Phillipe's Fae Multidesc Code

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This is a quick and dirty set of commands to facilitate the ability to quickly and easily save multiple fae descs (for clothes versus armor or pooka or other folks who find they need more than one) to be loaded as needed. It is not super fancy. It saves everything to your character bit. It's a project I took on to make my own life easier and decided to share it for anyone else who wants to use it. This is not staff-supported code, but I may update it in the future with more features as I get time to play with it.


Copy everything below the line and paste it into your browser window. +fdesc/help will load the list of current commands and a brief summary of their functions.

+fdesc/load <name> SHOULD work with &DATA_ASHIFT code strings.

&FDESC-WRITE_CMD me=$+fdesc *:&FAEDESC me=%0

&FDESC-SAVE_CMD me=$+fdesc/save *:&FD_%0 me=[u(faedesc)]

&FDESC-VIEW_CMD me=$+fdesc/view *:@pemit me=%r[ansi(rH,<-------------)][ansi(wH,=============)][ansi(yH,++++++++++++++++++++++++)][ansi(wH,=============)][ansi(rH,------------->)]%r[center([capstr(%0)],78)]%r%r[u(fd_%0)]%r[ansi(rH,<-------------)][ansi(wH,=============)][ansi(yH,++++++++++++++++++++++++)][ansi(wH,=============)][ansi(rH,------------->)]%r

&FDESC-LOAD_CMD me=$+fdesc/load *:&FAEDESC me=[u(fd_%0)]

&FDESC-HELP_CMD me=$+fdesc/help:@pemit me=%r[ansi(rH,<-------------)][ansi(wH,=============)][ansi(yH,++++++++++++++++++++++++)][ansi(wH,=============)][ansi(rH,------------->)]%r[center(FDesc Help File,78)]%r%r[ansi(yH,+fdesc)] [ansi(wh,<description>)]%t%tQuick command analogue for &FAEDESC me=<desc>%r[ansi(yH,+fdesc/save)] [ansi(wh,<name>)]%t%tSaves your current faedesc as <name>%r[ansi(yH,+fdesc/load)] [ansi(wh,<name>)]%t%tLoads a saved fae desc, overwriting%r%t%t%t%tyour current fae desc%r[ansi(yH,+fdesc/view)] [ansi(wh,<name>)]%t%tLook at a specific fae desc without loading it%r[ansi(rH,<-------------)][ansi(wH,=============)][ansi(yH,++++++++++++++++++++++++)][ansi(wH,=============)][ansi(rH,------------->)]%r