OOC Warning:
Jean is a very, very bad person. She is in fact, a monster. She is a master of pretending to care, and pretending to be human and humane, but she is not. Obviously +risk is still in effect, and nothing about this changes that. This is mainly here because, while I am ICly a monster, I am OOCly a nice person. If anything I do ever makes you OOCly uncomfortable, do not hesitate to tell me. We can fade to black, or work together to find a way around the situation.
- Languages - Jean's native language is French, but she also speaks English, Latin, Spanish...and Enochian. She can speak any of these (Except Enochian, obviously), as a native speaker, sans outside accent. She can be a Southerner when she wants to be, or sound like she's from Castille, or the south of France.
- Ancient - While she has spent vast periods of time in study, and periods of time in Torpor, she is very, very old. Perhaps we've met? I am always down for scenes being done in the past, whether it be us involved in the French Revolution, or watching as the Grandmaster of the Templars is burnt at the stake, or aiding the Americans or Brits during the Revolution. Or just talking about it!
- Occult - She is a master of the occult, and can get her hands on artifacts, tomes or occult secrets with ease. She has her tendrils in occult societies all over the world.
- Autarkis - While she is a Vampire, she does not ally herself with any Sect. She is more then happy to work with either, but she has bigger things to deal with (In her opinion) then petty power struggles. Thus she can be friends with people on either side.
- Demons - Does the term 'Earthbound' mean anything to you? Yeah, well Jean has been working to keep them sleeping for millenia. You're welcome.
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