“We must learn to live together as brothers, or perish together as fools.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
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See introduction quote.
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- Are you a deviant too? (Art Community): Demetrius has been trying to get himself out there in the art community. He's been posting art on the internet, like Deviantart.com and such. It's mostly portraits of game characters or whatever goofy things come into his head.
- Kick, push, coast... (Skateboarders): He likes to skate around outside and practice some moves. You've probably seen him around trying to practice some kick flips.
- Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku! (Gamers): Demetrius likes to play video games a lot, especially of the fighting variety like Street Fighter and The King of Fighters series of games. He also likes more obscure titles such as Hotel Dusk and the Yakuza series of games. You can probably catch him at a Gamestop, or wandering around town playing on his Nintendo 3DS or Switch.
- Everybody Wing Chun tonight! (Martial Arts): Demetrius has always been interested in Martial Arts and at one point started practicing Wing Chun. He's coming back after having slacked off for a little.
- Graphic Designer (Computers): Need some logos or some art for your website? He's your guy!
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Full Name: Demetrius Harraway
Age: 27 (June 24th, 1992)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Build: Slim/Athletic
Hair: Black (short)
Eyes: Brown
Occupation: Graphics Designer
Nature: Confidant
Demeanor: Jester
Portrayed by: Tyler, the Creator
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