Jessica Tyler/Notable Abilities

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  • Aura of Tranquility: Jessica radiates a subtle aura of peace and harmony. When she's near (approximately 30 yards), foul tempers tend to cool and aggression fades away. Violence just doesn't feel important, somehow. She CAN turn it off, but it's nearly always active. Her Charisma + Empathy vs others' Willpower if they want to attack or spend Rage; if someone gets attacked anyway, the attacked person can defend themselves just fine. If Jessica herself attacks someone, the aura shuts down and she won't be able to reactivate it for the rest of the scene. Affected people also cannot Frenzy.
  • Polyglot: Jessica is quite the linguist; aside from English, she is also completely fluent in French, Arabic, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin and ASL.