try to dig through Pint's mind will find out. Add 3 to the difficulty of all mental attack rolls made against him if he is aware, add 1 to difficulty even if he isn't.
~ Reputation ~ Rakesh has built himself an excellent reputation amongst the Bastet, their kinfolk and his newly forming Pride. He add 3 dice to Social pools when dealing with the people in these areas.
~ Code of Honor ~ Rakesh follows a strict personal code, the Pride is everything. He will do anything to protect those that he considers part of his Pride and violence and wrong doing are not something he will abide, especially to a woman. He either gain 3 extra dice to resist supernatural persuasions that would make you break your code, or the would-be persuader has to roll at a +2 difficulty.
~ Haunted ~ Slumbers in the Tall Reeds is a spirit now that is a young male lion's cub that always hangs around him, often laying wrapped around his neck from behind like a lazy feline is want to do. It is the spirit of his little brother who didn't make it through the purging. And the Enemy Flaw will explain the purging of the Mumbai Wildlife Reserve.
~ Enemy ~ The Enemy is named, Dr. Horinzie, appearing to be a man, he is really a Formori that runs the Mumbai Animal Reserve, the animals in the reserve are brought in because they have been known to breed true Fera shifters of all kinds that he keeps there. Now and again after so many new birth are noticed the Doctor and his Formori crew move through the new births and brutally slaughter any they find that might even seem like they will be awakened into true shifters, this is all covered up easily in the books and he continues to perform experiments on the bodies to this day. Rakesh was saved by his mother, hiding him and telling him to remain human and hide among them, to get out and become strong. To come back and avenge his family when he is able. Thus the spirit of his little brother that didn't make it past the purging phase and has followed him ever since."
~ Jamak ~ Earthquake (Player's Guide to the Garou, Revised. p. 138
Background Cost: 6 Rage: 4 Gnosis: 2 Willpower: 2
As the Messenger of the Wyld's Glory, Earthquake has little of Volcano's codes and ethics, or Twister's mysteries. He is bent on one goal only - the destruction of anything and anyone that displeases him. Earthquake has little metaphysical knowledge to offer his children, instead he teaches them exactly how to hit something so that it will be hurt as much as possible, and that is all. And in the presence of Earthquake, who would dare argue his decision?
Traits For All Pack Members: +1 Glory +3 Strength +1 Brawl
Ban: Children of Earthquake mat never travel by air.
~ Bhindhi Fetish ~ Bindhi of Disillusion
Level: 3 Gnosis: 8
Effects: Commonly made from moonstone or onyx, these brow-jewels (when activated) reveals illusions to their wearer for what they are. While those around the wearer may still see a convincing illusion, the wearer of this fetish will see only the vaguest hint of the image and will know it for what it is (Nagah Breed book page 102).
~ Armor Fetish ~ Stalwart Defender
Level: 2 Gnosis: 4
Description: Based upon the same principal as dragon skin fetish. When activated it grants armor equivalent to the Gift: Luna's Armor. It looks like a brown flight jacket that his grandfather wore during World War 2, the lining of the jacket though is padded and inside that has been sown what has been handed down, spirit imbued chainmail of very old stock in a newer modern leather casing. Luna's Armor - Once per scene spend one turn and roll Stamina + Primal Urge (Dif 6). Each success provides 1 soak die of armor for the rest of the scene.
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Rakesh Khan
Date of Birth:
July 7th, 1985
5' 9"

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