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Front of the Curtain

Human Asset Management: Geu-Roo's occupation has a great deal of vagueness. She can be seen in the company of both low class and higher class people. For a 'donation' she can match you with someone for an event or evening.

Less Party, More Substance: Unlike her sisters, Geu-Roo much prefers wine to vodka and black tie events to clubs. Anywhere that wealth can be flaunted, she's likely to attend!

Yoga Enthusiast: Can be found in parks and other places where one might find a yoga class!

Charitable: One can see Geu-Roo occasionally giving to the homeless and hosting small local events to feed the local homeless and destitute.

Moderate: Unlike her Others, Geu-Roo is quiet and always watching with a smile on her face. Moderation, to a small extent, is key they say.

Traditional: Geu-Roo is a rather conservative woman. She will advocate for stability over the chaos of change.

Amateur Creator: Painting might an expression of the soul but that doesn't mean it's easy. Making candles is an artform but not everyone can do it. Geu-Roo is looking to find something she can call her own expression of her part of the soul. Would you like to show her something?

Behind the Curtain

Shen: One large community that works together to keep the Great Cycle from breaking... even if we fight amongst ourselves on the occasion. Do you bring peace or discord to Chinatown?

Western Supernatural: Western Supernaturals deserve respect. A wary respect but respect none-the-less. Geu-Roo is always looking to network with others.

Networker: Geu-Roo is always looking to exchange numbers and favors amongst the supernatural community. Willing to compromise in order to get what she feels is important.

Triatic Concerns: Geu-Roo smells like LOTS OF WYLD with only the hint of Wyrm taint.

Banality: Geu-Roo is seriously low in the Banality factor! (2!!!) Perhaps she is your next dreamer?

Yang Imbalance: The Chi of Life flows through this walking corpse. For all intent and purpose, she looks and feels human.