
From City of Hope MUSH
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  • Technocratic Lab Rat: Era is currently (Willingly) working with a Technocratic Agent for research. Mostly to deal with the ennui of being dead, and to fill one of his Passions.
  • Shadow: He has a rather potent Shadow, Specters give it respect...
  • Masquer: Era is a Masquer of some renown, with status in good standing with the Guild
  • Proctor?: Era doesn't have any status with the Proctors, but he still knows a great deal of Embody through a combination of hard work and diligence. Those who see his Arcanoi markings might just assume he's in the Guild though...
  • Explorer: Era's made it a point to try to learn has much as he can about other Supernaturals, he's encountered everything from Technocrats, to Tzimice, to Black Spiral Dancers! Maybe you don't like this? Maybe you want to know something?