Jonathon Crest

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Birth Name: Jonathon Crest
Date of Birth: December 29th, 1992
Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties
Demeanor: Alpha
Hometown: Cutter's Creek, New York
Played By: Unknown Model

Tribe: Black Spiral Dancers
Former Tribe: Silver Fangs
Former House: Wyrmfoe
Auspice: Ahroun
Rank: Fdot.pngEdot.pngEdot.pngEdot.pngEdot.png
Risk: Fdot.pngFdot.pngEdot.pngEdot.pngEdot.png


  • Silver Fang: Jonathon was born into House Wyrmfoe. A well-bred member of the Silver Fangs, a lot was expected of the boy. He was the middle boy in a very large 'litter' of boys and girls. He was raised with their expectations and values, in a private estate outside of a small town in upstate New York. He has since turned his back on all of it.

  • Ahroun: He is an angry boi. No, really. He is of the Full Moon, but has a good idea of how to best use his anger to get the job done.

  • Fallen: Most aren't aware of the exact circumstances, but Jonathon fell to the Wyrm two years ago. He was the second rank among the Garou before falling from Gaia and dancing the Spiral. He'd always had a weird, spiritual connection to Banes, and his family wasn't sure if it was a benefit or flaw. Turns out it was a benefit for him, and a flaw for them.

  • Family: So, after Jon fell to the Wyrm he returned to his family home and murdered his father. His mother is a well-ranked Garou, and she was away when it all went down. He then killed two of his brothers, and got badly injured fighting his Garou sister...before taking his younger sisters away from it all. They have since become corrupted Kin servants of the Wyrm. One might even be Nephandus or something weird like that. Want to play one? Hit me up!

  • New To Town: Jonathon arrived in Prospect in the beginning of September of 2018, and has begun to try and make friends and allies both within and outside of the service of the Wyrm. He is not stupid, afterall.

  • Baddie: Obviously, Jonathon is not a nice dude. He can get along with people, though, and I absolutely do not intend playing him to be trolling other spheres, NOR do I want playing him to mean I can only play within the Wyrm sphere. Hit me up for roleplay, regardless of your own sphere, and I am down. Hell, a lot of normal, casual RP shouldn't touch on sphere stuff, anyways. Social RP is good!

  • Renown: I would love opportunities for Jonathon to gain renown, so he can gain rank. It would be awesome to do cool stuff. Do you have cool stuff I can do? I wanna!

Description (Homid)

This man stands a firmly muscled 6'1". He has wide, strong shoulders and a tightly athletic build. His hair is dark brown and cut shaven closer on the sides, but longer on top. It is often left a bit unkempt, and the style really works for him. He has a close-trimmed beard, as well. His eyes, when actually uncovered, are a vibrant and almost unnatural icy blue. He has chiseled cheekbones and aloof, handsome features. He looks like he is somewhere in his mid to late twenties.

The well-muscled man tends to dress pretty simply, and in a somewhat blue-collar or rustic fashion. He usually wears sturdy jeans and work or hiking boots, along with flannel or similar shirts. He usually wears a brown leather jacket with a pale fur collar.



Notable Statistics
