Influence: As a Paragon of Influence Lucius has deep ties to Underworld (3) and Occult (3) sectors that aid him in the recovery and discovery of rare Kindred Artifacts.
Archaeology: A silent partner in several dozen low-profile excavations of ancient sites over the last century.
Historian: "It is all coming back to me... in the meantime I'll be trying to study all the years I slept through."
Goldeneye: He doesn't just sound like a James Bond villain. Mark of Pure Blood - Lucius has honey colored eyes the same hue as the 'goddess' Artemis Orthia. Lucius' eyes are a distinct shade of warm honey-amber that stands out brightly and makes it nearly impossible to confuse this fellow for anyone else. (Not going to edit any photos for this but here's a close approximation.)
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