The Others
"Ahh their sweet sweet kiss, Like a lover in the night. Unfortunately the never seeing the sun thing is a downer, sucks to be them. Your deceptions of the eyes will not hide you from my gaze, I shall know you before ever you shall know of what I am.."
"Ran into them, they are like the fucking wind. One moment find and dandy next minute fur ball spitting just yeah..."
"Those poor bastards..Some forced to suffer not just in life but also in death.."
"The dreams of men are broken, their belief even in the heavenly host failing.. this does not bode well for these fair folk."
"They watch the world and seek to change it, So young and yet so full of promise.. So long as they are not of the technocracy.
"It was their vulnerability, their fragile existance that caused me to fall.. I loved them, and in the end it was that love that caused the father to stop seeing me as one of his.. Even still, I love them and shall try and guide them to their true potential."