Felicity O'Rourke/Hooks

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  • Marine - Before she was 'transferred', she served as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. She served admirably in the middle-east, and her reaction to encountering bizarre things there, and her subsequent Enlightenment, brought the attention of the Union.

  • Space - She was attached to the Magellan, a Void Engineer deep space cartography vessel. She was in charge of the small contingent of marines on board just in case. The 'in case' happened...numerous times. She's seen unbelievable and impossible things, and has now been cycled back to Earth for land missions until her time is up to be redeployed.

  • Engineer - Like most of her Convention, she's far more 'liberal' in her beliefs then other Technocrats. The VE's tend not to be completely trusted by other members of the Union. After all..what are they doing way 'out there'? Who are they meeting with? What are they planning?