The Dragon
Full Name:
Apparent Age:
Not -Quite- Legal
Deep Umbra
Homeless Girl
Fire Dragon
Born of Flames
- Spirit. Lyah is a Spirit. She isn't possessing a vessel to walk in the Static Lands like most of her kind. Instead, she is using a human form spun from energy, and uses it to hide her true form. She can shed the shell at will.
- Umbra. She came into existence in the Deep Umbra. She is a Spirit of primal fire, given body in the form of an ancient Red Dragon, like something out of myth (Or D&D). She is a Wyld Spirit, and spent many of her years roaming the Deep Umbra as a symbol of burning, raw chaos and greed. Now she is Here/
- Human. Lyah wants to know what it means to be human. She wants to love and hate and bleed and sweat. She wants to know what a job is, and why it is so important. She wants to understand the lives of humanity, and what it means. So far, she doesn't get it...but she NEEDS to know.
- Things. She likes Things. She has a hard time not nabbing shiney things when she finds them. Wealth is good, and gold is better. Still, if it seems of value or even just interest, she will do what she must to obtain it.
- Streets. Lyah lives on the streets. She's dirty and hungry and confused...but Damn Proud.
Miracle of Sound - Fires Far
- Fires far
- Journeys not remembered now
- Tired, scarred
- Kneel among the embers now
- Breathe life into this hollowed
- Vessel of rebirth
- Over and over be denied
- The peaceful earth...
- To light the fires far
Miracle of Sound - Call of Home
- And down where the rivers flow
- In shimmers and shade
- Here the future is made
- Solemn bonds of trust will never fade
- Deepest depths and dankest darkness
- Withered limbs they drag my carcass
- Stole my love and my desire
- Curse their skin to bathe in fire burn
- Burn
- And bathe in fire!!
Those Who Are
None - None.
Those Who Were
None - None
Into The Physical