GC PBW201/Introduction

From City of Hope MUSH
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Normally, the world is bright. It is filled with lovely colors everywhere. The trees have green leaves and brown bark. Lollipops are rainbow colors of red and blue and pink and green. Really there is color everywhere! Unfortunately. Through some unknown means, some dark force has begun to creep into the world and slowly all the color is melting away. What ever will we DOOOO? WE MUST SAVE THE COLORS!
The middle of a park that once was lush with multicolored flowers and green grass and pretty colorful toys for the little children.

Mr. Fancypants Lady Grey Sarah John

           This is just an example template to use as a reference if it is needed in order to do future PBWs. This will be our general layout for how we do this so that it is nice and neat and efficient. So, in honor of making this look right. The story included on this very first PBW is completely fictional and will not include anyone who is actually part of the pack. Cuz... it's fictional. Ultra-fictional? Whatever. It ain't REAL PEOPLES!