Sarin Gas-
Colorless, Odorless
A highly concentrated nerve gas that causes nausea and disorientation, followed by death. It is important to realize that the lethal effects of Sarin occur at a concentration of 10 - 100 parts per million and that the effect are always lethal. (Chances of nonlethal but still symptom-inducing exposure are less than 1 in 10,000.)
Classified/TS/SCI....//Begin, decrypt = 1...875/er
Project Saryn---: Eva Zaitsev\---
--/ ... Sarin \\\ ?=Zaytsev----%tt...message....decrypted= Success.........................................
Eva Zaitsev was raised in Hidden Hills, CA by wealthy Russian immigrants Viktor Zaitsev and his wife Sofie Vasiliev-Zaitsev. While her father is Viktor Zaitsev, Eva's real mother is <REDACTED er=1.011>. Born with a silver spoon in her mouth Eva never quite came to terms with how to eat with it. As a newborn it was discovered that Eva was born deaf, an unexpected event her family didn't know how to prepare for. Raised mainly by the school system at the California School for the Deaf (CSD) Riverside, Eva grew estranged from her parents. Instead of them actually learning ASL (American Sign Language) to communicate with their daughter, they often hired housemaids who could act as interpreters for needed conversations. Shy and noticeably distant Eva fell in love with fashion and often wore exaggerated clothing and numerous accessories to act as her voice and expression.
Near the age of 12, Eva met with Registered Artists Worldwide (RAW) Talent Agency with the consent of her mother and began an active modeling career. With a certain look and oozing charm Eva grew into her career, however RAW's placement of Eva took her overseas and to her fathers home land of Russia where communication grew more difficult. Unable to communicate well enough with her shy usage of her voice and ASL in a foreign land she quickly became overwhelmed. Her only solace was Japanese model Hitomi <REDACTED er=x.031> //Project Tabun/// who helped -E-R-R-O-R-%data/destroyed////..first kiss.The pressure sent her nearly to a nervous breakdown before finally returning to the US, tired, battered and alone RAW offered to help her create an American presence with her modeling career, however Eva had walked away. Things were uneventful for a few years when RAW approached Eva again at the age of 15, they had connections with a renown surgeon who was currently implementing a new procedure on corrective hearing at a local Autumn Health Hospital. Eva was a perfect candidate for the procedure and after a lengthy screening process accepted the terms.
With learning how to hear for the first time, Eva felt empowered by the new sense and discovered she really did have a voice in the world. Her limitations suddenly lifted, she mastered the power of speech and became forever thankful to the organization that helped her. Since then Eva has developed into a poster child as a political speaker and lobbyist for many organizations, working Pentex Public Relations (PR) under the Project Coordination Division (PCD), Eva shares a certain state wide fame.
Note worthy examples include:
- Starring in a Truth Campaign collaboration with Circinus brands and Smokers Bane; offering many cessation products and e-cig alternatives.
- Helping establish work study programs for the Tau Upsilon Phi fraternity at UC Prospect.
- Raising public awareness of recycling programs through Best Buy, Herrick's Grocery and Ardus Waste management.
- Promoting learning and child development games and software from Tellus Enterprises: to include products designed for the physically and mentally handicapped.
- Community involvement of Avalon's Toys for Tots Foundation, Vesuvius Book Donation for Needing Schools and Libraries, and Autumn Health Meals on Wheels.
- Free the Music Trade-in Program with Rainbow Inc. which replaces currently produced CD's, DVD's and Vinyl's with a less toxic and recyclable plastic while safely recycling old products. *Participants could also select for a digital download instead w/ iTunes after a trade-in. Rolling Stones magazine did a small editorial piece on Eva and the effect of the new plastics and the improvement to the environment which lead to a Keep it Green concert tour of various artist.
---END///Subj Status------Monitoring....Poss. Candidate for /// Enticer....
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Pentex: "The strongest bulwark of the capitalist system is the ignorance of its victims." Destroyer by Static-X
Vampires are like Bureaucracy: "Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status." Sunlight by Modestep
Mages are like Democracy: "You measure a democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists." Living In A Bubble by Eiffel 65
Demons are like Socialism: "The function of socialism is to raise suffering to a higher level; and one may tolerate a world of socialism for the sake of one angel." Wretched And Divine by Black Veil Brides
Mortals are Citizens: "The real struggle for us, is for the citizen to cease to be the property of the state." What It's Like by Everlast
RP Hooks-TL;DR
Always the Lady
- Eva is always a lady and was raised as such. Whether its her cultural heritage of innate shyness of topics, simple things like Victoria's Secret and Strip Clubs scare her. However, with her friends, Eva has slowly started to break out of her shell. Still though, Eva rarely swears and finds certain conversations taboo; including but not limited to: Sex in any way shape or form, Drugs in all uses, established Gender Roles in society, pushing Religious Beliefs or Political Ideology in a public setting. - Somewhat prudish perhaps; but 'ladies' don't kiss and tell, sex is private and should only be discussed in the bedroom, some conversations are not meant for dinner, swearing is mostly inappropriate and nearly no forum should ever accept violence as an answer.
- Eva was born deaf, imagine for half your life being unable to hear anything. Not a single spoken word, not your favorite song, no understanding but silence. Then when that connection is made, the bones in the ear; that hammer, anvil and stirrup working correctly for the first time ever; that electrical firing between unused synapses...its a little hard not to become obsessive. To collect those sounds, to own them, to make them hers to hear again. No such things as good sounds or bad sounds exist, just noise to be heard and collected, repeated and empowered.- Eva loves all music, all genres; are you in a band, do you sing, have you ever been played on the radio, Eva has likely 'collected' you. Adding her to her growing digital collection, or her immeasurable but heavily insured vinyl one.
Drag Me To Hell
- Eva has been involved with Pentex and its subsidiaries for over sixteen sweet and brutally horrific years. She is a grown adult now and living on her own, but most people don't take the time to peel back those layers, see what really is laying underneath. While for all intents and purposes Eva is considered an untainted poster girl and asset for Pentex so far, that doesn't mean they haven't thought about making her a formori, however a previous attempt did fail. Eva is completely ignorant of the Wyrm and its objectives, making her one of the best examples of, "The Path to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions". - Are you a Black or Gray Hat? Maybe you just find yourself insane, immoral or on a path different to Humanity. Eva /needs/ to meet you, the little bit of innocent stripped away piece by piece, tasting more sin each passing day. Are you a Kuei-jin with a lesson to teach, Zantosa with a party to throw, Demon who wants to corrupt or a Ratkin who needs help trashing the city... lets meet. Just don't make me dance the Black Spiral in one day, if we are to dance, I hope it is slow, corrupting and with as many partners as possible.
High Society
- Eva is upper class and while she was denied her own family's inheritance has worked for every penny she owns. She enjoys etiquette, fundraisers, charity balls and galas, black tie or red carpet events and generally 'Putting on the Ritz'. Are you a philanthropist, do you enjoy thousand dollar plates, limited seating, couture clothing and lavish accessories. Eva does too, only the hard working should deserve what they reap and Eva has earned every penny. Money won't help you in the afterlife, why not blow it on fancy cars, houses, spa treatments and anything else money can afford...which frankly can buy anything. - Eva doesn't want your money, she makes her own. But she has no problem spending hers with you and enjoying every second of it. You only live once, why not make the best of it. However...that doesn't mean Eva doesn't enjoy slumming. Certain thrills and excitement can only be found within the dregs of society. Drink rich of life, every last drop.
Weird Science
- Eva has worked directly for Pentex for at least the past seven years in the Project Coordination Division (PCD), Public Relations department. However, Eva's history with Pentex's incestuous subsidiaries has reached back far longer to her early teens. Starting off with Registered Artists Worldwide (RAW) talent agency and working her way through the system with Magadon Pharmaceuticals as a stepping stone into the umbrella of Pentex, Eva shares a high drive and ambition to support her company along with its many pursuits. Do you work with Pentex or any of its subsidiaries, do you want to work with them, Eva is willing to help you reach your goal of 'Building a better Tomorrow...Today!'. - Eva works in the Public Relations department for Pentex, she covers nearly every subsidiary and constantly releases good press about Pentex's achievements. If you work with Pentex at all, or even watch the news, you have seen her at work. Co-workers are the best of friends!
Plot Hooks- PRP'sTL;DR
- Contact me if you would like to join any of these Player Ran Plots [PRP's]
Frat House on the Hill
- Do you go to UC Prospect, are you a male student who needs a little break from their study sessions. Tau Upsilon Phi [ΤΥΦ] is recruiting new pledges, only the hottest, smartest and strongest male bodies wanted. Grades don't matter, only the parties do. And talk about the parties, their last big one chartered a Gulfstream G650 to a two week vacation in Costa Rica. ΤΥΦ has branches on most major college campuses and is often well funded. Rumor persists that the Hollywood movie, 'The Skulls', were based on this secretive fraternity. But you know Hollywood, anything will be made it to tell a good story and sell one more box office seat. - Eva recruits new members to ΤΥΦ all the time, helping new students learn about work-study programs with Magadon Pharmaceuticals, OmniTV and Vesuvius, Inc to name a few. Want to join the fun, sign up at her booth at UCP Student Union - Common Lounge near the Food Court. This PRP does have risked involved however everything will be laid out and consented to before hand.
- Active Players-Eva, Archer, Gavin
Fashion to Die For (Pt.1)
- Do you love fashion, are you a model or just filthy rich? Enjoy the newest couture straight from Japan with breakthrough artist Rin Kitami. Known for elaborate pieces that shock and awe, be the talk of the town with designs only the truly wealthy can afford. Contracted by Avalon Incorporated and represented by Eva Zaitsev, Rin Kitami will produce a fashion show for the this fall season. Each piece will be masterfully crafted and designed to with the most elaborate detail. A total set of twelve to eighteen finished pieces will be designed and auctioned off to the highest bidder. Proceeds will be matched per dollar by Avalon and donated to local Prospect, 'Clothe the Homeless' charity. So not only will you earn a massive tax write off for your hard earned cash, but you can help the needy, in your stylish new clothes. - Eva is working with Rin Kitami to bring her breakthrough fashion to the states. If you would like to be a model for the show, help design the pieces, or bid on the product contact Eva Zaitsev. (Pt.1) Is completely safe and any or all characters are welcome to join especially those with Resources of 3 or higher. Players may opt out after (Pt.1) concludes. (Pt.2) Has some associated risks...inquire for more details.
- Active Players-Eva, Rin, Skye, Paige, Jack, Elmas
Blood Runs Deep
- Ever see that movie Eastern Promises, well, the Russian Mafia or Bratva exists and they are alive and well in Prospect. Ever see Russian men covered heavily in tattoos of cathedrals and crosses, stars on their shoulders and blood on their hands? Welcome to the criminal underworld, stay awhile. Maybe your a stripper and one of the local Czech gals went missing, perhaps your a man or woman in blue and you caught the scent of something afoot, or maybe your part of this dark belly of corruption yourself and your looking to collaborate in your own expansion. Bratva activities include: Extortion, drug trafficking, auto theft, trafficking in stolen art, money laundering, contract killings, arms dealing, human trafficking and prostitution. - Eva has familial ties to the Bratva, however she herself is not directly part of the organization, yet. - This is just another element for PC's who might fit the element of: Underworld Crime, Prospect PD or 'others' to meet and connect as stories unfold. Other criminal organizations such as: The Triads, Yazuka, La Cosa Nostra and Mexican Cartel to list a few are welcome for dealings or turf war. And the same goes for Law Enforcement whether Prospect PD, FBI, DEA, Coast Guard or etc to join in. If you have an idea, please submit it as I hope this becomes a community PRP for those involved in this community plot.
- Active Players-Eva, Danny
Date of Birth:
September, 1 1988
East Slavic
Russian Orthodox
Political Speaker/Public Relations
Hair Color:
Pale Golden Blonde
Eye Color:
110 lbs.
Thralled to:
Ayden O'Leary
Languages Spoken:
American Sign Language
Honeyed Tongue
Phobia: Nyctophobia
E3 Tellus Enterprises Press Confrence
- Blondes are Evil: Hollywood depicted the blonde as being dumb, naughty, and immoral. Only some of those are true.
- Love Makes You Crazy: I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.