Surrounded by Awesome: He seems to have few problems talking to dangerous and strange people.
Snarky Sidekick: His cat can talk... when it wants to... to who it wants to. And seems terrified of exploring the 'why'. He's found a new home with his best bud, but still shows himself now and again.
Was a Ghoul: With Vitae fueled passions and hungers...
Psychic Vampire: ... and speaking of hungers. Your emotions might have been a tasty treat, but your blood is probably sweeter now.
Was on Probation: A rocky start in the world of the Undead had a few side eyes thrown this way. Still having to work hard at finding his way.
Chronic Insomniac: He doesn't wander as much, but now he's finding new places to wander.
Puppy Dog Eyes: Everyone wants to rescue him...
I Know a Guy... : He's been around, maybe he can hook you up or point you in the right direction.
Doc in the house: Competent enough medic for everyday cuts, scrapes, stabbings, and bullet wounds; just don't report him to the AMA.