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Part 1: The Oaths
- Like we're going to advertise that stuff here? Pshaw.
- Stuff happens but it's like UBER sekret. If you want to know then try and join.
- The long and the short of it is that during this part of the ceremony the candidate is ritually killed.
Part 2: The Wake
This is the public side of things and will be an +event scheduled for the friends of the candidate and the club members to show up and have a good time
- The candidate wakes up, in a coffin with the lid off and elevated at an angle so that they can see out. They are center stage at the Styx and everyone’s around drinking, having a good time and pretending that the person is dead. (This of this as a combination of a celebrity roast and an Irish wake. )
- People come up to the coffin and tell a joke about the person who “died” and drink a toast to them. Something like “It’s a damn shame that ‘x’ person died, I really wanted to give him a good ride one more time.” or “It’s a good thing that x person died when they did - blah blah blah.” Since this is an open scene, this is where people can come in and rp with the party. Technically it would be closed to only those invited but we can leave the door unlocked and folks can just use +meet for people.
- After people have had a cycle or two of roast-toasts, the bell for midnight will ring. The midnight bell is something that will also be incorporated into bar rp later. Basically things are relatively open and cool before midnight but once the bell rings, it’s a new day (technically) and the more docile folks should take the hint and head out.
- When the bell rings, the “Angel of Death” will arrive and ceremonially revive the “dead” initiate. This is typically a stripper dressed in those black angel wings and skimpy attire. They plant a big old kiss on the initiate and draw them out of the coffin, signalling their resurrection.
- From this point on, the candidate is no longer a candidate and a ‘real’ member (because they’ve been brought back from the dead and such). Congratulations are offered, gifts of booze, etc. And then the party -really- gets started though there’s less structure to the event.