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“This page needs an actual quote.”
— Captain Obvious

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Sorcerers Sorcerer.png Call me a witch, call me a sorceress, call me what you will. I was born this way.
Mages Mage.png Apparently being a mage is like being a sorceress, only more powerful and more dangerous. Also? I can become one if I ever believe that what I can do is wrong. But I was born this way! How could it be wrong?
Vampires Vampire.png They are real! I met one! Shocksm.png
Werewolves Werewolf.png In a way, I guess they're sort of extended family now.
Werespiders Ananasi.png Amazing!
Mortals Mortal.png You poor dears. You have NO idea.

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Kenneth Kenneth.png Tinyheart.png My place is by your side; My home is wherever you are.
Cross Crossdark.jpg You gave me a home... Thank You.
Nick NickRun.png I really like you. I hope you won't eat me when you find out.
Pogue Alan Pogue Profile.jpg You frightened me at first... Then I started to like you... Now I'm a little frightened again.
Arec Arec-title.png ... I REALLY wanna see 'em!
Gwydion Gwydion-fire.jpg It's your fault! Tonguesm.png
Casper Murphy Casper.jpg I swear it was a claw!
Eloise Elliet.jpg I think we're okay now.

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RP Hooks
Shelter St. Benedict's Shelter was home before I found where I belong. Now I help out there as much as I can.
Sorceress You might never know when it is me, or when it is just a cat staring at you.
Deformity Does this thing make my butt look big?
Japanese Korean-Japanese descent. It is in my accent, it is in my face. Feel free to notice it!

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Full Name Mika Warren
Aliases None
Apparent Age Early Twenties
Occupation WIFE!!! Grinsm.png
Demeanor Loner
Height/Build Short/Slender
Played by Harisu

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Notable Traits
Stamina Fbdot.pngFbdot.pngFbdot.pngFbdot.pngFbdot.png

Animal Ken Fbdot.pngFbdot.pngFbdot.pngFbdot.pngFbdot.png

Shapeshifting Fbdot.pngFbdot.pngFbdot.pngFbdot.pngFbdot.png

Guide Fbdot.pngFbdot.pngEbdot.pngEbdot.pngEbdot.png

Willpower Fbdot.pngFbdot.pngFbdot.pngFbdot.pngFbdot.pngEbdot.pngEbdot.pngEbdot.pngEbdot.pngEbdot.png

Merits: None
Flaws: Deformity

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